Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CCH_Tools::BoxPlotFor generating LaTeX figures with successive box plots and corresponding tables
 CConicBundle::SumBundleHandler::BundleInformationAllows to store organizational information for each FunctionTask type of bundle
 CConicBundle::BundleParametersServes for specifying parameters regarding the construction of cutting models
 CConicBundle::BundleTerminatorDataAbstract interface for BundleTerminator providing the data needed for deciding on termination
 CCB_CSolverInterface class for implementing the language "C" interface
 CConicBundle::CBoutBase class for uniform use of WARNINGS and ERRORS (at some point in time)
 CConicBundle::CBSolverBundle method solver
 CCH_Tools::ClockAllows measuring time difference to its initialization time in Microseconds
 CConicBundle::CoeffmatInfoAllows to memorize the scalings applied to a Coeffmat and offers the basis for storing further user defined informations on a Coeffmat
 CConicBundle::CoeffmatPointerPointer class for Coeffmat for deleting objects on the heap if Coefmat::use_cnt is reduced to zero and deletion is allowed
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::Memarray::EntryHolds the information of one allocated block and serves as an item in the singly linked lists
 CConicBundle::FunctionObjectBasic function object (abstract class). It serves for using the same interface on distinct oracle types, but is not yet needed in the standard C++ interface
 CConicBundle::FunctionObjectModificationAbstract interface for informing the bundle model routines about changes in the oracle function and, possibly, for modifying the affine transformation of the oracle function's arguments
 CCH_Tools::GB_randDevice independent random number generator based on long int with seed
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::IterativeSolverObjectAbstract interface to iterative methods for solving Ax=b given by an IterativeSystemObject
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::IterativeSystemObjectAbstract base class for supplying the system for an iterative solver
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::LanczosAbstract interface to Lanzcos methods for computing a few extremal eigenvalues given via a Lanczosmatrix
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::LanczosmatrixAbstract base class for supplying the input matrix for Lanzcosmethods
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::mat_greater_index< Val >"greater"-routine for sorting indices of value arrays by std::sort
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::mat_less_index< Val >"less"-routine for sorting indices of value arrays by std::sort
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::MatrixErrorSuch an object is generated and passed to MEmessage(), whenever an error occurs. It holds some output information on the error
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::MemarrayA simple memory manager for frequent allocation and deallocation of arrays of roughly the same size
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::MemarrayuserAll derived classes share a common Memarray memory manager, which is generated with the first user and destructed when the last user is destructed
 CCH_Tools::MicrosecondsExtra long integer number for expressing and computing time measurements in microseconds
 CConicBundle::MinorantThis is used to describe affine minorants of convex functions that will be used for generating cutting models of these functions
 CConicBundle::MinorantExtenderInterface for extending a Minorant, e.g., in Lagrangian Relaxation of cutting plane approaches
 CConicBundle::SumModel::ModelDataFor each model added to the sum, there is an object ModelData that stores required information
 CConicBundle::OracleModificationBase class for informing oracles (or the solver) about dynamic changes in the number and sorting of the variables, if such changes occur at all
 CConicBundle::PrimalDataIn Lagrangean relaxation an approximate primal solution can be generated by supplying primal information derived from this abstract class for each epsilon subgradient within ConicBundle::FunctionOracle::evaluate()
 CConicBundle::PrimalExtenderInterface for extending PrimalData, e.g., in Lagrangian relaxation of column generation approaches
 CConicBundle::QPCentralPathPointCurrently not in use, storing the points of the central path might help to restart faster if only the cost terms are modified slightly; an instance of this class stores one such point
 CConicBundle::QPKKT_KKTStatsUsed for collecting statics in QPKKTSolverComparison: For each bundle subproblem there is a block QPKKT_ProbStats, which holds for each KKT system a block of QPKKT_KKTStats (this), which holds for each solver a block QPKKT_SolverStats
 CConicBundle::QPKKT_ProbStatsUsed for collecting statics in QPKKTSolverComparison: For each bundle subproblem there is a block QPKKT_ProbStats (this), which holds for each KKT system a block of QPKKT_KKTStats, which holds for each solver a block QPKKT_SolverStats
 CConicBundle::QPKKT_SolverStatsUsed for collecting statics in QPKKTSolverComparison: For each bundle subproblem there is a block QPKKT_ProbStats, which holds for each KKT system a block of QPKKT_KKTStats, which holds for each solver a block QPKKT_SolverStats (this)
 CConicBundle::QPModelBlockObjectAbstract interface for model blocks in the constrained QPSolver
 CConicBundle::QPModelOracleDataObjectAbstract base class for passing additional oracle information to the QP
 CConicBundle::QPSolver::QPProblemDataThis class facilitates switching between original data and preprocessed data that removes fixed variables
 CConicBundle::QPSolverParametersObjectIn order to pass parameters to a customized QPSolverObject, derive the parameters from this object; no other requirements
 CConicBundle::QPSolverProxObjectIn order to pass a ConicBundle::BundleProxObject, see Quadratic Proximal Terms, to a custzomized QPSolverObject, the prox classes are also derived from this object
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::RangeAllows to specify a range of integral values via (from, to, step) meaning {j=from+i*step:j in[from,to],i in {0,1,2,...}}
 CCH_Matrix_Classes::RealrangeAllows to specify a range of real values via (from, to, step,tol) meaning {x=from+i*step:x in(from-tol,to+tol),i in {0,1,2,...}}
 CConicBundle::UQPModelBlockObjectAbstract interface for model blocks in the unconstrained UQPSolver
 CConicBundle::VariableMetricBundleDataAbstract interface providing the bundle data that is typically needed in VariableMetricSelection classes