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ConicBundle::SumBlockModel Class Referenceabstract

abstract interface extending BundleModel so that any such model can be used alone or within SumModel and so that it supports AffineFunctionTransformation as well as switching to a SumBundle with some SumBundleHandler More...

#include <SumBlockModel.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for ConicBundle::SumBlockModel:
ConicBundle::BundleModel ConicBundle::VariableMetricModel ConicBundle::CBout ConicBundle::AFTModel ConicBundle::ConeModel ConicBundle::SumModel ConicBundle::BoxModel ConicBundle::NNCModel ConicBundle::PSCModel ConicBundle::SOCModel

Public Member Functions

virtual ~SumBlockModel ()
virtual void clear ()
 resets all data to the initial status of this class, also aftmodel and vm_selection are deleted
int initialize_aft (AffineFunctionTransformation *aft=0)
 first it discards an old affine function transformation if there is one, then it sets the new one, if there ins one.
virtual int set_variable_metric_selection (VariableMetricSelection *vms=0)
 delete old selector and set a new one (0 is allowed resulting in no local selector)
virtual VariableMetricSelectionget_variable_metric_selection () const
 delete old selector and set a new one (0 is allowed resulting in no local selector)
bool call_aftmodel_first (const FunObjModMap &funmdfmap)
 in apply_modification this routine is needed to check whether the aftmodel is modified already More...
 SumBlockModel (CBout *cb=0, int cbinc=-1)
 calls clear
virtual ModifiableOracleObjectget_oracle_object ()=0
 return the function oracle this provides a model for, or some dummy oracle
virtual const SumBlockModelmodel (const FunctionObject *) const
 returns the submodel for FunctionObject fo if it in this model, otherwise 0
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer nsubmodels () const
 returns the number of submodels in this model (direct ones, not all descendants; most have none, but see e.g. SumModel)
virtual int add_model (SumBlockModel *)
 adds the model as submodel to this model (if this model may have submodels)
virtual SumBlockModelremove_model (const FunctionObject *)
 remove the submodel identified by fo from this model, this does NOT destruct the model. It returns the pointer to the model if there is one, otherwise 0
virtual SumBlockModelremove_model (SumBlockModel *model)
 remove the submodel identified by the given models FunctionObject from this model, this does NOT destruct the model. It returns the pointer to the model if there is one, otherwise 0
some default implementations of abstract class BundleModel
virtual int start_augmodel (QPModelDataPointer &blockp, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer cand_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &cand_y, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Indexmatrix *indices=0)
 see BundleModel::start_augmodel, here it just moves on to start_sumaugmodel
virtual int get_model_aggregate (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &model_aggregate_id, MinorantPointer &model_aggregate)
 see BundleModel::get_model_aggregate
virtual int update_model (ModelUpdate model_update, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer center_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &center_y, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer cand_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &cand_y, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real model_maxviol, BundleProxObject &H)=0
 generate the next cutting model and store the center information in the case of a descent step More...
virtual int synchronize_ids (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &new_center_ub_fid, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer new_center_id, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer old_center_id, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &new_cand_ub_fid, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer new_cand_id, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer old_cand_id, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &new_aggregate_id)
 see BundleModel::synchronize_ids
virtual bool center_modified (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &center_fid, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer center_id)
 see BundleModel::center_modified
virtual bool model_aggregate_modified (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer old_model_aggregate_id)
 see BundleModel::model_aggregate_modified
virtual int apply_modification (bool &no_changes, const GroundsetModification &gsmdf, const FunObjModMap &funmdfmap, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer new_center_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &new_center, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer old_center_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &old_center)
 passes on modification information about function and ground set changes More...
int add_variable_metric (VariableMetric &H, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer y_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &y, bool descent_step, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real weightu, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real model_maxviol, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Indexmatrix *indices=0)
 see VariableMetricModel::add_variable_metric; this implements the non local option
int get_function_minorant (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &function_modification_id, MinorantPointer &minorant)
 see BundleModel::get_function_minorant()
int get_center_minorant (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &function_modification_id, MinorantPointer &minorant)
