Quelltext /~heha/vxd/buchdisk.zip/VXD-LITE/TOOLS/WIN386D.EXE

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found, an access error occured on the file, or there was insufficient memory
to run the utility. The permanent swap file can not be set up.

$The CPWIN386 utility was not able to set up the permanent swap file.

To change swap-file settings, choose the 386 Enhanced icon in Control
Panel and then choose the Virtual Memory button.

$The SYSTEM.INI variable settings for the permanent swap file are invalid.

To change swap-file settings, choose the 386 Enhanced icon in Control
Panel and then choose the Virtual Memory button.

$Press a key to continue
$The conventional memory in your system is fragmented and Windows
cannot run in 386 enhanced mode.

Restart your computer and try again, or try starting Windows in
standard mode by typing WIN /s at the MS-DOS prompt.
$Cannot run Windows in 386 enhanced mode with the installed version of MS-DOS.

Upgrade MS-DOS to a version that is at least 3.10, or try starting Windows
in standard mode by typing WIN /s at the MS-DOS prompt.
$You need an Intel 80386 processor to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

Start Windows by typing WIN without /3.
$Windows may not run correctly with the 80386 processor in this computer.

Upgrade your 80386 processor or start Windows in standard mode by typing
WIN /s at the MS-DOS prompt.
$You should not attempt to load Windows high.

Do not use load high utilities to start Windows.
$Windows is already running in 386 enhanced mode.
$Cannot run Windows in 386 enhanced mode with the currently installed
protected-mode software.

Quit the protected-mode software and try again.
$Cannot run Windows in 386 enhanced mode with the currently installed
extended memory driver.
$Insufficient extended memory available to run Windows.

Quit one or more applications to increase available memory
or restart your computer.
$Unable to allocate extended memory to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

Quit one or more applications to increase available memory
or restart your computer.
$WIN386.EXE was not found or is corrupt. Cannot start Windows in 386
enhanced mode.

You need to run the Setup program again.
$Insufficient file handles to open WIN386.EXE.

Increase files= in CONFIG.SYS.
$Access denied opening WIN386.EXE.

You need to run the Setup program again.
$Sharing violation opening WIN386.EXE.

Quit the program that has WIN386.EXE open, make sure network files have
appropriate attributes, or restart your system.
$Cannot read files needed to start Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

You need to run the Setup program again.
The Intel 80386 processor in this computer does not reliably execute 32-bit
multiply operations. Windows usually works correctly on computers with this
problem but may occasionally fail. You may want to replace your 80386 processor.
Press any key to continue...$Cannot find the system initialization file needed to run Windows.

You need to run the Setup program again.
$Insufficient file handles to open the system initialization file
needed to run Windows.

Increase files= in CONFIG.SYS.
$Access denied to the system initialization file needed to run

You need to run the Setup program again.
$Sharing violation opening the system initialization file needed to
run Windows.

Quit the program that has SYSTEM.INI open, make sure network files have
appropriate attributes, or restart your system.
$System initialization file required to run Windows in 386 enhanced
mode is incomplete.

You need to run the Setup program again.
$Cannot find a device file that may be needed to run Windows in
386 enhanced mode.

You need to run the Setup program again.
$Insufficient file handles to open a device file that may be needed
to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

Increase files= in CONFIG.SYS.
$Access denied trying to open a device file that may be needed
to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

You need to run the Setup program again.
$Sharing violation opening a device file that may be needed
to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

Quit the program that has the file open, make sure network files have
appropriate attributes, or restart your system.
$A device has been specified more than once in the SYSTEM.INI file, or
a device specified in SYSTEM.INI conflicts with a device which is being
loaded by an MS-DOS device driver or application.
Remove the duplicate entry from the SYSTEM.INI file and restart Windows.

Duplicated device:  $A device file specified in the SYSTEM.INI file is corrupted.
It may be needed to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

You need to run the Setup program again.
$Cannot use a device specified in the SYSTEM.INI file. The device may be
necessary to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

