Dr. Franziska Nestler
Academic career
- since 04/2022: Academic assistant, digitization and E-Learning responsible at the faculty of mathematics
- since 10/2020: head of the BMBF junior research group SALE (Schnelle Algorithmen für transparente Empfehlungssysteme, engl.: Fast Algorithms for explainable recommendation systems)
- 04/2018: PhD at the professorship for applied functional analysis
- 10/2014 - 09/2018: employed in the DFG project "Fast Fourier-based Coulomb solvers for partially periodic boundary conditions"
- 09/2013 - 12/2013: employed in the ELMAT project "Elektronische Übungs- und Bewertungstools für Mathematikveranstaltungen"
- 10/2012 - 09/2020: member of the BMBF project "Qualitätspakt Lehre / TU4U", focus on preparatory courses and E-Learning
- since 10/2012: research assistant at the faculty of mathematics
- 2012: Diploma in Mathematics at Chemnitz University of Technology