Highly Scalable Fast Fourier Transforms
ASIM-Workshop, Trends in Computational Science and Engineering: Foundations of Modeling and Simulation, Jülich Research Center, 2010.
On the Relation of Ewald Summation and NFFT-Based Fast Summation
22nd Rhein-Ruhr-Workshop, Bergkloster Bestwig, February 03-04, 2012.
Parallel Fast Fourier Transforms and Their Application to Particle Simulation Annual Meeting of the DMV 2011, University of Cologne, September 19-22, 2011.
An Effcient and Flexible Parallel FFT Implementation Based on FFTW
HPC Status Conference of the Gauß-Allianz e.V., Schwetzingen Castle, Germany, June 22-24, 2010.
Parallel Noneqispaced Fast Fourier Transform and Fast Summation
15. Südostdeutsches Kolloquium zur Numerischen Mathematik, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, May 08, 2009.