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Felix Bartel
Felix Bartel 


F. Bartel and D. Dũng. Sampling recovery in Bochner spaces and applications to parametric PDEs with random inputs. arXiv:2409.05050, 2024. pdf | arXiv
F. Bartel and F. Taubert. Nonlinear Approximation with subsampled Rank-1 Lattices. IEEE, Fourteenth International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, 2023. pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel, K. Lüttgen, N. Nagel, and T. Ullrich. Efficient recovery of non-periodic multivariate functions from few scattered samples. IEEE, Fourteenth International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, 2023. pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel. Error Guarantees for Least Squares Approximation with Noisy Samples in Domain Adaptation. SMAI J. Comput. Math., 9:95-120, 2023. pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel, L. Kämmerer, D. Potts, and T. Ullrich. On the reconstruction of functions from values at subsampled quadrature points. Math. Comp. published electronically, 2023. pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel, M. Schäfer, and T. Ullrich. Constructive subsampling of finite frames with applications in optimal function recovery. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 65:209-248, 2023. pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel and R. Hielscher. Concentration inequalities for cross-validation in scattered data approximation. J. Approx. Theory, 227:Paper No. 105715, 17, 2022. pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel, D. Potts, and M. Schmischke. Grouped Transformations in High-Dimensional Explainable ANOVA Approximation. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 44(3):A1606-A1631, 2022. pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel, R. Hielscher, and D. Potts. Fast Cross-validation in Harmonic Approximation. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 49(2):415-437, 2020 pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel, T. B. Britton, and R. Hielscher. Gazing at crystal balls: Electron backscatter diffraction pattern analysis and cross correlation on the sphere. Ultramicroscopy, 207:112836, 2019 pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel and F. Taubert. Nonlinear Approximation with subsampled Rank-1 Lattices. IEEE, Fourteenth International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, 2023. pdf | arXiv | doi
F. Bartel, K. Lüttgen, N. Nagel, and T. Ullrich. Efficient recovery of non-periodic multivariate functions from few scattered samples. IEEE, Fourteenth International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, 2023. pdf | arXiv | doi
Least Squares in Sampling Complexity and Statistical Learning. Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, 2024. PhD thesis. pdf | doi
Fast Cross-validation in Harmonic Approximation. TU Chemnitz, 2019. Master's thesis. pdf