 see BundleModel::get_center_minorant()
BundleModeltransform ()
 if an affine function transformation is defined for this model, return it, otherwise use this
new virtual functions needed for the classes AFTModel and SumModel
SumBlockModelsbm_transform ()
 like BundleModel::transform() this allows SumBlockModel routines to use a given transformation automatically
virtual int get_model_aggregate (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &model_aggregate_id, MinorantPointer &model_aggregate, bool all_parts, const AffineFunctionTransformation *aft=0)
 returns the model aggregate if available. More...
virtual CH_Matrix_Classes::Real lb_function (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer y_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &y)
 returns a quick lower bound for the function value at y (eg by a previous subgradient)
virtual int get_function_minorant (MinorantPointer &function_minorant, const AffineFunctionTransformation *aft=0)=0
 returns the minorant corresponding to the subgradient inequality returned by the last function evaluation (if the function has not changed since then). If the input minorant is not empty, the local minorant is added.
virtual int get_center_minorant (MinorantPointer &center_minorant, const AffineFunctionTransformation *aft=0)=0
 returns the minorant corresponding to the subgradient inequality returned by the function evaluation for the current center (if the function has not changed since then). If the input minorant is not empty, the local minorant is added.
virtual int adjust_multiplier (bool &values_may_have_changed)=0
 for conic subproblems with adjustable multipliers, reset the multiplier to twice the current trace and set values_may_have_changed to true in this case. Otherwise leave values_may_have_changed unmodified. More...
virtual int sumbundle_mode (SumBundle::Mode &mode, SumBundleHandler *bh=0, AffineFunctionTransformation *aft=0)=0
 called by start_sumaugmodel in order to suggest (or to force) *this to opt in or out of a common SumBundle handled by the SumBundleHandler More...
virtual int start_sumaugmodel (QPModelDataPointer &blockp, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer cand_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &cand_y, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Indexmatrix *indices=0, SumBundleHandler *bh=0, SumBundle::Mode mode=SumBundle::inactive, AffineFunctionTransformation *aft=0)=0
 see BundleModel::start_augmodel() for the first four parameters; for the others see sumbundle_mode()
virtual int update_model (ModelUpdate model_update, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer center_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &center_y, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer cand_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &cand_y, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real model_maxviol, BundleProxObject &H, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &model_deviation, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &model_curvature)=0
 generate the next cutting model and store the center information in the case of a descent step. This version also allows for updating a common model owned by parent SumModel. More...
messages for direct get/set requestss
AFTModelget_aftmodel ()
 returns aftmodel
const AFTModelget_aftmodel () const
 returns aftmodel (as a const variant)
virtual BundleDataget_data ()=0
 returns the essential information on the bundle date for continuing from the same point lateron, see BundleData
virtual const BundleDataget_data () const =0
 const version returning the essential information on the bundle date for continuing from the same point lateron, see BundleData
virtual int set_data (BundleData *)
 reinstalls the bundle date from get_data() for continuing from this previous point, see BundleData
virtual const PrimalDataget_approximate_primal () const
 if primal data is provided by the oracle then the primal corresponding to the current aggregate is formed in primal (this may differ if primal is a recognized derived class)
virtual const PrimalDataget_center_primal () const
 if primal data is provided by the oracle then the primal corresponding to the best eps-subgradient of the evaluation in the current center is returned (this may differ if primal is a recognized derived class)
virtual const PrimalDataget_candidate_primal () const
 if primal data is provided by the oracle then the primal corresponding to the best eps-subgradient of the evaluation in the current center is returned (this may differ if primal is a recognized derived class)
virtual int call_primal_extender (PrimalExtender &pext)
 if the function is the Lagrangian dual and primal_data of previous calls has now to be updated due to changes in the primal problem – e.g., this may happen in column generation – the problem updates all its internally stored primal_data objects by calling PrimalExtender::extend on each of these. returns 0 on success, 1 if not applicable to this function, 2 if it would be applicable but there is no primal data.
virtual int set_bundle_parameters (const BundleParameters &)
 set max_bundle_size and max_model_size (this may differ if the parameter is a recognized derived class); model blocks without bundle return 1.
virtual const BundleParametersget_bundle_parameters () const
 returns the current parameter settings; model blocks without bundle parameters return NULL.
virtual int set_sumbundle_parameters (const BundleParameters &)
 set max_bundle_size and max_model_size (this may differ if the parameter is a derived class, in particular a SumBunldeParametersObject); model blocks without bundle return 1.
