Quelltext /~heha/hs/dos/hp2xx_hs.zip/to_eps.c

/* Copyright (c) 1991 - 1994 Heinz W. Werntges.  All rights reserved.
   Parts Copyright (c) 1999  Martin Kroeker  All rights reserved.

/** to_eps.c: 	Converter to Encapsulated PostScript format;
 **		(derived from PLPLOT driver  "postscript.c")
 ** 91/06/29  V 1.00  HWW  Derived from postscript.c
 ** 91/10/15  V 1.01  HWW  ANSI_C
 ** 91/11/20  V 1.02  HWW  Changes due to "SPn;"
 ** 91/12/22  V 1.02a HWW  Many small changes
 ** 92/05/17  V 1.02b HWW  Output to stdout if outfile == '-'
 ** 92/05/24  V 1.10a HWW  Color supported (RGB)
 ** 92/10/20  V 1.10b HWW  Bug fix: Setting color implies a new path
 ** 92/12/12  V 1.10c HWW  Info line now interprets outfile=='-' as "stdout"
 ** 93/04/12  V 1.10d HWW  Explicit prototypes for time() and ctime() removed;
 **			   VMstatus reports only if !p->quiet;
 **			   BoundingBox calc.: roundinf included (floor, ceil)
 ** 93/04/25  V 1.10e HWW  BoundingBox corrected for (half) max. pen width
 ** 93/11/15  V 1.11a HWW  EPS syntax corrections (courtesy N. H. F. Beebe)
 ** 94/02/15  V 1.20a HWW  Adapted to changes in hp2xx.h

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "bresnham.h"
#include "hp2xx.h"
#include "pendef.h"

/*#define	A4_height	297*/	/* in [mm]	*/

static	int	linecount = 0;
static	float	xcoord2mm, ycoord2mm;
static	float	xmin, ymin;

 ** Close graphics file
void	ps_end (FILE *fd)
  fprintf(fd," S\neop\n");
  fprintf(fd, "@end\n");
  fprintf(fd, "%%%%PageTrailer\n");
  fprintf(fd, "%%%%Trailer\n");
  fprintf(fd, "%%%%EOF\n");
  linecount = 0;

 ** Flush old path and move
void	ps_stroke_and_move_to (HPGL_Pt *ppt, FILE *fd)
  fprintf(fd, " S\n%6.2f %6.2f M",	/* S: Start a new path	*/
		(ppt->x-xmin) * xcoord2mm, (ppt->y-ymin) * ycoord2mm);
  linecount = 0;

 ** Set line width
void	ps_set_linewidth (double width, HPGL_Pt *ppt, FILE *fd)
  ps_stroke_and_move_to (ppt, fd);	/* MUST start a new path!	*/
  fprintf  (fd," %6.3f W\n", width);

 ** Set RGB color
void	ps_set_color (double red, double green, double blue,
			HPGL_Pt *ppt, FILE *fd)
  ps_stroke_and_move_to (ppt, fd);	/* MUST start a new path!	*/
  fprintf  (fd," %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f C\n", red, green, blue);

void	ps_line_to (HPGL_Pt *ppt, char mode, FILE *fd)
  if (linecount > 3)
      putc('\n', fd);
      linecount = 0;
      putc(' ', fd);

  fprintf(fd, "%6.2f %6.2f %c",
		(ppt->x-xmin) * xcoord2mm, (ppt->y-ymin) * ycoord2mm, mode);

 ** Get the date and time: This is optional, since its result only
 ** appeares in the PS header.

char	*Getdate (void)
int len;
long t;
char *p;

  t = time((long *) 0);
  p = ctime(&t);
  len = strlen(p);
  *(p + len - 1) = '\0';  /* zap the newline character */
  return p;

 ** PostScript definitions

void	ps_init (const GEN_PAR *pg, const OUT_PAR *po, FILE *fd,
		 int pensize)
long	left, right, low, high;
double	hmxpenw;
/* double A4_height=297.;*/
/*if (po->height >297.) A4_height=584.;*/

  hmxpenw = pg->maxpensize / 20.0;	/* Half max. pen width, in mm	*/

 ** Header comments into PostScript file

  fprintf(fd,"%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n");
  fprintf(fd,"%%%%Title: %s\n", po->outfile);
  fprintf(fd,"%%%%Creator: hp2xx (c) 1991 - 1994 by  H. Werntges\n");
  fprintf(fd,"%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", Getdate());
  fprintf(fd,"%%%%Pages: 1\n");

