Classes | Functions | Variables
implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)

PSCAffineFunction is an implementation of ConicBundle::PSCOracle for the minimization of the maximum eigenvalue of an affine matrix function or, equivalently, Lagrangian relaxation of Linear Programs over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices. More...


class  ConicBundle::PSCAffineMinorantExtender
 Implementation of MinorantExtender for PSCAffineFunction. More...
class  ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction
 general purpose implementation of PSCOracle as explained in implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction) More...
class  ConicBundle::PSCPrimal
 PSCPrimal is the corresponding positive semidefinite object for PSCOracle like PrimalMatrix for a MatrixFunctionOracle. More...
class  ConicBundle::PSCAffineModification
 class for collecting and organizing a sequence of changes to block diagonal symmetric affine matrix functions so that it can be carried out in one step later on; More...
class  ConicBundle::CoeffmatInfo
 allows to memorize the scalings applied to a Coeffmat and offers the basis for storing further user defined informations on a Coeffmat More...
class  ConicBundle::CMIName
 extends CoeffmatInfo to store a name (e.g. of the constraint it represents) More...
class  ConicBundle::Coeffmat
 defines a base class for coefficient matrices in semidefinite programming, in particular for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction). More...
class  ConicBundle::CoeffmatPointer
 pointer class for Coeffmat for deleting objects on the heap if Coefmat::use_cnt is reduced to zero and deletion is allowed. More...
class  ConicBundle::CMsymdense
 implements a general dense symmetric Coeffmat based on CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix (for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)). More...
class  ConicBundle::CMsymsparse
 implements a general sparse symmetric Coeffmat based on CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsesym (for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)). More...
class  ConicBundle::CMgramdense
 implements a Gram matrix $\pm AA^T$ as Coeffmat for a dense rectangular CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix $A$ (for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)). More...
class  ConicBundle::CMgramsparse
 implements a Gram matrix $\pm AA^T$ as Coeffmat for a sparse rectangular CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsemat $A$ (for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)). More...
class  ConicBundle::CMgramsparse_withoutdiag
 implements a Gram matrix $\pm (AA^T-\mbox{Diag}(AA^T))$ with zero diagonal as Coeffmat for a sparse rectangular CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsemat $A$ (for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)). More...
class  ConicBundle::CMlowrankdd
 implements a low rank matrix $AB^T+BA^T$ as Coeffmat with $A,B$ each a dense rectangular CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix (for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)). More...
class  ConicBundle::CMlowranksd
 implements a low rank matrix $AB^T+BA^T$ as Coeffmat with $A$ a sparse rectangular CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsemat and $B$ a dense rectangular CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix (for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)). More...
class  ConicBundle::CMlowrankss
 implements a low rank matrix $AB^T+BA^T$ as Coeffmat with $A,B$ each a sparse rectangular CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsemat (for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)). More...
class  ConicBundle::CMsingleton
 implements a Coeffmat having just one nonzero element (or two by symmetry) for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction). More...
class  ConicBundle::Bigmatrix
 AffineMatrixFunction needs to compute the maximum eigenvalue of an affine matrix function $F(y)=C+\sum y_iA_i$. This class prepares $F(y)$ in useful form for iterative eigenvalue solvers. More...


 ConicBundle::PSCAffineMinorantExtender::PSCAffineMinorantExtender (PSCAffineFunction *amf)
 the PSCAffineFunction pointed to has to be valid for the livetime of this object
int ConicBundle::PSCAffineMinorantExtender::extend (Minorant &minorant, int n_coords, const int *indices)
 called by ConicBundle to update internal Minorant objects, has to return 0 on success More...
int ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::form_bigmatrix (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &current_point)
 compute the Bigmatrix representation for the given point
int ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::apply_modification (const PSCAffineModification &amfmod)
 applies the PSCAffineModfication amfmod to the current function
void ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::clear ()
 resets all to the initial empty state


 the oracle this MinorantExtender was generated by, needed for retrieving problem data
SparseCoeffmatMatrix ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::C
 block diagonal representation of $C$ as in implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)
SparseCoeffmatMatrix ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::opAt
 holds the coefficient matrices for the variables
 This PSCPrimal can be set from outside and serves for generating further primals by cloning.
std::vector< AMFMaxEigSolver * > ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::maxeigsolver
 the eigenvalue solver of each block
CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::last_bigmat_y
 the last y used in costructing the matrix of the affine matrix function
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::maxvecs
 the maximum number of Ritz vectors to be retrurned
bool ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::check_correctness_flag
 if true, ConicBundle employs some additional consistency checks

