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Applied Functional Analysis
Applied Functional Analysis
Applied Functional Analysis 

Summer School on Applied Analysis 2015 (Poster)

The summer school is devoted to Applied Analysis. The courses, focusing on different aspects of Applied Analysis, will take place Monday-Friday during the entire week. It is meant for training of graduate students, Ph.D. students and young post-doc researchers. The registration is free, but we may limit the number of participants, if necessary. Please use our registration form to subscribe.


There will be five general lectures given by the following speakers.
Oliver Ernst
(Technische Universität Chemnitz)

Mathematical methods of uncertainty quantification, slides.pdf, Refs.pdf

Stefan Kunis
(Universität Osnabrück)

Low ranks in computational Fourier analysis, slides1.pdf, slides2.pdf, slides3.pdf

Volker Mehrmann
(Technische Universität Berlin)

Analysis and numerical solution of eigenvalue problems, slides.pdf

Frank-Olme Speck
(Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)

Operator factorization and boundary value problems, slides1.pdf, slides2.pdf

Jan Vybiral
(Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic)

Low-rank matrix recovery


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9.15 - 10.45 a.m. O. Ernst J. Vybiral S. Kunis F. Speck V. Mehrmann
11.15 - 12.15 p.m. F. Speck O. Ernst J. Vybiral V. Mehrmann O. Ernst
2.00 - 3.00 p.m. S. Kunis F. Speck t r i p V. Mehrmann  
3.30 - 4.30 p.m. J. Vybiral S. Kunis t r i p H.Bart  


Technische Universität Chemnitz, Faculty of Mathematics, Reichenhainer Str.39/41, Room 638.   (see also City map and local map )


Monday, 21st of September 2015, 9:15
Friday, 25th of September 2015, 13:00


Local organisation

is done by Albrecht Böttcher, Peter Junghanns, Henning Kempka, Daniel Potts and Karla Rost.