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ConicBundle::InteriorPointBundleBlock Class Referenceabstract

abstract interface for interior point routines specific to primal dual complementarity conditions of a symmetric cone with special routines for handling the bundle and the trace constraint More...

#include <InteriorPointBundleBlock.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for ConicBundle::InteriorPointBundleBlock:
ConicBundle::InteriorPointBlock ConicBundle::CBout ConicBundle::BoxIPBundleBlock ConicBundle::NNCIPBundleBlock ConicBundle::PSCIPBundleBlock ConicBundle::SOCIPBundleBlock

Public Member Functions

 InteriorPointBundleBlock (CBout *cb=0, int cbinc=-1)
 default constructor
virtual ~InteriorPointBundleBlock ()
 virtual destructor
virtual InteriorPointBundleBlockclone ()=0
 returns a clone; sofar this is only needed for comparative testing
virtual int copy_from (InteriorPointBundleBlock *)=0
 copies to content of the argument to this; to work *this must be a clone of the argument; sofar this is only needed for comparative testing
virtual void set_oracle_data (QPModelOracleDataObject *)
 allows to pass on additional information about the oracle if required
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer dim_bundle () const =0
 returns the number of consecutive bundle elements this cone makes use of
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real evaluate_trace_x ()=0
 return the "trace" value of the current point
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real evaluate_trace_z ()=0
 return the "trace" value of the current point
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real evaluate_trace_dx ()=0
 return the change in "trace" value caused by the current step
virtual int add_trace (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real alpha, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex)=0
 add alpha*trace_vec to vec starting at startindex
virtual int set_xizinvsqrt_trace (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex)=0
 set the trace premultiplied by sqrt(inv(xiz)) in vec[startindex+0,...,startindex+dim_bundle()-1]
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::MatrixB_times (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &A, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &C, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real alpha, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real beta, int Btrans, int Atrans, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_model, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 extract dx from rhs at startindex and compute at the same time dz (=-sys dx-z +complentarity_rhs); this may only be called after add_muxinv() was called for this point More...
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrixtimes_B (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &A, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &C, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real alpha, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real beta, int Atrans, int Btrans, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_model, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 C=beta*C+alpha*A*B where A and B may be transposed; carry out the model part of this beginning at startindex_model.
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrixadd_BDBt (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &diagvec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &bigS, bool minus, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &Bt, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_model, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 add the main diagonal block tranpose(projection)*diagvec*projection to bigS starting at startindex
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrixget_Bt (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &Bt, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_model, MinorantBundle &global_bundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 get the current matrix for the coupling matrix Bt in the first row of blocks
virtual int add_modelx_aggregate (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &val, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vec, MinorantBundle &global_bundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 adds opB transposed times modelx (without constant affine term) to the arguments
virtual int get_sysviol_model (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &sysviol_model, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_model, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &dy, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Real deltatrdual, MinorantBundle &global_bundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 set the model violation for the current system solution for the precomputed rhs on basis of the y and tracedual set in connection with set_bundle_z()/add_trace_to_diff_model or do_bundle_step()
virtual int set_bundle_z (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &y, MinorantBundle &global_bundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &add_center_value)=0
 set z to the slack of the bundle and return a value>=0 that needs to be added to make it feasible
virtual int add_trace_to_diff_model (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real trace_dual)=0
 add trace_dual*trace to diff_model for the right hand side (negative of current model violation)
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real dualviol_2normsqr ()=0
 return the squared Euclidean norm of the dual model violation
virtual int do_bundle_step (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real alpha, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &y, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real tracedual, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real trace_rhs)=0
 move to (x+alpha*dx, z+alpha*dz), update diff_model and possibly reduce the model size if some part is too small relative to trace_rhs
virtual int set_modelrhs (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &globalrhs, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real rhsmu, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real rhscorr, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_model)=0
 If mu is not zero, always add the centering term for this mu as well;.
virtual int add_BtinvsysB (CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &globalsys, const MinorantBundle &bundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 add the "scaled" minorant outer products to globalsys, where the correct minroants start at the given index
virtual int Schur_transform_bundle (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &glob_lowrank, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &trafotrace, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_trace)=0
 provides basic information for low rank preconditioning (in the extreme case solving) for the case of Schur complementing the model and the trace into the quadratic block More...
virtual int add_bundle_xizinv_diagonal (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &diagonal, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &ipBtrvec, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &trafotrace, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_trace)=0
 add diag(Bt*sqrt(invsys)*(I-lambda*trvec*trvec')*sqrt(invsys)*B) to diagonal More...
virtual int add_pcsubspace (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &lowrank, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &sigma_guess, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &Diag_inv, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real minval, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real diaginvval, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &minus_trmult, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real schur_trace, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 append to lowrank "large" columns that should serve well for generating a low rank projection of the Schur complemented model part. For each column i the coordinate sigma_guess(i) gives the Diag_inv-norm for this column. The parameter minval asks to ignore columns whose norms are smaller than minval. If diaginvval is positive, the vector Diag_inv is this value times the all ones vector. More...
