Faculty of Mathematics
We offer focused teaching with personal support that opens up excellent prospects for our graduates. In the spirit of the union between research and teaching, our courses are based on current, internationally recognized research which covers both the theoretical side and its applicability in the real life. Mathematics at the TU Chemnitz: it is fun and practical!
„Foundations in Data Science“ - New international Bachelor's degree program
Starting in the winter semester 25/26, the new international Bachelor's degree program „Foundations in Data Science“ will be offered by the Faculty of Mathematics.

Save the Date: Gauß in Chemnitz
On June 5, 2025, the Gauss Lecture of the German Mathematical Society (German: Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, DMV) will take place in Chemnitz for the first time. It is one of the most important mathematical events in the German-speaking world and beyond.

Tag der Mathematik: Team competition, further education and math for all on April 5
The Tag der Mathematik is entering the next round! All information for pupils, teachers, trainee teachers and interested members of the public can be found on the event page.

MeMO: Middle European Mathematical Olympiad in Chemnitz
66 pupils from ten countries are coming to the Capital of Culture for the transnational mathematics competition. They will not only be taking part in the Olympiad: Two excursion days and varied leisure programs are planned for the afternoons of the competition days and the final day.

One of the best mathematics degree programs in Germany
Based on the ranking of the Center for Higher Education (CHE), the Zeit-Campus magazine N°1/25 certifies the mathematics degree program at TU-Chemnitz a top position (see page 70). The Dean Prof. Dr. Daniel Potts would like to thank all students for the very good evaluation and all teaching staff for their great commitment to this degree course.
Saturday, 05.04.2025 Tag der Mathematik (Congress/Conference)
- Fakultät für Mathematik
- Location: Reichenhainer Str. 90, Zentr. Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude Language: Deutsch
- Info: tdm@…
- Hauptevent ist ein Wettbewerb für Teams aus den Klassenstufen 8-9 und 10-12 mit jeweils 3-5 Teilnehmern. Aber auch Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sowie alle Mathematikinteressierten sind herzlich willkommen! Eine Anmeldung ist für Schüler und Lehrer erforderlich.
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Tuesday, 15.04.2025 Cutural Heritage Physics and Musics, Guest Lecture (Lecture)
- Fakultät für Mathematik, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Professur Experimentelle Sensorik
- Time: 18:00 to 19:00 Location: Städtische Musikschule Chemnitz, Gerichtsstraße 1, 09112 Chemnitz Language: Deutsch
- Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz
- Info: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, +49 371 531 36149, vladimir.shikhman@…
- The overtones of a string or a wind instrument form the natural tone series and define the musical tone intervals in dimension 1. How does the dimension 0, 1, 2, 3 (point, line, area, volume) determine the sound spectrum of an instrument?
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Tuesday, 06.05.2025 Cutural Heritage Mathematics and Musics (Lecture)
- Fakultät für Mathematik, Professur Stochastik
- Time: 18:00 to 19:00 Location: Städtische Musikschule Chemnitz, Gerichtsstraße 1, 09112 Chemnitz Language: Deutsch
- Speaker: Prof. Dr. Uta Freiberg
- Info: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, +49 371 531 36149, vladimir.shikhman@…
- Based on the tone intervals, we describe other basic concepts of music theory such as the circle of fifths, frequency ratios, major, minor and church modes from a mathematical perspective.
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Thursday, 05.06.2025 43. Gauß-Vorlesung der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung (Congress/Conference)
- Fakultät für Mathematik
- Time: 17:00 to 19:00 Location: Str. der Nationen 33, Universitätsbibliothek IdeenReich Language: Deutsch
- Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm (Universität Bonn)
- Info: Prof. Dr. Peter Stollmann ( peter.stollmann@…)
- Die Gauß-Vorlesung der DMV ist eine der wichtigsten mathematischen Veranstaltungen im deutschsprachigen Raum und für eine breite Öffentlichkeit gedacht. Eröffnungsvortrag: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Carpentier (Universität Potsdam)
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