 ** Bounding Box limits: Conversion factor: 2.834646 * 1/72" = 1 mm
 ** (hmxpenw & floor/ceil corrections suggested by Eric Norum)
  left  = (long) floor((po->xoff-hmxpenw)		    * 2.834646);
  low   = (long) floor((A4_height-po->yoff-po->height-hmxpenw)* 2.834646);
  right = (long) ceil ((po->xoff   + po->width+hmxpenw)	    * 2.834646);
  high  = (long) ceil ((A4_height - po->yoff+hmxpenw)	    * 2.834646);
  left  = (long) floor(abs(po->xoff-hmxpenw)		    * 2.834646);
  low   = (long) floor(abs(po->yoff-hmxpenw)* 2.834646);
  right = (long) ceil ((po->xoff   + po->width+hmxpenw)	    * 2.834646);
  high  = (long) ceil ((po->yoff+po->height+hmxpenw)	    * 2.834646);
  fprintf(fd,"%%%%BoundingBox: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", left, low, right, high);
  if (!pg->quiet)
	Eprintf ("Bounding Box: [%ld %ld %ld %ld]\n",
			left, low, right, high);


 ** Definitions

  fprintf(fd,"/PSSave save def\n");      /* save VM state */
  fprintf(fd,"/PSDict 200 dict def\n");  /* define a dictionary */
  fprintf(fd,"PSDict begin\n");          /* start using it */
  fprintf(fd,"/@restore /restore load def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"   {vmstatus pop\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    dup @VMused lt {pop @VMused} if\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    exch pop exch @restore /@VMused exch def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"   } def\n");

  fprintf(fd,"   {\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    ( ) print\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    (                                       ) cvs print\n");
  fprintf(fd,"   } def\n");

  fprintf(fd,"/@start\n");    /* - @start -  -- start everything */
  fprintf(fd,"   {\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    vmstatus pop /@VMused exch def pop\n");
  fprintf(fd,"   } def\n");

  fprintf(fd,"/@end\n");      /* - @end -  -- finished */
  fprintf(fd,"   {");
  if (!pg->quiet)
    fprintf(fd,    "(VM Used: ) print @VMused @pri\n");
    fprintf(fd,"    (. Unused: ) print vmstatus @VMused sub @pri pop pop\n");
    fprintf(fd,"    (\\n) print flush\n");

  fprintf(fd,"    end\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    PSSave restore\n");
  fprintf(fd,"   } def\n");

  fprintf(fd,"/bop\n");       /* bop -  -- begin a new page */
  fprintf(fd,"   {\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    /SaveImage save def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"   } def\n");

  fprintf(fd,"/eop\n");       /* - eop -  -- end a page */
  fprintf(fd,"   {\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    showpage\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    SaveImage restore\n");
  fprintf(fd,"   } def\n");

  fprintf(fd,"/@line\n");     /* set line parameters */
  fprintf(fd,"   {1 setlinecap  %%%% Replace 1 by 0 for cut-off lines\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    1 setlinejoin %%%% Replace 1 by 0 for cut-off lines\n");
  fprintf(fd,"%%%%    1 setmiterlimit    %%%%  Uncomment this for cut-off lines\n");
  fprintf(fd,"   } def\n");

  fprintf(fd,"   {\n");
  fprintf(fd,"    2.834646 2.834646 scale\n");	/* 1/72"--> mm */
/*  fprintf(fd,"    %7.3f %7.3f translate\n", po->xoff,
			A4_height - po->yoff - po->height);*/
  fprintf(fd,"    %7.3f %7.3f translate\n", po->xoff+hmxpenw*200, po->yoff+hmxpenw*200);
  fprintf(fd,"    %6.3f setlinewidth\n", pensize/10.0);
  fprintf(fd,"   } def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"/C {setrgbcolor} def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"/D {lineto} def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"/M {moveto} def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"/S {stroke} def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"/W {setlinewidth} def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"/Z {stroke newpath} def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"end\n");      /* end of dictionary definition */

