Fast summation based on NFFT
This library of C functions computes approximations of sums of the form
New kernels are easily incorporated by defining an appropriate C-function (see kernels.c
for some examples).
is an example for the usage of the library. The MATLAB script file fastsum_test.m
calls the MATLAB function fastsum.m
, which is a simple example for the usage in MATLAB. In summary it requires
The algorithms are implemented by Markus Fenn in ./applications/fastsum
. The OpenMP parallelization was implemented by Toni Volkmer. The Matlab interface was implemented by Michael Quellmalz in ./matlab/fastsum
. The Julia interface was implemented by Michael Schmischke in ./julia/fastsum
. Related paper are
Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Fast summation at nonequispaced knots by NFFTs.
SIAM J. on Sci. Comput. 24, 2013-2037. (full paper ps, pdf), 2004
Potts, D., Steidl, G. and Nieslony, A.
Fast convolution with radial kernels at nonequispaced knots.
Numer. Math. 98, 329-351. (full paper ps, pdf), 2004
Fenn, M. and Steidl, G.
Fast NFFT based summation of radial functions.
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing 3/1, 1-28 (2004)
Fenn, M. and Potts, D.
Fast summation based on fast trigonometric transforms at nonequispaced nodes.
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 12, 161-169. (full paper ps, pdf), 2005
P�plau, G., Potts, D. and van Rienen, U.
Calculation of 3D Space-Charge Fields of Bunches of Charged Particles by Fast Summation.
in: Proceedings of SCEE 2004 (5th International Workshop on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering), Springer-Verlag (full paper ps, pdf ), 2005