virtual int add_bundle_xizinvsqrt_projection (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &glob_lowrank, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &subspace, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_subsspace, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 add bundle*sqrt(inv(xiz))*subspace to glob_lowrank with bundle(:,si_bundle+1:si_bundle+dim_bundle()-1) and subspace(si_subsp:si_subsp+dim_bundle,:); sqrt(inv(xiz)) has to match that used in set_xizinvsqrt_trace(); if startindex_subspace is negative, append transpose(glob_lowrank)*bundle*sqrt(inv(xiz)) as new columns to subspace
virtual int add_BtinvsysB_times (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &in_vec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &out_vec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real zeta_inval, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real *zeta_outval, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
virtual int set_dx_xizsolvestep (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &step_y, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Real step_trdual, MinorantBundle &globalbundle, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex_bundle)=0
 compute dx (and then dz) given step_y and step_trdual on basis of the last rhs computed for the model block
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConicBundle::InteriorPointBlock
 InteriorPointBlock (CBout *cb=0, int cbinc=-1)
 default constructor
virtual ~InteriorPointBlock ()
 virtual destructor (implemented in InteriorPointBundleBlock.cxx)
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer get_vecdim () const =0
 the dimension of the variable
virtual int center_x (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real val, bool add=false)=0
 set x to value*"one" to x (spend a total of mu_dim*val), or if add==true, add value*"one" to x
virtual int center_z (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real val, bool add=false)=0
 set z to value*"one" to z, or if add==true, add value*"one" to z
virtual int set_x (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &add_center_value)=0
 set x to the values of vec[startindex+0,+1 ...,+(vecdim-1)] and return in add_center_value a value>=0 that needs to be added via center_x to make it feasible
virtual int set_z (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &add_center_value)=0
 set z to the values of vec[startindex+0,+1 ...,+(vecdim-1)] and return a value>=0 that needs to be added via center_z to make it feasible
virtual int vecgetsax (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real a=1., bool add=false)=0
 on vec[startindex+0,+1 ...,+(vecdim-1)] put or add a * x into vec for a real number a
virtual int vecgetsaz (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real a=1., bool add=false)=0
 on vec[startindex+0,+1 ...,+(vecdim-1)] put or add a * z into vec for a real number a
virtual int get_mu_info (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &mudim, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &tr_xz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &tr_xdzpdxz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &tr_dxdz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &min_xz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &max_xz) const =0
 add dimensions of the primal-dual pairs to mudim and add the "trace" (the inner product with center) of the respective primal-dual pair products for the current step; update the min and max values of x_i*z_i
virtual int get_nbh_info (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer mudim, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real tr_xz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real tr_xdzpdxz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real tr_dxdz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real nbh_ubnd, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &alpha, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &max_nbh, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &nrmsqr_xz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &nrmsqr_xdzpdxz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &nrmsqr_dxdz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &ip_xz_xdzpdxz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &ip_xz_dxdz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &ip_dxdz_xdzpdxz) const =0
 for limiting the stepsize with respect to the neighborhood this information about norms and inner products of x(.)*z-tr_xz-tr_xz/mudim(.*)1, x.()*dz+dx(.)*z-tr_xdzpdxz/mudim(.*)1, and dx(.)*dz-tr_dxdz/mudim(.)*1 is required, each block adds its contribution to the numbers
virtual int linesearch (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &alpha) const =0
 if necessary, reduce alpha to the biggest value so that feasibility is maintained with this step size
virtual int add_muxinv (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &rhs, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real rhsmu, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real rhscorr, bool minus=false)=0
 compute the complementarity_rhs=rhsmu*xi-rhscorr*xi*dx*dz (wihtout "-z") for mu=rhsmu and for corrector for factor rhscorr>0., store this and add it to rhs;
virtual int set_dx (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &rhs, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex)=0
 extract dx from rhs at startindex and compute at the same time dz (=-sys dx-z +complentarity_rhs); this may only be called after add_muxinv() was called for this point
virtual int set_dx_xizsolverhs (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &rhs, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex)=0
 compute dx=sysinv*rhs and at the same time dz (=-rhs-z +complentarity_rhs); may only be called after add_muxinv was called for the most recent point; this may only be called after add_muxinv() was called for this point
virtual int apply_xizinv (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &rhs, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, bool minus=false)=0
 compute sysinv*rhs into rhs, possibly with a negative sign
virtual int apply_xiz (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &rhs, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, bool minus=false)=0
 compute sys*rhs into rhs, possibly with a negative sign
virtual int do_step (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real alpha)=0
 move to (x+alpha*dx, z+alpha*dz)
virtual int add_AxizinvAt (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &A, CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &globalsys, bool minus=false, bool Atrans=false)=0
 add the Schur complement to a big system matrix
virtual int add_xiz (CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &globalsys, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex, bool minus=false)=0
 add (or subract if minus==true) the system matrix to a big system matrix starting at startindex
virtual int get_vecx (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vecx, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex)=0
 return the vector form of x
virtual int get_vecz (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vecz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex)=0
 return the vector form of z
virtual int get_vecdx (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vecdx, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex)=0
 return the vector form of dx, 1 if not available
virtual int get_vecdz (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &vecdz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer startindex)=0
 return the vector form of dz, 1 if not available
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConicBundle::CBout
virtual void set_out (std::ostream *out=0, int print_level=1)
 Specifies the output level (out==NULL: no output at all, out!=NULL and level=0: errors and warnings, level>0 increasingly detailed information) More...
virtual void set_cbout (const CBout *cb, int incr=-1)
 Specifies the output level relative to the given CBout class. More...
void clear_cbout ()
 reset to default settings (out=0,print_level=1)
 CBout (const CBout *cb=0, int incr=-1)
 calls set_cbout
 CBout (std::ostream *outp, int pl=1)
 initialize correspondingly
 CBout (const CBout &cb, int incr=0)
 copy constructor
virtual bool cb_out (int pl=-1) const
 Returns true if out!=0 and (pl<print_level), pl<0 should be used for WARNINGS and ERRORS only, pl==0 for usual output.
std::ostream & get_out () const
 If cb_out() returned true, this returns the output stream, but it will abort if called with out==0.
std::ostream * get_out_ptr () const
 returns the pointer to the output stream
int get_print_level () const
 returns the print_level
virtual int mfile_data (std::ostream &out) const
 writes problem data to the given outstream

