Namespaces | Functions
mymath.hxx File Reference

Header defining simple functions like max, min, abs. More...

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Matrix Classes and Linear Algebra. See Matrix Classes (namespace CH_Matrix_Classes) for a quick introduction.


double CH_Matrix_Classes::abs (double d)
 absolute value of a double
int CH_Matrix_Classes::abs (int d)
 absolute value of an int
long CH_Matrix_Classes::abs (long d)
 absolute value of a long
double CH_Matrix_Classes::max (double a, double b)
 maximum value of two double variables
double CH_Matrix_Classes::min (double a, double b)
 minimum value of two double variables
int CH_Matrix_Classes::max (int a, int b)
 maximum value of two int variables
int CH_Matrix_Classes::min (int a, int b)
 minimum value of two int variables
long CH_Matrix_Classes::max (long a, long b)
 maximum value of two long vriables
long CH_Matrix_Classes::min (long a, long b)
 minimum value of two long variables
void CH_Matrix_Classes::swap (double &a, double &b)
 swaps two double variables
void CH_Matrix_Classes::swap (long &a, long &b)
 swaps two long variables
void CH_Matrix_Classes::swap (int &a, int &b)
 swpas two int variables
void CH_Matrix_Classes::swap (bool &a, bool &b)
 swpas two bool variables
int CH_Matrix_Classes::sqr (int a)
 return a*a for int a
long CH_Matrix_Classes::sqr (long a)
 return a*a for long a
double CH_Matrix_Classes::sqr (double a)
 return a*a for double a
double CH_Matrix_Classes::sqrt (int a)
 return sqrt for int a
double CH_Matrix_Classes::sqrt (long a)
 return sqrt for long a
int CH_Matrix_Classes::sign (int a)
 return the signum of an int a (1 for a>0,-1 for a<0,0 for a==0)
long CH_Matrix_Classes::sign (long a)
 return the signum of a long a (1 for a>0,-1 for a<0,0 for a==0)
double CH_Matrix_Classes::sign (double a)
 return the signum of a double a (1. for a>0.,-1. for a<0.,0. for a==0.)
double CH_Matrix_Classes::sign (double a, double tol)
 return the signum of a double a with tolerance (1. for a>tol,-1. for a<-tol,0. otherwise)
double CH_Matrix_Classes::d_sign (double a, double b)
 return a if a and b have the same sign, return -a otherwise

Detailed Description

Header defining simple functions like max, min, abs.

Christoph Helmberg