| Coeffmat (bool del_by_CoeffmatPointer=true) |
| default constructor; set del_by_CoeffmatPointer==true if a CoeffmatPointer reducing the use_cnt to zero should delete this
void | set_deletion_by_CoeffmatPointer (bool dbMP) |
| if set to true any CoeffmatPointer that reduces use_cnt to zero will delete this object
virtual Coeffmattype | get_type () const |
| returns its Coeffmattype
virtual CoeffmatInfo * | get_info () |
| returns the user information
virtual const CoeffmatInfo * | get_info () const |
| returns the user information in const form
virtual void | set_info (CoeffmatInfo *cip) |
| deletes the old and sets new user information
virtual Coeffmat * | clone () const =0 |
| makes an explicit copy of itself and returns a pointer to it
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer | dim () const =0 |
| returns the order of the represented symmetric matrix
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real | operator() (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer i, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer j) const =0 |
| returns the value of the matrix element (i,j)
virtual void | make_symmatrix (CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &S) const =0 |
| returns a dense symmetric constraint matrix (useful for testing)
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real | norm (void) const =0 |
| returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix
virtual Coeffmat * | subspace (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P) const =0 |
| delivers a new object on the heap corresponding to the matrix P^TAP, the caller is responsible for deleting the object
virtual void | multiply (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real d)=0 |
| multiply constraint permanentely by d; this is to allow scaling or sign changes in the constraints
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real | ip (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &S) const =0 |
| returns ip(*this,S)=trace(*this*S), the trace inner product
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real | gramip (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P) const =0 |
| returns ip(*this,PP^T)=trace P^T(*this)P
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real | gramip (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer start_row, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix *Lam=0) const =0 |
| returns ip(*this,Q*Diag(Lam)*Q^T)=trace Q^T(*this)Q*Diag(Lam) for Q=P.rows(start_row,start_row+dim-1), where Diag(Lam) is the identity if not given
virtual void | addmeto (CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &S, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real d=1.) const =0 |
| computes S+=d*(*this);
virtual void | addprodto (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &A, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &B, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real d=1.) const =0 |
| comutes A+=d*(*this)*B
virtual void | addprodto (CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &A, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsemat &B, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real d=1.) const =0 |
| computes A+=d*(*this)*B
virtual void | left_right_prod (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &Q, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &R) const =0 |
| computes R=P^T*(*this)*Q
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer | prodvec_flops () const =0 |
| returns an estimate of number of flops to compute addprodto for a vector
virtual int | dense () const =0 |
| returns 1 if its structure is as bad as its dense symmetric representation, otherwise 0
virtual int | sparse () const =0 |
| returns 0 if not sparse, otherwise 1
virtual int | sparse (CH_Matrix_Classes::Indexmatrix &I, CH_Matrix_Classes::Indexmatrix &J, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &val, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real d=1.) const =0 |
| returns 0 if not sparse. If it is sparse it returns 1 and the nonzero structure in I,J and val, where val is multiplied by d. Only the upper triangle (including diagonal) is delivered
virtual int | support_in (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsesym &A) const =0 |
| returns 0 if the support of the costraint matrix is not contained in the support of the sparse symmetric matrix A, 1 if it is contained.
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real | ip (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsesym &A) const =0 |
| returns the inner product of the constraint matrix with A
virtual void | project (CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &S, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P) const =0 |
| computes S=P^T*(*this)*P
virtual void | add_projection (CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix &S, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &P, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real alpha=1., CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer start_row=0) const =0 |
| computes S+=alpha*Q^T(*this)Q for Q=P.rows(start_row,start_row+dim-1)
virtual const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix & | postgenmult (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &B, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &C, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real alpha=1., CH_Matrix_Classes::Real beta=0., int btrans=0) const =0 |
| computes C= alpha*(*this)*B^(T if btrans) + beta*C, C is also returned
virtual const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix & | pregenmult (const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &B, CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &C, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real alpha=1., CH_Matrix_Classes::Real beta=0., int btrans=0) const =0 |
| computes C= alpha*B^(T if btrans)*(*this) + beta*C, C is also returned
virtual int | equal (const Coeffmat *p, double tol=1e-6) const =0 |
| returns 1, if p is the same derived class and entries differ by less than tol, otherwise zero
virtual std::ostream & | display (std::ostream &o) const =0 |
| display constraint information
virtual std::ostream & | out (std::ostream &o) const =0 |
| put entire contents onto outstream with the class type in the beginning so that the derived class can be recognized by in().
virtual std::istream & | in (std::istream &i)=0 |
| counterpart to out(), does not read the class type, though. This is assumed to have been read in order to generate the correct class
defines a base class for coefficient matrices in semidefinite programming, in particular for use with MatrixSDPfunction, see implemention of a PSCOracle (PSCAffineFunction).
The class supports several different needs, e.g. it should work well with the requirements of MaxEigOracle as well as those of the eigenvalue computations with Bigmatrix. Furthermore there is support for writing and reading the various implementations.