Matrix Directory Reference


file  indexmat.hxx [code]
 Header declaring the classes CH_Matrix_Classes::Range and CH_Matrix_Classes::Indexmatrix for supporting integral matrices, typically needed for indexing purposes.
file  IterativeSystemObject.hxx [code]
 Header declaring the abstract classes CH_Matrix_Classes::IterativeSystemObject and CH_Matrix_Classes::IterativeSolverObject.
file  lanczos.hxx [code]
 Header declaring the abstract classes CH_Matrix_Classes::Lanczosmatrix and CH_Matrix_Classes::Lanczos.
file  lanczpol.hxx [code]
 Header declaring the abstract classes CH_Matrix_Classes::Lanczosmatrix and CH_Matrix_Classes::Lanczos.
file  matop.hxx [code]
 Basic types, constants and templates for simple linear algebra routines like BLAS level 1.
file  matrix.hxx [code]
 Header declaring the classes CH_Matrix_Classes::Realrange and CH_Matrix_Classes::Matrix having Real elements.
file  memarray.hxx [code]
 Header for simple memory management tools that support frequent allocation and deallocation of arrays of the same sizes.
file  minres.hxx [code]
 Header declaring CH_Matrix_Classes::MinRes for preconditioned minimum residual method with positive definite preconditioner M1.
file  mymath.hxx [code]
 Header defining simple functions like max, min, abs.
file  pcg.hxx [code]
 Header declaring CH_Matrix_Classes::PCG for preconditioned conjugate gradient for positive definite systems with positive definite preconditioner M1.
file  psqmr.hxx [code]
 Header declaring CH_Matrix_Classes::Psqmr for preconditioned symmetric QMR with symmetric preconditioner M=M1*M2 (M symmetric, M1, M2 regular)
file  sparsmat.hxx [code]
 Header declaring the class CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsemat for sparse matrices with Real elements.
file  sparssym.hxx [code]
 Header declaring the class CH_Matrix_Classes::Sparsesym for sparse symmetric matrices with Real elements.
file  symmat.hxx [code]
 Header declaring the class CH_Matrix_Classes::Symmatrix for symmetric matrices with Real elements.