Initialization and setting parameters

 ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::PSCAffineFunction (const CBout *cb=0, int incr=-1)
 ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::PSCAffineFunction (const SparseCoeffmatMatrix &C, const SparseCoeffmatMatrix &opAt, PSCPrimal *generating_primal=0, const CBout *cb=0, int incr=-1)
 initialize the PSCAffineFunction with its matrices and possible a generating_primal More...
 ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::~PSCAffineFunction ()
void ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::set_check_correctness (bool chk)
 set the maximum number of Ritz vectors returned in evaluate(), see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction) More...
void ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::set_max_Ritzvecs (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer maxv)
 set the maximum number of new Ritzvectors returned by evaluate(); values<1 default to 5

Implementations of PSCOracle routines

MinorantConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::generate_minorant (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P)
 see PSCOracle::generate_minorant()
int ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::svec_projection (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &svec_offset, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &svec_coeffs, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Indexmatrix *index_subset=0)
 see PSCOracle::svec_projection()
int ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::evaluate (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &current_point, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &bundlevecs, const double relprec, const double Ritz_bound, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &Ritz_vectors, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &Ritz_values, PSCPrimalExtender *&primal_extender)
 see PSCOracle::evaluate()
int ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::evaluate_projection (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &current_point, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P, const double relprec, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &projected_Ritz_vectors, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &projected_Ritz_values)
 see PSCOracle::evaluate_projection()
int ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::left_right_product (int i, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &E, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &F, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &G)
 see PSCOracle::left_right_product()
virtual int ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::apply_modification (const OracleModification &oracle_modification, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix *new_center, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix *old_center, bool &discard_objective_in_center, bool &discard_model, bool &discard_aggregates, MinorantExtender *&minorant_extender)
 see PSCOracle::apply_modification() for the general use, here oracle_modification has a special role if it can be cast to an PSCAffineModification More...
virtual bool ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::check_correctness () const
 see PSCOracle::check_correctness()

routines for querying data of the problem

const SparseCoeffmatMatrixConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::get_opAt ()
const SparseCoeffmatMatrixConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::get_C ()
const PSCPrimalConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::get_generating_primal (void)
 returns the current setting concerning the generation of an PSCPrimal (0 for none)

routines for supporting input and output

void ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::set_out (std::ostream *o=0, int pril=1)
 see ConicBundle::CBout
void ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::set_cbout (const CBout *cb, int incr=-1)
 see ConicBundle::CBout
std::ostream & ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::print_problem_data (std::ostream &out) const
 write the problem description to out so that it can be read again by read_problem_data()
std::istream & ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::read_problem_data (std::istream &in)
 clear() and read the problem from in in the format written by print_problem_data()
std::ostream & ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::print_problem_data_to_mfile (std::ostream &out, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer blocknr) const
 undocumented highly volatile variant for external testing
typedef std::vector< CoeffmatPointerConicBundle::CoeffmatVector
 convenient for initializing SparseCoeffmatMatrix via the sparse (block_i,column_i,Coeffmat_i), i=1,...,nz (nonzeros) format with Indexmatrix,Indexmatrix,CoeffmatVector
typedef std::map< CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer, CoeffmatPointerConicBundle::SparseCoeffmatVector
 this is used to extract a row/block or a column from a SparseCoeffmatMatrix
enum  ConicBundle::Coeffmattype {
  ConicBundle::CM_unspec =0, ConicBundle::CM_symdense =1, ConicBundle::CM_symsparse =2, ConicBundle::CM_lowrankdd =3,
  ConicBundle::CM_lowranksd =4, ConicBundle::CM_lowrankss =5, ConicBundle::CM_gramdense =6, ConicBundle::CM_gramsparse =7,
  ConicBundle::CM_singleton =8, ConicBundle::CM_gramsparsewd =9
 for recognizing the type when writing and reading the problem More...
CoeffmatInfoConicBundle::clone (const CoeffmatInfo *cip)
 if cip is not zero, it calls and returns cip->clone() and 0 otherwise
CoeffmatConicBundle::coeffmat_read (std::istream &in)
 reads the next Coeffmat from in into an object on the heap and returns a pointer to it. The caller has to destruct the object.

