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NFFT Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
fastsum_plan_Plan for fast summation algorithm
fgt_planStructure for the Gauss transform
fpt_data_Holds data for a single cascade summation
fpt_set_s_Holds data for a set of cascade summations
fpt_step_Holds data for a single multiplication step in the cascade summation
imri_inh_2d1d_planStructure for an inverse transform plan
imri_inh_3d_planStructure for an inverse transform plan
infct_planStructure for an inverse transform plan
infft_planStructure for an inverse transform plan
infsft_planStructure for an inverse transform plan
infst_planStructure for an inverse transform plan
innfft_planStructure for an inverse transform plan
mri_inh_2d1d_planThe structure for the transform plan
mri_inh_3d_planThe structure for the transform plan
nfct_planStructure for a transform plan
nfft_planStructure for a NFFT plan
nfsft_planStructure for a NFSFT transform plan
nfsft_wisdomWisdom structure
nfst_planStructure for a transform plan
nnfft_planStructure for a transform plan
nsfft_planStructure for a NFFT plan
window_funct_plan_Window_funct_plan is a plan to use the window functions independent of the nfft

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