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Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform
Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform  


The inverse NFFT (iNFFT) solves \[ \sum_{\boldsymbol k\in \boldsymbol{I_{N}}} \hat f_{\boldsymbol k}\, \mathrm e^{-2\pi\mathrm i \boldsymbol k \boldsymbol x_j} \approx f_j \qquad (j=0,\dots,M-1) \] for \(\hat f\) on arbitrary sampling sets \( {\mathcal X}:=\left\{\boldsymbol{x}_j:\,j=0,\dots,M-1\right\}\subset \mathbb{T}^d\).

The NFFT package provides fast iNFFT algorithms in one dimension in the infft1d module for Matlab. Furthermore, the solver module computes an iNFFT based on least squares or interpolation.

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  • Böttcher, A. and Potts, D.
    Probability against condition number and sampling of multivariate trigonometric random polynomials.
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