The Langlands program and conformal field theory
Reading group at TU Chemnitz, Winter term 2024
Welcome to the reading group's home page
In this (informal) reading group, we will work through the ‘‘Lectures on the Langlands program and conformal field theory’’ by Edward Frenkel.
Confirmed participants
We will meet weekly on Mondays at 14:00, except for the first session which will be on Friday the 25th of October at 15:30.
We will meet in person at the TU Chemnitz in room C46.633, but the sessions will be organized hybridly with online access via Zoom here.
The idea of this informal reading group is to read a section of the lecture notes in each session of 1 hour. Although it will be appreciated if the volunteering speakers read their assigned sections beforehand, we do not expect highly-polished talks, instead preferring a casual discussion of the text during the session.
Please email Peter Spacek ( to be kept up-to-date with all information, including the passcode to the online meetings.
The confirmed meeting dates are:
- Friday 25.10. at 15:30, Introduction to the Langlands program and conformal field theory (Intro), by Peter Spacek - Notes: PDF
- Monday 28.10. at 14:00, Basics of number theory: Galois groups and abelian class field theory (I.1.1-2), by Peter Spacek - Notes: PDF
- Monday 04.11. at 14:00, Number theory continued: Frobenius automorphisms and rigification of ACFT (I.1.3-4), by Marwan Benyoussef - Notes: PDF
- No session on Monday 11.11. due to absence of planned speaker
- Monday 18.11. at 14:00, Non-abelian generalizations, modular forms and Galois representations (I.1.5-7?), by Henry Dakin - Notes: PDF
- No session on Monday 25.11. due to absence of multiple attendees
- Monday 02.12. at 14:00, Function fields and Galois representations (I.2.1-2), by Emeryck Marie - Notes: PDF
- Monday 09.12. at 14:00, Automorphic representations and the Langlands correspondence (I.2.3-4), by Emeryck Marie - Notes: PDF
- No sessions on Monday 16., 23. and 30.12., as well as 06.01 due to Christmas break
- Monday 13.01. at 14:00, From automorphic representations to D-modules (II.3.1-4?), by Chamir Ngandjia
- Monday 20.01. at 14:00, The geometric Langlands program (II.3.5-8?), by Chamir Ngandjia
- Monday 27.01. at 14:00, Geometric abelian class field theory (II.4.1-5?), by ???