virtual const SumBundleParametersObjectget_sumbundle_parameters () const
 returns the current parameter settings; model blocks without bundle parameters return NULL.
virtual void clear_model (bool discard_minorants_only=false)
 modifications of this specific problem were such that old subgradient data and function values have to be removed completely; do so. In the special case of some particular support functions it may be possile to regenerate some of the minorants and keep the core of the model of the support set; in this case set discard_minorants_only=true.
virtual void clear_aggregates ()
 remove all current aggregate cutting planes, but not the other parts of the model; returns 0 on success, 1 on failure
virtual int get_ret_code () const
 for functions given by an oracle: return the return value that was produced by the last call to the function evaluation routine; model blocks without oracle return 0.
output and statistics on solution times
CH_Tools::Microseconds get_evalmodel_time () const
 return time spent in total for evaluating the model in eval_model()
CH_Tools::Microseconds get_updatemodel_time () const
 return time spent in total for updating the model in update_model()
virtual CH_Tools::Microseconds get_preeval_time () const
 return time spent in total for the oracle in eval_function()
virtual CH_Tools::Microseconds get_eval_time () const
 return time spent in total for the oracle in eval_function()
virtual CH_Tools::Microseconds get_posteval_time () const
 return time spent in total for the oracle in eval_function()
CH_Tools::Microseconds get_metric_time () const
 return time spent in total for the add_variable_metric routine
std::ostream & print_statistics (std::ostream &out) const
 output the timing statistics
void set_out (std::ostream *o=0, int pril=1)
 set output and outputlevel of warnings and errors recursively, see CBout
void set_cbout (const CBout *cb, int incr)
 set output and outputlevel of warnings and errors recursively with CBout
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConicBundle::BundleModel
 BundleModel (CBout *cb=0, int cbinc=-1)
 constructor (cb allows to set output options)
virtual ~BundleModel ()
 virtual destructor
virtual int eval_function (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &ub_fid, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &ub, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer y_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &y, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real nullstep_bound, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real relprec)=0
 evaluates the objective function in y and returns an upper bound in ub within relative precision relprec. More...
virtual int eval_model (CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &lb, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer y_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &y, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real relprec)=0
 evaluate the current cutting model in the given point More...
virtual int make_model_aggregate (bool &penalty_parameter_increased, bool keep_penalty_fixed)=0
 after the common QP is solved, this call asks to form the new aggregate from the solution. If keep_penalty_fixed==false the model may decide to increase some internal penalty parameter, has then to report this in penalty_parameter_increased but need not form the aggregate. More...
virtual int recompute_center (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer &new_center_ub_fid, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real &new_center_ub, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer center_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &center_y, bool accept_only_higher_values=false, CH_Matrix_Classes::Real relprec=-1.)=0
 after modifications of the problem the center information may have to be recomputed partially or completely More...
virtual int provide_model_aggregate (CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer y_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &y)=0
 makes sure that the model_aggregate returned by add_model_aggregate is actually a minorant contained in the next cutting model. More...
virtual int check_center_validity_by_candidate (bool &cand_minorant_is_below, CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer center_id, const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix &center_y)=0
 consistency check for oracle computations: test if the subgradient inequality arising out of the last eval_function holds for center_y. More...
VariableMetricModelvariable_metric_transform ()
 replaces variable_metric_transform by transform
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConicBundle::VariableMetricModel
 VariableMetricModel (CBout *cb=0, int cbincr=-1)
 constructor for passing on ouptut information
virtual ~VariableMetricModel ()
 virtual destructor
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConicBundle::CBout
void clear_cbout ()
 reset to default settings (out=0,print_level=1)
 CBout (const CBout *cb=0, int incr=-1)
 calls set_cbout
 CBout (std::ostream *outp, int pl=1)
 initialize correspondingly
 CBout (const CBout &cb, int incr=0)
 copy constructor
virtual bool cb_out (int pl=-1) const
 Returns true if out!=0 and (pl<print_level), pl<0 should be used for WARNINGS and ERRORS only, pl==0 for usual output.
std::ostream & get_out () const
 If cb_out() returned true, this returns the output stream, but it will abort if called with out==0.
std::ostream * get_out_ptr () const
 returns the pointer to the output stream
int get_print_level () const
 returns the print_level
virtual int mfile_data (std::ostream &out) const
 writes problem data to the given outstream