If you experience problems, run the Setup program again.
$Cannot load a device specified in the SYSTEM.INI file for Windows
in 386 enhanced mode. The performance of Windows will not be affected.
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2	@Z!<ZfM
%@ZpMsV@ZtE3<ZtfEMs$@Zt!<ZU ]fM,VRP,Z##ȭ#Э#ح%!#%!#XZ^PW,Z!!ȫ!Ы!ث!!_X	
'SRRApSRRApPage Directory Corrupt
Could not install handler for .MO page out DEBUG function _MMGR_Init_Complete
Paging is OFF so not bothering to set LRU Sweep up _MMGR_Init_Complete
PageSwap device is disabled, could not lock all memory _MMGR_Init_Complete
Init Page list bad 1 #eax _Release_Init_Pages
Init Page list bad 2 _Release_Init_Pages
Failed to find Init page eax in INIT region PTEs
Bad handle #eax MMGR_Get_NUL_PTE
Out of range NOLOW64KPAGINGPORT value #EAX, reset to 20h
MAXLOWREGIONS is too small _Initialize_Memory_Manager
MAXPHYSPAGE value is < NOWRAP_MAX_V86_PAGE, ridiculous, ignoring it.
MAXPHYSPAGE value is < computed Max Physical page, will exclude pages.
MAXPHYSPAGE value is too large, > MAX_PSBL_PHYS_PG_CNT, ignoring it.
Computed max phys page #EDI exceeds max physlinear address range #EAX
    resetting value to max allowed page #EAX
Could not find #EDI pages in VMM region for PhysToFTEMap array
  Switching to panic back up
No holes in VMM region at all for panic back up 1
Not enough free pages on region list for panic back up 1
panic back up PD entry is present 1
SzPhysToFTE > one PT of pages (1024) Panic backup failed 1
Not enough free pages on region list to create PhysToFTEMap, #ECX pages left
MMGR not enough room for Base PhysLinear mapping
MMGR Page dir has present entries in PhysLinr region
Could not allocate Ring3DSSel
Nul region list!!! Initialize MMGR
Region list count > SzPhysToFTE _Initialize_Memory_Manager
PAGEOVERCOMMIT too small, setting it to 1
PAGEOVERCOMMIT too big, setting it to 20
MMGR Map region size overflow 1 _Initialize_Memory_Manager
MMGR overcommit value is too large
Computed Heap linear mapping size of 0
Computed Non-Heap linear mapping size of 0 or negative
MMGR Map region size overflow 2 _Initialize_Memory_Manager
MMGR Map region size overflow 3 _Initialize_Memory_Manager
MMGR VMM_Base not 4 Meg aligned
MMGR VMM_Init_Base not Page aligned
MMGR VMM_Init_Base Below VMM_Base
VMM_Init_Base does not follow VMM_Base region
MMGR VMM_Size+VMM_Init_Size not mult of 1024
MMGR Map region size overflow 4 _Initialize_Memory_Manager
MMGR Page dir has present entries in MMGR Map region
MMGR Page dir has < 10 entries for VM mappings
MMGR insuff free pages, need #eax
Failed to find FTE/Map region, looking for #eax pages
  Switching to panic back up
Failed to find FTE/Map in panic region, looking for #eax pages
No holes in VMM region at all for panic back up 2
Not enough free pages for panic back up 2
panic back up PD entry is present 2
FTE size > one PT of pages (1024) Panic backup failed 2
No free pages without getting PageFTE array pages
No free pages without getting map region PT pages
PageLMapPTESz #eax > FFFFh
LRUSWEEPRESET is too small adjusting it to #EAX
LRUSWEEPFREQ is too small adjusting it to #EAX
LRUSWEEPFREQ is too big adjusting it to #EAX
LRULOWRATEMULT is 0, adjusting it to 1
LRULOWRATEMULT is too large, adjusting it to #EAX
LRUSWEEPLEN is to small adjusting it to #EAX
LRUSWEEPLEN is to big adjusting it to #EAX
LRUSWEEPLOWWATER is too small adjusting it to #EAX
LRURATECHNGTIME is too small adjusting it to #EAX
Phys page out of PHYSLINEAR range Init MMGR
No free pages without getting BASE Phys Linear PT pages
No free pages without getting EXTRA Phys Linear PT pages
Exhausted Phys Linear PD space Init MMGR
Not Present page before First_VM_Page
Non free (<MAX_PSBL_PHYS_PG_CNT) PhysToFTEMap below First_VM_Page
Odd page type in VMM region #ebx
Non Free (<MAX_PSBL_PHYS_PG_CNT) PhysToFTEMap VMM Init page
Init Count == 0 _Initialize_Memory_Manager!!!!!!!!!
Could not alloc NUL page
Could not find a free FTE for NUL handle
#eax > FFFFh
CBReservedPages to small _Initialize_Memory_Manager
No free pages without getting CB pages
Present PD entry at MMGR_PD_VM_Addr_Start = #esi
No Hi DOS list from loader
Could not allocate Hi DOS region heap object
**** THIS IS A DEBUG RELEASE -- Don't report bugs about it being big or    ****
**** slow or we'll put back in the huge, irritating debug banner message!  ****
VMM Version #AL.#AL - Build Rev #EAX
Bad handle #esi MMGR_SetNULPageAddr
MMGR_SetNULPageAddr page set is known
MMGR_SetNULPageAddr page set is region Sentinel
Error: _GetGlblRng0V86IntBase called before device_init
Non-zero flags _SelectorMapFlat
Selector is not allocated _SelectorMapFlat
Selector has trash in high word #ESI GetSelectorPointer
Selector is NUL GDT GetSelectorPointer
Selector is above GDT limit GetSelectorPointer
Invalid VMHandle, no LDT GetSelectorPointer
Selector is above LDT limit GetSelectorPointer
Non-zero flags _GetDemandPageInfo
#esi doesn't point to Sentinel _GetDemandPageInfo
Non-zero flags _PageGetSizeAddr
Bad handle #esi _PageGetSizeAddr
Non-zero flags _GetFreePageCount
Non-zero flags _PageGetAllocInfo
#esi doesn't point to Sentinel _PageGetAllocInfo
Bad handle #esi SizeHandleList
Non-zero flags _GetSysPageCount
Non-zero flags _GetVMPgCount
VM page type but no FTE back link _GetVMPgCount
Bad FTE bits in #eax on mapped page _GetVMPgCount
Unlocked page FTE #eax mapped in VM _GetVMPgCount
Odd case Mapped count #ebx > total count #eax _GetVMPgCount
Non-zero flags _SetLastV86Page
New value #EAX is <= old value _SetLastV86Page
Bad flags _TestGlobalV86Mem
Invalid V86 address range _TestGlobalV86Mem
return #AX from xx_LocalGlobalReg out of range _TestGlobalV86Mem
Odd region state #AL from xx_LocalGlobalReg _TestGlobalV86Mem
Bad flags _MapIntoV86
Invalid handle #esi _MapIntoV86
Bad offset argument _MapIntoV86
Bad nPages argument _MapIntoV86
0 nPages _MapIntoV86
Range spans FirstV86Page _MapIntoV86
Range overlaps instance pages _MapIntoV86
Couldn't lock Pages for map _MapIntoV86
V86 alias entry at #EDI is not 0 _MapIntoV86
_MapIntoV86 linear page Out of bounds range, page #ecx
MapLockHandle called with non-executeable VM handle
Invalid map region 1 MapLockHandle
Invalid map region 2 MapLockHandle
MapLockHandle called when PagerType == 0
Non zero flags _LinMapIntoV86
nPages == 0 _LinMapIntoV86
Lin addr below Map region but not in VMM _LinMapIntoV86
Range ends above Map region _LinMapIntoV86
Range spans FirstV86Page _LinMapIntoV86
Range overlaps instance pages _LinMapIntoV86
Couldn't lock Pages for map _LinMapIntoV86
V86 alias entry at #EAX is not 0 1 _LinMapIntoV86
HlinPgNum > End Map region but not High VM _LinMapIntoV86
Src Reg #edx->#ecx overlaps dest reg #eax->#ebx _LinMapIntoV86
Dest Range < page MMGR_MinPgPage _LinMapIntoV86
Dest Range > page NOWRAP_MAX_V86_PAGE _LinMapIntoV86
Dest Range spans FirstV86Page _LinMapIntoV86
Src Range < page MMGR_MinPgPage _LinMapIntoV86
Src Range > page NOWRAP_MAX_V86_PAGE _LinMapIntoV86
Src Range spans FirstV86Page _LinMapIntoV86
Src Range has not present non PG_RELOCK _LinMapIntoV86
Something wrong FTE #edx in PG_RELOCK page _LinPageLock
V86 alias entry at #EDI is not 0 2 _LinMapIntoV86
page range starts below region _LinMapIntoV86
page range starts past end of region _LinMapIntoV86
npages overruns region _LinMapIntoV86
Not present page in linear range #ecx pages left _LinMapIntoV86
page range starts past end of Phys region _LinMapIntoV86
npages overruns phys region _LinMapIntoV86
_LinMapIntoV86 linear page #esi bad
_LinMapIntoV86 linear page Out of bounds range, page #ecx
Non-zero flags _PhysIntoV86
Range spans FirstV86Page _PhysIntoV86
_PhysIntoV86 0 nPage count
_PhysIntoV86 Odd phys page #edx < MMGR_MinPgPage
_PhysIntoV86 phys addr -> FTE #EDX which is not busy
    You are trying to PhysIntoV86 memory which the MMGR knows
    about. This does not work.
Non-ID map over instnc pg post init complete #EAX <- #EDX _PhysIntoV86
_PhysIntoV86 Lin page Out of bounds range, page #edi
Non-zero flags _MapPhysToLinear
Couldn't allocate PD page table page 1 _MapPhysToLinear
Range spans base region end and starts in low 1Meg+64k, or
size of overlap with base region is > 4Meg _MapPhysToLinear
Not enough free PD entries to set up map _MapPhysToLinear
Couldn't allocate PD page table page 2 _MapPhysToLinear
Range exceeds CPU addressability _MapPhysToLinear
_MapPhysToLinear zero count, returning LIN addr of NUL handle
NUL handle is BAD??? _MapPhysToLinear
ERROR:  Nested page fault
Odd case, _MMGR_DP_Fault on free page??????
Odd case, _MMGR_DP_Fault on present page??????
Odd, FTE #ESI is present, but PTE for it [#EDI] is not present _MMGR_DP_Fault
Alloc_Demand_Page failure
Failure paging in FTE #esi in _MMGR_DP_Fault
_MMGR_DP_Fault on not present NUL page. VM #EBX has touched
    invalid memory at #ECX which WIN386 is trying to detect.
    Report this problem to winbug, then try putting
    in the [386ENH] section of SYSTEM.INI. This should
    allow the app to run under the DEBUG release without
    tripping this detection.
    Just type G to proceed.
Page fault - Unknown page at #ECX in _MMGR_DP_Fault can't handle
Something wrong FTE #esi in PG_RELOCK page VMPFault
ERROR:  RELock fault bad VM page #ecx VMPFault
ERROR:  RELock fault on non-VM page #ecx
Alloc_Demand_Page failure
ERROR: Couldn't page in VMPFault
Bad flags _PageLock
Invalid handle #esi _PageLock
ERROR: PageLockedIfDP set before InitComplete _PageLock
_PageGetSizeAddr failed _PageLock
Bad offset argument _PageLock
Bad nPages argument _PageLock
0 nPages _PageLock
Bad flags _PageUnLock
Invalid handle #esi _PageUnLock
ERROR: PageLockedIfDP set before InitComplete _PageUnLock
_PageGetSizeAddr failed _PageUnLock
Bad offset argument _PageUnLock
Bad nPages argument _PageUnLock
0 nPages _PageUnLock
Bad flags _LinPageLock
nPages == 0 _LinPageLock
ERROR: PageLockedIfDP set before InitComplete _LinPageLock
Lin addr below Map region but not in VMM _LinPageLock
Range ends above Map region _LinPageLock
Ridiculous address #esi PD not present _LinPageLock
Missed VM high linear address??? _LinPageLock
VM linear page range bad _LinPageLock
Something wrong FTE #eax in PG_RELOCK page _LinPageLock
Free FTE with valid back link in VM mem _LinPageLock
Not present FTE with valid back link in VM mem _LinPageLock
Failed due to inability to get memory for lock _LinPageLock
Bad flags _LinPageUnLock
nPages == 0 _LinPageUnLock
ERROR: PageLockedIfDP set before InitComplete _LinPageUnLock
Lin addr below Map region but not in VMM _LinPageUnLock
Range ends above Map region _LinPageUnLock
Ridiculous address #esi PD not present _LinPageUnLock
Missed VM high linear address??? _LinPageUnLock
VM linear page range bad _LinPageUnLock
Free FTE with valid back link in VM mem _LinPageUnLock
Not present FTE with valid back link in VM mem _LinPageUnLock
FTE #eax with 0 lock count in VM mem _LinPageUnLock
Non-zero flags _PageCheckLinRange
nPages == 0 _PageCheckLinRange
Lin addr below Map region but not in VMM _PageCheckLinRange
Range ends above Map region _LinPageLock
Non-zero lock count on not present page FTELockUnLock
Doing Unlock on FTE #edi with 0 lock count FTELockUnLock
Non-zero lock count on not present page FTELockUnLock
_HeapAllocate bad flags = #eax
_HeapAllocate bad count = #ecx
Pointing at trashed heap arena #edx
_HeapAllocate bad hAddress #eax
MMGRPF_HeapBusyBit state error 2 _HeapAllocate
Growing Heap returned different handle
Growing Heap returned different address
MMGRPF_HeapBusyBit state error 1 _HeapAllocate
     _HeapAllocate will fail, probably nested call to HEAP code.
_HeapReAllocate bad hAddress #edx
_HeapReAllocate bad flags = #eax
_HeapReAllocate hAddress is a free block #edx
_HeapReAllocate hAddress is a frozen block #edx
_HeapReAllocate new size is 0
_HeapReAlloc bad hAddress #edi
_HeapReAlloc bad hAddress #ecx
_HeapReAlloc bad hAddress #eax
_HeapReAlloc bad hAddress #ecx
MMGRPF_HeapBusyBit state error 2 _HeapReAllocate
MMGRPF_HeapBusyBit state error 1 _HeapReAllocate
     _HeapReAllocate will fail, probably nested call to HEAP code.
_HeapGetSize bad hAddress #edx
_HeapGetSize bad flags = #eax
_HeapGetSize hAddress is a free block #edx
_HeapGetSize hAddress is a frozen block #edx
_HeapFree bad hAddress #edx
_HeapFree bad flags = #eax
_HeapFree hAddress is a free block #edx
_HeapFree hAddress is a frozen block #edx
MMGRPF_HeapBusyBit state error 2 _HeapFree
MMGRPF_HeapBusyBit state error 1 _HeapFree
     _HeapFree will fail, probably nested call to HEAP code.
HeapCompact hAddress block is not free #edx
HeapCompact heap end is not page aligned #ecx
HeapCompact Free Heap when block is not First #edx
_AllocateBytes called before initialized!!!!
_AllocateBytes bad flags = #eax
_AllocateBytes bad count = #esi
AllocateBytes, no blocks large enough, increase ALLOCBYTESLOWWATER
_AllocateBytes Count underflow block #edx
Failed allocate bytes
Attempt to grow AllocateBytes POOL failed
Could not initialize AllocateBytes
Non-zero flags _CopyPageTable
0 count _CopyPageTable
Lin page #esi > 0FFFFFh _CopyPageTable
#eax pages starting at #esi > MAX_PSBL_PHYS_PG_CNT _CopyPageTable
Non-zero flags _ModifyPageBits
bitOR has illegal bits set _ModifyPageBits
bitAND has illegal bits clear _ModifyPageBits
_ModifyPageBits Setting PG_HOOKED on non hooked page #eax
0 count _ModifyPageBits
WARNING: Clearing P_WRITE on non-PG_HOOKED page _ModifyPageBits
    Please fix your code to use HOOKED pages to catch writers!!!
_ModifyPageBits pType parameter bad
_ModifyPageBits Out of bounds range, end page #ecx
Bad flags _PageDiscardPages
Bad flags PageZeroInit set, PageDiscard clear _PageDiscardPages
0 count _PageDiscardPages
Bad page range #esi - #edi _PageDiscardPages
VM discard in VM which is not VMStat_PageableV86 _PageDiscardPages
VM discard range is not VMStat_PageableV86 page #edi _PageDiscardPages
Something wrong FTE #eax in PG_RELOCK page _PageDiscardPages
Something wrong FTE #esi MDPDiscardFTE
Possible Bad region, FTE #ESI is PageFree, PageFixedPg NDPDiscardFTE
Mapped VM page is FREE!!! UnmapPage
UnmapPage with PagerType == 0???
Mapped VM page FTE is not present UnmapPage
Mapped VM page is not locked UnmapPage
Computed search for link #EDI is not an alias ptr UnmapPage
FTE #ESI for link scan is not PageV86Maped UnmapPage
FTEV86MapList is NUL for FTE #ESI UnmapPage
Hit end of FTEV86MapList for FTE #ESI didn't find map #EDI UnmapPage
Alias ptr #EAX in FTEV86MapList for FTE #ESI is invalid UnmapPage
FTEV86MapList for FTE #ESI has circular link UnmapPage
Expected FTEV86MapList head, but it isn't FTE #ESI scan #EDI UnmapPage
Something wrong 2 FTE #esi in PG_RELOCK page UnmapPage
Entry FTE #EAX is invalid CheckNeverDirtyPOF
Entry FTE #EAX is Busy Free or Fixed CheckNeverDirtyPOF
Entry PTE is not correct for FTE #EAX CheckNeverDirtyPOF
Non zero flags _PageResetHandlePaddr
Invalid handle #esi (is the NUL handle) _PageResetHandlePaddr
Invalid handle #esi _PageResetHandlePaddr
Bad offset argument _PageResetHandlePaddr
Bad nPages argument _PageResetHandlePaddr
0 nPages _PageResetHandlePaddr
Start phys page #EDI is out of range for PhysToFTEMap _PageResetHandlePaddr
End phys page #ECX is out of range for PhysToFTEMap _PageResetHandlePaddr
Phys page #EDI is already known to MMGR _PageResetHandlePaddr
FTE #EDI is PageV86Maped but FTEV86MapList is 0 _PageResetHandlePaddr
FTE #EDI has bad FTEV86MapList link #ECX _PageResetHandlePaddr
Hit non free PhysToFTEMap entry #EAX at [#EDX] _PageResetHandlePaddr
_AddFreePhysPage called before MMGR init complete
Bad flags _AddFreePhysPage
Zero count _AddFreePhysPage
Start phys page #EAX is out of range for PhysToFTEMap _AddFreePhysPage
End phys page #EDX is out of range for PhysToFTEMap _AddFreePhysPage
Entire region is less than page NOWRAP_MAX_V86_PAGE _AddFreePhysPage
First part of range is < page NOWRAP_MAX_V86_PAGE _AddFreePhysPage
Page #EDI is a free region Sentinel in PhysToFTEMap _AddFreePhysPage
Page #EDI is a page the MMGR already knows about _AddFreePhysPage
SRRABad flags _PageAllocate
Bad flags _PageAllocate both PageLockedIfDP PageLocked set
PageMapFreePhysReg _PageAllocate after INIT complete
ERROR: PageLockedIfDP set before InitComplete _PageAllocate
Bad pType _PageAllocate
0 pages _PageAllocate
NUL VMHand on non PG_SYS _PageAllocate
Non NUL VMHand on PG_SYS _PageAllocate
Aligned alloc is not PageFixed _PageAllocate
Allocating heap, heap in use _PageAllocate
Heap rsvd too small _PageAllocate
_PageAllocate fail because _HeapAllocate of header failed
aligned _PageAllocate after INIT complete
Failing _PageAllocate, Pager is BUSY
Alloc_Demand_Page failed _PageAllocate
Bad flags _PageReAllocate
Bad flags _PageReAllocate both PageLockedIfDP PageLocked set
ERROR: PageLockedIfDP set before InitComplete _PageReAllocate
Bad handle #esi _PageReAllocate
NUL page handle _PageReAllocate
_PageReAllocate heap, Hand not valid
_PageReAllocate heap page type bad flags
Handle to 0 pages _PageReAllocate
0 length handle??? _PageReAllocate
Messed up handle shrink, entry #edi _PageReAllocate
Failed fixed reallocate because of lack of linear space
LRU list is already busy _PageReallocate Grow Copy
FTE #ECX is PageV86Maped but FTEV86MapList is 0 _PageReallocate
FTE has bad FTEV86MapList link #ECX _PageReallocate
FTE is not pres but isn't RELOCK type V86MapRelock _PageReallocate
Failing _PageReAllocate, Pager is BUSY
Alloc_Demand_Page failed _PageReAllocate
Bad flags _PageFree
NUL page handle _PageFree
Invalid handle #esi _PageFree
_PageFree Invalid Heap handle Free
Handle list back link -1 but page not head _PageFree
Handle list bad _PageFree
Odd case, _PageFree of Sys VM CB handle
Bad flags _GetSetPageOutCount
Zero count AddToFreeList
AddToFreeList messed up handle #esi at #ebx
Not Present page #esi has lock cnt #edx AddToFreeList
Phys page back link != FTE ptr AddToFreeList
Insertion point look failed AddFreeSent
Anomaly 6 AddFreeSent
Anomaly 5 AddFreeSent
Count overflow 3 AddFreeSent
Count overflow 4 AddFreeSent
Anomaly 4 AddFreeSent
Anomaly 3 AddFreeSent
Count overflow 1 AddFreeSent
Anomaly 1 AddFreeSent
Count overflow 2 AddFreeSent
Anomaly 2 AddFreeSent
FreeSentHead == -1 != FreeSentTail AddFreeSent
Free Sent #edi spans PageLMapFTEBase AddFreeSent
HandleZeroInit bad counts, skip = #ecx, size = #edx
HandleZeroInit messed up handle or count, entry #esi
HandleZeroInit messed up handle or count, entry #esi
Requested count #ecx > FFFFh PageRoomLinear
Count overflow PageRoomLinear
Critical section unowned!!!! Alloc_Demand_Page
Critical section not owned by cur VM Alloc_Demand_Page
Alloc Demand Page was reentered in the current VM
FTE already marked busy Alloc_Demand_Page IN
#esi != FTE entry Alloc_Demand_Page 1
Alloc_Demand_Page failure below unlock reserve count
Unexpected failure of Get_Free_Page in Alloc_Demand_Page
Non 0 FTELRUFirst bad FTE Alloc_Demand_Page
FTELRUFirst is not pageable Alloc_Demand_Page
Could not re-set LRU Global time out Alloc_Demand_Page
Alloc_Demand_Page FTE #edi page out failed, locking FTE
Alloc_Demand_Page No page out candidates
Alloc_Demand_Page Phys #eax FTEPhysEntry = #edx
PageSwap_In Failed FTE #esi Alloc_Demand_Page
#edi != FTE entry PDPFTEAdvanceNext
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register FollowFTENextLink
#edi != FTE entry LRUUnlinkFTE
LRU list is already busy LRUUnlinkFTE
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTEPrevLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register FollowFTENextLink
#EDI FTE isn't Last but can't extract next link LRUUnlinkFTE
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTEPrevLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register FollowFTEPrevLink
#EDI FTE isn't First but can't extract prev link LRUUnlinkFTE
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTEPrevLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTEPrevLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register FollowFTEPrevLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register FollowFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTEPrevLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTEPrevLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTENextLink
#edi != FTE entry LRULinkFTEMru
LRU list is already busy LRULinkFTEMru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
#edi FTE entry has non-zero Next Link LRULinkFTEMru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTEPrevLink
#edi FTE entry has non-zero Prev Link LRULinkFTEMru
Current last #EDX is not present LRULinkFTEMru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
Current last #EDX has non-zero next link LRULinkFTEMru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTEPrevLink
#edi != FTE entry LRUFTEMru
WARNING: LRU list is already busy LRUFTEMru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
#edi FTE entry has zero Next Link LRUFTEMru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTEPrevLink
#edi FTE entry has zero Prev Link LRUFTEMru
#edi != FTE entry LRUFTELru
WARNING: LRU list is already busy LRUFTELru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
#edi FTE entry has zero Next Link LRUFTELru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTEPrevLink
#edi FTE entry has zero Prev Link LRUFTELru
Current first #EDX is not present LRULinkFTELru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTEPrevLink
Current first #EDX has non-zero prev link LRULinkFTELru
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTEPrevLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register SetFTENextLink
Entry FTE #EDI is invalid TransferV86PageBits
Entry PTE is not correct for FTE #EDI TransferV86PageBits
Improper non zero flag bits TransferV86PageBits
FTE #EDI is PageV86Maped but FTEV86MapList is 0 TransferV86PageBits
FTEV86MapList entry #EAX for FTE #EDI is invalid TransferV86PageBits
Not present V86 page ent #EBX is not proper PG_RELOCK type TransferV86PageBits
Present V86 page ent #EBX does not match FTE #EDI TransferV86PageBits
FTEV86MapList for FTE #EDI has > 50 links TransferV86PageBits
Entry FTE #EDI is invalid MakeV86MapsRELOCK
Entry PTE is not correct for FTE #EDI MakeV86MapsRELOCK
Improper non zero flag bits MakeV86MapsRELOCK
FTE #EDI is PageV86Maped but FTEV86MapList is 0 MakeV86MapsRELOCK
FTE #EDI has bad FTEV86MapList link #ECX MakeV86MapsRELOCK
LRUCount is 0 ??? MMGR_LRU_Sweeper
Entry #EDI with back link but it isn't present MMGR_LRU_Sweeper
LRUCurInterval is 0 MMGR_LRU_Sweeper
Could not re-set LRU Global time out MMGR_LRU_Sweeper
0 entry encountered in PhysToFTEMap array MMGR_LRU_Sweeper
Sentinels not set, or Sentinels corrupted
Bad flags _PageOutDirtyPages
Bad flags _PageOutDirtyPages both SetBase and ClearBase set
nPages == 0 _PageOutDirtyPages
_PageOutDirtyPages FTE #edi present but PTE at [#ebx] is not 1
PageSwap_Out with PS_NoXchg_Bit set changed phys addr _PageOutDirtyPages
_PageOutDirtyPages FTE #edi page out failed
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register FollowFTENextLink
_PageOutDirtyPages FTE #edi present but PTE at [#ebx] is not 2
Alloc_Demand_Page_Low_SYS error PG_PRIVATE
Page at low region was not present? Alloc_Demand_Page_Low_SYS
PageContig NOT specified aligned _PageAllocate
minPhys >= maxPhys aligned _PageAllocate
Couldn't allocate Bit array aligned _PageAllocate
Free list garbled aligned _PageAllocate
Non-Free page does not have 0 link aligned PageAllocate
Dec Unlock_Count through MMGR_UNLOCK_RESERVE Aligned PageAllocate
Dec Free_Count through zero Aligned PageAllocate
Low Aligned PageAllocate error PG_PRIVATE
Odd Aligned stuff LOW, #eax != #EDI
Already Free Page #eax Low Aligned PageAllocate
Finished low aligned PageAllocate scan #ecx pages left
_MMGR_Create_VM could not find free PD entry for high linear
Handle screw up #ecx _MMGR_Create_VM
Not pres page in SYS VM < FV86Pg type #EAX _MMGR_Create_VM
Not pres PgT_RELOCK in SYS VM < FV86Pg PagerType != 3 _MMGR_Create_VM
Free FTE with valid back link in VM mem _MMGR_Create_VM
Not present FTE with valid back link in VM mem _MMGR_Create_VM
0 lock cnt FTE with valid back link in VM mem _MMGR_Create_VM
V86 alias entry at #EDI is not 0 1 _MMGR_Create_VM
_MMGR_Create_VM Marked non instance PAGE #edx
_MMGR_Create_VM Didn't mark instance PAGE #edx
Not pres PgT_RELOCK in SYS VM > LastV86Page PagerType != 3 _MMGR_Create_VM
Not pres PgT_RELOCK in SYS VM > Last_VM_Page not VMStat_PageableV86 _MMGR_Create_VM
Something wrong 1 FTE #esi in PG_RELOCK page _MMGR_Create_VM
Lock failed in _MMGR_Create_VM, lock counts and V86 map links may be screwed up
Free FTE with valid back link in VM mem 2 _MMGR_Create_VM
Not present FTE with valid back link in VM mem 2 _MMGR_Create_VM
0 lock cnt FTE with valid back link in VM mem 2 _MMGR_Create_VM
Something wrong 2 FTE #eax in PG_RELOCK page _MMGR_Create_VM
V86 alias entry at #EDI is not 0 2 _MMGR_Create_VM
_MMGR_Create_VM Marked non instance PAGE 2 #edx
_MMGR_Create_VM Didn't mark instance PAGE 2 #edx
_MMGR_Create_VM could not find PD entry 2 shouldn't happen!
VMID > 255 _MMGR_Create_VM
FTEV86MapList for FTE #EAX has circular link _MMGR_Destroy_VM
Expected FTEV86MapList head, but it isn't FTE #EAX scan #EDI _MMGR_Destroy_VM
Something wrong FTE #eax in PG_RELOCK page _MMGR_Destroy_VM
VM handle list not empty! #eax _MMGR_Destroy_VM
_MMGR_Destroy_VM CB_PT_Phys_ptr != PD cleared at [#esi]
_PageGetSizeAddr failed on LDT handle _MMGR_Suspend_VM
Couldn't unlock LDT _MMGR_Suspend_VM
_PageGetSizeAddr failed on INST handle _MMGR_Suspend_VM
CB_MMGR_ResumedBit already clear _MMGR_Suspend_VM
Couldn't unlock VM Memory _MMGR_Suspend_VM
Couldn't unlock Instance buffer _MMGR_Suspend_VM
Couldn't RE-LOCK LDT and/or INST buffer _MMGR_Suspend_VM
_PageGetSizeAddr failed on LDT handle _MMGR_Resume_VM
Couldn't lock LDT _MMGR_Resume_VM
_PageGetSizeAddr failed on INST handle _MMGR_Resume_VM
CB_MMGR_ResumedBit already set _MMGR_Resume_VM
Couldn't lock VM Memory _MMGR_Resume_VM
Couldn't lock Instance buffer _MMGR_Resume_VM
Cur_VM_handle != SYS_VM_Handle _MMGR_WIN386_Exit
Bad flags _SetResetV86Pageable
Bad flags _SetResetV86Pageable, no bits are set
Bad flags _SetResetV86Pageable, more than one bit set
PageSetV86Pageable clear but VM #EBX is not VMStat_PageableV86
0 nPages _SetResetV86Pageable
VMLinPgNum < FirstV86Page _SetResetV86Pageable
VMLinPgNum >= WRAP_MAX_V86_PAGE _SetResetV86Pageable
Range ends > WRAP_MAX_V86_PAGE _SetResetV86Pageable
Clearing bit already clear _SetResetV86Pageable
Could not relock memory on PageSetV86Pageable clear _SetResetV86Pageable
    caller had better pay attention to the error!!!!!!
Setting bit already set _SetResetV86Pageable
nPages and/or LinPg non-zero on intslocked change _SetResetV86Pageable
Setting V86IntsLocked which is already set _SetResetV86Pageable
Clearing V86IntsLocked which isn't set _SetResetV86Pageable
SRVMPLckUnlck failed unlock _SetResetV86Pageable
_LinPageUnLock failed SRVMPLckUnlck??
Non-Zero flags _GetV86PageableArray
Non-Zero flags _AddInstanceItem
_AddInstanceItem bad InstType #eax in #edx
_AddInstanceItem Links not 0 #edx
Missed head detection _AddInstanceItem
_AddInstanceItem Instance above MAX_INST_PAGES not supported #edx
_InstanceInitComplete no instance list
_InstanceInitComplete entry is 0 size #esi
_InstanceInitComplete entry is 0 size #edi
_InstanceInitComplete entries not sorted #esi > #edi
Instance overlap #esi @#EAX len #ECX
                 #edi @#EAX len #ECX
IIC new Page #ecx out of range
IIC Starting new Page #ecx, table struct not empty
IIC adjusted inst rec to 0 or neg size #esi
IIC HMA instance page #ecx is too high
Could not get Physlinear map for WRAP region instance page _InstanceInitComplete
IIC overflowing size count page #ecx
Computed Inst_VM_Buf_Size of 0 _InstanceInitComplete
FirstV86Page below MMGR_MinPgPage, moving up to MMGR_MinPgPage _InstanceInitComplete
Instance page #EDI is not present in SYS VM _InstanceInitComplete
Already Free Page #eax _InstanceInitComplete
ERROR: Instance page #EDI is being skipped, will not instance it
Already have PhysToFTEMap Sentinel at [#EDI]
PhysToFTEMap snt cnt overflw at [#EDI], sent at [#ESI] cnt #EDX
_InstanceInitComplete Temp_VM_Data_Area outstanding
Allocation failure VM1 Inst _InstanceInitComplete
Allocation failure Inst snap _InstanceInitComplete
Allocation failure Inst Descrip _InstanceInitComplete
Fail grow Instance desc buff AllocateInstanceMapStruc
"2BRbrMMGRHMAPhysical on non-MMGRHMAEnable call _MMGR_Toggle_HMA
Invalid flags _MMGR_Toggle_HMA
Doing LOCAL enable HMA and there are instance pages _MMGR_Toggle_HMA
MMGRHMAPhysical when Phys HMA is managed by MMGR _MMGR_Toggle_HMA
Bad VM page #ecx > 10FH Map_VM_Page_Fault
Swap_Instance_PageFS ERROR INSTANCE PAGE > 10Fh
Swap_Instance_PageFS failure will be ignored
ERROR:  Re-entered instance copy procedure
Swap_Instance_Page, 0 in Inst_Page_Owner for page #ecx
ERROR:  Instance fault on suspended VM #EBX
Instance fault on page with 0 IMT_Inst_Map_Size
ERROR:  Instance fault on non-instance page
Got an instance page fault on #ecx >= MAX_INST_PAGES in a VM
Swap_Instance_Page #ECX > 10Fh ???
FATAL ERROR:  Instance_VMDestroy called with EBX = Cur_VM_Handle
Invalid flags TestSetBitArray #esi
Bad bit index >= 32 TestSetBitArray #eax
Non-Zero flags _Get_Device_V86_Pages_Array
Non-Zero flags _Assign_Device_V86_Pages
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages Local called before INIT complete
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages local bits are set page #AX length #CX
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages Global Failed, bits Local in VM #ebx
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages Global Failed, start #edi <= FirstV86Page
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages Init restriction violation
Non-Zero flags _DeAssign_Device_V86_Pages
_DeAssign_Device_V86_Pages called before INIT complete
_DeAssign_Device_V86_Pages Local Failed, bits are clear
_DeAssign_Device_VM_Pages Local CLEARING PAGE OWNED BY MMGR!!
_DeAssign_Device_V86_Pages Global Failed, bits are clear
_DeAssign_Device_V86_Pages Global Failed, bits clear Local in VM(s)
_DeAssign_Device_VM_Pages Global CLEARING PAGE OWNED BY MMGR!!
Zero nPages count _De/Assign_Device_V86_Pages
Start Lin page #edi > 10F _De/Assign_Device_V86_Pages
End Lin page #eax > 10F _De/Assign_Device_V86_Pages
Bad flags _Allocate_GDT_Selector
Invalid system descriptor type #eax _Allocate_GDT_Selector
Grow GDT _Allocate_GDT_Selector before MMGR inited
No free selectors in 64K GDT _Allocate_GDT_Selector
Attempt to alloc for grow failed _Allocate_GDT_Selector
Bad flags _Free_GDT_Selector
Invalid selector1 #eax _Free_GDT_Selector
Invalid selector2 #eax _Free_GDT_Selector
Selector > limit #eax _Free_GDT_Selector
Selector already free #eax _Free_GDT_Selector
Bad flags _Allocate_LDT_Selector
Zero Count _Allocate_LDT_Selector
Out of range Count #ecx _Allocate_LDT_Selector
_PageGetSizeAddr failed _Allocate_LDT_Selector
Specified Sel is not LDT selector _Allocate_LDT_Selector
Specified Sel > LDT Res _Allocate_LDT_Selector
Specified Sel is past end of LDT _Allocate_LDT_Selector
Specified Sel is already allocated _Allocate_LDT_Selector
No free selectors in 64K LDT _Allocate_LDT_Selector
Not enough room for Count selectors _Allocate_LDT_Selector
LDT Selector limit high 16 #ecx more than 20 bits
Selector > limit #eax _Allocate_LDT_Selector
LDT Selector NULL _Allocate_LDT_Selector
Create LDT _Allocate_LDT_Selector before MMGR inited
Bad flags _Free_LDT_Selector
Invalid VMHandle, no LDT _Free_LDT_Selector
Invalid selector1 #edi _Free_LDT_Selector
Invalid selector2 #edi _Free_LDT_Selector
_PageGetSizeAddr failed _Free_LDT_Selector
Invalid selector3 #edi _Free_LDT_Selector
Selector already free #edi _Free_LDT_Selector
Bad flags _BuildDescriptorDWORDs
DESCLimit > 20 bits _BuildDescriptorDWORDs
Bad bits set DESCType _BuildDescriptorDWORDs
DESCType == 0, INVALID _BuildDescriptorDWORDs
Bad bits set DESCSize _BuildDescriptorDWORDs
Non-zero flags _GetDescriptor
Bad flags _SetDescriptor
Invalid system descriptor type #eax _SetDescriptor
Bad LDT descriptor type _SetDescriptor
Non-zero flags _Allocate_Device_CB_Area
CBReservedPages too small _Allocate_Device_CB_Area
ReAlloc failed _Allocate_Device_CB_Area
Growing CB returned different handle
Bad flag bits set _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
More than one align bit set _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
GVDAPageAlign speced but nBytes not mult of 4k _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
GVDAReclaim speced but not GVDAPageAlign _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Temp_V86_Data_area outstanding _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
BOTH GVDAInstance and GVDAReclaim set, not allowed _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Zero count _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
FirstV86Page < MMGR_MinPgPage _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
    Moving FirstV86Page up to MMGR_MinPgPage for Reclaim Page align allo
Tried to move First_VM_Page to VM1BaseMapLPage 2 _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Ran into Global Dev_VM Pages 2 _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Round region count went through 0 _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Low region count went through 0 _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Bad NUL handle #edi _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Tried to move FirstV86Page to VM1BaseMapLPage 1 _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Ran into Global Dev_VM Pages 1 _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Non zero flags _Add_global_V86_Data_Area
Zero nBytes _Add_global_V86_Data_Area
#EAX - #ECX is at least partly between First/LastV86Page _Add_global_V86_Data_Area
#EAX - #ECX ends >= Page 100h _Add_global_V86_Data_Area
No available space in GVDALowList _Add_global_V86_Data_Area
Non-zero flags _Allocate_Temp_V86_Data_Area
Zero count _Allocate_Temp_V86_Data_Area
Temp_V86_Data_area outstanding _Allocate_Temp_V86_Data_Area
ATVDAnBytes FirstV86Page > VM1BaseMapLPage _Allocate_Temp_V86_Data_Area
Temp_V86_Data_area not allocated _Free_Temp_V86_Data_Area
Temp_V86_Data_area Count > 1 _Free_Temp_V86_Data_Area
AGVDAllocInstanceStruc ran out of InstAGVDAHArray
AGVDAllocInstanceStruc HeapAllocate failed
AGVDAHFree heap free failed dword at #esi
Need to increase MAXROUNDREGIONS _Allocate_Global_V86_Data_Area
Dev_VM_Page_Struc at #edi < FirstV86Page is dev alloced
Some device has Device_V86_Page_Alloced below final FirstV86Page Mem_Scan_Set_Low_SYS
 Address |                111111111111111122222222222222223333333333333333|     00000000 |J|     =========|0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF|     =========|================================================================|      22 = Locked           11 = Present Dirty    00 = Present Clean      = Not Pres Valid    = Not Pres Invalid    = FreeMMGRPgFlags - PAGERBUSY HEAPBUSY ABNEEDGRW WANTPAGEOUT PAGEOUTBUSY GFPRecall PgSwpPHYSChng LRUBusy  
AllocateBytes not initialized yet
AllocateBytes Block #BL, FREE BASE #eax, SIZE #EDI
    This AB block is heap handle at #eax
    Could not find this AB block in the heap
Heap page handle = #edx, base = #esi, No Heap
Heap Handle is not valid....
size #eax pgs FTE #EDX
ESC to quit, anything else to dump heap
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
Heap Handle #edi, Alloc size #ebx, size #ecx, Prev #edx, 
        Flags #eax - Invalid Signature ERROR
        Alloc or Realloc by (#EAX) ?EAX
VMM region is #ECX pages, Init region was #EAX pages
PhysToFTEMap array size #ECX pages starting at #EAX
Page Out Count = #EAX pages
Min Pageable Page = #EAX
Map Base #EAX, Total size #ECX pages, Heap MAX #EBX pages
Free linear space #EAX pages, largest free linear block #ECX pages
LDT selector allocation starts at #AX, LDT selector in LDT is #CX
Heap actual size #EAX pages
Non-heap Base #EAX, size #ECX pages
Free Phys Page Count #EAX, Real Free Phys Page Count #EDX
Unlocked Phys Page Count #ECX, Free Hold Count #EAX
Control block takes #ECX pages
PagerType #AL, 0 - Unknown, 1 None, 2 DOS, 3 HW Direct
  LRU Count #EAX pages, HI Swp Freq #ECX mSec, LO #ECX mSec
  LRU Cur Swp Freq #EDX, Low water #EAX pgs, Rate time out #ECX mSec
ESC to quit, anything else to view LRU list  
Bad FTE #FTE_Register ExtractFTENextLink
Bad FTE #FTE_Register FollowFTENextLink
ESC to quit, anything else to view System handle list  
System handle list is NULL
ESC to quit, anything else to view PhysToFTEMap Sentinels
Non Sentineled 0 entries: Page - #EDX length #ESI
Sentinel:                 Page - #ESI length #EDX
******** Sentinel DAMAGED range is not all 0 ********
******** Sentinel DAMAGED range span doesn't match ********
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
  Handle List for VM #EBX
    VM handle list is NULL
ESC for next VM, anything else to Print Pageable V86 page list
Pageable V86 Pages for VM #EBX
    Page #ESI is Pageable
    VM has no pageable V86 Pages
ESC to quit, anything else to Print GLOBAL V86 Page Owners
    Page #EAX, owner (#EDX) ?EDX
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
Instance Page #DI owned by VM #EBX ID #AL
    Instance Page is in HMA but wrap is ON in owner VM (HMA not mapped)
    Instance Page IS NOT PRESENT in #EBX!!!!!!!
    Instance Page IS PRESENT in #EBX!!!!!!!
Instance has 0 Instance_Map_Table_Size
    VMAddr #eax, #ESI bytes (Ld Bt #CL, Algn Bt #BX)
        Wrap page, VMAddr is in PhysLinear region
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
ESC to quit, anything else to View Detail
Select desired free list function:
  [0] Print out free list (including hold count pages)
  [1] Set Hold Count
        The free hold count is used to simulate low memory situations.
        The hold count number of pages are 'held' on the free list
        which means they cannot be allocated and that amount of memory
        will not be available. NOTE that this value will take time
        to have effect if there are currently not as many pages on the
        free list as the hold count is set to. Setting a large number
        simulates VERY low memory (be very careful with this!)
        setting of 0 turns feature off.
Free Count #EAX, Real Free Count #EDX, Unlock Count #ECX
Current free hold count is #EAX
    New setting (in HEX) ?   BAD NUMBER
Free Count #EAX, Real Free Count #EDX, Unlock Count #ECX
Free Hold Count #EAX
  Pages actually on free list
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
#AL#AX   Actual Free List is Null
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
  Pages mapped in free Phys regions
PDE is not present for free phys region Validate_Free_List
#AL#AX     No Free Physical Regions Allocated
ESC to Cancel, anything else to find handle for PFT?  
Could not find memory handle for this PFT
Memory handle #esi, PFT linear address #edx
Linear address #eax Page table entry is #edx
        Page is Present
        Physical page #eax
        PFT addr #eax
        This page does not have a valid back link in the PhysToFTEMap.
          Content of PhysToFTEMap for this page is #EAX.
          Page is outside the PhysToFTEMap range.
        Page is NOT Present
        Page type PG_VM
        Page type PG_SYS
        Page type PG_RESERVED1
        Page type PG_PRIVATE
        Page type PG_TRANSFER
        Page type PG_RELOCK
            PFT addr #eax
        Page type PG_INSTANCE
        Page type PG_HOOKED
        Page is P_WRITE
        Page is NOT P_WRITE
        Page is P_USER
        Page is NOT P_USER
        Page is P_ACC
        Page is NOT P_ACC
        Page is P_DIRTY
        Page is NOT P_DIRTY
Linear address #eax is in a not present Page Directory region
Linear mappings of phys address #eax (physical page #eax)
Linear address #eax maps this physical address
ESC to Cancel, E to Enable Display(refresh)
               D to Disable Display
   If enabled, P for Prev, N for Next
Paging Display on MONOCHROME monitor is Enabled
Paging Display on MONOCHROME monitor is disabled
ESC to Cancel, P for Prev, N for Next ?  
DoPageOut FTE #esi present but #ebx PTE not
An FTE is already marked busy DoPageOut OUT
DoPageOut FTE #esi page out failed
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
Memory Handle #esi, Sig #EAX, VMHand #EBX, FTEPtr #EDI
        HandFLink #ECX, HandBLink #EDX, INVALID HANDLE
, SIZE #ECX, LinAddr #EDX
        Alloc or Realloc by (#EAX) ?EAX
ESC to quit, anything else to continue
    PFT #EDI, Free Prev #AX, Free Next #DX, Free Size #CX
PHYSEnt #EAX, Lock Cnt #CX
        HiNib #CL, NxtLw #AX, PrvLw #AX, NxtLnk #EAX, PrvLnk #EAX
        Flags #BL - INVALID PFT
        FTEV86MapList #EAX non-zero map list but not V86 mapped
INVALID, VM handle is bad
VM #EBX INVALID, VM page number is bad
V86 Page #DX
        FTEV86MapList for PFT has more than 10 entries.
_MapFreePhysReg service disabled
_UnmapFreePhysReg service disabled
_XchgFreePhysReg service disabled
Page #EDI already on free list PutOnFreeSort
PhysToFTEMap overflow page # #ECX to big PutOnFreeSortNoCounts
Last_Free_Place #eax garbled PutOnFreeSortNoCounts
YIPE 3 already on free list #edi = Last Place PutOnFreeSortNoCounts
Free list garbled 1 PutOnFreeSortNoCounts
YIPE 4 already on free list #edi PutOnFreeSortNoCounts
Free list garbled 2 PutOnFreeSortNoCounts
YIPE 1 already on free list #edi PutOnFreeSortNoCounts
YIPE 2 already on free list #edi PutOnFreeSortNoCounts
Doing second Free Phys call back in Get_Free_Page
Free list has entries but Real_Free_Count == 0 GetFreePageNoCounts
Free list garbled GetFreePageNoCounts
Bad Free list 1 link after #ecx links [#edx] = #eax Validate_Free_List
Bad Free list 2 link after #ecx links [#edx] = #eax Validate_Free_List
Bad Free list Last_Place #ebx found #edx and #esi Validate_Free_List
Free list has circular link #ecx >= SzPhysToFTE Validate_Free_List
Did not find Last_Place #ebx on free list Validate_Free_List
Free list of length #ecx, Unlock_Count = #edx Validate_Free_List
Free list of length #ecx, Real_Free_Count = #edx Validate_Free_List
PDE is not present for free phys region Validate_Free_List
(Free list + Free phys) of length #ebx, Free_Count = #edx Validate_Free_List
_SetFreePhysRegCalBk service disabled
_PageAllocatePHR is disabled
Region list is garbled Start #ESI to low in value, ignoring region.
Region list is garbled End #EDI to low in value, ignoring region.
Range #ESI -> #EDI ends above SzPhysToFTE, adjusting end.
Region list is garbled, or SzPhysToFTE range check reduced
  range to nothing #ESI -> #EDI order backwards, ignoring region.
PD index #EAX for page #ESI exceeds PHYSLINBITARRSZ, ignoring region
PD index #ECX for page #EDI exceeds PHYSLINBITARRSZ, ignoring region
Free list set but last free place not set PutOnFreeSortInit
Range going on end overlaps current list PutOnFreeSortInit
Range going on front overlaps current list PutOnFreeSortInit
IDISPBPSXBXDXCXA0123456789ABCDEFBad service request in Deb_Query [eax = #eax]
SXznyy.VM [#] ------ Displays complete VM status
.VC [#] ------ Displays the current VMs control block
.VH ---------- Displays the current VM handle
.VR [#] ------ Displays the registers of the current VM (Prot mode only)
.VS [#] ------ Displays the current VM's virtual mode stack (Prot mode only)
.VL ---------- Displays a list of all valid VM handles
.T  ---------- Toggles the trace switch
.S  [#] ------ Displays short logged exceptions starting at #, if specified
.SL [#] ------ Displays long logged exceptions just #, if specified
.LQ ---------- Display queue outs from most recent
.DS ---------- Dumps the protected mode stack with labels
.MH [handle] - Displays Heap information
.MM [handle] - Displays Memory information
.MV ---------- Displays VM Memory information
.MS PFTaddr -- Display PFT info
.MF ---------- Display Free List
.MI ---------- Display Instance data info
.ML LinAddr -- Display Page table info for given linear address
.MP PhysAddr - Display ALL Linear addrs that map the given PhysAddr
.MD ---------- Change debug MONO paging display
.MO ---------- Set a page out of all present pages
.VMM --------- Menu VMM state information
.<dev_name> -- Display device specific info
****************** STAND ALONE DEBUG IS ENABLED ******************
StandAloneDebugDumpPause before start
****                                                       ****
****                StandAloneDebugDump                    ****
****                                                       ****
****   Slow and steady wins this race! YOU GET ONE PASS    ****
****   THROUGH THIS INFORMATION ONLY! So you had better    ****
****   look at the right stuff and not forget things.      ****
****   Have your pencil and paper ready so you can write   ****
****   stuff down. LOOK CAREFULLY at each and every        ****
****   screen so that you do not miss things!              ****
****                                                       ****
****                                                       ****
StandAloneDebugDump VM = #EBX, SYS VM = #ECX
Client CS:EIP = #AX:#EDX -> #AL  
StandAloneDebugDump Paused after code bytes .vm next
StandAloneDebugDump Paused after .vm, .vl next
StandAloneDebugDump Paused after .vl, V86 ints next
V86 INT Vectors
  #AX: #AX:#AX  
ESC to cancel V86 INT dump, else continue
StandAloneDebugDump Paused after look at ints, debug querry next
Paused after debug_querry call to VMM, ESC to continue else VMM Again
******************************   ******************************
**** **** **** Paused after debug_querry call to device #ECX, ESC to cancel
StandAloneDebugDump Paused after debug_querry calls, .s next
StandAloneDebugDump Paused after .s, .sl next
StandAloneDebugDump Paused after .sl, will now restart tracing and continue
start tracing
stop tracing
V86PM VMM OUT          VM_Handle = #edx     #ecx
 Fault #ax   VM_Handle = #edx     #ecx
AX=#eax  CS=#bx  IP=#ecx  FS=#dx
BX=#eax  SS=#bx  SP=#ecx  GS=#dx     TIME=#edx:#ax
CX=#eax  DS=#bx  SI=#ecx  BP=#edx
DX=#eax  ES=#bx  DI=#ecx  FL=#edx
#ecx: #ax #edx #ecx: OUT  #edx #cl EI DI V86 #cx:#dx PM  #cx:#dx VMM  #edx   #ax,#eaxINT     #al     #ax,#al#ax   #eax 
Invalid VM handle #eax, using current VM #ebx
:  unrecognized command  ('?' for help)
bp failed
Cur_VM_Handle = #EAX
Show exception #eax
Exception #eax does not exist in log
Exception #eax does not exist in log, starting at end of list
exceptions logged = #eax
No logging performed thus far
  ?EAX called from ?EBX
#eax: [#ecx] ~(~TlG~2m~=~GF~I~|~)/#2Mǜa&u0'2=o>MBMfSystem timeTime-slice information/profileDyna-link service profile informationReset dyna-link profile countsI/O port trap informationReset I/O profile countsTurn procedure call trace logging on  V86 interrupt hook informationPM interrupt hook informationReset PM and V86 interrupt profile countsDisplay event listsDisplay device listDisplay V86 break pointsDisplay PM break pointsDisplay interrupt profileReset interrupt profile countsDisplay GP fault profileReset GP fault profile countsToggle Adjust_Exec_Priority Log AND DISPLAYReset Adjust_Exec_Priority Log infoToggle verbose device call traceFault Hook information 
        V M M   D E B U G   I N F O R M A T I O N A L   S E R V I C E S
]  Enter selection or [ESC] to exit:  
Client Frame:
AX=#eax  CS=#bx  IP=#ecx  FS=#dx
BX=#eax  SS=#bx  SP=#ecx  GS=#dx
CX=#eax  DS=#bx  SI=#ecx  BP=#edx
DX=#eax  ES=#bx  DI=#ecx  FL=#edx
Time #EDX.#AX
Caller's stack is not flat model.  Int not from VMM.
 #bl.#cl #ax #esi #ecx #ebx #eax #edi
         Control = ?eax
         V86_API = ?eax  @#ebx
         PM_API  = ?eax  @#ebx
Name      Ver   ID  InitOrd  Ref Data Services ServTabl   DDB
Stopped while VM executing
Windows/386 kernel reentered #AX times
Critical section claim count = #ECX
The critical section is currently unowned
VM handle      = #EBX
Client pointer = #ESI
VM Status      =  
Excl   Back   Creat  Susp   Not_Ex PM_Exe PM_App PM_U32 VxD_Ex HPriBk Block  Awake  PgV86  V86ILk TSSched#EAX 
        VM Registers for #ebx
DX=#EAX  ES=#BX  DI=#ECX         Flags=#AL#EAX#EAX
#BX:#EDI  Memory not available
Current execution mode is protected mode.  Virtual 8086 mode registers are:
Current execution mode is virtual 8086 mode.  Protected mode registers are:
   DS=#AX  ES=#BX  FS=#CX  GS=#DX
VM Stack #ebx
Page not present
Selector #AX is invalid
Dump of VM control block for VM handle #EBX
#EDX  Flags		      #EAX
#EDX  High Linear Addr     #EAX
#EDX  PgTable_ptr	      #EAX
#EDX  VM_List_Link	      #EAX
#EDX  Next		      #EAX
#EDX  Queue		      #EAX
#EDX  Priority	      #EAX
#EDX  Sched_Status	      #EAX
#EDX  Stack_Pointer	      #EAX
#EDX  TSS_ESP0	      #EAX
#EDX  Stack_Mem_Handle     #EAX
#EDX  Suspend_Count	      #EAX
#EDX  Client_Pointer       #EAX
#EDX  PT_Phys_ptr	      #EAX
#EDX  Inst_Buf_ptr	      #EAX
#EDX  CB_Hand	      #EAX
#EDX  Inst_Hand	      #EAX
#EDX  MMGR_Flags	      #EAX
#EDX  MMGR_HandHd	      #EAX
#EDX  LDTSel 	      #AX
#EDX  LDTHandle	      #EAX
#EDX  AE_Count	      #AX
#EDX  Int_Enable_Count     #EAX
#EDX  VM_Exec_Time	      #EAX
#EBX, id #cx, priority #EDX, status  
ERROR:  Invalid VM handle #EBX
ASSERTION ERROR:  #EBX is not the current VM handle
ERROR:  Synchronous service called from a nested interrupt.
ERROR:  Selector DS = #AX when serivce called
ERROR:  Selector ES = #AX when serivce called
ERROR:  Selector SS = #AX when serivce called
        Return address = ?EAX (#EAX)
ERROR: EBP = #EBX not current client pointer for VM #EBX
l	(|	(@(	(	(	(	(	(	(	(	(
(0((((((((((((((((((
((("(*(2(:(B(J(R(Z(b(j(r(z()((((((((((((((((

