as well as workshops and seminars attended
- The Schubert seminar (online, Rutgers U. New Jersey, US), 02/12/2024
- Conference “Algebraic Groups in a Broad Sense", Stockholm U., Sweden, 17-18/10/2024 ⁕
- Conference “Ramification in geometric Langlands and non-abelian Hodge theory", U. Heidelberg, Germany, 09-13/09/2024
- Conference “Geometry and Physics of Mirror Symmetry", U. of Sheffield, UK, 02-06/09/2024
- Conference “Mirrors in the Midlands 2024", U. of Birmingham, UK, 06-09/08/2024 ⁕
- Conference “Mirror symmetry for cluster varieties and representation theory", King's College London, UK, 17-21/06/2024
- Combinatorics seminar, U. of Michigan, US, 09/02/2024 ⁕
- Winter School “On New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules", Stony Brook U., US 15-26/01/2024
- Seminar “On Hodge theory, monodromy, differential equations and applications”, U. Bayreuth, Germany, 06-07/12/2023
- Conference “IberoSing: Mirror symmetry & Hodge ideals”, U. of Granada, Spain, 06-10/11/2023
- Conference “Lie Theory and its Applications in Phyiscs 15”, Varna, Bulgaria, 19-25/06/2023 ⁕
- Seminar “COW meets EAGLE”, U. of Birmingham, UK, 02-03/02/2023
- Conference “Structures in Enumerative Geometry”, U. of Sheffield, UK, 23-27/01/2023
- “The Fourth W. Killing and K. Weierstrass Colloquium”, U. of Gdansk, Poland, 18-22/07/2022 ⁕
- Conference “String Math 2022”, U. of Warsaw, Poland, 11-15/07/2022
- “Saxonian Algebraic Geometry” Seminar, MPI MIS, Leipzig, Germany, 07/07/2021 ⁕
- Conference “A day on K3 surfaces”, MPI MIS, Leipzig, Germany, 06/05/2022
- Conference “D-modules: Applications to Algebraic Geometry, Arithmatic and Mirror Symmetry”, CIRM, Marseille, France, 11-15/04/2022
- Seminar “On D-modules and applications”, U. Bayreuth, Germany, 04/11
- Conference “IMPANGA 20”, online, Bedlewo, Poland, 12-16/07/2021 ⁕
- Summer school “Enumerative geometry, Physics and Representation Theory”, online, IHÉS, Paris, France, 05-16/07
- Summer school “On Mirror Symmetry and Moduli Spaces 2021”, online, U. Lisboa, Portugal, 29-30/06
- Workshop “Compactifications of stability manifolds”, online, MPIM Bonn, Germany, 18/05
- Calf – Junior COW Algebraic Geometry Seminar, online ⁕
- Nottingham Algebraic Geometry seminar, online
- Conference “Quantum Groups and Cohomology Theory of Quiver and Flag Varieties” online, CIRM, Marseille, France, 16/12 ⁕
- Stockholm Mathematics Center, Algebra & Geometry seminar, online, Stockholm U., Sweden, 04/12 ⁕
- COW/EmSG/GLEN joint summer school, online, 07-11/09 ⁕
- Nottingham Algebraic Geometry seminar, online
- Calf – Junior COW Algebraic Geometry Seminar, online
- Mini-workshop “Superpotentials in algebra and geometry”, MF Oberwolfach, Germany, 24-28/02 ⁕
- Calf – Junior COW Algebraic Geometry Seminar, UCL, UK, 28/01
- Calf – Junior COW Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Cardiff U., UK, 29/11
- COW Algebraic Geometry Seminar, U. of Warwick, UK, 23/09
- Workshop “Mirror Symmetry and Cluster Algebras”, U. of Cambridge, UK, 15-18/07
- Conference “Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté XXVII”, U. of Bucharest, Romania, 17-21/06 ⁕
- Meeting “4th British Algebraic Geometers Meeting”, U. of Liverpool, UK, 24-26/04
- Workshop “Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory II”, U. of Leicester, UK, 08-12/04 ⁕
- Conference “Mirrors in the Midlands”, U. of Birmingham, UK, 01-03/04
- Workshop “Geometry and Mathematical Physics”, Loughborough U., UK, 27-30/03
- Conference “Algebraic Groups: Geometry, Actions and Structures”, U. Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, 29/10-02/11
- Junior Algebraic Geometers’ Seminar (U. of Warwick), 22/10 ⁕
- Japanese-European Symposium “On Symplectic Varieties and Moduli Spaces”, Tokyo U. of Science, Japan, 27-31/08
- Workshop “Cluster Algebras and Algebraic Geometry”, U. of Nottingham, UK, 11-14/07 ⁕
- Workshop “Geometry and Mathematical Physics”, U. of Warwick, UK, 09-10/07
- COW Algebraic Geometry Seminar, U. of Oxford, UK, 06/08
- LMS Hardy Lecture by Prof L. Williams, U. of Kent, 05/07
- LMS Graduate Summer School & General Meeting, London, UK, 29/06
- Conference “Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté XXVI”, U. of Strasbourg, France, 18-22/06
- GLEN Algebraic Geometry Seminar, U. of Sheffield, UK, 08-09/02
- Masterclass “Algebraic Stacks”, U. d’Angers, France, 19-21/12
- Conference “Mirror Symmetry Days”, U. of Kent, UK, 01-02/11