Quelltext /~heha/hs/dos/hp2xx_hs.zip/hp2xx.h

#ifndef	__HP2XX_H
#define	__HP2XX_H
/* Copyright (c) 1991 - 1994 Heinz W. Werntges.  All rights reserved. */

/** hp2xx.h: Header for Project "hp2xx"
 ** 91/01/13  V 1.00  HWW  Originating
 ** 91/01/19  V 1.01  HWW  Reorganized
 ** 91/01/31  V 1.02  HWW  Tested on SUN; some flags added
 ** 91/02/15  V 1.03  HWW  SUN release; stdlib.h supported
 ** 91/02/18  V 1.04  HWW  plot_picbuf() is macro; new type: HPGL_Pt
 ** 91/06/18  V 1.05  HWW  New PAR elements; ANSI_C supported
 ** 91/06/15  V 1.06  HWW  VGA options added (PC only)
 ** 91/06/20  V 1.07  HWW  Rotation added
 ** 91/09/08  V 1.08  HWW  ATARI 32K format added
 ** 91/10/09  V 1.08a HWW  ATARI 32K format: modified
 ** 91/10/14  V 1.09  HWW  ATARI: PAC format with compression now,
 **			     hwtools.h: excerpt incorporated
 ** 91/10/20  V 1.09b HWW  PAC (compression) removed; atari --> pic (renamed)
 ** 91/10/25  V 1.10  HWW  VAX_C: M_PI added
 ** 91/11/20  V 1.11  HWW  SPn; support
 ** 91/12/22  V 1.11b HWW  Some redefs in PS part
 ** 92/01/11  V 1.12  HWW  Norbert Meyer's ATARI portability changes built in
 ** 92/01/26  V 1.12a HWW  Some prototypes added
 ** 92/01/31  V 1.12c HWW  M_PI def changed ; SUNVIEW etc. + comments added
 ** 92/02/06  V 1.12d HWW  arcs(), circles() added
 ** 92/02/19  V 1.13c HWW  LB etc. supported
 ** 92/02/21  V 1.14a HWW  PG supported
 ** 92/05/06  V 1.14b HWW  Log files & color supported (starting)
 ** 92/05/19  V 2.00a HWW  Color supported
 ** 92/05/28  V 2.00b HWW  Some prototypes changed/added
 ** 92/06/09  V 2.00c HWW  debugged (GNU)
 ** 92/10/15  V 2.01a HWW  LineType added
 ** 92/11/08  V 2.01c HWW  page --> first_page, last_page; GNU --> DJ_GR
 ** 92/12/13  V 2.02a HWW  truesize flag added; colors renamed
 ** 93/04/13  V 2.10a HWW  User-serviceable parts & redundant prototypes
 **			   removed
 ** 93/05/23  V 2.10b HWW  READ_BIN, WRITE_BIN: Now ok for OS/2, too
 ** 93/07/25  V 2.10c HWW  Some prototypes added
 ** 93/09/02  V 2.10d HWW  Some #defines added;
 **			   rect(), to_rgip(): prototypes added
 ** 94/01/02  V 2.11a HWW  PlotCmd_from_tmpfile(): new type; center_mode
 ** 94/02/10  V 3.00  HWW  New concept: Now three central parameter structs ...
 ** 95/03/23  V 3.01  E.B  gnuplot ascii format added

 ** Working with Pure C (the official descendant of Borland's
 ** Turbo C for Atari computers)

#ifdef __PUREC__ /* __PUREC__ is pre-defined by the Pure-C  compiler */
#ifndef PURE_C
#define PURE_C

 ** Automatic definition of obsolete symbol by Turbo-C and Pure-C:

#ifdef __TURBOC__

#ifndef TURBO_C
#define TURBO_C


#ifdef GNU
#define   getch getkey

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI	3.141592654	/* Some machines don't know PI */

#ifndef EOF
#define EOF (-1)

#ifndef	MIN
#define MIN(x,y)  ((x)<(y) ? (x) : (y))

#ifndef	MAX
#define MAX(x,y)  ((x)<(y) ? (y) : (x))

#define	TRUE	1
#define	FALSE	0

 ** Exit codes

#ifdef VAX
 ** Only VAX exit code 0 provokes error treatment:
# define ERROR 0
# define NOERROR 1
# define COPYNOTE 2
# define delete unlink
# define FOPEN(n,t) fopen(n,t,"rfm=var","mrs=512")

#else	/* !VAX (regular case)	*/

# define ERROR (-1)
# define NOERROR 0
# define COPYNOTE 1
# define FOPEN(n,t) fopen(n,t)


#define	ESC	'\033'
#define	CR	'\015'
#define	FF	'\014'
#define	LF	'\012'
#define	BEL	'\007'

#define	MAX_LB_LEN	150	/* Max num of chars per label	*/

#define MAXPOLY 2048  /* Size of polygon vertex buffer */

#ifndef VOID
#ifdef	__STDC__
#define	VOID	void
#define	VOID	char
#endif	/* ifndef VOID */