Protected Attributes

CH_Tools::Clock clock
 for collecting time statistics
CH_Tools::Microseconds evalmodel_time
 total time spent in evaluating the model in eval_model()
CH_Tools::Microseconds updatemodel_time
 total time spent in updating the bundle in update_model()
CH_Tools::Microseconds eval_time
 total time spent in the oracle in eval_function() or calls to eval_function of children
CH_Tools::Microseconds preeval_time
 total time spent in eval_function() before the oracle call
CH_Tools::Microseconds posteval_time
 total time spent in eval_function() after the oracle call
CH_Tools::Microseconds metric_time
 total time spent in add_variable_metric()
 if not NULL this points to an AFTModel describing an AffineFunctionTransformation
 if not NULL this points to the selection routine for computing the local contribution to the metric
 if the sumbundle is used, this points to the handler that operates it
 this holds the default settings whether and how to start or contribute to a SumBundle
MinorantPointer old_model_aggregate
 for testing purposes

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ConicBundle::BundleModel
enum  ModelUpdate { new_subgradient, descent_step, null_step }
 for informing update_model() at what stage it is called to update the bundle so that the amount of information available is clear More...

Detailed Description

abstract interface extending BundleModel so that any such model can be used alone or within SumModel and so that it supports AffineFunctionTransformation as well as switching to a SumBundle with some SumBundleHandler

The BundleSolver will alway assume that there is one cutting model and it does not need to know how this looks like. A SumBlockModel like the SumModel is used to present this single model view to the BundleSolver, yet it allows e.g. in the case of SumModel for a sum of convex functions to use a separate cutting model for each of the functions. Of course it is also possible to set up a common single model via an appropriate oracle or to recursively build a sum of models of sums of models, the latter with some loss of efficiency. The joint quadratic bundle subproblem will consist of a quadratic cost matrix coupling all models (start_augmodel() serves to collect the bundle model, BundleProxObject forms the quadratic data from this), but the generating descriptions for the linear minorants of each model will each be a separate block of constraints (obtained in start_augmodel()). After the quadratic subproblem is solved the local aggregates are formed via make_model_aggregate(), afterwards the joint aggregate of the entire sum will need to be collected by recursive calls to get_model_aggregate().

If an objective is a sum of convex functions, most functions will just work on part of the coordinates or on an affine transformation of the coordinates. Here we implement this by supplying each model with the possibility to be combined with an AFTModel, which first performs an AffineFunctionTransformation of the input arguments.

Depending on its ConicBundle::FunctionTask each function may be used as a simple cost function or it may be of penalty type for its level set to the value zero. Functions of penalty type may have a prespecified constant penalty parameter or an adaptive penalty parameter that may be increased or decreased upon need (dynamic updates of the penalty parameter take place in make_model_aggregate() and adjust_multiplier()). Intuitively speeking, the penalty parameter allows to increase the length of subgradients, thereby increasing their slope so that the iterates get forced to lie within the level set in the limit. Whenever the feasible set is compact and the functions are finite valued, a finite penalty value is sufficient (exact penalty) if on the boundary of the level set of the penalty function the slope is bounded away from zero.

If SumModel contains many separate functions, having a separate model for each of the functions may be unnecessary and inefficient. Making use of additional information provided in the extended routine update_model(ModelUpdate,CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer,const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix&,CH_Matrix_Classes::Real&,CH_Matrix_Classes::Real&,CH_Matrix_Classes::Real&,CH_Matrix_Classes::Real&,CH_Matrix_Classes::Real&) the class SumModel offers a heuristic that suggests which of the functions should keep a separate model and which should only contribute its subgradient information to a common polyhedral model for the remaining functions. The heuristic gives a new suggestion on the fly whenever the next model is formed. Thus each function needs to keep track of the subgradients and the aggregate in the global polyhedral model should it want to participate in the common global model, so that switching back and forth does not endanger convergence. Note that no model is forced to contribute and that models may even decide to contribute one part but keep another part as a local model. Due to the different types of functions (fixed, bounded, dynamic) SumModel has to use a different common model for each type appearing. For keeping consistent with the recursive structure it also needs to assume that each of its functions has these three different types of models. This makes the whole business a bit clumsy. For uniform treatment, each Model is equipped with a SumBundle, and this is employed only if the Model is given a SumBundleHandler and informed to use it via the routine sumbundle_contribution(). If a model/function wants to stop contributing to a SumBundle of some parent model without destroying the bundle information of the others e.g. because it is modified, it can do so by calling sumbundle_remove_contributions().

