NFSOFT - NFFT on the rotation group
These algorithms calculate the fast Fourier synthesis and its adjoint on the rotation group
This library of C functions evaluates a function
The algorithms are implemented by Antje Vollrath in ./kernel/nfsoft
. The OpenMP parallelization and the Matlab interface in ./matlab/nfsoft
are implemented by Michael Quellmalz. Related papers are
- Gräf, M., Potts, D.
Sampling sets and quadrature formulae on the rotation group.
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 30, 665 - 688, (full paper ps, pdf), 2009
- Potts, D., Prestin J., Vollrath A.
A Fast algorithm for nonequispaced Fourier transforms on the rotation group.
Numer. Algorithms, 52, 355 - 384, (full paper ps, pdf), 2009
- Hielscher, R., Potts, D., Prestin, J., Schaeben, H., Schmalz, M.
The Radon transform on SO(3): A Fourier slice theorem and numerical inversion.
Inverse Problems 24, 025011, (full paper ps, pdf), 2008