implemention of a SOCOracle (SOCSupportFunction)

SOCSupportFunction is an implementation of ConicBundle::SOCOracle for the minimization of the support function over the second order cone with x0=1, which may be used for Lagrangian relaxation of linear programs over the second order cone. More...


class  ConicBundle::SOCSupportMinorantExtender
 Implementation of MinorantExtender for SOCSupportFunction. More...
class  ConicBundle::SOCSupportFunction
 general purpose implementation of SOCOracle as explained in implemention of a SOCOracle (SOCSupportFunction) More...
class  ConicBundle::SOCSupportModification
 Collects modifications for SOCSupportFunction for appending, deleting or reassigning variables. More...

Detailed Description

SOCSupportFunction is an implementation of ConicBundle::SOCOracle for the minimization of the support function over the second order cone with x0=1, which may be used for Lagrangian relaxation of linear programs over the second order cone.

The class SOCSupportFunction implements a general purpose version of SOCOracle for minimizing the support function

\[f:\mathbf{R}^n\to\mathbf{R},\quad f(\tilde c)=\max\{\tilde c^\top{1 \choose \bar x}\colon 1\ge\|\bar x\|\}\]

When adding this function to the solver by MatrixCBsolver::add_function(), one may specify a weight $\gamma>0$, a ConicBundle::FunctionTask, and an AffineFunctionTransformation $F\colon \mathbf{R}^m\to\mathbf{R}^n, F(y)=c+Ay$ for given $c\in\mathbf{R}^n$ and $A\in\mathbf{R}^{n\times m}$. Depending on the ConicBundle::FunctionTask, the solver actually minimizes the following:

\[ f_{\gamma,F}(y)=\gamma f(F(y))=\gamma\max\{(c+Ay)^\top {1 \choose \bar x}\colon 1\ge\|\bar x\|\},\]

If in setting up the groundset within MatrixCBSolver the $y$ variables are introduced with a linear cost vector $b\mathbf{R}^m$ and appropriate sign constraints, this corresponds to Lagrangian relaxation of the linear constraints in the second order cone program

\[ \mbox{maximize } c^\top x \mbox{ subject to } A^\top x \begin{array}{c}\le\\=\\\ge\end{array} b, x={x_0 \choose \bar x}\mbox{ with }\|\bar x\|\le x_0=\gamma \]

\[ f^+_{\gamma,F}(y)=\gamma\max\{0,f(F(y))\},\]

or, as above in the Lagrangean relaxation setting

\[ \mbox{maximize } c^\top x \mbox{ subject to } A^\top x \begin{array}{c}\le\\=\\\ge\end{array} b, x={x_0 \choose \bar x}\mbox{ with }\|\bar x\|\le x_0\le\gamma \]

\[ f^+_{\infty,F}(y)=\gamma\max\{0,f(F(y))\}\mbox{ with }\gamma\to \infty,\]

or, as above in the Lagrangean relaxation setting

\[ \mbox{maximize } c^\top x \mbox{ subject to } A^\top x \begin{array}{c}\le\\=\\\ge\end{array} b, x={x_0 \choose \bar x}\mbox{ with }\|\bar x\|\le x_0\le\gamma\mbox{ and }\gamma\to \infty \]

The standard use of a SOCSupportFunction is to initialize it on construction with dimension>=1 and then to add this function to the MatrixCBSolver. If dynamic changes to this SOCSupportFunction are required afterwards (only adding, deleting, rearranging coordinates with index != 0 is allowed), use the class ConicBundle::SOCSupportModification within the corresponding problem modification routines of the MatrixCBSolver interface.

The minorant generated for the input cost vector $\tilde c$ is a maximizing element of the second order cone, so it is itself the basic primal data and no extra primal data is needed.

For facilitating input and output, SOCSupportFunction offers