(+;K[k{MAX_PS2_SYS_DESC_LEN too small, have #ECX bytes

ERROR:  About to block VM #EBX on crit from low crit poll!
ERROR: we got here from Pmode while using V86 IDT
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Attempt to remove VM event from empty list!
ERROR:  About to block VM #EBX on crit from low crit poll!
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
At Return_To_VM VM #EBX has not completed Critical Init.
    It is suspected that some VxD is trying to do an Exec_Int
    before a VM is ready to have interrupts enabled. Do .DS
    to find out who the culprit is.
ERROR AT RETURN_TO_VM:  Crit poll state = #CX -- Invalid
ERROR:  Crit section not claimed at poll exit free crit
ERROR: Current crit claim ID invalid, state #CX
OOOOPPPPSSSS!  V86 CS = #AX.  Probably not valid!
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  GP Fault from VMM when attempting to return to protected mode app
        Fault occurred while loading a segment register.
        Segment register will be zeroed.
        Fault occurred at IRET.  Will crash VM
pfault from debugger  ds = #axeax = #eax
#ebp  #eax #ebx #eax #ebx
#ebp  #eax #ebx #eax #ebx
#ebp  #eax #ebx #eax #ebx
#ebp  #eax #ebx #eax #ebx
Invalid NMI fault trapped at start of fault hook dispatch
Invalid V86 fault #AX trapped at start of int simulation
Invalid V86 fault #SI trapped at start of fault hook dispatch
BAD FAULT #SI from V86 mode
Invalid PM fault #SI trapped at start of fault hook dispatch
BAD FAULT #SI from protected mode app
Bogus exception handler pointer #ESI passed to Remove_Exception_Handler
WARNING:  Fault #SI from ring 0 will be handled by exception handler
          #ECX.  Faulting EIP = #EAX
Invalid VMM fault #SI trapped at start of fault hook dispatch
Ignoring fault #SI trapped in Ignore_Fault
ERROR:  Got to bogus NMI handler
4EVgx"3DDivide error    Debug exception Non Mask Int    Debug BreakPnt  Overflow        Bounds Check    Invalid Opcode  Coprocessor     Double Fault    Coprocessor SEG Invalid TSS     Segment Not Prs Stack exception Gen Protection  Page Fault      Reserved        Coprocessor Err  
Select desired Fault Hook function:
  [0] Print out fault hook information
  [1] Set invalid fault trap
        WIN386 allows all sorts of people to hook invalid faults. Unfortunately
        many fault handlers have bugs in them. This allows you to set a state
        where invalid faults will stop at an INT 1 inside WIN386 before the
        dispatch to the fault hooks commences. This allows you to trap invalid
        faults at the lowest level and trace into the fault handler.
        PLEASE NOTE: With the exception of GP fault, Invalid Opcode fault, and
        Page fault, exceptions are pretty much invalid if they occur and the
        default handler gets control. Also note that folks like the debugger
        who hook faults by changing the IDT entry will disable this.
Inv Flt trap #BL ENABLED  DISABLED (D)isab,(E)nab,(S)kp,ESC if done)?  
    V 8 6   F A U L T   H O O K S
 #DL     ?EAX
[ESC] to exit, anything else for PM fault hooks 
    P M   F A U L T   H O O K S   C U R R E N T   V M
 #DL     ?EAX	 (#DI:#EAX) ?DI:EAX 
[ESC] to exit, anything else for VMM fault hooks 
    V M M   F A U L T   H O O K S
 #DL     ?EAX
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR: Dynalink call for device #EAX service #EBX
This device does not exist
ERROR: Dynalink call #EBX for device #EAX is invalid
  service is out of range (num services = #ECX)
ERROR: Dynalink call #EBX for device #EAX is invalid
  service is not implemented in loaded version of the device
  Count  (decimal)   Num   Address  Service name
== Memory not present ==  #EDX  ?EDX
Are you sure you want to reset the service profile counts (Y/N)? Int  V86 Ints    PM Ints   VMM Ints     Total
#CL  #EAX   #EBX   #EDX   #ESI
Are you sure you want to reset the interrupt profile counts (Y/N)? Counts reset
"F/b////2MjZ&3's()*ZBROwxx--KPRlSS#TnU7VVVXTaNOOiP^_bcanbkcccfedeca3~344.5"rr3sjsstv6vvwwt+^,n58`=<R<X-`&'?	o
-trC.Bp).N@2N/F$Ipi?bF:i7 =w*4u~^ǯ# $$%#$%ŠCN>2??@gΑʒV"Δ,|m!>Gg׽ʾqM5/^`zZ2^sBt5^50mN6:wW6M7O`noT

VMM     @FATAL ERROR:  Next_Exec_Init could not create stack for system VM.
_PageUnlock failed at Nest_Exec_Suspend_VM
Next_Exec_Resume_VM could not lock PM locked stack -- Resume failed
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Client SS:SP at End_Nest_Exec does not match stack at Begin_Next_Exec
WARNING:  Client SS:SP at End_Nest_Exec does not match stack at nested Begin_Nest_Exec
ERROR:  CS:IP at End_Nest_Exec is not proper break point
PERFORMANCE WARNING:  Call to Set_V86_Exec_Mode when already in V86 mode
PERFORMANCE WARNING:  Call to Set_PM_Exec_Mode when already in Prot Mode
ERROR:  End_PM_Exec called when PM_Exec_Count = 0!
Restore_Client_State changing modes!
ERROR:  Begin_Use_Locked_PM_Stack called for VM #EBX when VMStat_PM_Exec clear
ERROR:  Invalid SS:SP after call to End_Use_Locked_PM_Stack
Could not allocate memory for V86 break-point
Attempt to remove break point that does not exist (#EAX)
Invalid Invalid Opcode fault trapped at start of fault hook dispatch
ERROR:  Could not allocate memory for call backs and break points
ERROR:  Could not allocate global VM data area space for VM break point
Out of return break points
ERROR:  Unable to allocate PM call-back address
STRANGE!  Int 30h from V86 mode!
Int 30h from code segment that is not PM_Call_Back_CS
ERROR: Call_When_VM_Returns could not allocate hook node
Map_Lin_To_VM_Addr failed!
  V86 CBs   V86 BPs   Num Free Slots
  #EAX  #EDX  #EBX
  CS:IP     Hit Count  Ref Data   Procedure
#AX:#BX   #ECX   #EDX   ?ESI
  CS:IP     Hit Count  Ref Data   Procedure
#AX:#BX   #ECX   #EDX   ?ESI
  PM BPs    Num Free Slots
  #EAX  #EBX
  CS:IP     Hit Count  Ref Data   Procedure
#AX:#BX   #ECX   #EDX   ?ESI
ERROR: Invalid time-out handle #ESI
Attempt to set time-out with count of #EAX
ERROR:  Out of memory -- Crashing current VM
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
<"<"999$ء9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999Hook_Invalid_Page_Fault before list set up
ERROR:  Fault on not present page DIRECTORY entry.  (Lin addr = #EAX)
Invalid page fault trapped at start of fault hook dispatch
ERROR:  Access rights violation page fault at lin addr #EAX
        non-hooked page
WARNING!  Ring 0 access to linear address #EAX
          by ?ECX (#ECX)
Since no debugger is loaded, the 1st meg page fault debug feature will be
Bad page type, or invalid Hooked page Lin addr #EAX Bad_Page_Fault
Page fault - bad hooked page number #EAX
Hooked page access rights page fault on non v86 addr #EAX
Hook with bad page #EAX, or already hooked
X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;t<X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;;;;;X;X;X;X;BBBBX;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;BX;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;oooX;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;X;AHBABX;X;X;X;hAAA\B;X;;<<X;X;X;X;X;qX;X;X;X;pqp*;*;X;O<O<X;Invalid Gen Protect fault trapped at start of fault hook dispatch
WARNING:  Skipping mov to/from debug or CRx register
VM executed LOADALL
ERROR:  VM #EBX executed a HLT with interrupts disabled
Total V86 GP faults = #ESI
Total PM GP faults  = #EDI
V86 ARPL faults     = #ECX (+ GP = #ESI, % of faults = #)
Num  V86 Cnt    %     PM Cnt     %    Procedure
#CL   #EBX   #AL%   #EBX   #AL%   ?EAX
Are you sure you want to reset the GP fault profile counts (Y/N)? $F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$F$FInstall_Mult_IO_Handlers failed on port #DX
Attempt to install handler for port #DX failed
Warning:  Enable_Global_Trapping called for non-hooked port #DX
WARNING:  Enable_Local_Trapping called for non-trapped port #DX
Warning:  Disable_Global_Trapping called for non-hooked port #DX
WARNING:  Disable_Local_Trapping called for non-trapped port #DX
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
$F$F\EhEtEEInvalid simulated IO jump value = ECX
WARNING: I/O to non-hooked port -- Type (ECX = #EAX), to port #BX
I/O Permission Map addr   = #EAX (64K bits long)
Max # port traps allowed  = #ECX
Offset of IO_Port_Table   = #ESI
Offset of IO_Proc_Table   = #EDI
        Hash table hits   = #EBX
        Hash table misses = #EAX
        Total I/O traps   = #EAX
Port I/O Traps   %  State Hash Bucket Off Proc
#BX  #EDI  #AL%   ONoff  #DI  #CX  #DL  ?ESI
   Trapping enabled for VM #EBX
   Trapping disabled for VM #EBX
Press any key to see I/O permission map or [ESC] to exit... 
All bits are dumped lowest to highest (0 - 64)
      00000000 00000000 11111111 11111111 222222222 2222222 33333333 33333333
      01234567 89ABCDEF 01234567 89ABCDEF 012345678 9ABCDEF 01234567 89ABCDEF
#AX: .*  
Are you sure you want to reset the I/O profile counts? I/O profile counts reset
,lWIERD!  Terminated VM owns critical section
FATAL ERROR:  VM executed after terminated!!!
ERROR: Schedule_Create_VM_Succeeded called with invalid VM_Status
ERROR:  Could not suspend VM we are about to destroy
WARNING: Attempt to adjust priority boost of VM #EBX by 0
ERROR: Adjusted priority boost of VM #EBX negative!
LAdjust VM #EBX by #EAX
Called from ?EAX making new pri #EBX
#CL Adjust #ECX, VM #EBX, from (#EAX) ?EAX
Adjust_Exec_Priority LOGGING is OFF
Adjust_Exec_Priority LOGGING is ON
Are you sure you want to reset Adjust_Exec_Priority LOGGING info (Y/N)? Failed to suspend VM #EBX
ERROR:  VM is not current VM and is NOT on a queue at suspend VM!
ERROR:  Resume VM called for a non-suspended VM
Resume_VM failed for VM #EBX
ERROR:  Invalid flags #ECX passed to Begin_Critical_Seciton
    ECX = Flags
          Block_Svc_Ints - Service interrupts in the VM if the VM blocks
                for the critical section.
          Block_Svc_If_Ints_Locked - Service interrupts in the VM if the
                VM blocks for the critical section AND the
                VMStat_V86IntsLocked flag is set.
          Block_Enable_Ints - Service interrupt events in the VM even if
                the VM does not currently have interrupts enabled (force
                interrupts to be enabled).  This flag is only relevant if
                either Block_Svc_Ints or Block_Svc_If_Ints_Locked is set.
Please correct this as soon as possible -- This will be a fatal error soon
Begin_Critical_Section INCed GC_Claim_Count to 0!
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
SCHEDULER STATE ERROR:  Woke up after wait for crit section for VM #EBX
and GC_Owner is other VM handle
ERROR:  End_Critical_Section called when crit section unowned!
ERROR: Non-owner of critical section called End_Critical_Section
End_Crit_And_Suspend called with Crit Count <> 1!
ERROR:  Attempt to Release_Critical_Section #ECX times through 0
ERROR AT GET_CRIT_SECTION_STATUS:  Crit poll state = #CX -- Invalid
GCSS ERROR:  Crit section not claimed at poll exit free crit
ERROR: Current crit claim ID invalid, state #CX
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR: Unable to allocate memory for semaphore
ERROR:  Invalid flags #ECX passed to Wait_Semaphore
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
Flags have changed in waitsem after resumeexec!
Client register state DIFFERENT after resume exec!
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
In Run_Next_Ready_VM block loop and found non-suspended VM that is not blocked #EBX
SCHEDULER WARNING/ERROR:  Directed_Yield re-entered.
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Inconsistant state in critical seciton call-back handler
ERROR: VM #EBX already attached to queue at attempt to attach to #EAX
ERROR: Attempted to remove VM #EBX from queue #EAX while not attached
ERROR: Queue is empty at call to Remove_VM_From_Queue
WARNING!  Nuking critical section owner!  VERY BAD IDEA!
WARNING:  Attempt to nuke current VM! -- Crashing VM
WARNING:  About to crash VM #EDX.
WOW!  Crashing VM owns critical section -- VERY DANGEROUS!
FATAL ERROR:  Crashed VM executed past directed yield!
FATAL ERROR:  Attempt to crash System VM
ERROR:  Crash_Event called with EBX <> Sys_VM_Handle
Invalid flags #ECX passed to Close_VM
Close_VM called twice for VM #EBX -- Jumping to Nuke_VM
Close VM did not work correctly -- In crit section at event
Close VM event for VM #EBX timed-out -- Nuking VM
WARNING: Time slice set to #EAX!  Using default value
ERROR:  Attempt to set priority of VM #EBX to silly value.
Set execution focus failed attempt to set focus to VM #EBX
Silly value of #EAX passed to Set_Time_Slice_Granularity ignored!
STRANGE!  TSSC_Event called with non-sys VM handle (#EBX)
Force focus exclusive due to lack of memory!
Can't resume focus VM in exclusive mode.  Switch to Sys VM!
ERROR:  Time-slicer could not suspend VM #EBX!
Time-Slice warning.  About to schedule suspended VM!
# VMs scheduled = #AL
# idle VMs = #AL
Time-Slice focus VM = #EBX
Scheduled VM    = #EAX
Time slice size = #EAX
Timer period    = #AL
Only the focus VM is scheduled
    Fgd=#CX, Bkgd=#DX, %CPU=#AL(dec), Tick Weight=#ESI, Total=#EDI
#EBX background high-pri-bkgd exclusive suspended idle 
;;;;;;;;;;; ;";$;&;(;*;,;.;0;2;4;6;8;:;<;>;@;B;D;F;H;J;L;N;P;R;T;V;X;Z;\;^;`;b;d;f;h;j;l;n;p;r;t;v;x;z;|;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;; ;";$;&;(;*;,;.;0;2;4;6;8;:;<;>;@;B;D;F;H;J;L;N;P;R;T;V;X;Z;\;^;`;b;d;f;h;j;l;n;p;r;t;v;x;z;|;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooVMInt_Begin_PM_Exec used more than 1 page for PM vectors
VMInt_Resume_VM could not lock PM IDT and vector table -- Resume failed
ERROR:  Em_V86_Int called with invalid int # (#EAX)
WARNING:  Attempt to Emulate_V86_Int for int #AL, vector CS=0
8Invalid interrupt number #EAX passed to Hook_V86_Int_Chain
Could not allocate memory for software int hook
ERROR:  Invalid interrupt # #EAX passed to Simulte_Int
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
Log of CLIs from protected mode:Log of STIs from protected mode:#AL  #CX:#EBX  #EDX  ?ESI?CX:EBX#AL  #CX:#BX  #EDX                           ?EDXDONE.  Press any key to continue... 
#CX:#BX   #EAX 
Press any key to continue, [ESC] to exit... 
Are you sure you want to reset the simulated interrupt profile counts (Y/N)? Error: There is an incompatible device driver or memory-
resident program that must be removed before you run 
Windows in 386 enhanced mode. If you are using an old version of RAMDRIVE,
replace it with the version that came with the version of Windows that you
are running.

