Special contributions
For Python
The pynfft is a Python wrapper for the NFFT library by Ghislain Vaillant.
A Python implementation of the NFFT was written by Jake Vanderplas see.
For Mathematica
A Mathematica implementation for performing the NFFT as well as a Mathematica notebook demonstrating the use of the package written by Sseziwa Mukasa (mukasa(AT)jeol.com) can be downloaded.
For Julia
A Julia package for the NFFT3 written by Michael Schmischke see.
See the CUNFFT - Nonequispaced FFT and it's inversion in CUDA on the homepage of Stefan Kunis.
Methods, similar to the NFFT, are known as
- unequally-spaced fast Fourier transform (USFFT by G. Beylkin).
- generalized fast Fourier transform (GFFT by A. Dutt and V. Rokhlin),
- nonuniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT by J.A. Fessler and B.P. Sutton),
- nonequispaced fast Fourier transform NFFT by K. Fourmount),
- irregularly spaced data analysis (ISDA by J. Pelt)