Detailed Description

PSCAffineFunction is an implementation of ConicBundle::PSCOracle for the minimization of the maximum eigenvalue of an affine matrix function or, equivalently, Lagrangian relaxation of Linear Programs over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices.

The class PSCAffineFunction implements a general purpose version of PSCOracle for minimizing the ( $\gamma$-weighted) maximum eigenvalue $\gamma\lambda_{\max} F(y)$ of an affine matrix function $F(y)=C+\sum_{i=1}^my_iA_i$ , see abstract positive semidefinite cone oracle for an explanation of the general setting and the connections to Lagrangian relaxation of SDPs of the form

\[ \mbox{maximize }\langle C,X\rangle \mbox{ subject to } \langle -A_i,X\rangle \begin{array}{c}\le\\=\\\ge\end{array} b_i,~~ \langle I,X\rangle \begin{array}{c}\le\\=\end{array}\gamma,~~ X\succeq 0 \]

PSCAffineFunction supports a rich variety of special choices for the matrices $C$ and $A_i$ and uses (for large matrices) an iterative Lanczos method to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of $F(y)$. In particular, the matrices $C$ and $A_i$ may consist of a single or several diagonal blocks (the dimensions of the blocks have to be consistent for $C$ and the $A_i$), each block being a coefficient matrix of the abstract class ConicBundle::Coeffmat . The following versions of this abstract class are implemented so far and may be used directly as blocks

The block diagonal coefficient matrices $C$ and $A_i$ are each organized as instances of a ConicBundle::SparseCoeffmatMatrix which has the blocks as rows and each of its columns corresponds to one symmetric block matrix consisting of the corresponding diagonal blocks. In fact, it is more useful to think of the diagonal blocks $j=1,\dots,k$ as corresponding to separate semidefinite variables $X_j$, so that for each block $j$ there are coefficient matrices $C_j$ and $A_{ji}$, $i=1,\dots,m$ (many possibly of value zero)

\[ X=\left[\begin{array}{@{}c@{}c@{}c@{}} X_1 & & 0 \\[-1ex] & \ddots & \\[-.5ex] 0 & &X_k\end{array}\right],\quad C=\left[\begin{array}{@{}c@{}c@{}c@{}} C_1 & & 0 \\[-1ex] & \ddots & \\[-.5ex] 0 & &C_k\end{array}\right],\quad A_i=\left[\begin{array}{@{}c@{}c@{}c@{}} A_{1i} & & 0 \\[-1ex] & \ddots & \\[-.5ex] 0 & &A_{ki}\end{array}\right]~ (i=1,\dots,m), \]

resulting in an SDP problem

\[ \mbox{maximize }\sum_{j=1}^k\langle C_j,X_j\rangle \mbox{ subject to } \sum_{j=1}^k\langle -A_{ji},X_j\rangle \begin{array}{c}\le\\=\\\ge\end{array} b_i~ (i=1,\dots,m),~~ \sum_{j=1}^k\langle I,X_j\rangle \begin{array}{c}\le\\=\end{array}\gamma,~~ X_j\succeq 0~ (j=1,\dots,k)\]

In this sense ConicBundle::SparseCoeffmatMatrix is simply a representation of a sparse matrix having a (pointer to a) matrix $A_{ji}$ as element $(j,i)$. In PSCAffineFunction this matrix is called opAt.

The standard use of an PSCAffineFunction is to fully initialize it on construction with matrices C and opAt of type SparseCoeffmatMatrix (and maybe a generating primal, see below) and then to add this function to the MatrixCBSolver by MatrixCBSolver::add_function(). If dynamic changes to this PSCAffineFunction are required afterwards, use the class ConicBundle::PSCAffineModification within the corresponding problem modification routines MatrixCBSolver::append_variables(), MatrixCBSolver::reassign_variables(), MatrixCBSolver::delete_variables() of the MatrixCBSolver interface.

