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Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform
Fast Gauss transform
Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform  

Fast Gauss transforms with complex parameters using NFFT

This library of C functions computes approximations of sums of the following form. Given complex coefficients αkC and source knots xk[14,14], our goal consists in the fast evaluation of the sum f(y)=k=1Nαkeσ|yxk|2 at the target knots yj[14,14], j=1,,M, where σ=a+ib, a>0,bR denotes a complex parameter.

The algorithms are implemented by Stefan Kunis in ./applications/fastgauss. Related paper are

oKunis, S., Potts, D. and Steidl, G.
Fast Gauss transforms with complex parameters using NFFTs.
J. Numer. Math. 14, 295-303.   (full paper ps, pdf),   2006