The class also offers a number of information collection routines that are not needed for running BundleSolver but are requested in many applications, e.g., for providing the common subgradient in the center, information about the PrimalData generating the aggregate, or some computation time measurements.

Member Function Documentation

◆ adjust_multiplier()

virtual int ConicBundle::SumBlockModel::adjust_multiplier ( bool &  values_may_have_changed)
pure virtual

for conic subproblems with adjustable multipliers, reset the multiplier to twice the current trace and set values_may_have_changed to true in this case. Otherwise leave values_may_have_changed unmodified.

This message is recursively passed on. Afterwards a recompute_center has to be called if values_may_have_changed is true.

  • On input: if use_local_model is false and this value is true, the adaptive penalty parameter was changed and needs to be adapted here as well.
  • On output: if the function value is affected by an adjustment it must be set to true.
0 on success, 1 on failure

Implemented in ConicBundle::SumModel, ConicBundle::AFTModel, and ConicBundle::ConeModel.

Referenced by remove_model().

◆ apply_modification()

virtual int ConicBundle::SumBlockModel::apply_modification ( bool &  no_changes,
const GroundsetModification gsmdf,
const FunObjModMap funmdfmap,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  new_center_id,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix new_center,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  old_center_id,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix old_center 

passes on modification information about function and ground set changes

In addition to the explanation given in BundleModel::apply_modification() the variable no_changes also acts as an input variable.

If on input no_change==false and the model contributes as a child to sumbundle, it has to remove these contributions before excuting any changes, even if there are no changes within.

Implements ConicBundle::BundleModel.

Reimplemented in ConicBundle::SumModel, and ConicBundle::AFTModel.

Referenced by remove_model().

◆ call_aftmodel_first()

bool ConicBundle::SumBlockModel::call_aftmodel_first ( const FunObjModMap funmdfmap)

in apply_modification this routine is needed to check whether the aftmodel is modified already

If an aftmodel is present or fundmdfmap contains no data for the aftmodel of this, the routine returns false. If, however, no aftmodel is present so far and in spite of this funmdfmap contains modifications for it, these were no yet carried out but need to be carried out before the data is passed on to *this. So in this case the routine initializes an aftmodel and returns true (otherwise it always returns false). Whenever this routine returns true, the apply_modification routine has to pass the call on to the new aftmodell first so that it is called itself again with the correct parameters.

Referenced by get_variable_metric_selection().

◆ get_model_aggregate()

virtual int ConicBundle::SumBlockModel::get_model_aggregate ( CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer model_aggregate_id,
MinorantPointer model_aggregate,
bool  all_parts,
const AffineFunctionTransformation aft = 0 

returns the model aggregate if available.

The current routine differs from BundelModle::get_model_aggregate in the two additional parameters all_parts, and aft. If add==false, the aggregate has to be initiliazed. If == true, the aggregate has to be added. If all_parts==true, the entire aggregate is used. If all_parts==false, then the local parts are used that correspnd to model parts handled by *this rather than a sumbundle of a parent. If aft!=0, the AffineFunctionTransformation pointed to has first to be applied and the result has to be stored/added in/to the aggregate.

[out]model_aggregate_idnonnegative counter for quickly checking validity of the aggregate
[in,out]model_aggregatethe aggregate linear model minorant
  • if == true, use the entire aggregate
  • if == false, use only the local parts that are not taken care of by a parent sumbundle
  • if == 0 store/add the local aggregate directly
  • if != 0 apply this transformation first to the local aggregate before storing/adding it
  • 0 if the information is available (if eval_augmodel() did not return 0, the information will not satisfy the precision requirements but may still be available)
  • 1 if the desired information is not available

Reimplemented in ConicBundle::AFTModel.