/* #endif */

 ** Misc. typedefs

typedef unsigned char	Byte;

 ** When adding your special mode, add a symbol here.
 ** Please note the alphabetical order (and keep it).

typedef	enum{
	XX_RGIP, XX_TIFF, XX_ESC2, XX_TERM	/* Dummy: terminator	*/
} hp2xx_mode;

 ** This struct handles a single row of our raster picture buffer

typedef	struct{
 int next,prev;	/* double-linked list indices			*/
 Byte *buf;	/* Ptr to actual data buffer which holds the bits */
/* Indices are used to keep memory consumption low on DOS systems,
   and to prevent handling of near/far pointers.
   Furthermore, keeping of index is not necessary. */

 ** Struct holding the whole raster picture

typedef	struct {
 DevPt	pext;		/* image size					*/
 int	np;		/* pixel per row (rounded up to whole bytes)	*/
 int	nb;		/* bytes per row				*/
 int	depth;		/* Depth: Number of bit planes (1 to 4)		*/
 int	dsh;		/* depth right shift: 1->3, 4->1 (8->0)		*/
 TILE	*tile;		/* Array pointer of all tiles			*/
 TILE	tails;	/* points to the head and the tail of the linked list	*/
 DevPt	kext;		/* number of tiles covering the image		*/
 int	ksi;		/* tile size, 64,128,256,512 (512 not for 16c)	*/
 int	ksh;		/* tile shift, 6,  7,  8,  9   (9 not for 16c)	*/
 int	ksix;		/* tile scan-line length in bytes		*/
 int	kshx;		/* tile scan-line shift				*/
 int	nk;		/* number of tiles (for allocation, <8K for DOS)*/
 unsigned kby;		/* size of a tile in bytes, always <= 32K	*/
 char	*sf_name;	/* Swapfile name				*/
 FILE	*sd;		/* Swapfile pointer				*/
} PicBuf;

typedef	struct {
	float	x,y;
} HPGL_Pt;

typedef enum {
} PlotCmd;

typedef struct {
	hp2xx_mode	mode;
	char		*modestr;
} mode_list;

 ** Input parameters: Used mainly during input file processing

typedef struct			/* Corresponding option(s)	*/
   int	first_page, last_page;	/* -P first_page:last_page	*/
   int	center_mode;		/* -C				*/
   int	truesize;		/* -t				*/
   int  hwcolor;		/* -c				*/
   int  hwsize;			/* -p				*/
   double  width, height;	/* -w width -h height		*/
   double  aspectfactor;	/* -a aspectfactor		*/
   double  rotation;		/* -r rotation			*/
   double  x0, x1, y0, y1;	/* -x x0 -X x1 -y y0 -Y y1	*/
   double  xoff, yoff;		/* -o xoff  -O yoff		*/
   char	*in_file;		/* Input file name ("-" = stdin)*/
   FILE	*hd;			/* (internally needed)		*/

 ** Output parameters: Used mainly during output file generation

typedef struct			/* Corresponding option(s)	*/
   Byte	vga_mode;		/* -V vga_mode			*/
   int	vga_width;		/* (internally needed)		*/
   int	dpi_x, dpi_y;		/* -d dpi_x  -y dpi_y		*/
   int	init_p;			/* -i  (PCL only)		*/
   int	formfeed;		/* -F  (PCL only)		*/
   int  specials;		/* -s specials  (PCL only)	*/
   char	  *outfile;		/* -f outfile ("-" = stdout)	*/
   double xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax; /* (internally needed)		*/
   double xoff, yoff;		/* Internal copies from IN_PAR	*/
   double width, height;	/* Internal copies from IN_PAR	*/
   double HP_to_xdots;		/* (internally needed)		*/
   double HP_to_ydots;		/* (internally needed)		*/
   PicBuf *picbuf;		/* (internally needed)		*/

 ** General parameters: Used at various places

typedef struct			/* Corresponding option(s)	*/
   char  *mode;			/* -m mode			*/
   char  *logfile;		/* -l logfile			*/
   char	 *swapfile;		/* -s swapfile			*/
   int	 quiet;			/* -q				*/
   int   nofill;		/* -n				*/
   int	 maxpensize;		/* (internally needed)		*/
   int	 is_color;		/* (internally needed)		*/
   int	 maxcolor;		/* (internally needed)		*/
   FILE	 	*td;		/* (internally needed)		*/
   hp2xx_mode	xx_mode;	/* (internally needed)		*/
   int   maxpens;               /* (internally needed)          */

typedef struct {
    int abs;
    int up;
    int sbmode;
    int fract;
    int pen;
} PE_flags;

#define	DEFAULT_PEN_NO		1

#define	FLAGSTATE(flag)		(flag) ? "ON" : "off"