In order to allow the solver (or rather PSCModel) to aggregate the eigenvector information to primal approximations of the primal semidefinite $X$ (or the semidefinite blocks $X_j$), one may install a pointer to a generating PSCPrimal on construction or via applying PSCAffineModification::add_reset_generating_primal(). Several versions of PSCPrimal are implemented and ready to use:

When the solver (or rather PSCModel) calls the implementation of PSCOracle::evaluate() for some $y$, PSCAffineFunction collects the affine matrix function $F_j(y)=C_j+\sum y_iA_{ji}$ of each block $j$ in a separate Bigmatrix, the latter is derived from a CH_Matrix_Classes::Lanczosmatrix so as to serve as input for the iterative Lanczos eigenvalue solver CH_Matrix_Classes::Lanczpol. Then PSCAffineFunction starts a separate eigensolver (but so far not in parallel) for the bigmatrix of each block. If the block is small, a standard eigenvalue method is used, otherwise the Lanczos method is employed. In any case the method will not only yield the maximum eigenvector (or a Ritz vector with sufficiently large Ritz value to ensure a null step), but several other Ritz vectors as well, that might help to improve the quality of the model in PSCModel. The routine PSCAffineFunction::set_max_Ritzvecs() allows to specify how many of the Ritz vectors should be passed on to PSCModel as a result of the call to PSCAffineFunction::evaluate().

For facilitating input and output PSCAffineFunction offers

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Coeffmattype

for recognizing the type when writing and reading the problem


any user defined constraint may use this


for CMsymdense


for CMsymsparse


for CMlowrankdd


for CMlowranksd


for CMlowrankss


for CMgramdense


for CMgramsparse


for CMsingleton


for CMgramsparse_withoutdiag

Function Documentation

◆ apply_modification()

virtual int ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::apply_modification ( const OracleModification oracle_modification,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix new_center,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix old_center,
bool &  discard_objective_in_center,
bool &  discard_model,
bool &  discard_aggregates,
MinorantExtender *&  minorant_extender 

see PSCOracle::apply_modification() for the general use, here oracle_modification has a special role if it can be cast to an PSCAffineModification

if oracle_modification cannot be cast to an PSCAffineModification it is assumed that all append modifications amount to have already been carried out on *this seperately before this routine is called. In particular, it is only checked whether the new dimension matches the one given by oracle_modification, the old dimension is ignored. If this does not hold, the routine stops with an error. Otherwise it checks the other stuff as if a suitable PSCAffineModification has just been executed.

Reimplemented from ConicBundle::PSCOracle.

◆ extend()

int ConicBundle::PSCAffineMinorantExtender::extend ( Minorant minorant,
int  n_coords,
const int *  indices 

called by ConicBundle to update internal Minorant objects, has to return 0 on success

[in,out]minorant(Minorant&) it holds a (possibly aggregated) minorant that was generated from minorants returned by oracle calls, e.g. as in FunctionOracle::evaluate() If PrimalData was provided in these minorants, this will be aggregated along and will also be available in this minorant.
[in]n_coords(int) the number of coordinate positions that have to be filled in
[out]indices(const int*) the indices of these coordinate positions (sorted in strictly increasing order)
  • 0 on success,
  • 1 if extension is impossible

Implements ConicBundle::MinorantExtender.

◆ get_C()

const SparseCoeffmatMatrix& ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::get_C ( )

returns the block representation of the coefficient matrices (each entry of the map represents a block by a SparseCoeffmatVector).

Referenced by ConicBundle::PSCModel::QPPSCOracleData::get_C().

◆ get_opAt()

const SparseCoeffmatMatrix& ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::get_opAt ( )

returns the row representation of the coefficient matrices (each entry of the map represents a row by a SparseCoeffmatVector).

Referenced by ConicBundle::PSCModel::QPPSCOracleData::get_opAt().

◆ PSCAffineFunction()

ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::PSCAffineFunction ( const SparseCoeffmatMatrix C,
const SparseCoeffmatMatrix opAt,
PSCPrimal generating_primal = 0,
const CBout cb = 0,
int  incr = -1 

initialize the PSCAffineFunction with its matrices and possible a generating_primal

C and opAt define the constant (block-)offset and the linear (block-)matrix function as described in the general text of PSCAffineFunction

generating_primal defines in what form primal matrices should be aggregated. If the argument is NULL then no primal aggregation will take place. The control over the generating primal is passed over to this. This will delete an existing generating primal whenever a new generating primal is set or upon destruction.

The final two arguments allow to set the output, see CBout.

◆ set_check_correctness()

void ConicBundle::PSCAffineFunction::set_check_correctness ( bool  chk)

set the maximum number of Ritz vectors returned in evaluate(), see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction)

if set to true, ConicBundle employs some additional consistency checks