Theresa Wagner, M.Sc.
Academic Career and Professional Responsibilities
- since 06/2023: Member of the Commission of the Center for Sport and Health Promotion, TU Chemnitz
- since 06/2022: Vice President, GAMM Student Chapter Chemnitz
- since 04/2022: Deputy Equality Commissioner and Women's Representative, Department of Mathematics
- 01/2022 - 05/2022: Secretary and Treasurer, GAMM Student Chapter Chemnitz
- since 01/2022: Women in Data Science (WiDS) Ambassador, Stanford University → see WiDS Chemnitz Conference
- since 10/2020: Member of the BMBF Junior Research Group SALE (fast algorithms for explainable recommendation systems)
- since 10/2020: Scientific Associate, Department of Mathematics, Chair of Scientific Computing
- since 2020: Advisory Member of the Student Representatives of Mathematics
- 10/2020: M.Sc. in Mathematics at TU Chemnitz