Protected Attributes

CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer bundle_dim
 dimension of the bundle (in case of subspace projections this may differ from vecdim
CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix diff_model
 negative evaluation of minorants in current point

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ConicBundle::InteriorPointBlock
int pol_le_zero_step (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &stepsize, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q0, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q1, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q2, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q3, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q4, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real abseps=1e-10) const
 for a polynomial q0+alpha*(q1+alpha*(q2+alpha*(q3+alpha*q4))) with q0<=0 find the maximum alpha <= stepsize, that keeps its value <=0. and put stepsize=min(stepsize,alpha)
int minimize_pol_step (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &stepsize, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q0, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q1, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q2, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q3, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real q4, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real abseps=1e-10) const
 find the minimizing alpha of a polynomial q0+alpha*(q1+alpha*(q2+alpha*(q3+alpha*q4))) within 0<=alpha<=stepsize and put stepsize=alpha, where q1 is assumed to be <0 or be ==0 becoming negative for small alpa>=0.
int control_nbh_step (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &stepsize, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &max_nbh, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real nbh_ubnd, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real mu_xz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real mu_xdzpdxz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real mu_dxdz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real nrmsqr_xz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real nrmsqr_xdzpdxz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real nrmsqr_dxdz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real ip_xz_xdzpdxz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real ip_xz_dxdz, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real ip_dxdz_xdzpdxz) const
 find a stepsize so that outside the nbh_ubnd some progress is made towards it and inside the upper bound the step size is chosen as large as possible while staying within

Detailed Description

abstract interface for interior point routines specific to primal dual complementarity conditions of a symmetric cone with special routines for handling the bundle and the trace constraint

this builds upon InteriorPointBlock which comprises all non bundle specific routines