Restart your computer.Insufficient memory or address space to initialize Windows in 386 enhanced mode.

Quit one or more memory-resident programs or remove unnecessary
utilities from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, and restart
your computer.Windows protection error.

You need to restart your computer.
Could not continue running Windows because of paging error.This application is now running in exclusive mode because of
insufficient memory. Other background applications are suspended.This application can not run because of insufficient memory. Quit one or more applications and try again.Windows is now running in exclusive mode because of insufficient memory. Background applications are suspended.MS-DOSInvalid VxD dynamic link call to device number xxxx, service xxxx.
Your Windows configuration is invalid. Run the Windows Setup program
again to correct this problem.

To continue running Windows press Y or ENTER. To quit the current program press N. If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable. Do you want to continue?ERROR:  Unable to allocate memory for System.Ini buffer in Ini_Services_Init
Could not allocate temp buffer for OpenFile
Call to Get_Next_Arena with ECX = #ECX!
Out of room in delete on exit file list Set_Delete_On_Exit_File
BBBDTBBՍBBBBBBB8BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBB5#BBBBBBBBBBB8BBBBBBBBBÎBBBBB         Sys_Critical_InitDevice_InitInit_CompleteSys_VM_InitSys_VM_TerminateSystem_ExitSys_Critical_ExitCreate_VMVM_Critical_Init	VM_Init
VM_TerminateVM_Not_ExecuteableDestroy_VM
VM_SuspendVM_ResumeSet_Device_FocusBegin_Message_ModeEnd_Message_ModeReboot_ProcessorQuery_DestroyBegin_PM_AppEnd_PM_AppDevice_Reboot_NotifyCrit_Reboot_NotifyClose_VM_NotifyPower_EventUNKNOWN ctrl callCarry return on SysctrlPrl with ignored error???
Carry return on VxD_Device_Call with ignored error???
ERROR:  Device #ECX returned error from SysCtrl call #EAX
Warning: Not a standard System_Control call #eax
non-standard System_Control call failed by #ecx
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
Could not allocate invalid page fault list
ERROR:  More than one device with ID #DX
ERROR:  HeapAllocate for Command_Tail_Ptr failed
Could not set XMSUMBINITCALLS, old V86MMGR version.
StrayPtrDetection_HeapFree of Command_Tail_Ptr failed
WARNING: Device failed to initialize (DDB = #EAX)  
Dev Call  to QEMM 5.xx hack-o-rama failed, code mismatch.
QEMM 6.00 hack-o-rama failed, code mismatch.
Set GSDVME_OkNukeMask but VM #EBX error isn't set GetSetDetailedVMError
Setting GSDVME_OkNukeMask on non-Nuke extended error
  or GSDVME_OkNukeMask is already set GetSetDetailedVMError
Set GSDVME_OkNukeMask but global error isn't set GetSetDetailedVMError
GSDVME_OkNukeMask is incorrectly specified on SET call GetSetDetailedVMError
Setting VM specific error at Create_VM Time GetSetDetailedVMError
Setting VM specific error on #EBX, error already set GetSetDetailedVMError
Getting VM specific error at Create_VM Time GetSetDetailedVMError
Device (DDB=#ECX) failed control call #EAX which is ignored
WARNING: Device (DDB=#ECX) failed
         control call #EAX
Dev Call  to ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
Device #ECX failed to create VM #EBX
Device #ECX failed Query Destroy
Device #ECX failed protected mode execution
Device #ECX failed to resume VM
Device #ECX failed VM Critical Init
Device #ECX failed VM init
How did we get here???  End_Crit_And_Suspend failed at VM_Init_Failed
VM_Critical_Init failed but continuing in VM VMM_VM_Init???
VM_Init failed but continuing in VM VMM_VM_Init???
    Device Call Trace is ON
    Device Call Trace is OFF
VMM list services unable to initialize
ERROR:  Invalid flags #EAX passed to List_Create
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
Unable to allocate list node
Unable to allocate list node from heap
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR: Unable to locate node in list to remove!
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
Duplicate global event scheduled.
Procedure = ?ECX (#ECX), ref data = #EDX
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
Duplicate VM event scheduled for VM #ESI
Procedure = ?ECX (#ECX), ref data = #EDX
ERROR:  Attempt to cancel global event #EAX which is not on event list
ERROR:  Attempt to cancel event #EAX for VM #EBX -- Invalid event handle
ERROR:  Invalid flags #ECX passed to Call_Priority_VM_Event
ERROR:  Invalid negative boost #EAX passed to Call_Priority_VM_Event
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid list handle #ESI
Pri_Event_Time_Out called for event #EDX in bad state!
ERROR:  Attempt to cancel priority VM event TWICE!
Could not allocate memory for NMI hook
Ref data #EDX, procedure ?EBX
_AddInstanceItem failed InstDataStruc @#EDI Create_Int2F_Inst_Table
ڝ6CKNTPaERROR:  PM application requested VM ID compatibility call-back address
ERROR:  Kernel called Win386 idle with interrupts disabled
Critial set-focus to VM #EBX forced using Int 2Fh API
WARNING: Invalid function #EAX on VDMMG call
Int31 Mapper ERROR: Could not alloc PM app control block area
TfvLc+Note: INT 31h function #AX failed
Int 31h: App. did not de-allocate memory block #ecx!!!
Int_31h_End_PM_App: PageFree Failed.
Int 31h: App did not de-allocate DOS mem, selector=#edx !!!
Int_31h_End_PM_App: PageFree Failed.
Int31_End_PM_App: list handles not allocated!!!
M3T_J+ Int31 Free LDT Selector : *E R R O R* !!!
    You have tried to free the LDT base selector.
    We will NOT allow you to do this, and you MUST NOT try.
    You may find a way to circumvent this protection mechanism,
    however, we GUARANTEE that all loop-holes will be closed
    by the next rev, and your app. will NOT WORK !!!
Int31_Int31: Freeing Client DS!!!
Int31_Int31: Freeing Client ES!!!
ERROR:  Can not load limit of selector #SI for lock/unlock segment
Int31 Error : Attempt to Lock/Unlock a GDT selector.
Int31 Error: Attempt to access (read or write) a GDT selector.
Int31 Error: Attempt to set non-code/data selector or 
             invalid DPL field.
Int31 Free DOS Mem Block: Block not allocated through Int 31!
Error -- Can't grow memory block past 64K limit!
Invalid PM fault #DX trapped at start of I31 fault hook dispatch
WARNING:  CS:EIP or SS:ESP different at end of PM fault hook return to USE32 CS #DX
ERROR:  VM #EBX caused fault ##DL while executing in protected mode
ERROR:  Unable to get descriptor for SS
Int31 Free Mem Block: Block not allocated through Int 31!
Int31 Resize Mem Block: Block not allocated through Int 31!
VERY ODD!  I32_Phys_Addr_Mapping called with lin addr #EAX
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ERROR: PageOverCommit value in SYSTEM.INI is too large.

Decrease the value, or if not present, add a setting that is less than 4.

FpTStart of Win386 before MMGR init
LE ^=GlsLE @P	$@'3 
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g$fEfEG HGG$fEfE` a t` a t`@ a t`~ a tx` a tX` a t8`9 a tE0 3FEGUG$?DFMN  H
[1] Turn on/off mono status display
[2] Display Int 13h statistics to debug terminal
[3] Reset Int 13h statistics
Enter selection or [Esc] to quit:  
This dosen't work yet
           80-READ  80-WRITE   81-READ  81-WRITE    READ      WRITE      GRAND
SECTORS   ........  ........  ........  ........  ........  ........   ........
BLOCKS    ........  ........  ........  ........  ........  ........   ........
TIME (d)  ........  ........  ........  ........  ........  ........   ........
CYL DST   ........  ........  ........  ........  ........  ........   ........SEC DST   ........  ........  ........  ........  ........  ........   ........ 
-->    Read -->    Write   #CL  #EAX    #BX    #EDX    no     YES    #AL, #BX, #CL    #AX
Int 13h rejecting FastDisk #DL, DDB=#EDI
mKk)WARNING!  Invalid command #CX being failed by Int13.386
WARNING:  Disk reset for drive #EDI being ignored
INT13 warning: Unable to lock memory for disk I/O.  Buffering command #ESI
Int 13h Seek call being ignored (will return success)
Int 13h Alt_Reset call being ignored (will return success)
Int 13h Test_Ready call being ignored (will return success)
Int 13h Recalibrate call being ignored (will return success)
Int 13h diagnostic call being ignored (will return success)
Int 13h Park_Heads call being ignored (will return success)
Int13 WARNING:  Unsupported command #CL returning bad command error
 ! A 3F-! s3 ! Ѕu
L3 %s`P a tH w  `Wrwƒ<4u
<4aÜ`w a ta 43ȭȭȭ-=>Dellu! u<!f[JINDOSPOLLINGOverlappedIOWIN3LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
X$!#),/38=LE  q *5MG5
E   0WDCTRL$$'	'	?
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f f$t`9	 a t`f~=ue5=	FFFt!H
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3$3BBBBtBf~u ð0WfuK u8 +=r朜`	 a t`fF6a 5fWdfo

	  f$t`	 a t;=uŋ
AtWf쨀uWd 5

	uP= {A38
u538	t	tfFf~ut`=fmaf$t`	 a t		=	w`Wd`.
 a tf~u		afF= f$t`
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S [ G < `
 a tv ð	<t30S [  `4 a` a` a`' a
=`+ afy`T a`] aG`g a`t a` a` a` a` a	`
 a	` 
 a	`<

ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
WARNING:  Command #ESI for WDCTRL drive #EDI timed-out
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
Status port is #CL, error condition #AL
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Invalid internal state in WDCtrl_Cur_Cmd_Cplt
Command #ECX in progress to BDD #EDI -- Write toRead from drive #AL
Cur_Xfer_Ptr	     = #EAX
Remaining_Sec_Count = #EAX
Cur_Region_Count    = #EAX
Cur_Region_Ptr      = #EAX
Next_Start_Sector   = #EAX
Rem_Sec_This_Xfer   = #EAX
Accum_Status        = #AL
Num_Retries         = #AL
Queued command #ECX for BDD #EDI
No command in progress
#EAX total retries
#EBX reads failed
#ECX writes failed
Disk Time-Out ErrorThe hard disk on your computer has failed to respond. The Windows 32-bit disk-access feature (WDCTRL) may not be compatible with your computer's hard-disk controller. This is often the case with battery-powered portable computers whose power-saving features are enabled. 

You can turn off 32-bit disk access by choosing the 386 Enhanced icon in Control Panel and then using the Virtual Memory dialog box. Or you can specify 32BitDiskAccess=Off in the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file.This program tried to access your hard disk in a way that is incompatible with the Windows 32-bit disk-access feature (WDCTRL). This may cause your system to become unstable. tRZrotZzrO r8B r(3! tG <Ü`	 a t`h!3  fGdfGftfGfGG
GwGOGG(G,3G0O HOHO$fHfuf3fOhHOiG GG$HGG The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) cannot be loaded. There
is a conflict with another virtual device.WDCtrlTimeOutQEMM386$=
 fsƾ2t\I2t̸f33.4f33.ɳtf33S.[tt5f33S.[tf33S.[tVX&f>03COu6&f>MPAQu)pB

.Ȏrl䡨@uk$<Pubr>tS[rހtAf33{ú MHʎڎº=(
83Vj	!,'E	!,! !%	!/	!333`=!r+غD!>!r3ɸtaÁ>
>uaa`b!e</uRItY <du4ItO<:u,ItG<Ar$<Zv<ar<zw <ft4It-< t&<	t"</tIt< t<	t</t
< t<	ua0123456789ABCDEF`؋!!a`f3fgffًf/Ȏ؎3Ɇ&/a00	#!UV
3FF&=F~FrF&:uuFx$?&:EuFe&;
uFDF=t/w@FFFI&EHF&EHF&+F(ff3&fMfBVf3&fMfFV؎N
%22F<uF>BPuF%@桺&E&E=u3BBFBFBF
FBB ~t6@
&l쨀t&:lt{t؎mfP$~F~^]3ۋN]ô	!3֋ًW&_u<1t$<Yt<Tt33ɋI&8uNo fixed disk drive was detected on this computer. The Microsoft Windows
32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) cannot be loaded. $The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) requires Windows
version 3.1 or later. $The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) cannot be loaded on
this computer because of interrupt conflicts. $The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) is incompatible with
this computer's hard-disk controller. $The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) validation failed at
phase $The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) cannot be loaded. There
is unrecognizable disk software installed on this computer.

The address that MS-DOS uses to communicate with the hard disk has been
changed. Some software, such as disk-caching software, changes this address.

If you aren't running such software, you should run a virus-detection
program to make sure there is no virus on your computer.$The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) requires MS-DOS version
3.10 or later.$Fatal error #0 during the initialization of the Microsoft
Windows 32-Bit disk driver (WDCTRL).  Restart your computer by pressing
CTRL+ALT+DEL.$Fatal error. Disk software is installed that is incompatible with the
Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL). Restart your computer by
pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL.$The Microsoft Windows 32-bit disk driver (WDCTRL) will not be loaded because
WDCTRLDISABLE=Y is set in this machine's environment. Remove this environment
string and the 32-bit disk driver will load normally.$

To continue starting Windows without using the 32-bit
BaE Wcp X	
 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHLE A@f*:hi`A$.
 E  B VMDh..	'

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VMD INT33 ERROR:  Unable to allocate CB area
Didn't find mouse device??? Get_Mouse_Instance
Get_Mouse_Inst Error insuf mem
VMD WARNING:  Unable to update cursor state for VM #EBX -- Can not allocate buffer
Int33h Mapper : Warning, unsupported int33h call #eax
ERROR - mouse handler called, but none defined!!!!
I33 Mapper, Save State: could not allocate V86 buffer
I33 Mapper, Restore State: could not allocate V86 buffer

VMD     4	\VMD failed to set port #al global thru VCD
VMD ERROR:  Unable to virtualize IRQ.
 3 s!`u a t Ҹ3 E t\lu33 
t!ru3 
tstt jjd h 
rmlW|$ _ fEfEfE/ EfM<fM Vt$ ^lu
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 a t  MS$MOUSEMouseSoftInitMouseHardResetAtInitu235!f3Ҍt&?uf3f$333333LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
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PTt I G *   \ G }t}t S [f5f9u8u
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HH,8VhYPy1uDlW|$ _   y1u 8 Vt$ ^lAEð"FF1E @c   S [U ]\t *t`j a t Q Yu8u5fu8+fE ǏEE8   `}t	` `` a tax.f~# fH` a t  uwH d=d`5@DPXtD <5\X  u	mHpHrxpTÀ=t u3ppvp>@"@1"E"`Q|Yt`=C3ҹdt0
rઊĪS [033   u	H
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   9=@D€`@@PHI, lW|$ _@u  pv,PfUfU8PU/`ߋE.u"QYt` a t Le-  Vt$ ^l  `f@u ps
duV35\ >^   ` a\ 6w
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d .33Ҹ @K `@ tDxFGfft	ff@ua SVppX@[9Ct$[u`- a tps^[Ð @tISQRP jRP nSЋ9Pt`M a tPZY[NetBuff Error:  Could not allocate V86 data area after MMGR returned size #EDI
ERROR:  Unable to allocate Hook Control Block
ERROR:  Unable to map network buffer
Call                   Listen                 Hang up                Send                   Receive                Receive any            Chain send              Send datagram          !Receive datagram       "Send broadcast datagram#Receive broadcast dgram0Add name               1Delete name            2Reset                  3Adapter status         4Session status         5Cancel                 6Add group name         pUnlink                 Install check          UNKNOWN COMMAND         
VM #EBX has no hook control blocks allocated
HBC #ECX for virtual machine #EBX
        Next = #EAX
       Flags = #EAX Wait_For_IRET Wait_For_POST Wait_For_Sim_POST POST_Crit From_PM NCB_Active  
    Real_NCB = NCB_Lin_Addr = #EAX
 Buf1_Handle = #EAX
 Buf2_Handle = #EAX
     Command = #AL -- No Wait      RetCode = #AL
         LSN = #AL
         Num = #AL
  Buffer_Ptr =       Length = #AX
  2nd_Buffer =     CallName =         Name =          RTO = #AL
         STO = #AL
   POST_Addr =     LanA_Num = #AL
    Cmd_Cplt = #AL
    Reserved = #AL  
This application should not be terminated because it is currently communicating on the network. You should try to quit this application using its exit command.This application was communicating on the network when you terminated it. Although Windows attempted to restore the state of the network, you may have problems with network communications until you restart your computer.This application was communicating on the network when you terminated it. Windows was unable to restore the state of the network. You need to restart your computer.This application requires a larger buffer for transferring information over the network. You can increase the buffer size by modifying the NetHeapSize setting in your SYSTEM.INI file.