#if defined(TURBO_C) || defined (GNU) || defined (OS2)
#define	READ_BIN	"rb"
#define	WRITE_BIN	"w+b"
#define	READ_BIN	"r"
#define	WRITE_BIN	"w+"

# define INTELS(x) swaps((short)(x))
# define MOTORS(x) (short)(x)
# define INTELL(x) swapl((long)(x))
# define MORORL(x) (long)(x)
# define INTELS(x) (short)(x)
# define MOTORS(x) swaps((short)(x))
# define INTELL(x) (long)(x)
# define MORORL(x) swapl((long)(x))

 ** Prototypes:
short swaps(short);
long swapl(long);

void	Send_version	(void);
void	Send_Copyright	(void);
void	usage_msg	(const GEN_PAR*, const IN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
void	print_supported_modes(void);
void	preset_par	(GEN_PAR*, IN_PAR*, OUT_PAR*);
void	reset_par	(IN_PAR*);
void	autoset_outfile_name (const char*, const char*, char**);
void ShowPercent(long part, long whole);

int	HPGL_to_TMP	(GEN_PAR*, IN_PAR*);
int	TMP_to_VEC	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	TMP_to_BUF	(const GEN_PAR*, OUT_PAR*);
int	BUF_to_RAS	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);

void	cleanup_g	(GEN_PAR*);
void	cleanup_i	(IN_PAR*);
void	cleanup_o	(OUT_PAR*);
void	cleanup		(GEN_PAR*, IN_PAR*, OUT_PAR*);

void	Eprintf		(const char*, ...);
void	PError		(const char*);
void	SilentWait	(void);
void	NormalWait	(void);

void	plot_user_char	(FILE *);
void	read_HPGL	(GEN_PAR*, const IN_PAR*);
void	adjust_input_transform	(const GEN_PAR*, const IN_PAR*, OUT_PAR*);
PlotCmd	PlotCmd_from_tmpfile	(void);
void	HPGL_Pt_from_tmpfile	(HPGL_Pt *);
void	Pen_action_to_tmpfile	(PlotCmd, const HPGL_Pt*, int);
int	read_float		(float*, FILE*);
void    line(int relative, HPGL_Pt p);
int read_PE_flags(const GEN_PAR *, int, FILE *, PE_flags *);
int read_PE_coord(int ,FILE *, PE_flags *, float *);
int read_PE_pair(int, FILE *, PE_flags *, HPGL_Pt *);
void read_PE(const GEN_PAR *, FILE *);
int decode_PE_char(int , PE_flags *) ;
int isPEterm(int, PE_flags*);
void	to_ATARI	(GEN_PAR*, FILE *);
int	to_mftex	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*, int);
int	to_eps		(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	to_rgip		(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	to_fig		(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);

void	size_PicBuf	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*, DevPt*);
PicBuf	*allocate_PicBuf(const GEN_PAR*, const DevPt*);
void	free_PicBuf	(PicBuf *);
void	tmpfile_to_PicBuf(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
Byte	GetPixel_from_PicBuf(PicBuf*, const DevPt *);
/*Byte	GetPixel_from_Tile(const PicBuf*, Byte*, int,int);*/
Byte*	GetTileLine(PicBuf*, const DevPt*, int*);
/*int GetTileIndex(const PicBuf*, const DevPt*);*/

int	PicBuf_to_PCL	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_PCX	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int     PicBuf_to_PNG   (const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int     PicBuf_to_TIF   (const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_IMG	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_PBM	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_ILBM	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
#ifdef EPSON
int	PicBuf_to_ESCP2	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);

#ifdef PIC_PAC
int	PicBuf_to_PIC	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_PAC	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
#endif	/* PIC_PAC */

int	PicBuf_to_AMIGA	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_ATARI	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_DJ_GR	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_Dummy	(void);
int	PicBuf_to_PM	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_OS2	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_Sunview(const GEN_PAR*,const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_UIS	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_HGC	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_VGA	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);
int	PicBuf_to_X11	(const GEN_PAR*, const OUT_PAR*);

void fill (HPGL_Pt polygon[MAXPOLY], int numpoints, HPGL_Pt P1, HPGL_Pt P2,
	   int scale_flag, int filltype, float spacing, float hatchangle);

void action_oldstyle(GEN_PAR *, IN_PAR *, OUT_PAR *);
void ps_end(FILE *);
void ps_stroke_and_move_to(HPGL_Pt *, FILE *);
void ps_set_linewidth(double, HPGL_Pt *, FILE *);
void ps_set_color(double, double, double, HPGL_Pt *, FILE *);
void ps_line_to(HPGL_Pt *, char, FILE *);
char *Getdate(void);
void ps_init(const GEN_PAR *, const OUT_PAR *, FILE *, int);
void fig_poly_end(int, int, FILE *, int, long *, long *);
void win_close(void);

#endif	/*	__HP2XX_H	*/

Vorgefundene Kodierung: ASCII (7 bit)2