◆ sumbundle_mode()

virtual int ConicBundle::SumBlockModel::sumbundle_mode ( SumBundle::Mode mode,
SumBundleHandler bh = 0,
AffineFunctionTransformation aft = 0 
pure virtual

called by start_sumaugmodel in order to suggest (or to force) *this to opt in or out of a common SumBundle handled by the SumBundleHandler

The routine decides on contributing to the parents sumbundle or not (unless force==true). Its outcome may be, that this does not contribute or that it contributes just some part of its subgradient information. As the parent can only discern between contributing and not contributing, it is the task of *this to feed the parent's Bundlehandler *bh with the correct information. In particular, if the model is willing to contribute at all, it should always update its own SumBundle by the same rules in order to allow for switching back and forth between common and local model without siginificant loss of information.

The parent's bundlehandler and its corresponding aft is only passed here and has to be memorized by the local handler if it intends to contribute or communicate with the parent about the sumbundle at some point in time.

The basic assumption is that when the calling parent passes the next (the same or another) handler bh (with corresponding aft) while *this is already contributing, this next handler and aft is consistent with the previous information in that the contribution of *this is not changed and *this will be able to continue by only updating its contribution. If this is not the case, the caller has to first force this to not contribute to the old handler (i.e. to remove its contribution) and then call the routine again with its new handler.

If the SumBundleHandler bh==NULL, the parent does not maintain a sumbundle and the model will be strictly local.

On input:

  • bh is the SumBundleHandler for updating the parent's sumbundle (NULL means there is no parent)
  • If mode==child, the parent wants *this to contribute to its sumbundle via the bundle handler bh but it never forces *this to contribute. In particular *this may decide to contribute only part of its model. Whatever decision *this takes, it has to make sure that in all other routines it passes on the corresponding information consistently.
  • If mode==inactive and force==false, the parent suggests not to contribute (maybe not any more, in this case use the bundlehandler to remove the contribution) and *this should use its own local model.
  • If mode==inactive and force==true, *this has to remove its contribution to summodel and switch back to its own model which still may be a SumBundle and
  • If mode==root the caller asks (or forces) *this to use its own sumbundle in root mode and neither to use its local model nor to contribute to the parent.
  • if no bundle parameters are passed (bp==0) default choices are used.
  • aft tells which affine function transformation to use when contributing to the parent model. If it is 0, no transformation is required

On output:

  • if call_my_local_model==true the submodel keeps some local model part that is not contributed (it may have a contribution as well), so it must be called when generating the quadratic subproblem; This information will only be needed in start_augmodel() and get_row() and will be updated in the beginning of the parent's start_augmodel()
  • if call_my_local_model==false all information is incorporated in the summodel; this may only occur if bh!=0 and mode and force allow this.

It returns 0 if things worked out as they should, 1 otherwise.

Implemented in ConicBundle::SumModel, ConicBundle::AFTModel, and ConicBundle::ConeModel.

Referenced by remove_model().

◆ update_model() [1/2]

virtual int ConicBundle::SumBlockModel::update_model ( ModelUpdate  model_update,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  center_id,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix center_y,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  cand_id,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix cand_y,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real  model_maxviol,
BundleProxObject H 
pure virtual

generate the next cutting model and store the center information in the case of a descent step

If model_update==null_step, the next model has to contain at least all convex combinations of the current subgradient of eval_function() and the aggregate minorant of (re)eval_augmodel(). update_model may only be called if at least one of both is available.

The point passed in the argument is the candidate where the last function evaluation took place, its id is passed on so that some consistency check is possible without having to store the entire vector. The coordinates of the point may help in setting up a model of good quality close to this point

If model_upate is descent_step and the last function evaluation took place for this candidate, the function evaluation data and point identifier (not nec. the point itself) needs to be stored as the new function value of the center.

If model_update is new_subgradient the model may wish to use new subgradient information available in the candidate for inclusion in the model; if the modle is empty it has to include it so that the modle is initialized. The center is not moved in this case.