Include or modify the following setting in the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file:


If the NetHeapSize value is still too low, this message will appear again, suggesting a new value for you to try.This program is causing your system to lock up. Do you want to end it?b
e	|

        WARNING:  VNETBIOS about to hook Int 5Ch which is already hooked -- WONT CHAIN!
Could not allocate PM call backs VNETBIOS_Sys_Critical_Init
Silly value #EAX specified for network time-out.  Setting to 2 minutes
VNETBIOS ERROR:  Could not alloc control block data area space
NetHeapSize in pages #EAX is HUGE, sizing down to 0FFh VNETBIOS_Device_Init
Lastv86Page + 1 - FirstV86Page is < 128k VNETBIOS_Device_Init
NetHeapSize in pages #EAX is > #EDX bound, setting to bound VNETBIOS_Device_Init
NetBuff_Init_Complete failed VNETBIOS_Init_Complete
Could not allocate V86 call back for post VNETBIOS_Init_Complete
ERROR:  Could not cancel HCB for dead VM #EBX
ERROR:  Unable to cancel outstanding HCBs for VM #EBX
ERROR:  Hook control block #EAX active for NCB #ECX which is being re-used
ERROR:  Invalid POST selector for HCB #EAX
STRANGE!  VNETBIOS_No_Map called with EDX=#EDX (should be 5Ch or 2Ah)
Warning:  Unknown network command #CL.  Hook Ctrl Blk = #EAX
WARNING:  Buffer pointer in unknown command is non-zero with INVALID SELECTOR in buffer pointer
Can't find HCB for canceled NCB (Usually NOT an error)
ERROR:  Invalid segment on POST!
ERROR:  Invalid selector #CX in post call-back.  Will GP fault
VNETBIOS WARNING:  Time-out for critical section ownership
ERROR:  NCB pointed to by HCB #EAX changed linear address to #EDX
 hj =r2jP u` a tt4hjjjjjjj S tQ 
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BaE Wcp X	
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}Mu<E}8Es{>$f~: ,a<PXs`
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DOSNET  \Z	QCould not allocate CB space DOSNET_Device_Init
Could not allocate SYS VM state save buffer DOSNET_SYS_VM_Terminate
DOSNET_AllocInfoStruc failed on 5F03h call, can't track drive #AL
DOSNET_AllocInfoStruc failed on 5F04h call, can't track drive #AL
DOSNET_AllocInfoStruc failed on 5F55h call, can't track drives
HeapAllocate of TailStruc Failed DOSNET_Int_21
HeapAllocate of CDS buffer Failed DOSNET_Int_21
Int 21 timed out DN_I21_CallBack
Success drive letter > Lastdrive??? DN_I21_CallBack
CDS_Buffer not set 1 DN_I21_CallBack
Update ref count error 1 DOSNET
Could not send FSC, SHELL_Event failed DOSNET
Update ref count error 2 DOSNET
CDS_Buffer not set 2 DN_I21_CallBack
Update ref count error 3 DOSNET
Update ref count error 4 DOSNET
Drive number error 1 DOSNET
Drive number error 2 DOSNET
Drive number error 3 DOSNET
Update ref count error 5 DOSNET
PostMessage Failed DN_I21_FSC_Complete
Update ref count error 6 DOSNET
 33H ,
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 R 3
 =uj5PSP ^&V
EBIOS   &EBIOS page is above FirstV86Page and below or = LastV86Page????
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages failed for EBIOS page.
EBIOS: page already assigned (#eax)
 U$jWj tҹ k;w#
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 C tu @;u,f=JPu"=ItGtD=Iu u-s;t" =b udEx;  ;t5u 

 ;t
S [=t5Etu(ftfufIO $I ;t
S [Ët+:s:v:s:v鉈 tNuE-
r;lW|$ _ fE  Vt$ ^l;t
S [=ES	tH
tu4<t0<0t,< r<$v$u_H 
LJËf}uuU RLZbUP Sf[]Ȁt
u3t.fu%`TffLJGO <Ga
t1SÈ[ :J u2 :5 t. 
b M2
b ;t
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b  N Uc
;t
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 IÜ;t
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 I G E@t
tc<x<<tÜ;t
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 S C[uHD+@%Hu+@ uw` u	=u`5
aà t2@t)PR$
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5 ;t`» au+PQV5
Ft;Xu>u^YX t=;t
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JXZX t*S [;t=t`ֽ ag߀tO tZ 7
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  0 WrWP33 Xs
 _ S [W+=;_t`3 a tjP Ou`O a tt@jP Ou`x a tt S [W+=;_t` a tP@jP Pu` a ttN$@jP Pu` a tt$@X Gt|jjRSR ^G tjjRSR ^ S [W+=;_t` a tRQPt	SM[rF;uH;$$.$tbes`/ a t$<t+ȋ3ysK`[ a tR$Ⱦz8s`y a tr$&	XYZ S [W+=;_t` a tQ9s` aPBgXY VPS^;t
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hjQP WY^ S [W+=;_t` a tV6Q3FfFfF
tjP UY^ Vt^ S [W+=;_t` a t`33G t	@uhu_G#t-uGtCG
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  _Yaك`. aO	 uP~X S [W+=;_t`X a t`G@ut3W;u
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VDD     (a(WARNING: non-zero flags passed from real mode init []
Running SYS VM in 2nd bank of video memory
VDD ERROR:  Could not allocate control block area
Tseng Labs ET3000 support
Tseng Labs ET4000 support
Video 7 VGA support
Paradise VGA support
     chip version 1F
ATI VGA support
Cirrus Logic VGA support
Cirrus Logic 610/620 VGA support
Cirrus Logic 6410 VGA support
Trident TVGA support
ROM Pages C6, C7 excluded
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
failed to allocate memory for grab
GRAB for VM other than focus - should not get this - GRAB IGNORED!!
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
Visible pages exceeds VRAM_Mod_List_Size
36VDD: forcing char map to 0 from #al for CLVGA
VDD: non-SysVM writing non-zero (#al) value to segment reg
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
ATI Out #AX,Index=#BX
ATI IN #AX,Index=#BX
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
Video 7 Cirrus Logic Cirrus Logic 6410 ATI (10-1E) Tseng Labs segment register Dump OEM regs (ESC to skip)
5VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
start of mode change for msg mode
Video BIOS error, defaulting to 25 rows
Set_MemC with zero handle?!
Set_MemC in SR #EBX
Set_MemC #EBX
no previous memc
Set MemC calling Mem Disable
Old CRTC value is ZERO!!
Modify_VMs_MemC when VM is not MemC owner #EBX
set planar calling Mem Disable
Reentered Restore latches
Reentered save latches
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
unknown video mode #ax X #cx
 VDD_State_Destroy_VM called for focus VM #ebx
VDD_State_Destroy_VM called for CRTC owner #ebx
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
warning MemC = 0, at return to VM time; set by ?esi
VDD: returning to VM #ebx without I/O trapping and not MemC owner
VDD: returning to VM #ebx with page #si mapped
Saving hardware regs before changed state restored
fVDD_WinfVDD_ModeSetfVDD_ModeChangefVDD_MdSvRAMfVDD_PageChgfVDD_FontfVDD_DirFontfVDD_WaitAttfVDD_DspDrvrAwarefVDD_HCurTrkfVDD_GrabfVDD_UpdfVDD_IdleUpdatefVDD_MemCmodsfVDD_MappedA0fVDD_AXRdfVDD_IOTfVDD_CanRestorefVDD_BoostfVDD_HidefVDD_PVGA_EnafVDD_ATIEnafVDD_NoSaveResfVDD_IOTmonofVDD_InInt2FfVDD_NeedRestorefVDD_PageFaultfVDD_InPFaultfVDD_DacChgfVDD_BoostUpdatefVDD_MInit ǯԯޯ
!*:HV`iyİѰfVT_NoSaveResSysVMfVT_NoSaveResOthersfVT_MonofVT_MonoPortsfVT_Notify_at_PFfVT_ResvB0fVT_SuprsMsgfVT_NoSuspendfVT_SysVMnot1stBankfVT_SysVMin2ndBankfVT_TVGAfVT_TVGA9100fVT_ATIVGAfVT_ATIVGA3fVT_NEWCLVGAfVT_CLVGAfVT_CLVGA_RevCfVT_V7VGAfVT_8514fVT_XGAbitfVT_CTVGAfVT_PVGAfVT_PVGA1FfVT_TLVGAfVT_TL_ET4000fVT_RsrvC6C7 ӱܱ!5HQ^iuò̲ײfVid_MsgInitfVid_DOfffVid_SysVMIfVid_CritfVid_VMsSuspendedfVid_MsgAfVid_SFPendingfVid_PlanarInitfVid_DspDrvr_InitfVid_Dont_Set_ModefVid_SR_SectionfVid_SR_Latch_resfVid_SR_regs_saved ɳس
/fVidTxtEmulatefVidNoTrpTxtfVidNoTrpLRGrfxfVidNoTrpHRGrfxfVidTextMdfVidLowRsGrfxMdfVidHghRsGrfxMdfVidRetainAlloɴش 0 fVDD_M_CtlrfVDD_M_VRAMfVDD_M_CursfVDD_M_ScOfffVDD_M_Errccceq}VDD video state dump for all Virtual Machines:
Vid_Flags         =  
VT_Flags          =  
Vid_CB_Off        = #eax
Vid_Focus_VM      = #eax
Vid_Msg_VM        = #eax
Vid_CrtC_VM       = #eax
Vid_MemC_VM       = #eax
Vid_Msg_Pseudo_VM = #eax
Select Option
  1 - display VM register states
  2 - display VM memory usage
  3 - dump video page info
  4 - display msg mode register state
  5 - display planar mode register state
  6 - read DAC
  7 - display VM DAC states
  8 - disable Queue_Outs
  8 - enable Queue_Outs
  9 - disable MemC debug event
  9 - enable MemC debug event
_;;;;};I<;<<VM #ebx DAC dump 
VM #EBX does not have display focus.  [ESC to skip]
VM #EBX has display focus.  [ESC to skip]
BIOS Mode = #AL
Grabber Mod state =  
VDD_Flags =  
VDD_PIF   =  
Misc: #al
Grp: (#AL) 
Seq: (#AL) 
   MStt for VM #ebx                  MSttCopy
 handle    addr   size alloc     handle    addr   size alloc
#eax #ebx #dx #cx     #eax #ebx #dx #cx
   Grabber mem is at #ESI for #ECX bytes, alloc #EAX
ERROR: Could not allocate global VM data area for VDD int 10 hook
VDD: Cannot address video memory(A0000h-BFFFFh)
VDD failed to alloc video page table
alp segment = #al
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD_PH_Mem_VM_Using_All not called with focus VM
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD: visible pages (#ax) > 16
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
LRU candidate failed to be freed (#esi)
VDD_PH_Mem_Alloc_Video_Page called with invalid page # (#eax)
VDD alloc pgh #eax for #ebx
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
failed to alloc new page for VDD_PH_Mem_Change_Page
VDD_PH_Mem_Free_Page attempt to free unowned page
VDD: decrementing owned_pages thru 0
Modify_VMs_MemC when VM is not MemC owner #EBX
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
non-zero reserved flags passed to VDD_PH_Mem_Access_Page
VDD_PH_Mem_Access_Page called when VM not MemC owner
Bad Page Handle #eax passed to ?ecx
Display physical video page table
      handle   owner     LRU    virt linr
#cx #eax #ebx #edx #bx #dx  free 
Display page handle list
 handle   owner   phys virt linr fl callback
#eax #ebx #dx #bx #dx #bl ?edx
VDD:End_Msg_Mode not in Msg mode
VDD:End_Msg_Mode for #ebx when #eax is current owner
VDD:Msg_ClrScrn not in message mode (vm=#ebx)
VDD:Msg_ClrScrn req vm #ebx != owner vm #eax
VDD:Msg_ForColor not in message mode (vm=#ebx)
VDD:Msg_ForColor req vm #ebx != owner vm #eax
VDD:Msg_BakColor not in message mode (vm=#ebx)
VDD:Msg_BakColor req vm #ebx != owner vm #eax
VDD:Msg_TextOut not in message mode (vm=#ebx)
VDD:Msg_TextOut req vm #ebx != owner vm #eax
Warning VDD_Msg_TextOut: ecx changed in VDD_State_Set_Message_Mode
Warning VDD_Msg_TextOut: esi changed in VDD_State_Set_Message_Mode
VDD:Msg_SetCursPos not in message mode (vm=#ebx)
VDD:Msg_SetCursPos req vm #ebx != owner vm #eax
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD:API call made by VM #EBX, non system VM
SelectorMapFlat failed VDD_Grb_DeviceVersion
VDD:Get_State buffer too small, is #AX
VDD: SelectorMapFlat failed for Get_State
VDD:Get_Mod buffer too small, is #CX, need #AX
VDD: SelectorMapFlat failed for Get_Mod
VDD:Get_Mem buffer too small, is #CX, need #AX
VDD: SelectorMapFlat failed for Get_Mem
invalid flags passed to VDD_SVC_Set_Addresses (#dx)
VDD: failed to allocate GDT selector for return_to_ring3
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
auto save/restore of SYS VM disabled
auto save/restore of other VMs disabled
notify bkgnd at pfault time
VDD: Mono pages already reserved: #EAX
VGA Mono text support
Secondary Mono text support
VDD ERROR:  Video pages already allocated: #EAX
VDD ERROR:  Could not allocate A0-AF video pages
VDD ERROR:  Could not allocate B8-BF video pages
VDD: C6-C7 ROM pages already allocated
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ERROR:  Could not allocate pagemap
VDD ERROR:  Could not allocate pageflags
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ERROR:  Could not allocate pagemap
VDD ERROR:  Could not allocate pageflags
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
failed to free visible page for new focus
failed to move a video page
VDD_VM_Mem_alloc_visible_page failed to alloc page #cx
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
growing page maps in VDD_VM_Mem_Chk_VideoPages (#edx)
set dev focus to #ebx
visible pages (#cx) is greater than 16
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
failed to allocate pagemap tables for new VM
failed to allocate save memory for new VM
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
failed to allocate memory for plane #cl
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
Too many pages visible in VDD_VM_Mem_Adjust_Visible_Pages (#edx)
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
disable mem called from ?eax
VDD pfault #ax
VDD_PH_Mem_CalcPageId for page #al failed in PFault for #ebx
VDD_PH_Mem_Alloc_Video_Page failed for #al in #ebx
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD Sys VM pfault #ax
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
page lock on save memory failed for page #cx
MapIntoV86 failed in VDD_VM_Mem_Map_SaveMem
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD_VM_Mem_Page_Handler unknow page notification - #ecx
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD: bad virtual id
VDD: clearing invalid page handle entry
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
save page #eax
Text mode font save failed
Graphics mode save failed
end save page #eax
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
restore page #eax
Text mode font restore failed
end restore page #eax
segment select register not correct #al
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
phys page still mapped at end of VDD_VM_Mem_Free_Pages
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
Display virtual video page table, VM owns #al phys pages
#dx    #ax   #dl #eax #dl  
Alloc message mode font mem failed
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD: Cannot address video ROM font memory @#esi
forced to programmed font (height=#cl)
Msg Mode Font @#edi
Save Message font failed
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
Message mode font restore failed
Display-driver ring transition initialization failed.There is not enough available memory for this application to correctly display information. Make sure the application's PIF settings are correct.This application was unable to access the video display. Its display was not updated. Check the PIF settings to ensure they are correct. If the display is erratic, redraw the display or restart the application.You cannot run this application while another high-resolution application is running in a full screen. The application will be suspended until a low-resolution or text application is running in a full screen. Check the PIF settings to ensure they are correct.This application was unable to allocate necessary display memory. It is being converted to a full screen so that display memory can be allocated. Check the PIF video memory settings to ensure they are correct.2dIDLE during video mode change!!
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD failed to post message for grabber
VDD bgrnd notify #ebx
BGrnd cancelled need for FGrnd notify
VDD fgrnd notify #ebx
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
VDD_Proc_Chk_Bkgnd_Usage should only be called for focus VM
VDD_Proc_Suspend_Bkgnd_VMs attempting to suspend current VM #ebx
VDD suspended #ebx
VDD resuming #ebx
giving FGrnd notification when NotifyEvent != 0
0$\xd8[̘fff0 $(,048@DH<<Disabling mono modes support
VDD ptr not correct, #edi
viot out #BX,#AL
viot in #AL,#BX
VM just mapped CRTC to mono port address
VO_3C7 DAC entry index not correct
VO_3C8 DAC entry index not correct
VI_3C8 DAC entry index not correct
VDD: write DAC data in read mode (port 3C9)
VDD: writing non-zero (#al) to segment reg
 2t4` av`ٛ a t@u3 @t. r)3j t`ݛ a`
 a2҉jh@ u"` a t ãGi t`0;t
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I Ћ EI/ A/ D
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 aqu q@ q@Gt q@Ge M fu3j	PPPPPjj S t!jjjhSP ]GtEuÜ` a t  S [W+=;_t` a t @J OA

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=EfE0 u8M Vt$ ^l=t#3PhP t
jQV lY@u$`
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r 3hPPPPPjQ S tuW5QV^ Y<$j5 U=`e a_UÜ`{ a t  `t!
hjQP W;t
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8 5X  `W/LJ <$G u@ s8| <$s5ws!` a%O 
O/Gu B  7Gu3=_aICannot run Windows because of video device conflict. You need to run the Setup program again.Video initialization failed. You need to run the Setup program again.WindowUpdateTimeVideoBackgroundMsgVideoSuspendDisableScreenLinesNonWindowsAppDualDisplayVGAMonoTextReserveVideoROMSVGAmemoryAutoRestoreScreenScrollFrequencyBkGndNotifyAtPFaultUseROMfontSysVMin2ndBank PARADISEWESTERN DIGITALOPYRIGHT1990WDCOPYRIGHTWD90C22WD90C2 761295520TRIDENT MICROSYSTEMS0u&7w&ff=wftf=w"fuf;R3۸o7Vu*o3up|fZ6X3VWQY_^tGfRBZ<ufRΰBP$42<X3fWVQY^_t#G3WVQY^_tGffB3&c؎>?14BJ5BJBJC5<0uBJ4<uBJB?t*?t
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  ?+ʋSt;w2tVPS= ^SS 52v trd$
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ɈF@&<r!w+<u"<u<uF:&;2uÃk PF>:F?X F>:F?t@$F> F?@$:F>t
F? ڋ52f; !N;F<t1 u  F;F9F: F=VUr7 dȡ1 `Ȝ2tVPS@ ^H2ubt>h@@;l@th@p@22zur4 rbf3fd@ĀtLe@C=52n@u
t	͈n@um%H2*  PQ1t dt`A a1t 	YX f@` d l@;h@Ð l@;h@t@l@p@$$ Sh@C;l@th@p@[[ PtX PdX Pdt`X `=e@fd@35`@ >3Ҿ. <5`@a `=e@fd@35`@ >3Ҿ. <5`@a `@=e@t`/A afd@l =S2t?jjhr l@u`PA a ttHf40 l@;h@tCp@`A aݜ`A aERROR:  Could not virtualize PS/2 Aux device
PS/2 Aux interrupt WAS requested for destroyed VM
Transfering AUX interrupt to VM #EBX
cVAD clearing int request
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
VAD_Request_Int : #eax left in queue
VAD request int for VM #EBX
VAD_INT : Interrupt
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
VAD - Throwing away:  1
VAD - Throwing away:   2
VAD - Throwing away:    3
VAD_IRET : timed-out
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled



VKD     81\}
@ *8FE:68FE:ROPQKLMGHIVKD ERROR:  Couldn't alloc control block data area space
Unable to initialize keyboard IRQ
Destroying focus VM...
VKD:  too many hot keys that can be locally disabled
VKD: invalid hot key handle
VKD: invalid hot key handle
VKD warning:  attempt to enable a non-local hot key
VKD warning:  enabled an already enabled hot key
VKD: invalid hot key handle
VKD warning:  attempt to disable a non-local hot key
VKD warning:  disabled an already disabled hot key
VKD_Reflect_Hot_Key handle #EAX to VM #EBX
VKD: invalid hot key handle
VKD_Get_Msg_Key called for VM other than msg buf owner  #ebx
VKD_Peek_Msg_Key called for VM other than msg buf owner  #ebx
VKD_Flush_Msg_Key_Queue called for VM other than msg buf owner  #ebx
VKD_API_Force_Key VM #EBX scan/cnt #CX shift #EDX
VKD_API_Force_Key called with VM handle other than current focus
VKD: hardware buffer overflow during VKD_API_Force_Key
VKD_API_Force_Key called with invalid VM handle #EBX
get_key #ax
get_key (none)
cur VM in msg mode, but doesn't own buffer
BIOS buffer half full - delaying paste
INT 16 paste failed - (timed out) - switching to INT 9 paste
kbdState: #eax
local shift state: #ax
Last sent =  #al 
Outbuf    =  #al 
Paste:  buf = #eax, ptr = #ebx, to = #edx, callback = ?ecx
Paste:  none
#al extnrm #ebx   #ecx#eax ?edx 
#edx #ebx #ecx#eax
  disabled in VM #ebx
Select desired VKD debug function:
   [0]   - General info
   [1]   - Hot Key info
   [2]   - Per VM info
   [3]   - Set VKD queue_outs
   [ESC] - Exit VKD debug querry
VAD       queue_outs are ON
VAD       queue_outs are OFF
HOT KEY   queue_outs are ON
HOT KEY   queue_outs are OFF
   [0]   - Turn VAD       queue_outs OFF
   [1]   - Turn VAD       queue_outs ON
   [2]   - Turn HOT KEY   queue_outs OFF
   [3]   - Turn HOT KEY   queue_outs ON
   [ESC] - Done
SC     D--PCRrp   -dddrrree      e CallBack

focus VM (#ebx) state:

Cur VM (#ebx) state:

VM (#ebx) state:
focus:  #eax    (CB offset = #esi)
global shift state: #ax
VKD flags: #eax
partial vk: #ax
global keybuf =msg mode buffer owner: #eax
buf @#ecx, head = #eax, tail = #ebx
Chk_Hot_Keys key #AX
Chk_Hot_Keys #ax, called from ?ebx
Chk_Hot_Keys Hot key detected #eax
Chk_Hot_Keys Hot key disabled
Hot_Key_Entered handle #AL, #EBX
Hot_Key_Entered forced complete on #ebx
Hot_Key_Entered notify for #ebx
Hot_Key_Notify Pri event scheduled
Hot_Key_Notify notify now
Hot_Key_Ended notify for #ebx
VKD_PriorityNotify calling notify proc
VKD: Cmd value too large in INI line "="
VKD: Invalid INI line "VKD: Count too large in INI line "VKD 8042 command declared #bl set to #cl
including support for PS/2 compatible password security
waiting for previous 8042 cmd to finish
VKD: ignoring #al
VKD: unknown command #al
8042 command (#al) for non-owner
VKD:  unsupported command byte #al - ignoring
VKD_Int_09 key #al
VKD:  wait for busy bit clear timed out
VKD: wait for ACK timed out
VKD: Cannot address reboot parameter at 472h
 `.3ZY 5/lW|$ _  fe,E4fEE fe,fE¸ fe,fEE fe,fE¸ fe,fEf(/fEE fe, fEfEfE8 fe,r^fEE fe,rAfEE fe,r$fEE fe,r1/ Vt$ ^l A=1/uxX ru/ D
.. Ћ Ejj ,/ t 2/aÜ`8/ a ta d d jh u!`3 a t 23X 2X  2X 2Q2X Q2R2X R2X 2Y 2Y 2MY L2BY S2=(2u8 5(23 5<3 5<,X <1   t 1u-ddt`u duuE`d`$P2d252G$2fF6f%pFAP2F<1 	| AjhHX jh\X jhpX jhX 
H2Ü`;3 a t`mY3  ;&lW|$ _ E fe,rE  Vt$ ^l52S$2p$2fF6[t <ar<zw,  
t< v
 `: =rD`> a `? at$ `	? a؋t|<,t`
? adt`<-u*<,t1J r`%? au
ȋ*t&<,ut<Ft<Nu?@?ɀ==?u`H? aa d' `)  3tH3Y t9`s? a>
>X ?)Y rH 5Y r ) dt+(qKYBDIODEBUGKeyBoostTimeAltKeyDelayKeyPasteTimeoutKeyPasteSkipCountKeyPasteCRSkipCountKeyPasteDelayAltPasteDelayKeyBufferDelayKYBDPASSWD8042READCMD8042WRITECMDKYBDREBOOTKEYIDLEDELAYINITPS2MOUSEATEXITThe virtual keyboard driver failed to virtualize hardware interrupt
number 1 for the keyboard.
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e,Ü`3 a tJ`4 a t`@4 a t3fF0jP wF M, S [QRjSP {tΊfȁwKfjPR vZY p KfNfFYQPSV53N0QNQf~fF^[XfFːU`&gEfff-3fw4a]fː  Ð  Ð  	Ð f#fÐ  Ð f#֐ }f}P zE ;Ct* ; u휜`4 a tM@stt	  t 9lW|$ _ fOfMfOfM8WO H  Vt$ ^l   Ð =l*|;pw f$u`4 a tG
 =l*rg f$u`5 a t< uOGtr,* tOfHf!OW@HPS[X@u_S [èu*t6tg
@t 91$<%Gȃ+ȃ`k YȜ`F5 a t   =l*|;t$w GÐ =l*rw f$u`5 a tOv$`5 a t`3 5!ug
G32$G!u<u<u$<uO `5 a z 
  `4,*fFtIfFfG^[V5# ^0ЇVPXrf_fff^FftQ3ɉH@@(@V~tHH@S^t`t7 a [dFO;NrNwxD$aaÐ P/XS [RV5l*P@	DXfVr~u~tVx Zr^ZÐ *PXS [RV5l*P@!DXu%fVs~u~tVx Zr^ZÐ PSXS [PSl*3PRPTtAZX ɋfCfCf#f#: PXS [PSl*3fCf|C\[X \PXPR
䠊  ZX POXPRfPf!#f#f#!桝ZX S [wQ
l*DY #S [=w&QSRl*fS3sZ[Y *r<w v$`7 a t`3 P,*P@ Xf`X PX06 
PXPRf`fPf	#f#f#!桝ZXÐ ZPXPRf`fPf!#f#f#!桝ZX PCXPRfHfPxtf!#f	#f#f#!桝ZX 	 f$t`8 a t5#  O  PXRfbf#Z 	Ð   Pf#f	#,   Pf#f!#f#f#!XAutomatic IRQ 9 detection assigning ownership to VM #EDI
ERROR!  I didn't get called with EAX=SIRQ_9 at Default_IRQ9_EOI
VPICD ERROR:  Interrupt on MASKED default interrupt!
Returning IRQ9 to automatic ownership detection mode
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
IRQ conflict.  VM #EBX accessed IRQ #EAX owned by #EDX
WARNING:  EOIing shared IRQ #EAX since VM returned with int in service
VPICD ERROR:  Default Int Handler called on non-global shared IRQ handle #EAX (##DL)

VPICD   #F '''(<( `(@(((	(
)8)\)
 )@))#@F#@F,$@Fl$@F$@F$@F,%@Fl%@F%@F%@F,&@Fl&@F&@F&@F,'@Fl'@F##,$%%,&l&&&,'l'l$$$,%l%##,$l$$$,%l%%%,&l&&&,'l'ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
VPICD ERROR:  Could not allocate control block area
VPICD ERROR:  Hardware fault #AL hooked by another device!
WARNING:  Global IRQ #CL requested for destroyed VM
          Interrupt will be requested for system VM
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Entered VPICD_Test_Correct_VM with VM ints disabled.
VPICD int enable event in incorrect VM.  Re-scheduling event for VM #EDX -- Tell RalphL

ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
ERROR:  Time-out already scheduled for IRQ #AL
VPICD State Error:  Current boost is #EAX at Simulate_Int -- Should be Time_Critical
ERROR:  Invalid IRQ handle #EAX
Welcome to the wonderful world of Virtual PIC debugging!
    Phys IMR = #AX
    Phys ISR = #AX
    Hw IRR   = #AX
    Def IMR  = #AX
    CB Offset= #EAX
    Hw Fliter= ?EAX (#EAX)
Type S to skip the per-IRQ dump, ESC to quit...
    Flags = #CX
    IRQ is not virtualized.  Owner = #ECX
    IRQ is virtualized
    Unmask count = #ECX
    SIRQ_Hw_Int_Proc = ?ECX (#ECX)
    No SIRQ_Hw_Int_Proc
    SIRQ_Virt_Int_Proc = ?ECX (#ECX)
    No SIRQ_Virt_Int_Proc
    SIRQ_EOI_Proc = ?ECX (#ECX)
    No SIRQ_EOI_Proc
    SIRQ_Mask_Proc = ?ECX (#ECX)
    No SIRQ_Mask_Proc
    SIRQ_IRET_Proc = ?ECX (#ECX)
    No SIRQ_IRET_Proc
    Time-out = #ECX decimal
Status:  7=Virt_Dev_Req  6=Phys_Req   5=Virt_Any_Req  4=Virt_Mask
  bits:  3=Phys_In_Serv  2=Phys_Mask  1=In_Service    0=IRET_Pending
    IRQ #EAX (#DL) status #ECX 
  Base    Address   Offs     Value  Field name
#ESI  #EDX  #CX  #EAX  VM_PIC_Pri_Boost
#ESI  #EDX  #CX      #AX  VM_PIC_State
#ESI  #EDX  #CX      #AX  VM_PIC_Flags
#ESI  #EDX  #CX      #AX  VM_PIC_Eff_IMR
#ESI  #EDX  #CX      #AX  VM_PIC_Base_Int
#ESI  #EDX  #CX      #AX  VM_PIC_Total_Pend_IRETs
#ESI  #EDX  #CX  #EAX  VM_PIC_SC_Handle
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VM_PIC_Int_Sched
ERROR: Interrupt or IRET on IRQ 2 (slave cascade)
ERROR: Invalid VPICD IRQ handle
|VPICD: Failed to allocate GDT selector for PM's CS
VPICD: Failed to allocate GDT selector for PM's DS
VPICD: Failed to allocate all the requested extra selectors
Invalid VM ID passed to VPICD Call Back function from ring 0 int handler
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
VPICD WARNING:  Command #CL to port #DL will be ingored!
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
ERROR:  Invalid VPICD internal state #ECX
 8ATVPICD WARNING:  Output #AL to port #DL will be ingored!
This application attempted to access a device that is being used by another application. If you continue running this application it might cause your system to lock up.

