Source file: /~heha/hs/dos/

CDEMU2: Error - an unsupported MSCDEX function was called.
Register values were:
AX =   BX =   CX =   SI =   DI =   ES = 
Press any key to continue:

RQSr.t/,'Pr#ZrZR&rr[YZøQSRrr^t_rZurRrDZR.;wAwgr.XZRPar ar.;uZ[Yø.&.:tru.W=!r3ɸB!ô?!ô>!P<tXPXQY$0<:|	!<
t[<A|B<a|, <Zw8,A<:u< t<
uN3<=uë< t
tCNCP	!Z!>~.3ۍ62Id:|$DDDDCuҍ#	!62 !A!:!9	!/5!/%!ױB1!<Ut<ut<N/5!+6te3&/%!&6,I!rI!s	!L!	!L!< t<	tCDEMU2 Rev. A - an MSCDEX emulator for networked CD-ROM drives.
Written in assembler by J.M.A. Hall, U.K., May 1995.
Based on the C program MXSUB by Digital Solutions, Australia.
$Usage: CDEMU2 letter[:][=filespec] [letter...] to install
       CDEMU2 /U to uninstall
$ERROR: cannot install - CDEMU2 or MSCDEX is already installed
$ERROR: the character "$" is not a valid drive letter
$Installed for drives $
$ERROR: invalid option letter (not "U")
$ERROR: cannot unload - INT 2F does not point to CDEMU2
$ERROR: cannot free memory belonging to CDEMU2
$CDEMU2 successfully unloaded.
Detected encoding: UTF-80