If 3.3V operation of ATmega is wanted, a user can now populate a dual diode BAV199
instead of the LD1117 of the previous version.
This enables drawing less than 500 µA of standby current in this case.
PonyProg: Setup interface
as shown here,
check by connecting the プログラミングアダプタ
(this checks for connection between Pin 2 and Pin 12),
invoke Setup→Calibration
The crystal and the both 22 pF capacitors are not to populate
Population with ATmegaX8 is currently not recommended.
If you want ATmega48 population, R1 should be 4.7 kΩ,
and the older firmware USB2LPT5 must be used.
A bootloader cannot be used (this chip has no bootloader support)
This revision 6 (USB2LPT 1.6) has 3 pre-connected solder jumpers:
SJ1 can assign power to pin 25 of SubD receptacle:
open: Pin 25 unbeschaltet
right connected: Pin 25 to ground (default)
left connected: Pin 25 to 5 volts
If power is needed, populating a self-resetting fuse is highly recommended.
SJ2, connected at PCB fabrication,
scratched at device manufacturing: activates the RESET pin of ATmega
for programming the microcontroller.
SJ3, connected by default, scratch when you want
3.3 volts operation of ATmega8 (e.g. for safer JTAG connection),
populate a BAV199 and change R1.
Moreover, scatch it to measure device's current consumption and re-solder.