Type Y or press ENTER to continue running this application.
Type N to end this application.Device conflict. Quit all applications and then restart Windows.VPICD INFO:  Default int request on local shareable IRQ #EAX being reset
ERROR:  Invalid IRQ number (#eax) passed to VPICD_Convert_IRQ_To_Int
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
 f$t`* a tSjh u"`* a t ãl*
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!!q Df
!!E 5!S 3f=Df#f#t/Nj,*@u`.+ aX@  f
3jj@hhh\ zjPR vf3jj@hhhN zjPR vf3 l!

@dIRQ9GLOBALCould not initialize the interrupt controller.LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
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4C@@a S [`|K@3u13C@@;rw33u+yzff%ftS+|VPS& ^[fCfucf;Cu.=s	3ҾfCӾ 
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 3fCfCfCXÐ }rÀ}warfEfEáfEfE2 t'5s p u2E )r 	 
Ð    =uÜ`O a*h!  v r^P$<Xtu0uO|Ü|Cu@CĨ u{tC	ÊC
tCC	 |v r@su3CCfH@3Ҿs fCt- %C {	uCK	1fCK	uCt{u{	uS+| [c R+|S [Z{	u83C3@@ff{tQRK3ZYfCC	 aa =ugt]3C@@
PVPSu ^X 0 
5f)55=|f5=rumtPS 6[XtV ;;tD;t;t@tD;uuɁ<;s;벋5;΁w'uD;uu
;U 4;E;t0;΁wD;uu;

~ ى
Ð 53ɇ
  |cckr  53ɇ
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 |` a` a`6 a`T a`r a` a` a` a` a` a ` aS'[ ; t` a u ` a|CK`8 aKS`J a`h a` aCK` a` aCK` a1~4

VTD     $VTD ERROR:  Could not alloc control block data area space
Unable to initialize timer IRQ
VTD: Initial Sync Time Failed!
ERROR:  Unmatched calls to begin/end min int Period!
VTD_End_Min_Int_Period failed!
ERROR:  Dec through 0 in VTD_Enable_Trapping
VTD: CMOS time=#AL:#BL:#CL
VTD: ticks=#EBX, VTD ticks=#ESI, diff=#EAX
VTD Set Kbd focus #EAX -> #EBX
#EBX Disable trapping delayed
ERROR:  Unmatched calls to begin/end min int Period!
ERROR:  Interrupt Period too large
VM #EBX new timer interval = #AX (#DX)
VTD INFO:  Updating DOS date now...
VM #EBX interval change? #DX (#CX,#AX)
VM #EBX now eating Int 08!
VM #EBX changed interval (cur/last=#DX)
VM #EBX no longer eating Int 08
#EAX   VTD_CB_Offset
#EAX   VTD_IRQ_Handle
#EAX   VTD_Timer_Resolution
#EAX   VTD_Per_Tick_Mil_Sec
#EAX   VTD_Lowest_Count
#EAX   VTD_Last_Ms_Count
#EAX   VTD_Real_Time_Counter
#EAX   VTD_Trap_Ports
#EAX   VTD_Recalibrated
#EAX   VTD_Recal_Failed
[more]Status for VM #EBX, Flags #AL, Flags2 #CL
  Count              = #EAX
  Counter_Value      = #CX
  Special_Period     = #DX
  Suspend_Period     = #AX
  New_Period         = #CX
  Eat_Int_8_Cur/Last = #AL/#CL
.PR..tO...;u.;tAu4..........  ZXZX.....PR...;u.;tuZX..ZX Sjj u`: a t}|[J3$ t3H th$<aa3$3 tl$L
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 3$6 t6r6  A8 Alp	 :3  kÜ`v a t    Bfʉ
jh tfȸ CQfʉ
Y - fи Cfʉ
   P -   XP - X - $FFFFjV  Df
E  5 *=u =ts` aL

USyncTimeTimerPeriodTimerCriticalSectionTrapTimerPortsIdleVMWakeUpTimeLE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
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BaE Wcp X	
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\X3@ EzfTfEfVfE8dfEfTfE8fVf< P?35L >hPf8 XfEtfEe,ÀM,Press Ctrl-Alt-Del again to reboot your machine You can use CTRL+ALT+DEL to quit an application that has stopped responding to the system. When possible, you should quit the application by using the method recommended in the documentation provided with the application.

*  Press ESC to cancel and return to the non-Windows application.
*  Press ENTER to close this application that is not responding.
   You will lose any unsaved information in this application.
*  Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will
   lose any unsaved information in all applications.Although you can use CTRL+ALT+DEL to quit an application that has stopped responding to the system, there is no application in this state.

To quit an application, use the application's quit or exit command, or choose the Close command from the Control menu.

*  Press any key to return to Windows.
*  Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will
   lose any unsaved information in all applications.   This Windows application has stopped responding to the system.

*  Press ESC to cancel and return to Windows.
*  Press ENTER to close this application that is not responding.
   You will lose any unsaved information in this application.
*  Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will
   lose any unsaved information in all applications.WARNING!The system is either busy or has become unstable.  You can wait and see if the system becomes available again and continue working or you can restart your computer.

*  Press any key to return to Windows and wait.
*  Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will
   lose any unsaved information in all applications.   This background non-Windows application is not responding.

*  Press any key to activate the non-Windows application.
*  Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will lose
   any unsaved information.
	Reboot  $s fS 
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$Pp X#ЉVa @-v r l''u=3LpBvB?uWd_;P 7s @-v r0 PP(XQ7
Y?u/3?uW_P(7 @-v t.@"s$3-  V3ºfs S [`/xtu	Vr3Pa  `S [3T-%U-ĆP,wXľ-ja pF1tuf0 38+G8 $ `S [`XKXfXڀu*u$`9 a t`3  GfG$
Ã-pWJ@t@t_2a @-v ,Ѓ<rʁ.%R'&m'w'''''''(&&/(&&`9 a t @-54+v t*Vt^F~V tf@tLt=ptunF`xG1g0tug0=U2K(^;D;6^ ;D;C:^r3ۈ^Ü`: a t P=4+G$X $@2T  $@ 0  $_@( 2F $2@1 54+VF ȀN ȀN `.: a tV54+3FFFFfF^,-,-8+@0@@1w@1@8FFFF 54+VnFNVDMAD:  illegal channel specified in SYSTEM.INI (
VDMAD:  illegal channel size specified in SYSTEM.INI (
VDMAD Warning:  reading EISA interrupt status
VDMAD Warning:  reading EISA chaining mode status
VDMAD error:  attempt to set chaining mode with #dx, #al
physically setting EISA extended mode:  out #dx, #al
VDMAD Warning:  attempt to read EISA stop register
VDMAD Error:  writing EISA stop register #dx, #al


VDMAD   *66666668+
	,VDMAD ERROR:  Could not alloc DMA buffer
VDMAD ERROR:  Could not alloc control block data area space
ERROR:  VDMAD_Reserve_Buffer_Space called after Sys_Critical_Init
VM #ebx is being suspended with an active DMA transfer
VDMAD_Get_DMA_Handle_For_Ctrl called with DMA channel > 3!
VDMAD_Get_DMA_Handle_For_Ctrl called with bad DMA ctrl pointer!
DMA buffer overlap: global/local or instance (#EAX)
VDMAD:  invalid channel requested #EBX
VDMAD:  channel #EBX already virtualized
VDMAD: Attempted to start DMA without locking a region
VDMAD:  DMA transfer will result in a wrap

WARNING: VDMAD_Scatter_Lock with bad region selector #ax
WARNING: VDMAD_Scatter_Lock with size of 0
WARNING: VDMAD_Scatter_Lock with end of region > 4Gb
VDMAD:  Buffer operation called when it isn't in use
VDMAD: invalid starting offset or size for buffer copy
VDMAD_Set_EISA_Adr_Mode #al, #cl
VDMAD_TC_Event: DMA_TC_event already 0!
VDMAD: Owner_VM already 0 on chnl #cl
Autoinit: Lock failed on channel #cl
VDMAD: buffer too small, requested #ecxKb for channel #dl
VDMAD:  buffer in use
VDMAD:  Buffered DMA failed to complete within 10 seconds
VDMAD: invalid DMA handle #EAX
VDMAD state

CB offset          #eax
Buffer Size        #eax (pages)
Buffer Physical    #eax
Buffer Linear      #eax
Buffer State       #eax
Buffer is in use
Hw Int filter      ?eax
Next Hw Int filter ?ebx
First DMA status   #al
Second DMA status  #al
VPICD HW INT notification not hooked

ESC to quit, or any char to see controller states:
Controller          1                 2
status             #al                #bl
mask               #al                #bl
request            #al                #bl
                adr     cnt   mod em      adr     cnt   mod em
channel #al   #ebx #edi #dl #cl  #ebx #edi #dl #cl

ESC to quit, or any char to see channel states:

ESC to quit, or any char to see CurVM states:
Virtual DMA State for CurVM #EBX

flipflop:  ctrl 1 #AL   ctrl 2 #BL
PS2:DMA_PS2_cmd    #al
PS2:DMA_writing    #al
PS2:DMA_bytePtr    #al
PS2:DMA_dataBytes  #al
PS2:DMA_data       #eax
DMA channel ##al  max=#bxKb  callback = ?EAX
    region locked
    buffer id    #ax
    region adr   #eax   region size  #ebx
    DMA page     #ax       DMA base     #bx
    owner VM     #eax
ERROR: VDMAD could not allocate V86 call back
ERROR: VDMAD could not allocate PM call back
VDMAD_GetChannel_FromPage called with #dx not a page register
VDMAD: GetVMFlipFlopPtr called with invalid ctrl ptr (#ESI)
VDMAD: attempt to program the DMA with a bad command value #al
Reset #dx
Set Mask #dx=#al
Reset Mask (#dx)
VDMAD:  attempt to program DMA controller with an illegal MODE (#al)
VDMAD: Set SoftReq #dx=#al
The DMA buffer is too small.
Set "DMABUFFERSIZE=ddd" in SYSTEM.INI in the [386Enh] section.

