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Laura Weidensager
Laura Weidensager 


Aktuelle Preprints

  • ANOVA-boosting for Random Fourier Features
    Daniel Potts, Laura Weidensager
    arXiv: 2404.03050, pdf


  • Variable Transformations in combination with Wavelets and ANOVA for high-dimensional approximation
    Daniel Potts, Laura Weidensager
    Advances in Computational Mathematics, 50, Article Number 53 (2024).
    arXiv: 2207.12826, doi, pdf
  • Estimating vertical ground reaction forces from plantar pressure using interpretable high-dimensional approximation
    Laura Weidensager, Dominik Krumm, Daniel Potts, Stephan Odenwald
    Sports Engineering, 27, Article Number 3 (2024).
  • Predicting object properties based on movement kinematics
    Lena Kopnarski, Laura Lippert, Julian Rudisch, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage
    Brain Informatics, 10, Article Number 29 (2023).
  • Fast Hyperbolic Wavelet Regression meets ANOVA
    Laura Lippert, Daniel Potts, Tino Ullrich
    Numerische Mathematik, 154, 155-207 (2023).
    arXiv: 2108.13197, doi, pdf
  • Approximating the Derivative of Manifold-valued Functions
    Ralf Hielscher, Laura Lippert
    Journal of Approximation Theory, 285, 105832 (2022).
    arXiv: 2102.12562, doi, pdf
  • Locally isometric Embeddings of Quotients of the Rotation Group Modulo Finite Symmetries
    Ralf Hielscher, Laura Lippert
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 185, 104764 (2021).
    arXiv: 2007.09664, doi, pdf


  • Predicting Object Weights from Giver’s Kinematics in Handover Actions
    Lena Kopnarski, Laura Lippert, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage, Daniel Potts, Julian Rudisch
    Hybrid Societies - Humans Interacting with Embodied Technologies, Vol. 1. Springer, 2023. pdf
  • Object weights can be predicted from movement kinematics in a replacement task.
    Lena Kopnarski, Laura Lippert, Julian Rudisch, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage,
    Modularität in der motorischen Kontrolle , pp. 89–90. Karlsruhe: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 2022. doi


  • Approximation mannigfaltigkeitswertiger Funktionen
    Masterarbeit, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2020. pdf
  • Euklidische Einbettungen von Quotienten der Rotationsgruppe modulo endlicher Untergruppen
    Bachelorarbeit, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2018. pdf