  • if model_update==new_subgradient, then the latest function evaluation is due to a separate funtion evaluation; include the new subgradient but do not expect any informtion on a new aggregate (this should always be called after setting a new center, in particular on initialization so that the model contains at least one subgradient).
  • if model_update==descent step, then the next step is a descent step; in this case the model may be restarted from scratch and there is no need not include the last aggregate; move the center to the candidate
  • if mode_update==null_step, then the next tep is a null step; in this case the update has to preserve the aggregate.
[in]center_idthe point id of the center, so that the model can check consistency of the evaluation data in moving the center for a descent step
[in]center_ythis may help to estimate the model changes relative to this point
[in]cand_idthe point id of the candidate, so that the model can check consistency of the evaluation data in moving the center for a descent step
[in]cand_ythe next model should be good close to this point
[in]model_maxviola minorant violated by this ammount would have resulted in a null step
[in]Hthe weight intended for the proximal term of the next model. it should not be changed here, but may use computation routines of H
  • 0 ... if the requirements on the model could be met and no errors occured
  • 1 ... otherwise

Implements ConicBundle::BundleModel.

Implemented in ConicBundle::SumModel, ConicBundle::AFTModel, and ConicBundle::ConeModel.

Referenced by remove_model().

◆ update_model() [2/2]

virtual int ConicBundle::SumBlockModel::update_model ( ModelUpdate  model_update,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  center_id,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix center_y,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer  cand_id,
const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix cand_y,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real  model_maxviol,
BundleProxObject H,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real model_deviation,
CH_Matrix_Classes::Real model_curvature 
pure virtual

generate the next cutting model and store the center information in the case of a descent step. This version also allows for updating a common model owned by parent SumModel.

If model_update==null_step , the next model has to contain at least all convex combinations of the current subgradient of eval_function() and the aggregate minorant of (re)eval_augmodel(). update_model may only be called if at least one of both is available.

The point passed in the argument is the candidate where the last function evaluation took place, its id is passed on so that some consistency check is possible without having to store the entire vector. The coordinates of the point may help in setting up a model of good quality close to this point

If model_upate is descent_step and the last function evaluation took place for this candidate, the function evaluation data and point identifier (not nec. the point itself) has to be stored as the function value of the center.

If model_update is new_subgradient the model may wish to use new subgradient information available in the candidate for inclusion in the model; if the modle is empty it has to include it so that the modle is initialized. The center is not moved in this case.

Whenever the model is already initialized before the call to this routine, the output variable model_deviation returns the difference between the value of the local aggregate and the true function in cand_y, otherwise it is set to zero.

If there is a parent SumBundle, it has already been updated except that – if *this is indeed contributing – it needs the information about the new subgradient from *this and the bundlehandler passed in sumbundle_contribution() knows where to add this. The update of the common and local sumbundle now requires the following steps:

If model_update is new_subgradient the model may wish to use new subgradient information available in the candidate for inclusion in the model; if the modle is empty it has to include it so that the modle is initialized. The center is not moved in this case.

The default implementation sets default choices for model_deviation and model_curvature and then calls the routine update_model(ModelUpdate,CH_Matrix_Classes::Integer,const CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix&,CH_Matrix_Classes::Real,CH_Matrix_Classes::Real).

  • if modle_update==new_subgradient, then the latest function evaluation is due to a separate funtion evaluation; include the new subgradient but do not expect any informtion on a new aggregate (this should always be called after setting a new center, in particular on initialization so that the model contains at least one subgradient).
  • if model_update==descent step, then the next step is a descent step; in this case the model may be restarted from scratch and there is no need not include the last aggregate; move the center to the candidate
  • if mode_update==null_step, then the next tep is a null step; in this case the update has to preserve the aggregate.
[in]center_idthe point id of the current center
[in]center_ythe coordinates of the current center, its availability may help to compute the relevance of minorants
[in]cand_idthe point id of the candidate, so that the model can check consistency of the evaluation data in moving the center for a descent step
[in]cand_ythe next model should be good close to this point
[in]model_maxviola minorant violated by this would have resulted in a null step
[in]Hthe weight intended for the proximal term of the next model
[out]model_deviationthe difference of function value and aggregate in cand_y
[out]model_curvaturean estimate of the curvature when violating minorants is allowed by model_maxviol
  • 0 ... if the requirements on the model could be met and no errors occured
  • 1 ... otherwise

Implemented in ConicBundle::SumModel, ConicBundle::AFTModel, and ConicBundle::ConeModel.

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