Quit all applications, quit Windows and restart your computer.The DMA buffer is too small.
Set "DMABUFFERSIZE=ddd" in SYSTEM.INI in the [386Enh] section
and restart your computer.VDMAD: Attempted to start DMA without locking a region
VDMAD:  Illegal PS/2 extended DMA function #al
VDMAD: Attempted to write to port 1Ah
PS2 Master Clear
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PQ6 T`YPRD4tU+v;D4RjPt0 TZu`/ a tD03D4D0jP UZXYQPjQ6 Tu`k a tUY)s` a tPRD8+D4vZ;sȋD0L4QD,t3tRQP TRjjjjSjQ S YtD0L4ZXYVF։JL4XP+t?L4WjQt;0 Tu` a tD;0_L4L0RjQ UZXYQP3D,t
PQ6 TtY>XX;D3@Q3D,tɀQjjjjSjP S YNtVNfD47+)Rt:D4jPt0 Tu` a tZD0D4D0jP UZN3D,t
PjjjjSjQ S YZVNNffnj6 U3ɉNN)s`A a tD8+D4T;sȋD0L4QD,t3tRQP TRjjjjSjQ S YD0L4 
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}uM܉EBuUhjjjjSjR S Ut։D3dEЋ
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R+UZrUPRjj OZXu`y a ttDS3ۋf;Awu
ً	u3[fFfVfUfEfEEMfME |3`t?U3t/f;Wu#jW QL3`ϋ?Et Pt$VQ7 t
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PjjjjSjQ S ZYtrb,J(|
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PjjjjSjQ S YZ2rb,J(|
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s`| a tRDL+DHvZ;sȋDDLHQD, t3tRQP TRjjjjSjQ S YtDDLHZ葒G	B(B,@tfEXYRQP5L3H+t9L3HjQt3D Tu` a tD3DL3HL3DjQ UXYZQPR3D3, t
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fEfBfEfBfEfBfEfBfEfBu!QWVzu<Ms^_YZXÜ`P a tp =ptWPRlu` a tt,D$fEtffBfEfBfEfBfEfBZX `ř a` a`S a`W a ` aF` a=pt` a` a`ƚ a` a`
 a`& a`K a`r a` a ` atd<0upl.<1up<2u(hh#h#\3l<3u
` a `כ a`ۛ a t'` a@t`O a` a
x(QVN` aY` a  ; t&` a `C auǜ`G a ` a5
3Ҝ` aFtw` aFt` aFt` a` aRVF` aV
`ם aZ` aBIZ ` a5D3<L3@` aD30L34`/ aL38`d aD3,t`k aD3,t` aD3,t`Þ aD3/@t` aD3dt` a` a|3``= a`r at` at` a` a7 tBVV`ß a`۟ a `
 at[^ⶋt.` aFV`" a6u`? aÜ`W a `VN` aF` a`ˠ aFt`۠ a` aa0V86MMGR Warning:  Unable to allocate mapping buffer
V86MMGR_Free_Buffer exception:  Fault copying to user's memory
cError: invalid API script passed to V86MMGR_Xlat_API
ERROR:  Unable to map ASCIIZ string -- Cant find null terminator.  Will copy 100h bytes
ERROR:  VxD_Exec_Int can not return a segment from V86 Mode!
_Get_Device_V86_Pages_Array failed EMMGetPageFrameInfo
*************************** VM #EBX IS USING EMM **************************
Inside EMMGetBaseStruc with GLOBAL EMM import
_Get_Device_V86_Pages_Array failed EMMGetBaseStruc
_MapIntoV86 failed 1 EMMGetBaseStruc
Handle 0 size underflow on Head handle allocation
_PageReAllocate failed 1 EMMGetBaseStruc
_MapIntoV86 failed 2 EMMGetBaseStruc
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Handle 0 size underflow on Tail handle allocation
_MapIntoV86 failed 3 EMMGetBaseStruc
_PageReAllocate failed 2 EMMGetBaseStruc
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages_Array failed 1 EMMGetBaseStruc
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
_MapIntoV86 of Nul page failed EMMGetBaseStruc
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages_Array failed 2 EMMGetBaseStruc
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
P4kPageNumToPageSTPtr Failed 2
P4kPageNumToPageSTPtr Failed 3
P4kPageNumToPageSTPtr Failed 4
P4kPageNumToPageSTPtr Failed 5
SegmentToPageSTPtr failed seg #edx
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Page frame force overlapps conflicting usage. Forced page
    frame will be ignored.
SegmentToPageSTPtr failed on forced frame
P4kPageNumToPageSTPtr Failed 6
No LIM 3.20 Frame and no suitable alternate
Cur context busy CleanUpCurContext (not an error)
Re _MapIntoV86 failed CleanUpCurContext
Map of NUL page failed CleanUpCurContext
Cur context busy SetContext
Switching to null map, handle is too small
Switching to null map, handle is GONE SetContext
_MapIntoV86 failed SetContext
Context page #ESI has count > 4 CopyOutUserContext
Multiple partial pages CopyOutUserContext
PageSTIndxToPageStPtr bad index #IndxReg
PageSTIndxToPageStPtr bad index #IndxReg
_MapIntoV86 failed MapHandlePhysPg
WARNING!!!!! VM #EBX is causing EMM mapping activity
             at a time when the PageSwap Device is not
             prepared to do paging. This would result in
             a crash. The EMM memory for this VM should
             be LOCKED.
Cur context busy AlterMapFromUserStruc
SetAs320EMMUser V86_CB_F_LocalVMPSet clear not global EMM
320 page frame #dx is bad!!!
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Cannot make VM #EBX 320 EMM user SetAs320EMMUser
SetAs400EMMUser V86_CB_F_LocalVMPSet clear not global EMM
EMMUserConTxtCnt == 0 SetAs400EMMUser
P4kPageNumToPageSTPtr failed 1?? SetAs400EMMUser
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Cannot make VM #EBX 400 EMM user SetAs400EMMUser
P4kPageNumToPageSTPtr failed 2?? SetAs400EMMUser
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Bad offset argument _MapGlobalHandle
Bad nPages argument _MapGlobalHandle
0 nPages _MapGlobalHandle
Count underflow _MapGlobalHandle
_PhysIntoV86 failed _MapGlobalHandle
V86_CB_EMSBaseStrucHnd == 0 under global EMM V86MMGR_EMM_Set_Handle_0
Handle 0 handle head == 0 under global EMM V86MMGR_EMM_Set_Handle_0
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages failed 1 V86MMGR_EMM_Set_Handle_0
Miss aligned Tail V86MMGR_EMM_Set_Handle_0
Main handle start page not 16K multiple V86MMGR_EMM_Set_Handle_0
INT 15 MoveBlock _MapPhysToLinear Fail 1
INT 15 MoveBlock _MapPhysToLinear Fail 2
ERROR: Cannot return to MS-DOS due to the state of the expanded-memory driver. You need to restart your computer.A20 enable count override #EAX is not 0 or 1 V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
Counld not MapPhysToLinear the HMA alias pointer V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
Page in HMA alias PTE is not present, value #EAX
Page in HMA alias is < 100h, possibly bad value
Page in HMA alias overlaps true HMA 100h <= value < 110h, value #EAX
Skipping placement of HMA alias on free list because alias was messed up
Global assign of HMA pages failed V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
Could not allocate XMS base structure list V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
XMS driver header malformed 1 at [#eax] V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
WARNING: You have software on your machine which does not patch the XMS
         driver properly. The most likely candidate is PC-Kwik TM cache
         software. Please call the vendor of this software and obtain an
         updated version which is fixed to do this properly.
XMS driver header malformed 1a at [#eax] no prev far jump header V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
XMS driver header malformed 2 at [#eax] V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
XMS driver header malformed 3 at [#eax] V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
could not install break point V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Crit_Init
Setting Local_HMAA20 Flag which is already set, Device Broadcast
could not remove break point V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Init
EMM_I_F_XMSInfoSet but xMS_Imprt_Cnt == 0 V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Init
Could not allocate either OurResXMSHndBase or ResXMSHndInfBase V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Init
Exhausted OurResXMSHndBase array 1
Unexpected failure of SetBaseFreeUMBInfo 1 V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Init
Exhausted OurResXMSHndBase array 2
Alloc error #AL on OurResXMSHndBase array
Unexpected failure of SetBaseFreeUMBInfo 2 V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Init
Setting XMS hook but XMSCallCSIP == 0 V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Init
Could not alloc PM call back V86MMGR_XMS_Dev_Init
Starting para #EAX is odd value SetBaseFreeUMBInfo
Ending para #EDX is odd value SetBaseFreeUMBInfo
V86_Inited state error V86MMGR_XMS_Temp_Hook
Setting Local_HMAA20 Flag which is already set, V86MMGR_SetLocalA20
vnnTopsMtln*vwwwwxaxxy{2|ʁłɈ{pBMCould not allocate Device header area V86MMGR_EMM_Dev_Crit_Init
_MapPhysToLinear on IMPORT EMM pointer failed
FRS or Saved Handle Context IMPORT EMM
ImpCntxtPtrToSegment non zero remainder
Could not assign 4 imported EMM context pages starting at #edi
Non handle 0 or 0FFh mapped below LastV86Page + 1
EMM import is NUL, no EMM mappable pages
Save array size not compatible with imported EMM size 1
Save array size not compatible with imported EMM size 2
Import handle #DL is out of range
Import handle #DL is to large, #ECX 4k pages
Cannot address PTE for Import handle #DL
Could not alloc handle head struc for Import handle #EDX
Page #ESI-4 of import EMM handle #EAX not present
Could not allocate EMM_GlblReg array
Could not pre-load physlinear (1) for imported EMM handle
Could not pre-load physlinear (2) for imported EMM handle
Free Region at #ESI is zero length V86MMGR_EMM_Dev_Crit_Init
Could not add Device V86MMGR_EMM_Dev_Init
Could not add Device V86MMGR_EMM_SetBackDoorHook
FRS at EDI-4 allocated V86MMGR_EMM_DeInstall
OSKey changed V86MMGR_EMM_DeInstall
Page #eax EMM mapped not Nul or 0 V86MMGR_EMM_DeInstall
Page #eax EMM mapped handle #EDX not global V86MMGR_EMM_DeInstall
Page not 16K aligned V86MMGR_EMM_DeInstall
Handle4kMapCnt at EMM_P #EDX != 4 V86MMGR_EMM_DeInstall
Handle4kOffset at EMM_P #EDX ! div by 4 V86MMGR_EMM_DeInstall
Odd case, Didn't find first imported EMM page V86MMGR_EMM_SYS_VM_Init
DEC local EMS re-enter count through 0
DEC global EMS re-enter count through 0
Protected mode EMS calls not supported
GetStat             GetPgFrmAddr        GetUnallcPgCnt      AllocPgs            MapHndPg            DealloPgs           GetVer              SvPgMap             RestPgMap           GetPgMpRgIOArr      GtLogToPhyTran      GetHndCnt           GetHndPgs           GetAllHndPgs        GetSetPgMap  GetSetPart   MapHndArray  ReallocPgs          GetSetHndAtt GetSetHndNm  GetHndDir    MapAndJump   MapAndCall   MoveExchMem  GtMpPAddrArr GetInfo      AllocRawPgs  AltMapRegSet PrepWrmBoot         OSDisable    Invalid             VCPI                Get    GetTot Set    GetSet GetSz  GetCnt Phys   Seg    GetCap Srch   Move   Xchg   AllStd AllRaw Alloc  Free   Enab   Disab  Software      Hardware      Unknown       InvHandle     InvFunction   NoHandles     FreeSaveCntxt InsuffTotalMm InsuffFreeMem AlloZeroPgs   InvLogPage    InvPhysPage   FullCntxtSav  AlrdyCntxtSav NoCntxtSaved  InvSubFunctionInvAttribute  NotSupported  OverlapNoErr  HandleTooSmallConvMemOverlapInvOffset     InvRegionLen  OverlapExchg  InvMemType    FRSUnsupportedInvFRS        InsuffFRS     DMAFRSNotSupp InvDMAFRS     NoDedicatedDMAInvDedDMA     InvName       DupName       1MegAddrWrap  BadOrInvData  AccessDenied  OK, no error  H]r/DYn|+9N	$0@LXdp%4CRap$3BQ`o~#2EMM Logging buffer is full, log turned off till buffer cleared.
EMM logging on but no CurLogStruc in EMM_log_out
    Select desired EMM Log dump activity:
      [0]   - Brief log
      [1]   - Detailed log
      [2]   - Detailed log, 1 specific entry
      [ESC] - Exit Display Log Mode
    Enter log entry number <ENTER> ?  
    Entry number out of range
    Pause, type a key  
    EMM LOG Buffer is empty
  #EDX: EMM Call #AX InvSub | Result AX=#AX  
     OUT                RentCnt: Global #AL, Local #AL    BX=#AX CX=#CX DX=#AX
                        E M M   D R I V E R   S T A T U S
    ESC to skip EMM logging, anything else to look at EMM logging 
    EMM Logging is currently ON
    Select desired logging activity:
      [0]   - Turn Log OFF
      [1]   - Turn Log ON
      [2]   - Clear Logging buffer
      [3]   - Display Logging buffer
      [ESC] - Exit Logging Mode
    ESC to quit, anything else to Print EMM driver info 
    ESC - goto EMM driver dump, anything else, Print Global EMM import info 
    EMM_Global_Import_Ptr == 0, no Import
Global Re-enter count #AL
*** EMM 3.20 frame FORCED at #AX ***
*** GLOBAL EMM 3.20 frame at #AX ***
[ESC] to exit, any other key for next VM:  
EMM State VM #EBX, Global MAX #eax, Used #ecx
                   Handle 0 bias #EAX, -#ECX
    ************* GLOBAL EMM IMPORTED ************
    Local Re-enter count #AL
    Local Min #eax, Max #ecx
    Min Pool Handle #eax, Size left #ecx, Orig Size #ecx
    EMM is disabled in V86_CB_XMSEMSFlags
    EMM handles are LOCKED
    EMM Limit is set
    **************** VM using EMM ****************
    Total alloced 4k pages #eax, LIM 3.20 seg #cx / Sel #dx
    User Contxt #dx bytes, FLAGS - LIM320 LIM400 HNDBSY FRSBSY CCBSY NO <= LastV86Page Mapping  
    Context has #cl pages, Current FRS #dl, FRS 0 save buffer #ax:#ax
    Handle #dx = #esi
      [ESC] to skip, any other key to dump handle 
    **************** VM Not using EMM ****************
      GlblHPtr #eax, Sz #ecx,       MHnd #eax, Ladd #edx, Sz #ecx, EMMHnd #dl
        #CX global regions
          #AX pages starting at page #DX
Import structure length = #ECX, Import Version #AX, OSKey = #EDX
IMPORT call 4E03h context size = #AL
      [ESC] to skip context dump, any other key to dump context  
      [ESC] to quit context dump, any other key to continue  
    FLGS - #AL, EFLGS - #BL, HND - #BL, LPAG - #AX, PPG - #BL, UMBIndx - #AL
      [ESC] to quit, any other key to continue dump  
UMB Count #ECX
    UMBP0 - #EAX, UMBP1 - #EBX, UMBP2 - #EAX, UMBP3 - #EBX
EMM Handle Count #ECX
EMM handle #EDX
    HndNum - #AL, 16k Size - #BX, PTEPtr #EAX
INT 67 Back Door #EAX
HMA Alias pointer #EAX
Free region count #ECX
    FREE Region start #EDX, size #EAX
XMS handle import count #ECX
    XMS handle #DX, Size #EAXk, Lock addr #EAX
Free UMB import count #ECX
    Free UMB at seg #AX, size #DX paras
    Vendor  ID  
    Product ID  
Global Import Dump complete any key to continue  
      [ESC] to quit, any other key to continue dump  
Max desired map pages < Min required?  Setting max to min
Must trash page frame to use for mapping buffers!
Forcing #SI mapping pages into low 640K region of V86 address space
ERROR DURING MAPPER INIT:  Unable to allocate free page
Mapper Init:  Strange situation -- Loop should never fall-through!
WARNING:  Unable to allocate buffer of size #ECX for copy buffer
WARNING:  Unable to allocate copy buffer from map pool.  Must use global alloc!
Can not initialize API mapping services
ERROR:  Attempt to map lin page 0 by V86MMGR_Task_Switch!
V86 MAPPER ERROR:  Unable to lock memory
Mapper info will go here when ralphie fixes it!
zOOPQQDR[TVVWDZ[`+``azfhkFree XMS handle #DX failed, error #AL
Unlock XMS handle #DX failed, error #AL
XMS Global_A20_Enable_Cnt != 0, no global HMA?????
_MMGR_Toggle_HMA failed V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Start page for UMB scan not 16k aligned V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Could not assign UMB import page 0 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
UMB index out of range UMB pg 0 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Could not map UMB import page 0 into V86 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Could not assign UMB import page 1 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
UMB index out of range UMB pg 1 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Could not map UMB import page 1 into V86 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Ignoring UMB import page C6h V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Could not assign UMB import page 2 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
UMB index out of range UMB pg 2 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Could not map UMB import page 2 into V86 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Ignoring UMB import page C7h V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Could not assign UMB import page 3 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
UMB index out of range UMB pg 3 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
Could not map UMB import page 3 into V86 V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Critical_Init
WARNING: DeInstall of XMS but my header has been patched V86MMGR_XMS_DeInstall
_MMGR_Toggle_HMA failed V86MMGR_XMS_VM_Not_Executable
MapIntoV86 of HMA failed AllocateHMA
MapIntoV86 of HMA failed ReleaseHMA
Release HMA, Global user!!!!
Wrap state error 1 InternalLocalA20Ena
_MMGR_Toggle_HMA failed 1 InternalLocalA20Ena
Wrap state error 2 InternalLocalA20Ena
MapIntoV86 Failed InternalLocalA20Ena
Odd Global case InternalLocalA20Ena
Wrap state error 6 InternalLocalA20Ena
_MMGR_Toggle_HMA failed 2 InternalLocalA20Ena
Wrap state error 5 InternalLocalA20Ena
Wrap state error 1 LocalA20Dis
_MMGR_Toggle_HMA failed 1 LocalA20Dis
Wrap state error 2 LocalA20Dis
Wrap state error 3 LocalA20Dis
Odd Global case LocalA20Dis
Wrap state error 10 LocalA20Dis
_MMGR_Toggle_HMA failed 2 LocalA20Dis
Wrap state error 7 LocalA20Dis
Wrap state error 8 LocalA20Dis
Returning 0 on Get Free XMS Pages because Pager cannot page now
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 1 AllocateExtBlk
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 2 AllocateExtBlk
[edi.XMSTotal4kPgs] underflow FreeExtBlk
Failed to refind handle in table FreeExtBlk
Unlock XMS handle #CX failed, error #AL
Lock src got #AL error MoveExtBlk
Lock dst got #AL error MoveExtBlk
MoveExtBlk to HMA when Wrap is ON Src
MoveExtBlk _MapPhysToLinear Fail 1
MoveExtBlk to HMA when Wrap is ON Dst
MoveExtBlk _MapPhysToLinear Fail 2
Actual lock count and XMS_Glbl_Lock_Cnt out of phase UnlockExtBlk
Phase error 2 XMS_Glbl_Lock_Cnt GetExtInfo
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 1 ReallocExtBlk
_PageRealloc shrink failed????? ReallocExtBlk
[edi.XMSTotal4kPgs] underflow ReallocExtBlk
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 2 ReallocExtBlk
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 3 ReallocExtBlk
[edi.XMSTotal4kPgs] underflow ReAllocExtBlk
Requested UMB size is 0, returning no UMBs error V86MMGR XMS AllocUMB
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Page is already marked V86_V86Owned AllocUMB
Unexpected failure of _Assign_Device_V86_Pages AllocUMB
Unexpected failure of _MapIntoV86 AllocUMB
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Unexpected Page mark AllocUMB
Page is not marked V86_LocUMBPg AllocUMB
Unexpected non zero AUMBSgContSz on block fragment
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Could not alloc UMB_HandleHead struc AllocUMB
Ran out of space in ResXMSHndInfBase array
xHF_Imp_Unused unexpectadly set Validate_XMSHandle
:5////P4kPageNumToPageSTPtr Failed 1
Returning 0 on Get Free EMM Pages because Pager cannot page now
Handle table is busy AllocatePages
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 1 AllocatePages
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 2 AllocatePages
Can't map page cur context is busy MapHandlePage
Handle is GLOBAL EMM DeallocatePages
Can't clean context, it's busy DeallocatePages
MapHandlePageSTPtr failed DeallocatePages
EMMTotal4kPgs underflow DeallocatePages
EMM_4kTotal underflow DeallocatePages
Handle #EDX context busy SavePageMap
Cur context busy SavePageMap
Handle #EDX context busy RestorePageMap
Cur context busy GetSetPageMap
Cur context busy GetSetPartial (get)
PageSTIndxToPageStPtr bad index #IndxReg
Handle is GLOBAL EMM ReallocatePages
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 1 ReallocatePages
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 3 ReAllocatePages
_PageReAllocate shrink failed ReallocatePages
PageFree failed ReallocatePages
EMMTotal4kPgs underflow ReallocatePages
EMM_4kTotal underflow ReallocatePages
_PageReAllocate shrink of min pool failed 2 ReallocatePages
Handle is GLOBAL EMM SetHandleName
DEC local EMS re-enter count through 0 AlterMapAndCallCallRet
DEC global EMS re-enter count through 0 AlterMapAndCallCallRet
Source handle is GLOBAL EMM MoveExchangeMemory
Dest handle is GLOBAL EMM MoveExchangeMemory
Failed to find entry GetMappablePAddrArray
Cur context busy AMRS_get
Cur context busy AMRS_Set
CurrentFRS is NUL AMRS_set
Nul Context in AMRS_set
Failing FRS Alloc because FRS array is busy
Failing FRS Alloc because cur context is busy
                M E M O R Y   S C A N   R E S U L T S   00 - 110
    ESC to goto VM dump, anything else to Print Global array 
*** VM Local Page Array not set yet ***
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
*** Local Page Array VM #EBX ***
[ESC] to exit, any other key for next VM:  
ESC to quit, Space to Skip next page of dump 
****** This machine is an MCA PS/2 ************
Open WIN386.PS2 failed PS/2 _MMGR_Memory_Scan
_Allocate_Temp_V86_Data_Area failed PS/2 _MMGR_Memory_Scan
Read WIN386.PS2 failed PS/2 _MMGR_Memory_Scan
MAXPS2EXFILESZ to small PS/2 _MMGR_Memory_Scan
Read 0 bytes! PS/2 _MMGR_Memory_Scan
****** This machine is an EISA machine ************
_Allocate_Temp_V86_Data_Area failed EISA _MMGR_Memory_Scan
Get_DEvice_V86_Pages_Array Failed _MMGR_Memory_Scan
Page not 16K aligned _MMGR_Memory_Scan
Page #EBX is I_Ctxt_EF_Invalid in Import_Cntxt_EFlgs
Valid ROM signature at #ESI but checksum is not zero, invalid ROM
ROM Seacrh, start > end
LCS Special case # 1 on page #DL -- NOT excluded
Last-chance detection found ROM at page #DL
LCS special case include # 1 for page #DL
No entry in WIN386.PS2 for adapter #AX found in slot # #AX
Exclude start page out of range #eax ExcludePS2Options
Exclude count out of range #ecx ExcludePS2Options
Bad PS/2 table rev #AX
Unxpct LNG slot info err #AL on slot #CL func #DL, skip ExcludeEISAOptions
LNG slot info no mem field slot #CL func #AL, skip ExcludeEISAOptions
LONG slot info is free form slot #CL func #AL, skip ExcludeEISAOptions
Range underflow ExcludeEISAOptions
Hit MAX_MEM_ENTS without seeing Last mem ent slot #CL ExcludeEISAOptions
Unexpected get SHORT slot info error #AL on slot #CL ExcludeEISAOptions
Zero Count V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs
Region starts <= LastV86Page V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs
Region ends > page 100h V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs
Page #EDX is EMS or Mapper inuse, or is LOCAL UMB V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs
Page #EDX is XMS inuse, but not UMB V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs
Page #EDX is Base, Wrap, Exclude, or Global V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages falied page #EDX V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs
Very odd, MMIO reg not claimed, but shared RAM area is MSCAN_Test_Token_Addr
IBM Token Ring Adapter detected.  Excluding memory regions
MMIO located at lin #ESI 8k. #CL pages of shared RAM located at page #AL
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages falied page #EAX len #ECX MSCAN_Test_Token_Addr
Token ring page is EMM/XMS/MAPPER in use MSCAN_Test_Token_Addr
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages falied page #ESI len 02 for MMIO MSCAN_Test_Token_Addr
First MMIO page is EMM/XMS/MAPPER in use MSCAN_Test_Token_Addr
Second MMIO page is EMM/XMS/MAPPER in use MSCAN_Test_Token_Addr
V86MMGR \V86MMGR ERROR:  Couldn't alloc control block data area space
V86_Inited state error V86MMGR_Device_Init
Moving LastV86Page up to #AX for backfill, V86MMGR_Device_Init
Set of LastV86Page failed, V86MMGR_Device_Init
Unlock of V86_CB_Mem_Handle failed V86MMGR_Suspend_VM
Unlock of V86_CB_Tail_Handle failed V86MMGR_Suspend_VM
Unlock of V86_CB_Lead_Handle failed V86MMGR_Suspend_VM
Unlock of V86_CB_Lead_Handle failed V86MMGR_Resume_VM
Unlock of V86_CB_Tail_Handle failed V86MMGR_Resume_VM
Unlock of V86_CB_Mem_Handle failed V86MMGR_Resume_VM
Invalid flags #ecx V86MMGR_Allocate_V86_Pages
MIN required #ECX > #EAX K (LastV86Page limit) V86MMGR_Allocate_V86_Pages
Get_DEvice_V86_Pages_Array Failed V86MMGR_Allocate_V86_Pages
Desired moved down to #esi
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages failed 2 V86MMGR_Allocate_V86_Pages
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
Null tail start page not 16K multiple V86MMGR_Allocate_V86_Pages
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages zero count
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages called before base #EBX VM handles set
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages called before possible EMS base handle break up
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages rng #EDX-#ECX above LastV86Page #EAX 1
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages rng #EDX-#ECX above LastV86Page #EAX 2
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages rng #EDX-#ECX below FirstV86Page #EAX
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages rng overruns base handle 1
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages rng overruns base handle 2
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages unexpected failure _PageResetHandlePaddr on lead handle
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages unexpected failure _PageResetHandlePaddr on main handle
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages no tail handle
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages overflow 1 tail handle
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages overflow 2 tail handle
V86MMGR_ResetBasePages unexpected failure _PageResetHandlePaddr on tail handle
Min EMS K = #eax is very large....
Setting an EMS limit on VM #EBX which already has a set limit
Min XMS K = #esi is very large....
Setting an XMS limit on VM #EBX which already has a set limit
Both Limit_DisableHMA Limit_EnableHMA set V86MMGR_Set_EMS_XMS_Limits
Call to V86MMGR_GetPgStatus before Sys_Critical_Init complete
Page #ECX >= 110h V86MMGR_GetPgStatus
V86MMGR_GetPgStatus on VM #EBX before local array set
LocalPageToVMPPtr before local array set
V86MMGR_Sim_V86_Far_Call called when not in V86 mode!
Select desired V86MMGR component:
   [0]   - General info
   [1]   - Memory scan info
   [2]   - EMM driver info
   [3]   - XMS driver info
   [ESC] - Exit V86MMGR debug querry
           G E N E R A L   V 8 6 M M G R   D R I V E R   S T A T U S
[ESC] to exit, any other key for VM dump  
[ESC] to exit, any other key for next VM:  
    Local VM pages array is set
    V86 Base Memory handle(s) are LOCKED
    VM Base Memory size is #ECX
    Lead Handle #EDI, Main Handle #EAX, Tail Handle #EDX
sÓӓ#3CScs)))))))))))Дߔ))))))))))))*9HWfuϕޕ))h#GetVersion     AllocateHMA    ReleaseHMA     GlobalA20Ena   GlobalA20Dis   LocalA20Ena    LocalA20Dis    QueryA20       GetFreeExt     AllocateExtBlk FreeExtBlk     MoveExtBlk     LockExtBlk     UnlockExtBlk   GetExtInfo     ReallocExtBlk  AllocUMB       ReleaseUMB     Invalid        FunNotImplmnt VDISK detect  A20 error     General Dev   Unrecov Dev   No HMA        HMA in use    Sz < HMAMIN   HMA is free   No EMB Mem    No EMB handls EMB hnd inv   Src hnd inv   Src off inv   Dst hnd inv   Dst off inv   Inv length    Inv overlap   Parity err    EMB isnt lock EMB is lock   EMB lk cnt ov EMB cant lock Smlr UMB avl  No UMB avail  Inv UMB       Unknown       OK, no error      Select desired XMS Log dump activity:
      [0]   - Brief log
      [1]   - Detailed log
      [2]   - Detailed log, 1 specific entry
      [ESC] - Exit Display Log Mode
    Enter log entry number <ENTER> ?  
    Entry number out of range
    Pause, type a key  
    XMS LOG Buffer is empty
  #EDX: XMS Call #AL | Result AX=#AX | Passed through to res driver
        Move Len #ECX
        Move Src V86 #AX:#CX
        Move Src EMB #AX:#ECX
        Move Dst V86 #AX:#CX
        Move Dst EMB #AX:#ECX
     OUT                                                BX=#AX CX=#CX DX=#AX
      [ESC] to quit, any other key to continue dump  
XMS Logging buffer is full, log turned off till buffer cleared.
XMS logging on but no CurLogStruc in XMS_log_out
                        X M S   D R I V E R   S T A T U S
    ESC to skip XMS logging, anything else to look at XMS logging 
    XMS Logging is currently ON
    Select desired logging activity:
      [0]   - Turn Log OFF
      [1]   - Turn Log ON
      [2]   - Clear Logging buffer
      [3]   - Display Logging buffer
      [ESC] - Exit Logging Mode
    ESC to quit, anything else to Print XMS driver info 
    XMS base structure LIST handle = #EAX
          ******************* GLOBAL HMA USER ***********************
                        A20 management is LOCAL
   Global_A20_Enable_Cnt = #EAX
   Base Local UMB at seg #DX, size #CX paras, true start seg #AX
   No Local UMBs available, FreeUMBBaseCnt == 0
[ESC] to exit, any other key for next VM:  
    ESC to quit, anything else to Print global XMS info data 
Res data info entry #DL - IN USE IMPRT DSCRD  
XMS State VM #EBX     Local Min #eax, Max #ecx
    Min Pool Handle #eax, Size left #ecx, Orig Size #ECX
    XMS is disabled in V86_CB_XMSEMSFlags
    HMA is disabled in V86_CB_XMSEMSFlags
    XMS handles are LOCKED
    XMS Limit is set
    Local UMB map set up, handle #EAX
    No local UMB map set up
    **************** VM using XMS ****************
    Total alloced 4k pages #eax, A20 En Count #cx, FLGS -- A20GLBL LOCHMA  
    Handle #dx = #esi
      [ESC] to skip, any other key to dump handle 
      UMB #ESI, at seg #AX, size #DX paras
    No UMBs allocated
    **************** VM Not using XMS ****************
      MHnd #eax, Ladd #edx, 4k Sz #ecx, Aloc 1k Sz #eax
  O $`3E؉Eԃ=b=t6Eu3PVP tu` a t @=s+;sй+vr =s+;sй+vr =s';sй+vr rs`;sй+vr`Fs4=t8UJUEEEa U3E@u1fu=PRRrZ}uu
 PRQ33j r+t)t t`l a tYZXjj@P l@u` a t*H3VuB` a t=s5=sB`5 a tB`g a^u
  1t` auQjjP Yjjjh ru"
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rD`n aj5 u` a tXrr Vt$ ^la Vt$ ^l覨   tERROR: Unsupported expanded-memory driver already installed. Remove the driver from CONFIG.SYS.ERROR: Cannot install the 386 enhanced mode XMS driver.Windows cannot set up an upper memory block at segment xxxx.
Exclude this address space by using the syntax of your memory manager.
For more information see the README.WRI file. Type WIN /S to start
Windows in standard mode and choose the Read Me icon.Windows cannot set up an upper memory block at segment xxxx.
Exclude this address space by using the syntax of your memory manager.
For more information see the README.WRI file. Type WIN /S to start
ERROR: Cannot disable the installed 386 expanded-memory driver.
ERROR: Applications are already using expanded memory.
ERROR: Cannot install the 386 enhanced mode expanded-memory driver.EMMXXXX0MICROSOFT EXPANDED MEMORY MANAGER 386COMPAQ EXPANDED MEMORY MANAGER 3863ءؾ%t"u3.L.3.u
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PageSwap'IdlePaging inPaging outPaging Linear Base == 0!  Will break free page search!
PageSwap_In called for page not in file!
ERROR:  Checksum on PageSwap_In did not match out checksum!
        Lin page = #EDX, PageSwap file entry =#DI
        Checksum loc = #ECX, is #AX, should be #BX
Optimize this?  swap out clean page needs free page!
PageSwap_FF: Best isn't with max != cur
ERROR:  Could not locate a victim page for replacement in swapfile
PS_FF returning page > Cur_File_Pages!
[PS] PageSwap_Idle calling flush writes...

PS_Grow_File, max file size changed, now #EBX
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
[PS] Read Or Write: no blockdev, issuing Immediate IO operation

ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
[PS] Read: satisfied from read-ahead buffer #EBX

[PS] Read: Race condition with buffer #EBX

[PS] Read: satisfied from buffer #EBX after Ensure_Command_Done

[PS] Read: Submitted an immediate Read

[PS] Read: satisfied from buffer #EBX

ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
[PS] Read-Ahead: data already in buffer #EBX on free list

[PS] Read-Ahead: submitted buffer #EBX

[PS] Read-Ahead: data already in buffer #EBX, NOT on free list

[PS] Read-Ahead: couldn't read, no free buffer

PageSwap_Write called, buffer already on Write-Behind List
PageSwap_Write called, buffer already on Write-Behind List

[PS] Write: Race condition with buffer #EBX

[PS] Write: buffer #EBX found on Locked List

Pageswap SEVERE ERROR: Write request before read-ahead is done
[PS] Write: Cancelling Read-Ahead #EBX to get buffer

[PS] Write: preparing to wait for free buffer...