 ** Set up the plots

  fprintf(fd,"/#copies 1 def\n");
  fprintf(fd,"%%%%Page: 1 1\n");
  fprintf(fd,"PSDict begin\n");

 ** Higher-level interface: Output Encapsulated PostScript format

to_eps (const GEN_PAR *pg, const OUT_PAR *po)
PlotCmd	cmd;
HPGL_Pt	pt1 = {0};
FILE	*md;
int	pen_no=0, pensize, pencolor=0, err;

  err = 0;
  if (!pg->quiet)
	Eprintf ("\n\n- Writing EPS code to \"%s\"\n",
		*po->outfile == '-' ? "stdout" : po->outfile);

  /* Init. of PostScript file: */
  if (*po->outfile != '-')
	if ((md = fopen(po->outfile, "w")) == NULL)
		PError("hp2xx (eps)");
		return ERROR;
	md = stdout;

  /* PS header */

  pensize = pt.width[DEFAULT_PEN_NO]; /* Default pen	*/
  ps_init (pg, po, md, pensize);

  if (pensize != 0)
	fprintf(md," %6.3f W\n", pensize/10.0);

  /* Factor for transformation of HP coordinates to mm	*/

  xcoord2mm = po->width  / (po->xmax - po->xmin);
  ycoord2mm = po->height / (po->ymax - po->ymin);
  xmin	    = po->xmin;
  ymin	    = po->ymin;

 ** Command loop: While temporary file not empty: process command.

  while ((cmd = PlotCmd_from_tmpfile()) != CMD_EOF)
	switch (cmd)
	  case NOP:
	  case SET_PEN:
		if ((pen_no = fgetc(pg->td)) == EOF)
			PError("Unexpected end of temp. file: ");
			err = ERROR;
			goto EPS_exit;
		pensize = pensize[pen_no];
		if (pensize != 0)
			ps_set_linewidth ((double) pensize/10.0, &pt1, md);
		pensize = pt.width[pen_no];
		pencolor = pt.color[pen_no];
		ps_set_color (  pt.clut[pencolor][0]/255.0,
				&pt1, md);
          case DEF_PW:
                if(!load_pen_width_table(pg->td)) {
                    PError("Unexpected end of temp. file");
		    err = ERROR;
		    goto EPS_exit;
          case DEF_PC:
                if (err==0) {
                    PError("Unexpected end of temp. file");
		    err = ERROR;
		    goto EPS_exit;
                if (err==pencolor) pencolor *=-1; /*current pen changed*/
	  case MOVE_TO:
                if(fabs(pensize-pt.width[pen_no]) >= 0.01) {
                    if (pensize != 0)
                        ps_set_linewidth ((double) pensize/10.0, &pt1, md);
                if(pencolor <0) {
		ps_set_color (  pt.clut[pencolor][0]/255.0,
				&pt1, md);

		HPGL_Pt_from_tmpfile (&pt1);
		if (pensize != 0)
			ps_stroke_and_move_to (&pt1, md);
	  case DRAW_TO:
                if(fabs(pensize-pt.width[pen_no]) >= 0.01) {
                    if (pensize != 0)
                        ps_set_linewidth ((double) pensize/10.0, &pt1, md);
                if(pencolor <0) {
		ps_set_color (  pt.clut[pencolor][0]/255.0,
				&pt1, md);
		HPGL_Pt_from_tmpfile (&pt1);
		if (pensize != 0)
			ps_line_to (&pt1, 'D', md);
	  case PLOT_AT:
                if(fabs(pensize-pt.width[pen_no]) >= 0.01) {
                    if (pensize != 0)
                        ps_set_linewidth ((double) pensize/10.0, &pt1, md);
                if(pencolor<0) {
		ps_set_color (  pt.clut[pencolor][0]/255.0,
				&pt1, md);

		HPGL_Pt_from_tmpfile (&pt1);
		if (pensize != 0)
			ps_line_to (&pt1, 'M', md);
			ps_line_to (&pt1, 'D', md);
		Eprintf ("Illegal cmd in temp. file!");
		err = ERROR;
		goto EPS_exit;

  /* Finish up */

  ps_end (md);

  if (md != stdout)
	fclose (md);

  if (!pg->quiet)
	Eprintf ("\n");
  return err;

Vorgefundene Kodierung: ASCII (7 bit)2