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_bundle_xizinv_diagonal()

virtual int ConicBundle::InteriorPointBundleBlock::add_bundle_xizinv_diagonal ( CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix diagonal,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix ipBtrvec,
MinorantBundle globalbundle,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  startindex_bundle,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix trafotrace,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  startindex_trace 
pure virtual

add diag(Bt*sqrt(invsys)*(I-lambda*trvec*trvec')*sqrt(invsys)*B) to diagonal

[out]diagonaladd the diagonal entries diag(Bt*invsys*B) here
[out]ipBtrvecadd the vector Bt*sqrt(invsys)*trvec here
[in]globalbundlethe bundle vectors are [startindex_bundle ... startindex_bundle+vecdim()-1]
[in]startindex_bundlesee globalbundle
[in]trafotraceholds precomputed invsys^(.5)*trace in coordinates [startindex_trace ... startindex_trace+vecdim()-1]
[in]startindex_tracebeginning of local trace within trafotracevec

Implemented in ConicBundle::BoxIPBundleBlock, ConicBundle::PSCIPBundleBlock, ConicBundle::NNCIPBundleBlock, and ConicBundle::SOCIPBundleBlock.

Referenced by set_oracle_data().

◆ add_pcsubspace()

virtual int ConicBundle::InteriorPointBundleBlock::add_pcsubspace ( CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix lowrank,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix sigma_guess,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix Diag_inv,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real  minval,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real  diaginvval,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix minus_trmult,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real  schur_trace,
MinorantBundle globalbundle,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  startindex_bundle 
pure virtual

append to lowrank "large" columns that should serve well for generating a low rank projection of the Schur complemented model part. For each column i the coordinate sigma_guess(i) gives the Diag_inv-norm for this column. The parameter minval asks to ignore columns whose norms are smaller than minval. If diaginvval is positive, the vector Diag_inv is this value times the all ones vector.

On input lowrank must have the correct number of rows already but may have 0 columns.

For most new columns of lowrank it will be necessary to subtract the same tracevector-column according to the inner product of the column stored in minus_trmult, so for each new column the inner product of the generating vector with tracevector has to be appended to minus_trmult.

Implemented in ConicBundle::BoxIPBundleBlock, ConicBundle::PSCIPBundleBlock, ConicBundle::NNCIPBundleBlock, and ConicBundle::SOCIPBundleBlock.

Referenced by set_oracle_data().

◆ B_times()

virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix& ConicBundle::InteriorPointBundleBlock::B_times ( const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix A,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix C,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real  alpha,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real  beta,
int  Btrans,
int  Atrans,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  startindex_model,
MinorantBundle globalbundle,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  startindex_bundle 
pure virtual

extract dx from rhs at startindex and compute at the same time dz (=-sys dx-z +complentarity_rhs); this may only be called after add_muxinv() was called for this point

C=beta*C+alpha*B*A where B and A may be transposed; carry out the model part of this beginning at startindex_model and beta for the part, that is added to (the calling routine has to make sure beta is not executed repeatedly if the same part is affected by other models as well)

Implemented in ConicBundle::BoxIPBundleBlock, ConicBundle::PSCIPBundleBlock, ConicBundle::NNCIPBundleBlock, and ConicBundle::SOCIPBundleBlock.

Referenced by set_oracle_data().

◆ Schur_transform_bundle()

virtual int ConicBundle::InteriorPointBundleBlock::Schur_transform_bundle ( CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix glob_lowrank,
MinorantBundle globalbundle,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  startindex_bundle,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix trafotrace,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  startindex_trace 
pure virtual

provides basic information for low rank preconditioning (in the extreme case solving) for the case of Schur complementing the model and the trace into the quadratic block

[out]glob_lowrankset the low rank contribution Bt*invsys^(.5) without considering the correction for the trace vector for the columns startindex_bundle ... startindex_bundle+vecdim()-1
[in]globalbundleonly input for forming Bt if needed
[in]startindex_bundleinput for forming Bt together with globalbundle and column positions within glob_lowrank
[out]trafotraceput invsys^(.5)*trace in coordinates startindex_trace ... startindex_trace+vecdim()-1
[in]startindex_tracebeginning of local trace within trafotracevec

Implemented in ConicBundle::BoxIPBundleBlock, ConicBundle::PSCIPBundleBlock, ConicBundle::NNCIPBundleBlock, and ConicBundle::SOCIPBundleBlock.

Referenced by set_oracle_data().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: