Source file: /~heha/basteln/PC/oszi/PCS500/

; USB 512-Word CDC Bootloader for PIC16(L)F1454/5/9
; Copyright (c) 2015, Matt Sarnoff (
; Bootloader is entered if the MCLR pin is pulsed low,
; or if there is no application programmed.
; To be detected as a valid application, the lower 8 bytes of the first
; instruction word must NOT be 0xFF.
; At application start, the device is configured with a 48MHz CPU clock,
; using the internal oscillator and 3x PLL.
; Code notes:
; - Labels that do not begin with an underscore can be called as functions.
;   Labels that begin with an underscore are not safe to call, they should only
;   be reached via goto.
; - FSR[01][HL] are used as temporary registers in several
;   places, e.g. as loop counters. They're accessible regardless of the current
;   bank, and automatically saved/restored on interrupt.
; - As much stuff as possible is packed into bank 0 of RAM.
;   This includes the buffer descriptors, bootloader state,
;   endpoint buffers 0 OUT, 0 IN, 1 IN (only a single byte is used),
;   and the beginning of the 64-byte 1 OUT buffer.
; - Notification endpoint 2 is enabled, but never used.
;   The endpoint 2 IN buffer descriptor is left uninitialized.
;   The endpoint 2 OUT buffer descriptor is used as 4 bytes of Bank0 RAM.
; - The programming protocol is described in the 'usb16f1prog' script.
;   It is very minimal, but does provide checksum verification.
;   Writing the ID words (0x8000-8003) is not supported at this time.
;   Writing the configuration words is not possible via self-programming.

	radix dec
	list n=0
	include ""

; Configuration
; !RESET/RA3 pin must be configured as !RESET.
; The 0x200 words of bootloader itself is write-protected by _WRT_BOOT fuse bits
;TODO: The bootloader should support low-power USB idle.


; Constants used by the bootloader communications protocol.

; Command is determined by the length of the data packet received.
; If length == 1, Reset Device. The one byte sent must be 'R'.
; If length == 4, Set Address/Checksum/Erase Flag:
;	{word address; byte checksum; char eraseflag;}	// eraseflag=='E': erase this row
; If length == 64, transfer data for writing one flash page.
; Otherwise, it's a wrong command.
; Extensions (to use the controller without firmware):
; If length == 2, read from address. So user can read from PORT etc. Returns byte read.
; If length == 3, write to address. So user can set PORT pins etc. No answer.

; Status codes returned from device to host
BSTAT_OK		equ	1	; all ok
BSTAT_INVALID_COMMAND	equ	2	; host sent an invalid command
BSTAT_INVALID_CHECKSUM	equ	3	; invalid checksum, no write performed
BSTAT_VERIFY_FAILED	equ	4	; data written to flash doesn't match data sent by host

CONFIG_DESC_LEN	equ	67	; total length of configuration descriptor and sub-descriptors

E0_SSH 		equ	3	; endpoint 0 buffer size: 1<<3 = 8
E1O_SSH		equ	6	; endpoint 1 OUT (CDC data) buffer size 1<<6 = 64
E1I_SSH		equ	0	; endpoint 1 IN (CDC data) buffer size (only need 1 byte to return status codes)

;Exy_STA bits
BSTALL		equ	2
DTSEN		equ	3
DTS		equ	6
UOWN		equ	7

;list of Bank0 RAM variables, starting with BDT
	cblock 0x20
; Since we're only using 5 endpoints, use the BDT area for buffers,
; and use the 4 bytes normally occupied by the EP2 OUT buffer descriptor for variables.
SETUPDAT_PTR		; pointer to descriptor to be sent (low byte only)
SETUPDAT_CNT		; remaining bytes to be sent
CHECKSUM		; for saving expected checksum

EP0_BUF:1<<E0_SSH	; shared buffer for EP0 Setup, Out, and In transfer
EP1IN_BUF		; 1 byte for EP1 IN (TODO: At address 0xB0 = 0x2060)
EP1OUT_BUF:1<<E1O_SSH	; TODO: At address 0x40 = 0x2020
bmRequestType	equ	EP0_BUF+0
bRequest	equ	EP0_BUF+1
wValueL		equ	EP0_BUF+2
wValueH		equ	EP0_BUF+3
wLengthL	equ	EP0_BUF+6
wLengthH	equ	EP0_BUF+7
LIN_EP0_BUF	equ	EP0_BUF+0x1FE0		;0x2018
LIN_EP1OUT_BUF	equ	EP1OUT_BUF+0x1FE0	;TODO: 0x2020
LIN_EP1IN_BUF	equ	EP1IN_BUF+0x1FE0	;TODO: 0x2060

; USB_STATE bit flags
IS_CONTROL_READ	equ	7	; current EP0 transaction is a control read
POLL_FROM_APP	equ	4	; usbPoll is called from outside: call usbRx @ 0x203
CDC_DCD		equ	1	; Data Carrier Detect bit (for CDC)
CONFIGURED	equ	0	; the device is configured

	goto	onReset		; to be continued further down in the file
	goto	usbInit
	goto	usbPoll1	; Make callable from application code
	goto	usbTx
	goto	0x204

	banksel	USB_STATE
	banksel	UIR		; Bank 29
	btfsc	UIR,URSTIF	; reset?
	 goto	usbReset	; if so, reset the USB interface
; service transactions
	btfss	UIR,TRNIF
	movfw	USTAT		; store the status (endpoint number + direction)
	movwf	FSR1H		; in that temp register
	bcf	UIR,TRNIF	; clear flag and advance USTAT fifo
	banksel	E0O_STA	; Bank 0
	andlw	0x78		; endpoint number !=0 ?
	bnz	usb_service_cdc	; if not endpoint 0, it's a CDC message
;;; Handles a control transfer on endpoint 0.
;;; arguments:	BSR=0, FSR1H=USTAT
;;; returns:	none
;;; clobbers:	W, FSR1H
	btfsc	FSR1H,DIR	; is it an IN transfer or an OUT/SETUP?
	 bra	_usb_ctrl_in
; it's an OUT or SETUP transfer
	movfw	E0O_STA		; All non-PID bits are zero here because SETUP comes with DATA0
	xorlw	13<<2		; 13=PID_SETUP รน is it a SETUP packet?
	bnz	arm_e0o		; if not, it's a DATA or STATUS OUT, ignore data and rearm buffer

; Handles a SETUP control transfer on endpoint 0.
; BSR=0
	clrf	E0O_STA		; let start with DATA1
	clrf	E0I_STA		; let start with DATA1
	clrf	SETUPDAT_CNT	; No data phase as standard
; get bmRequestType, but don't bother checking whether it's standard/class/vendor...
; the CDC and standard requests we'll receive have distinct bRequest numbers
	btfsc	bmRequestType,7	; is this device->host?
	 bsf	USB_STATE,IS_CONTROL_READ	; if so, this is a control read
	movfw	bRequest
; is it Set Address?
	addlw	-5			;5 = SET_ADDRESS
	bz	_setup_complete
; check request number: is it Get Descriptor?
	decfsz	WREG,w			;6 = GET_DESCRIPTOR
	 bra	_no_usb_get_descriptor
; Handles a Get Descriptor request.
; check descriptor type
	decfsz	wValueH,w		;1 = DESC_DEVICE
	 bra	_no_desc_device
	movlw	18
	bra	_setup_complete_w
	assume	0
	decfsz	WREG,w			;2 = DESC_CONFIG
	 bra	_usb_ctrl_invalid
	movlw	CONFIG_DESC_LEN	; length includes all subordinate descriptors
	bra	_setup_complete_w
; is it Get Configuration?
	decf	WREG,w
	decfsz	WREG,w			;8 = GET_CONFIG
	 bra	_no_usb_get_configuration

; Handles a Get Configuration request.
; BSR=0
; load a pointer to either a 0 or a 1 in ROM
; the 0 and 1 have been chosen so that they are adjacent
	movfw	USB_STATE
	andlw	1<<CONFIGURED	; bit 0
	movlw	1
	bra	_setup_complete_w
	decfsz	WREG,w			;9 = SET_CONFIG
	 bra	_no_usb_set_config

; Handles a Set Configuration request.
; BSR=0
	assume	0
	movfw	wValueL		; should be 0 or 1
	movwf	USB_STATE
;;; Initializes the buffers for the CDC endpoints (1 OUT, 1 IN, and 2 IN).
;;; arguments:	none
;;; returns:	none
;;; clobbers:	W, BSR=0
	movlw	1<<DTSEN	; expect DATA0 first
	call	arm_e1o_w
	clrf	E1I_STA		; UOWN=0 -> USB NAK
	bra	_setup_complete
	addlw	9-0x20			;0x20 = SET_LINE_CODING
	bnz	_no_set_line_coding
	banksel	UCON
	banksel	0
	clrf	E0I_CNT	; we'll be sending a zero-length packet
	movlw	0		; ignore odd/even
	bra	_armbfs
	decfsz	WREG,w			;0x21 = GET_LINE_CODING
	 bra	_no_get_line_coding
	movlw	low LINE_CODING
	movlw	7
	bra	_setup_complete_w
	decfsz	WREG,w
	 bra	_usb_ctrl_invalid	;0x22 = SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE
; unhandled request? fall through to _usb_ctrl_invalid
	movlw	7
; If requested length is shorter, transfer less than descriptor size
	tstf	wLengthH
	bnz	_setup_complete	; more than 255 bytes requested (Windows 7: 0x109)
	subwf	wLengthL,w
	bc	_setup_complete	; if W <= f, no need to adjust
	movfw	wLengthL
; Finishes a successful SETUP transaction.
; SETUPDAT_CNT contains transfer length.
	banksel	UCON
	bcf	UCON,PKTDIS		; reenable packet processing
	banksel	USB_STATE
	btfss	bmRequestType,7
	 bra	_cwrite
; this is a control read; prepare the IN endpoint for the data stage
; and the OUT endpoint for the status stage
	call	ep0_send_in		; read data into IN buffer
	movlw	1<<DTS|1<<DTSEN		; make OUT buffer ready for status stage
; value in W is used to specify the EP0 OUT flags
_armbfs	call	arm_e0o_w
; Send next packet to Endpoint 0 In, size already set to E0I_CNT
	comf	E0I_STA,w	; toggle DTS
	andlw	1<<DTS
	iorlw	1<<DTSEN
arm_e0i_w			; W specifies STAT flags
	movwf	E0I_STA
; this is a control write: prepare the IN endpoint for the status stage
; and the OUT endpoint for the next SETUP transaction
_cwrite	bcf	E0I_STA,UOWN	; ensure we have ownership of the buffer
	clrf	E0I_CNT	; we'll be sending a zero-length packet
	movlw	1<<DTSEN|1<<BSTALL	; make OUT buffer ready for next SETUP packet
	bra	_armbfs			; arm OUT and IN buffers

; Finishes a rejected SETUP transaction: the endpoints are stalled
	banksel	UCON
	bcf	UCON,PKTDIS	; reenable packet processing
	banksel	E0I_STA
	movlw	1<<DTSEN|1<<BSTALL
	call	arm_e0i_w
arm_ep0_out_stall	;for next SETUP
	movlw	1<<DTSEN|1<<BSTALL
	bra	arm_e0o_w
; Prepare reception of next Endpoint 0 Out Data (or Setup) packet
	comf	E0O_STA,w	; toggle DTS
	andlw	1<<DTS
	iorlw	1<<DTSEN
arm_e0o_w				; W specifies STAT flags
	;assume	EP0_BUF
	movwf	E0O_STA
	movlw	1<<E0_SSH		; reset the buffer count
	movwf	E0O_CNT
	bsf	E0O_STA,UOWN	; arm the OUT endpoint

; Handles an IN control transfer on endpoint 0.
; Can be (descriptor) data or an acknowledge packet
; BSR=0
	btfss	USB_STATE,IS_CONTROL_READ	; is this a control read or write?
	 bra	_check_for_pending_address
; fetch more data and re-arm the IN endpoint
	call	ep0_send_in
	bra	arm_e0i			; arm the IN buffer
; if this is the status stage of a Set Address request, assign the address here.
; The OUT buffer has already been armed for the next SETUP.
	movfw	bRequest
	xorlw	5
; read the address out of the setup packed in the OUT buffer
	movfw	wValueL
	banksel	UADDR
	movwf	UADDR

;; Reads descriptor data from SETUPDAT_PTR, copies it to the EP0 IN buffer,
;; and decrements SETUPDAT_CNT.
;; Cannot simply point EP0_ADDR to flash as it is not accessible by USB SIE
;;; arguments:	BSR=0
;;; returns:	SETUPDAT_PTRL advanced
;;;		SETUPDAT_CNT decremented
;;; clobbers:	W, FSR0, FSR1
	clrf	E0I_CNT	; initialize transfer length to 0
	tstf	SETUPDAT_CNT	; do nothing if there are 0 bytes to send
	movfw	SETUPDAT_PTR		; set up source pointer
	movwf	FSR0L
	movlw	high DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR|0x80	;high part always 1, so 0x81 here
	movwf	FSR0H
	movlw	EP0_BUF		; Here: Banked address (not a problem)
	movwf	FSR1L		; set up destination pointer
	clrf	FSR1H
; byte copy loop
_bcopy	btfsc	E0I_CNT,E0_SSH	; 8 Bytes full?
	 bra	_bcdone
	moviw	FSR0++
	movwi	FSR1++
	incf	E0I_CNT,f	; increase number of bytes copied
	decfsz	SETUPDAT_CNT,f	; decrement number of bytes remaining
	 bra	_bcopy
; write back the updated source pointer
_bcdone	movfw	FSR0L

; arms endpoint 1 IN, toggling DTS
;	clrw	; next packet will have 0 length (unless another OUT is received)
;args:	W=Bytes (0..64)
;	EP1IN buffer filled with data
;clobbers: W
usbTx	movwf	E1I_CNT
	comf	E1I_STA,w	; toggle DTS
	andlw	1<<DTS		; clear all bits (STALL too)
	iorlw	1<<DTSEN
	movwf	E1I_STA
	bsf	E1I_STA,UOWN	; give to SIE

;;; Services a transaction on one of the CDC endpoints.
;;; arguments:	USTAT value in FSR1H
;;;		BSR=0
;;; returns:	none
;;; clobbers:	W, FSR0, FSR1
	btfsc	FSR1H,ENDP1	; ignore endpoint 2
	btfsc	FSR1H,DIR
	 return			; if endpoint 1 IN, do nothing
	 bra	_no_app
	call	0x203		; call application code for handling EP1 data
	bra	arm_e1o
	tstf	E1O_CNT		; test for a zero-length packet
	bz	arm_e1o		; (just ignore and rearm the OUT buffer)
	;bcf	E1I_STA,UOWN
	call	bootloader_exec_cmd	; execute command; status returned in W
	banksel	EP1IN_BUF	; Bank 0
	movwf	EP1IN_BUF	; copy status to IN buffer
	movlw	1
	call	usbTx		; output byte count is 1
	comf	E1O_STA,w	; data toggle
	andlw	1<<DTS
	iorlw	1<<DTSEN
	movwf	E1O_STA
	movlw	1<<E1O_SSH	; initialize length
	movwf	E1O_CNT
	bsf	E1O_STA,UOWN	; rearm OUT buffer

;; Executes a bootloader command.
;; arguments:	command payload in EP1 OUT buffer
;;		BSR=0
;; returns:	status code in W
;; clobbers:	BSR,FSR0,FSR1,E1O_CNT
	movfw	EP1OUT_BUF+0	; address lower bits
	movwf	FSR1L
	movfw	EP1OUT_BUF+1	; address upper bits 
	movwf	FSR1H
; check length of data packet
	decfsz	E1O_CNT,f
	 bra	_no_reset
; len==1: Resets the device if the received byte matches the reset character.
	movfw	EP1OUT_BUF
	xorlw	'R'		; check received character
; command is valid, reset the device
	decfsz	E1O_CNT,f
	 bra	_no_read_port
; len==2: Read byte
	movfw	INDF0
	decfsz	E1O_CNT,f
	 bra	_no_write_port
; len==3: Write byte
	movfw	EP1OUT_BUF+2
	movwf	INDF0
	retlw	BSTAT_OK
	decfsz	E1O_CNT,f
	 bra	_no_set_params
; len==4: Set write address, expected checksum of the next 32 words,
; and erases the row at that address if the last byte of the command matches "E"
	banksel	PMADRH		;copy address to PMADR
	movfw	FSR1H
	movwf	PMADRH
	movfw	FSR1L
	movwf	PMADRL
	banksel	EP1OUT_BUF
	andlw	0x1F		;lower 5 bits must be 0
; do we need to erase?
	movfw	EP1OUT_BUF+2	;expected checksum
	movwf	CHECKSUM	;save for verification during write command
	xorlw	'E'
	 retlw	BSTAT_OK	; if no reset command is given, return OK
; Erases the row of flash in PMADRH:PMADRL.
	banksel	PMCON1		;BSR=3
	movlw	1<<FREE|1<<WREN	; enable write and erase to program memory
	movwf	PMCON1
	call	flash_unlock	; stalls until erase finishes
	bcf	PMCON1,WREN	; clear write enable flag
	retlw	BSTAT_OK
	movlw	64-4
	xorwf	E1O_CNT,f
; Verifies that the checksum of the 32 words (64 bytes) in the EP1 OUT buffer
; matches the previously sent value. If so, the 32 bytes are then written to
; flash memory at the address in PMADRH:PMADRL. (set by a prior command)
; The expected checksum is the two's complement of the sum of the bytes.
; If the data is valid, we can add the checksum to the sum of the bytes and
; the result will be 0. We initialize a temporary register with the expected
; checksum, and then add each byte to it as it's processed.
; If the value in the temp register is 0 after all 64 bytes have been copied
; to the write latches, proceed with the write.
	movlw	low LIN_EP1OUT_BUF
	movwf	FSR0L
	movlw	high LIN_EP1OUT_BUF	; set up read pointer
	movwf	FSR0H
	movlw	1<<LWLO|1<<WREN	; write to latches only
	movfw	CHECKSUM	; keep checksum for next try
	movwf	FSR1L		; and make it addressable
	banksel	PMCON1
	movwf	PMCON1
; simultaneously compute the checksum of the 32 words and copy them to the
; write latches
	movlw	32		; number of words to write
	movwf	FSR1H		; use for loop count
_wloop	moviw	FSR0++		; load lower byte
	addwf	FSR1L		; add lower byte to checksum
	movwf	PMDATL		; copy to write latch
	moviw	FSR0++		; load upper byte
	addwf	FSR1L		; add upper byte to checksum
	movwf	PMDATH		; copy to write latch
; after writing the last word to PMDATH:PMDATL,
; don't execute the unlock sequence or advance the address pointer!
	decf	FSR1H		; decrement loop count
	bz	_wcksum		; if 0, we're done writing to the latches
; still have more words to go
	call	flash_unlock	; execute unlock sequence
	incf	PMADRL,f	; increment write address
	bra	_wloop
; verify the checksum
_wcksum	clrf	PMCON1
	tstf	FSR1L
	 retlw	BSTAT_INVALID_CHECKSUM	; if there's a mismatch, abort the write
; checksum is valid, write the data
	call	flash_unlock		; stalls until write finishes
; verify the write: compare each byte in the buffer to its counterpart that
; was just written to flash.
; we do this backwards so we don't waste instructions resetting the pointers.
; (note: PMADRH:PMADRL is already pointing at the last written word, but FSR0
; is pointing to one byte past the end of the buffer)
	clrf	PMCON1		; clear write enable
	bsf	FSR1H,5		; set loop count to 32 (just need to set one bit because it's already 0)
_vloop	bsf	PMCON1,RD	; read word from flash
	nop			; 2 required nops
	moviw	--FSR0		; get high byte of expected word
	subwf	PMDATH,w	; compare with high byte written to flash
	moviw	--FSR0		; get low byte of expected word
	subwf	PMDATL,w	; compare with low byte written to flash
	decf	PMADRL,f	; decrement read address
	decfsz	FSR1H,f		; decrement loop count
	 bra	_vloop
	retlw	BSTAT_OK

;;; Executes the flash unlock sequence, performing an erase or write.
;;; arguments:	PMCON1 bits CFGS, LWLO, FREE and WREN set appropriately
	assume	PMCON2	;BSR=3
;;; returns:	none
;;; clobbers:	W
	movlw	0x55
	movwf	PMCON2
	movlw	0xAA
	movwf	PMCON2
	bsf	PMCON1,WR
ret	return

; Check for valid application code: the lower 8 bits of the first word cannot be 0xFF
	clrf	FSR0L
	movlw	0x82		; set high bit to read program memory
	movwf	FSR0H
	banksel	PCON		; Bank 1
	comf	INDF0,w		; ",f" should not modify flash
	bz	_stay_in_boot	; if we have no application, enter bootloader mode
; We have a valid application. Check if reset reason was reset pin
	btfss	PCON,NOT_RMCLR	; no !MCLR operation
	 bra	_stay_in_boot	; enter bootloader mode if input is low
; We have a valid application and the entry pin is high.
; Start the application with BSR=0
	banksel	0
	goto	0x200

; Not entering application code: initialize the USB interface and wait for commands.
	call	usbInit
; Idle loop. In bootloader mode, the MCU just spins here. No interrupts.
_loop	call	usbPoll
	bra	_loop
; Configure the oscillator (48MHz from INTOSC using 3x PLL)
	movlw	(1<<SPLLEN)|(1<<SPLLMULT)|(1<<IRCF3)|(1<<IRCF2)|(1<<IRCF1)|(1<<IRCF0)
	movwf	OSCCON
	bcf	OPTION_REG,NOT_WPUEN	; Enable weak pull-ups
; Wait for the oscillator and PLL to stabilize
_wosc	comf	OSCSTAT,w
	andlw	(1<<PLLRDY)|(1<<HFIOFR)|(1<<HFIOFS)
	bnz	_wosc
; Enable active clock tuning
	banksel	ACTCON		; Bank 7
	movlw	(1<<ACTSRC)|(1<<ACTEN)
	movwf	ACTCON		; source = USB
; Initialize USB
	call	usbReset
; Attach to the bus (could be a subroutine, but inlining it saves 2 instructions)
	banksel	UCON		; Bank 29
	clrf	UCON		; reset UCON
	bsf	UCON,USBEN	; enable USB module and wait until ready

;;; Initializes the USB system and resets all associated registers.
;;; arguments:	none
;;; returns:	none
;;; clobbers:	W,BSR=0,FSR0,FSR1L
; clear USB registers
	banksel	UIR		; Bank 29
	clrf	UIR
; set configuration
	movlw	(1<<UPUEN)|(1<<FSEN)
	movwf	UCFG		; enable pullups, full speed, no ping-pong buffering
	;movlw	(1<<TRNIE)|(1<<URSTIE)
	;movwf	UIE		; TODO: Need interrupts for CPU wakeup later
; clear all BDT entries, variables, and buffers
	clrf	FSR0H
	movlw	0x20		; BDT starts at 0x2000 aka 0x20
	movwf	FSR0L
	movlw	0x50		; For simplicity, clear all Bank0 variables
	movwf	FSR1L		; use as loop count
_ramclr	movwi	FSR0++
	decfsz	FSR1L,f
	 bra	_ramclr
; reset ping-pong buffers and address
	banksel	UCON		; Bank 29: All about USB
	clrf	UADDR
	bcf	UCON,PKTDIS	; enable packet processing
	bcf	UCON,PPBRST	; clear ping-pong buffer reset flag
; flush pending transactions
_tflush	btfss	UIR,TRNIF
	 bra	_initep
	call	ret		; need at least 6 cycles before checking TRNIF again
	bra	_tflush

; initialize endpoints:
; 0 for control
; 1 for CDC bulk data
; 2 for CDC notifications (dummy IN endpoint, returns NAK, neither STALL nor silence)
; my intuition was that I should wait until a SET_CONFIGURATION is received
; before setting up endpoints 1 and 2... but there seemed to be a timing issue
; when doing so, so I moved them here
_initep	movlw	1<<EPHSHK|1<<EPOUTEN|1<<EPINEN
	movwf	UEP0
	movwf	UEP1
	movwf	UEP2
; initialize endpoint buffers and counts
	banksel	E0O_ADR
	movlw	low LIN_EP0_BUF	; set endpoint 0 address low
	movwf	E0O_ADR
	movwf	E0I_ADR
	movlw	low LIN_EP1OUT_BUF	; set endpoint 1 OUT address low
	movwf	E1O_ADR
	movlw	low LIN_EP1IN_BUF	; set endpoint 1 IN address low
	movwf	E1I_ADR
	movlw	high LIN_EP0_BUF	; set all ADRH values to 0x20
	movwf	E0O_ADR+1
	movwf	E0I_ADR+1
	movwf	E1O_ADR+1
	movwf	E1I_ADR+1
	bra	arm_ep0_out_stall

;;; Descriptors 
dtw macro x
	dt	low x,high x

	dt	18		; bLength
	dt	1		; bDescriptorType
	dtw	0x0200		; bcdUSB (USB 2.0)
	dt	2		; bDeviceClass (communication device)
	dt	0		; bDeviceSubclass
	dt	0		; bDeviceProtocol
	dt	0x08		; bMaxPacketSize0 (8 bytes)
	dtw	0x04D8		; idVendor
	dtw	0xEFDA		; idProduct
	dtw	1		; bcdDevice (1)
	dt	0		; iManufacturer
	dt	0		; iProduct
	dt	0		; iSerialNumber
	dt	1		; bNumConfigurations

	dt	9		; bLength
	dt	2		; bDescriptorType
	dtw	CONFIG_DESC_LEN	; wTotalLength
	dt	2		; bNumInterfaces
	dt	1		; bConfigurationValue
	dt	0		; iConfiguration
	dt	0x80		; bmAttributes
	dt	17		; bMaxPower
	dt	9		; bLength
	dt	4		; bDescriptorType (INTERFACE)
	dt	0		; bInterfaceNumber
	dt	0		; bAlternateSetting
	dt	1		; bNumEndpoints
	dt	2		; bInterfaceClass (communication)
	dt	2		; bInterfaceSubclass (abstract control model)
	dt	1		; bInterfaceProtocol (V.25ter, common AT commands)
	dt	0		; iInterface
	dt	5		; bFunctionLength
	dt	0x24		; bDescriptorType (CS_INTERFACE)
	dt	0		; bDescriptorSubtype (header functional descriptor)
	dtw	0x0110		; bcdCDC (specification version, 1.1)
	dt	4		; bFunctionLength
	dt	0x24		; bDescriptorType (CS_INTERFACE)
	dt	2		; bDescriptorSubtype (abstract control management functional descriptor)
	dt	0x02		; bmCapabilities
	dt	5		; bFunctionLength
	dt	0x24		; bDescriptorType (CS_INTERFACE)
	dt	6		; bDescriptorSubtype (union functional descriptor)
	dt	0		; bMasterInterface
	dt	1		; bSlaveInterface0
	dt	5		; bFunctionLength
	dt	0x24		; bDescriptorType (CS_INTERFACE)
	dt	1		; bDescriptorSubtype (call management functional descriptor)
	dt	3		; bmCapabilities
	dt	1		; dDataInterface
	dt	7		; bLength
	dt	5		; bDescriptorType (ENDPOINT)
	dt	0x82		; bEndpointAddress (2 IN)
	dt	0x03		; bmAttributes (transfer type: interrupt)
	dtw	8		; wMaxPacketSize (8)
	dt	2		; bInterval
	dt	9		; bLength
	dt	4		; bDescriptorType (INTERFACE)
	dt	1		; bInterfaceNumber
	dt	0		; bAlternateSetting
	dt	2		; bNumEndpoints
	dt	0x0a		; bInterfaceClass (data)
	dt	0		; bInterfaceSubclass
	dt	0		; bInterfaceProtocol
	dt	0		; iInterface
	dt	7		; bLength
	dt	5		; bDescriptorType (ENDPOINT)
	dt	0x01		; bEndpointAddress (1 OUT)
	dt	0x02		; bmAttributes (transfer type: bulk)
	dtw	64		; wMaxPacketSize (64)
	dt	0		; bInterval
	dt	7		; bLength
	dt	5		; bDescriptorType (ENDPOINT)
	dt	0x81		; bEndpointAddress (1 IN)
	dt	0x02		; bmAttributes (transfer type: bulk)
	dtw	64		; wMaxPacketSize (64)
	dt	0		; bInterval
	dt	0xA1,0x20,0,0,0,0,2,0
	dt	3,0
	dtw	9600
	dt	0,0,0,0,8

	if $>0x200
	 error "Too much code"

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