The Schubert seminar (online, Rutgers U. New Jersey, US), 02/12/2024:
Minuscule posets and superpotentials for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
Conference "Mirrors in the Midlands 2024" (U. of Birmingham, UK), 09/08/2024:
Type-independent canonical mirror models for cominuscule homogeneous spaces (mini-talk)
University of Michigan Combinatorics seminar (Ann Arbor, US), 09/02/2024:
The combinatorics of minuscule posets in mirror symmetry for homogeneous spaces
Conference "Lie Theory and its Applications in Phyiscs 15" (Varna, Bulgaria), 20/06/2023
Towards type-independent canonical mirror constructions for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
"The Fourth W. Killing and K. Weierstrass Colloquium" (U. of Gdansk, Poland), 18/07/2022
Introducing LG-models for qH*(G/P) through examples
Conference "StringMath22" (U. of Warsaw, Poland), 13/07/2022
Landau-Ginzburg models for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
"Saxonian Algebraic Geometry" Seminar (MPI MIS Leipzig, Germany), 07/07/2021:
Cominuscule homogeneous spaces, quantum cohomology, and mirror symmetry
Conference "IMPANGA 20" (online, Bedlewo, Poland), 14/07/2021:
Landau-Ginzburg models for the small quantum cohomology of cominuscule homogeneous spaces
COW Junior Algebraic Geometers' seminar (online, UK), 18/06/2021:
Landau-Ginzburg models for the small quantum cohomology of cominuscule homogeneous spaces
Conference "Quantum Groups and Cohomology Theory of Quiver and Flag Varieties" (online, CIRM Marseille, France), 16/12/2020:
Mirror symmetry for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
Stockholm Mathematics Center, Algebra & Geometry seminar (online, Stockholm U., Sweden), 04/12/2020:
Mirror symmetry for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
COW/EmSG/GLEN joint summer school (online, UK), mini-presentation, 08/08/2020:
Laurent polynomial Landau-Ginzburg models for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
Mini-workshop "Superpotentials in algebra and geometry (MF Oberwolfach, Germany), 25/02/20:
Laurent polynomial potentials for cominuscule homogeneous spaces
Conference "Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté XXVII" (U. of Bucharest, Romania), 21/06/19:
Introducing Mirror Symmetry for Homogeneous Spaces
Workshop "Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory II" (U. of Leicester), 11/04/19:
Introducing Mirror Symmetry for Homogeneous Spaces
Junior Algebraic geometry Warwick Seminar (U. of Warwick), 22/10/18:
Mirror Symmetry for Homogeneous Spaces
Workshop "Cluster Algebras and Algebraic Geometry" (U. of Nottingham), 13/07/18:
Constructing a Mirror for the Cayley Plane
At the TU Chemnitz (Germany)
At the University of Kent (UK)
- PGR Seminar, 07/02/20: Mirror Symmetry Illustrated
- Algebra Seminar, 31/01/20: Mirror Symmetry and Minuscule Representations
- PGR Seminar, 11/10/19: A practical introduction to LaTeX
- Reading Group on Kodama-Williams "KP solitons and total positivity for the Grassmannian", 14/02/19: Reduced plabic graphs
- Algebra Seminar, 07/12/18: Constructing a mirror pair for the Cayley plane
- PGR Seminar, 16/02/18: Mirror Symmetry in 60 minutes
- PGR Seminar, 10/11/17: Overview of main subfields of Differential Geometry