[PS] Write: ...got free buffer

[PS] Write: Submitted Buffer #EBX

[PS] Write: Queued Buffer #EBX on Write-Behind list

[PS] Write: calling Flush Writes

ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
PAGESWAP ERROR:  Invalid buffer pointer #ebx
PAGESWAP STATE ERROR:  Page on free list at Ensure Command Done
[PS] ECD: preparing to wait for #EBX to complete

[PS] ECD: #EBX has completed

ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
[PS] Call Back: Immediate IO operation complete

[PS]            Immediate IO operation FAILED!

[PS] Call Back: Write-Behind (buffer #EBX) complete

[PS] Call Back: no more submitted Write-Behinds

PageSwap: attempt to cancel a write request
[PS] Call Back: Write failed. Placing buffer #EBX on Locked List

[PS] Call Back: Read-Ahead (buffer #EBX) successful

[PS] Call Back: Read-Ahead (buffer #EBX) complete but data invalid.

ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
PageSwap_Flush_Writes called but writes already submitted
Pageswap_Flush_Writes called but write list is empty
[PS] Flush Writes: Write-Behind queue submitted

ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
PAGESWAP ERROR:  Invalid buffer pointer #ebx
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
PAGESWAP ERROR:  Invalid buffer pointer #ebx
PageSwap_Unlink_CB called but CB not in specified list
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
PAGESWAP ERROR:  Invalid buffer pointer #ebx
Demand paging is disabled
PageSwap Debug Routines:
1. Print PageSwap statistics
2. Reset PageSwap statistics
3. Enable level 1 Queue_Out of PageSwap tracing messages
4. Enable level 2 Queue_Out of PageSwap tracing messages
5. Disable Queue_Out of messages
6. Print page list
[ESC] Exit PageSwap Debug Routines
Queuing of PageSwap tracing messages DISABLED
Queuing of PageSwap tracing messages LEVEL 1 ENABLED
Queuing of PageSwap tracing messages LEVEL 2 ENABLED
---- Throughput ----
Total calls to pageswap_in    = #EDI
Total number of pages read    = #ECX (#AX%)
Total time for page in        = #EDX.#AX (decimal)
Bytes per second              = #EAX (decimal)
Total calls to pageswap_out   = #EDI
Total number of pages written = #ECX (#AX%)
Total time for page out       = #EDX.#AX (decimal)
Bytes per second              = #EAX (decimal)
PrePaging: Total calls to pageswap_out   = #EDI
Prepaging: Total number of pages written = #ECX (#AX%)
Prepaging: Total time for page out       = #EDX.#AX (decimal)
Prepaging: Bytes per second              = #EAX (decimal)
Press any key to continue, [ESC] to quit... 
---- I/O operation scheduling ----
Number of buffers used        = #AX
Read Ahead Calls/Hits         = #ECX / #EBX (#AX%)
Reads satisfied by read-ahead hits = #AX%
Read-Aheads Canceled          = #EAX
Cancel & Wait, READ           = #EAX
Cancel & Wait, WRITE          = #EAX
Press any key to continue, [ESC] to quit... 
---- Swap File information ----
File contains #EAX pages of a possible #EDI
#ECX pages are free (#AX%)
Page entry lin base  = #EAX
Next possible victim = #EAX
Current state:  
Pageswap statistics reset
#EDI-FREE     #EAX  
 @jW o+GG@HG8@u`4 a t  ! !04DZhjjjjjjR S K<S[ %$,3 % !Z32  r fX %XkDjP O
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u<Es>uz?tGGύB+ȁwƂ<z?tGGǍJ++vu8EsfMrf8]ƂqI<Ƃf jh Ou`D at s`h argtkE,uXtdJ3 s` a trs` a tjR QÀ}u )r%u<Est >u
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tu4OA\t/t\I^ Vt$ ^l
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$fE<UslwdI%AjQP cuσ:ffufu`wfu` dffE< U=8f9W*u7G,G,;$v(t $+ʋEarK;r7+$E3;$v$>r(;$r+;w	&rfUftUEEaa W Mf}f}`Ef}`E,u!f9Mu 	fe,rM_sPEt
Q 	Y+X Uwı Ü` a tT  fE<UseMfuI%AjQP cu2Mffufu`fu`fuM dú  }@Dt.}Brot7}`0t}br[t#}ht) 1ú ú   dN& ( uu`U'PRQf< 
 f}f}`G$$ fudV	dfF	dV	dfF
 sJPQI%AjQP cuYX"ffw	fw! dVff 
 	E`EÃE`EfEM, PQuWRd$ZWe r=_G	 !  e 	fe,rEYX_M,fETerminate processChar input with echoCharacter outputAuxiliary inputAuxiliary outputPrint characterDirect console I/OUnfiltered char inputChar input w/o echoDisplay $ term stringBuffered keyboard inputCheck keyboard statusFlush buff, Read kbdDisk resetSelect diskOpen file with FCBClose file with FCBFind First FileFind Next FileDelete FileSequential ReadSequential Write Create File With FCBRename File With FCBUNUSEDGet Current DiskSet DTA AddressGet Default Drive DataGet Drive DataUNUSEDUNUSEDGet Drive Parameter BlkUNUSEDRandom ReadRandom WriteGet File SizeSet Relative RecordSet interrupt vectorCreate PSPRandom block readRandom block writeParse filenameGet dateSet dateGet timeSet timeSet/Reset verify flagGet DTA addressGet DOS versionTerminate and Stay ResGet device parameter blkGet/Set Control-C FlagGet Address of InDOSGet Interrupt VectorGet Disk Free SpaceChar OperGet/Set Current CountryCreate DirectoryRemove DirectoryChange Current DirectoryCreate File with HandleOpen File with HandleClose File with HandleRead File or DeviceWrite File or DeviceDelete FileMove file pointerGet/Set File AttributesIOCTLDuplicate File HandleForce Duplicate HandleGet Current DirectoryAllocate Memory BlockFree Memory BlockResize Memory BlockLoad and Exec ProgramTerminate with Ret CodeGet Ret Code Child ProcFind First FileFind Next FileSet PSP SegmentGet PSP SegmentGet List of Lists (invars)Translate BPBGet Verify FlagCreate PSPRename FileGet/Set Date/Time FileGet/Set Alloc StrategyGet Extended Error InfoCreate Temporary FileCreate New FileLock/Unlock File RegionServer DOS callNet Name/Printer SetupNetwork redir stuffNameTransUNUSEDGet PSP AddressHangool callSet Prn FlagGet Extended Country InfoGet/Set Global Code PageSet Handle CountCommit File\]#]4]D]U]e]x]]]]]]]^^%^9^I^X^d^t^^^^^^^^^__$_+_7_D_R_f_{__________``+`D`[`p````````a$a;aOadapaaaaaaaabb5bMbebubbbbbbbbbc"c:cPc`cxcccccccccd!d2dAttempt to abort program from Int 23h will be ignored for PM program
Attempt to abort from Int 24h ignored -- Call will be failed
DOSMGR WARNING:  Invalidating disk info cache
DOSMGR DOS trace level info.
   [1]  Display DOS trace profile
   [2]  Reset DOS trace profile
   [3]  Set trace level (currently #AL)
   Any other key, return to previous menu.
Enter selection or [Esc] to exit DOSMGR debug querry:  
Do you want to reset the DOS profile (Y/N)? Yes
Level 0 = Only LOG # times each call is made
Level 1 = Log # times each call is made + total time for calls
Level 2 = Log time for calls + dump ASCIIZ strings to debug terminal
Level 3 = Dump complete profile data to monochrome display for each call
Level 4 = Same as 3 except stops before reflecting call to V86 mode
Level 5 = Same as 3 except stops after call returns from V86 mode
Level 6 = Same as 4 and 5 combined
Use system.ini variable DosTraceLevel=X to do this automatically (default=2)
Enter new level or [Esc] to quit: #AL
0 DOS calls have been profiled
All values except call number (AH value) are in decimal
Total DOS calls = #EAX
Time for calls  = #AX.#DX
Read stats:  Write stats:  
#CL   #EAX  #AL%   #AX.#DX  #AL%   #AX    
#EAX calls
#edi calls, #esi bytes, #AX.#DX seconds
             #esi avg I/O size, #eax bytes/second
             No I/O was buffered
             #ax calls buffered, #esi bytes buffered



DOS Patch 14, EXEC instance data search failure
Could not instance EXEC data Init_Patch
Error unsupported DOS INIT PATCH
EnableNOPatch patch #eax
DOS Patch 7,SHARE DOS dispatch, failure
DOS Patch 7A, SDC USER_ID Patch, failure
DOS Patch 7A, SDC USER_ID Patch, failure
DOS Patch 8,SHARE SFT owner, failure
WARNING! BIOS Patch, Disk swap, failure
DOS Patch 10,CON raw rd, failure
BIOS Patch,Stack fault, failure
Crit Patch DOS has more than 8 patch locs!!!
Install_DOS_Patch bad #ecx bytes at #esi???
Install_DOS_Patch bad patch number #eax
Install_DOS_Patch patch already installed #eax
Remove_DOS_Patch bad #ecx bytes at #edi???
Remove_DOS_Patch bad patch number #eax
Remove_DOS_Patch patch not installed #eax
DisableNOPatch patch #eax
WARNING: Exiting without undoing DOS patches via call out API
SOMEONE USING SERVER DOS CALL DP7A_Handler AX = #AX Report this!!!!!!
No Hi DOS region list??? DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init
Hi DOS region #EAX starts below Last V86 Page DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init
HIDOSMAXCNT reached, table full DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init
Page aligned Hi DOS region doesn't start on page DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init
Page aligned Hi DOS region isn't 4k granular DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init
_Add_Global_V86_Data_Area failed 1 DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init
_Add_Global_V86_Data_Area failed 2 DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init
_Add_Global_V86_Data_Area failed 3 DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init
Next DOS arena is below LastV86Page DOSMGR_Device_Init
Unexpected failure of lead frag resize DOSMGR_Device_Init
Unexpected success of lead frag get size DOSMGR_Device_Init
Unexpected failure of lead frag realloc DOSMGR_Device_Init
lead frag realloc returned different SEG addr DOSMGR_Device_Init
Odd, back frag with trail arena? DOSMGR_Device_Init
Unexpected failure of back frag resize DOSMGR_Device_Init
Unexpected success of back frag get size DOSMGR_Device_Init
Unexpected failure of back frag realloc DOSMGR_Device_Init
back frag realloc returned wrong SEG addr DOSMGR_Device_Init
Couldn't HeapAllocate Trail arena block DOSMGR_Device_Init
V86MMGR version #EAX does not have V86MMGR_GetPgStatus service DOSMGR_Device_Init
_Assign_Device_V86_Pages of hi dos block failed DOSMGR_Device_Init
Hi DOS Block at #EAX has bad arena sig DOSMGR_Device_Init
Unexpected failure of HI DOS free call block #DX DOSMGR_Device_Init
Hi DOS blk spans V86MMGR boundary DOSMGR_Device_Init
Pg #ECX is EMM, MAP owned pg, also Hi DOS page DOSMGR_Device_Init
#ECX is UMB pg not XMS owned, also Hi DOS page DOSMGR_Device_Init
V86MMGR version #EAX does not have V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs service DOSMGR_Device_Init
V86MMGR_SetAvailMapPgs failed DOSMGR_Device_Init
Could not allocate memory for Local Hi DOS DOSMGR_Create_VM
Old Shell version #EAX DOSMGR_VM_Init
Could not lock Local Hi DOS DOSMGR_VM_Init
Unexpected failure of SetResetV86Pageable DOSMGR_VM_Init
Unexpected failure of _PageGetSizeAddr DOSMGR_VM_Init
_MapIntoV86 failed DOSMGR_VM_Init
PageLock failed, DOSMGR_Resume_VM
PageUnlock failed?? DOSMGR_Suspend_VM
SysInitDone heap free failed dword at #esi
LastBaseDeviceLAddr == 0 DOSMGR Reset_Device_Tail
DOSMGR_Add_Device trying block device at #edi
DOSMGR_Remove_Device no device #edi
DOSMGR_Remove_Device LastBaseDeviceLAddr == 0
DOSMGR_Remove_Device trying block device at #edi
#ESI PerVMFilesTableLinkLin is not end of SFT tables SFT_VM_Crit_Init
#EAX PerVMFilesTableLin is not end of SFT tables SFT_VM_Crit_Init
V86MMGR version #EAX does not have V86MMGR_SetLocalA20 service
DOS BIOS segment==0!!!!! Find_Dos_Instance_Data_Map
Error [#eax] Find_DOS_Instance_Data_Map
Error unsupported DOS Find_DOS_Instance_Data_Map
Error Insuff mem Find_DOS_Instance_Data_Map
PerVMFiles set to 0 because SHARE is loaded
PER VM SFT limit underflow Get_SFT_Instance
Could not allocate global VM data area space for PER VM SFT table
Error Insuff mem Get_SFT_Instance
DOSMGR_Instance_Device called before DOSMGR_Device_Init
Device at #esi is GLOBAL DOSMGR_Instance_Device
Exhausted MAXGLOBALDEVS Get_Device_Instance
Error Insuff mem Get_Device_Instance
Error Insuff mem Instance_This_Dev
OrderDevList overran device sort array 1
OrderDevList overran device sort array 2
GetDeviceSize INT 2F device #EDI not sizeable 1, not config.sys device
GetDeviceSize device #EDI not sizeable 2, not config.sys device
GetDeviceSize overran device sort array
GetDeviceSize device address not on sort array
GetDeviceSize computed negative size
SFFFromHandle Bad Config
Error unsupported DOS Compute_SFT_Size
Zenith Variable length Exceeded
AllocInstanceStruc ran out of InstHeapHArray
AllocInstanceStruc HeapAllocate failed
Open INSTANCE.386 failed _Get_OEM_Inst_Data
_Allocate_Temp_V86_Data_Area failed _Get_OEM_Inst_Data
Read INSTANCE.386 failed _Get_OEM_Inst_Data
MAXIFILESZ to small _Get_OEM_Inst_Data
Read 0 bytes! _Get_OEM_Inst_Data
Overflowed OEM_Inst_Tbl Update_Inst_Tbl

$*+&(!"#$% "),hTsjx}^cYɄ΄݄ӄ؄
"'}05:E@Vf!<!S7<!Y8!78d<!<!%<!<!<8!8XY@<!RV <tR""]#<!8!#u#<!%(8!#(<8!<!<!<!@8!"<!<!#^v^vv^^hhhv^[bhDOSTRACELEVELWARNING:  DOSMGR will hook PMode interrupt #AL which is now hooked & will not chain!
Last DOS call = #AX
ERROR!  DOS call #AL while processing an Int 24h!
 Hidden System Volume-Label Subdir 
Start of call #AX
   #AX     #BX     #CX     #DX     #SI     #DI     #CX     #DX     NC
   Start=#ECX    Return=#EDI    Total=#EAX    Elapsed=#BX
Returned from call #AX
WARNING:  Unknown DOS call AH=#AL will not be translated
WARNING: DOS INT 21 call AX=#DX will not be translated.
         Use of this call by a Prot Mode app is not
         appropriate. There is a better INT 21 call, or a
         Windows call which should be used instead of this.
WARNING: DOS INT 21 call AX=#DX will not be translated.
         Use of this call is not supported from Prot
         mode applications.
WARNING: DOS INT 21 call AX=#DX will not be translated.
         Implementation of this call is not complete.
WARNING: DOS INT 21 call AX=#DX will not be translated.
         Protected mode applications should not be using
         this type of FCB call. Convert this application
         to use the handle calls.
ERROR:  Selector #AX is invalid and set to current DTA! -- DTA set to 0!
DOSMGR_Free_Mem: you are freeing selector #edi
But another segment reg. contains this selector!!!
DOSMGR_Free_Mem: selector #edi not allocated through int21h. Can't free!
DOSMGR_Resize: Can not grow past 64K block limit
WARNING:  PM PSP and DOS PSP did not match at Get PSP from PM App
STRANGE!  Current PSP = 0 at DOS terminate call
ERROR ON DOS TERMINATE:  Parent PID field of child PSP is not a valid selector
DOSMGR  X5-*pMM*++T+++P*X
P*XÚCP*XÚyP*XÚP*XÚDOSMGR ERROR:  Could not alloc control block data area space
DOSMGR ERROR: Could not alloc PM app control block area
Could not allocate V86 break point DOSMGR_SYS_Critical_Init
Global assign of ROMDOS pages failed DOSMGR_Sys_Critical_Init
Reflecting DOS INT 2As
DOSUMB_Sys_Critical_Init failed DOSMGR_Sys_Critical_Init
DOSMGR ERROR:  Could not allocate global VM data area space
****                                  ****
**** INDOS Polling is enabled!!!!!!!! ****
****                                  ****
****                                  ****
Could not HOOK one of the required services for INDOS polling
Odd case, DOSMGR_Init_Complete, DOSMGR_Enable_Indos_Polling failed??
Could not allocate global VM data area space for INT 2Ah DOSMGR_Init_Complete
Low Crit code crossed page boundary trying again DOSMGR_Init_Complete
Get of DOSMGR V86 API failed, DOSMGR_Init_Complete
Could not instance crit count byte
OpenFile did not trip all the DOS crit sections DOSMGR_Init_Complete
OpenFile did not trip BIMBO crit sections DOSMGR_Init_Complete
OpenFile did not trip SHARE crit sections DOSMGR_Init_Complete
DOSUMB_Device_Init_First failed DOSMGR_Device_Init
PSPINCREMENT value is < 2, setting 2
PSPINCREMENT value is > 64, setting 64
Could not alloc memory to do WINSTART.BAT processing
Could not allocate DOSMGR_Copy_VM_Drive_State buffer
Could not allocate V86 break point 1 DOSMGR_Device_Init
Could not allocate V86 break point 2 DOSMGR_Device_Init
Could not allocate V86 break point 3 DOSMGR_Device_Init
Could not instance DOS arena DOSMGR_Device_Init
DOSUMB_Device_Init_Second failed DOSMGR_Device_Init
DOSMGR_Get_IndosPtr called before var initialized
Invalid function #EAX passed on DOSMGR_V86_Svc_Call VM #EBX
V86_Crash_VM VM #EBX
LowCritSigLin not set V86_Blk_Ent
Setting low crit owner to #AX
WARNING:  Dead VM #EBX owned Int 28h critical section
ERROR, Program string overflow _DOSMGR_Exec_VM
_DOSMGR_Exec_VM called when term call back != 0
_DOSMGR_Exec_VM called Without EXECdata set
WIN386 PSP arena is last, but PerVmWraith != 0 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Odd case, not simple wraith LastV86 < End of VM DOSMGR_Exec_VM
No HiDOSUMB_ProtPg in SYS VM 1, location change DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Arena size underflow 4 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Arena size == 0 4 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Couldn't Map Wraith Page DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Prob Alloc or Map Wraith, move wraith down DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Arena size underflow 3 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Arena size == 0 3 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
No HiDOSUMB_ProtPg in SYS VM 2, location change DOSMGR_Exec_VM
V86MMGR version #EAX does not have V86MMGR_ResetBasePages service DOSMGR_Exec_VM
HiDOSUMB_ProtPg #EAX going to waste V86MMGR couldn't use it DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Supposed to do arena link but Next_Base_DOS_Arena_Seg == 0 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
No PerVmWraith, but is HiDOS??? DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Arena size underflow 1 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Arena size == 0 1 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
Arena size underflow 2 DOSMGR_Exec_VM
_DOSMGR_Exec_VM VMID overflow on PSP adjust
BROKEN TSR/NETWORK!  Changed SS:SP across DOS Exec call!  Must have written
too much CPM code!
DM_CB_F_SYSPreBatBit clear not in SYS VM DOSMGR_VM_Exec_IRET
S>{@BQ>COut of range critical section # #AL Begin Crit
Extra AX = 8001h sig fnd, DOSMGR_INT_2A
AX = 8001h crit code doesn't match expected, DOSMGR_INT_2A
Extra AX = 8002h sig fnd, DOSMGR_INT_2A
AX = 8002h code doesn't match, DOSMGR_INT_2A
Out of range critical section # #AL End Crit
Dos_High_Crit_Owned dec through 0
Extra AX = 8101h sig fnd, DOSMGR_INT_2A
AX = 8101h code doesn't match, DOSMGR_INT_2A
Extra AX = 8102h sig fnd, DOSMGR_INT_2A
AX = 8102h code doesn't match, DOSMGR_INT_2A
AH = 82h code doesn't match, DOSMGR_INT_2A
DConsuming re-entrant global Int 28h
WARNING:  Global Int 28h chain timed-out for VM #EBX
INT 24 to VM #EBX during VM INIT will be failed
INT 24 in VM #EBX during INIT cannot be failed or Ignored
Crit focus change warning:  About to change focus to #EBX
H&G&GII&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&GHH&GI&G&G&G&GH&GI&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&G&GcI&G&G&GIILock for Link In failed DM_I21_Lnk
Loc Hi DOS lead arena at #EAX in VM #EBX is corrupt DM_I21_UnLnk
Unexpected failure of SetResetV86Pageable DM_I21_UnLnk
UnLock for UnLink In failed DM_I21_UnLnk
HeapAllocate Failed DOSMGR_Int_21
Int 21 timed out DM_I21_CallBack
SHELL_Event Failed DM_I21_Event_CallBack
PostMessage Failed DM_I21_Event_CallBack
Select desired DOSMGR function:
   [0]  Display DOS trace info
   [1]  Set DOSMGR queue_outs
   [2]  DOSMGR Gen info
   [3]  DOSMGR VM info
   [4]  SFT info
   [ESC] - Exit DOSMGR debug querry
DOS Call  queue_outs are ON
DOS Call  queue_outs are OFF
INT 28    queue_outs are ON
INT 28    queue_outs are OFF
Crit Sec  queue_outs are ON
Crit Sec  queue_outs are OFF
   [0]   - Turn DOS Call  queue_outs OFF
   [1]   - Turn DOS Call  queue_outs ON
   [2]   - Turn int 28    queue_outs OFF
   [3]   - Turn int 28    queue_outs ON
   [4]   - Turn Crit Sec  queue_outs OFF
   [5]   - Turn Crit Sec  queue_outs ON
   [ESC] - Done
Hi DOS protected page #EAX
#ECX Hi DOS arenas
Doing FSC flag = #AL, Doing File SYS Change from Old apps
NOT Doing File SYS Change from Old apps
Reflecting DOS INT 2A value = #AL, Reflecting
NOT Reflecting
Mod DOS INT 2A value = #AL, NO
YES - waiting
Indos Polling flag = #AL, Doing Indos Polling
NOT Doing Indos Polling
PSP Adjust flag = #AL, Increment #ECX, FALSE in SYSTEM.INI
Not speced in SYSTEM.INI
Dos_High_Crit_Owned = #eax, Low_Crit_Claim is not set Low_Crit_Claim = #ecx, DOS is free
DOS is busy
[ESC] to exit, any other key to dump VM info:  
[ESC] to exit, any other key for next VM:  
************** WARNING DANGER **************
* With multiple VMs this is very prone to  *
* page faulting and crashing the system.   *
* Are you sure you want to continue?       *
[ESC] to exit, any other key to continue:  
SFT base address isn't set yetSFT at #EAX
    RefCnt = #SI
    SFT is free
VM #EBX DOS_Crit_Count = #EAX, Term addr ?EDX
  PSP adjust = #AX
  P10State #CL Rem count #DX
  Drive CD update bits #ECX, drive update event handle #EDX
  Drive CD update is disabled
[ESC] to exit, any other key to dump crit counts  
    Crit Sec #DL count = #AL
Internal stack overflow
System halted
Increase the size and/or number of stacks in CONFIG.SYS.
          Type EXIT and press ENTER to quit this MS-DOS prompt and    
           return to Windows.                                          
          Press ALT+TAB to switch to Windows or another application.  
          Press ALT+ENTER to switch this MS-DOS Prompt between a      
           window and full screen.                                     
<!<!'ZZ&<![<!<!<!hhhhhhhhhhIOCTL DOS CALL NOT SUPPORTED!
={rFf>t럡t{6{k={tP{t%{t%{t%{t%{t%=t	f%ك=f=Xs&֑t`m a trz  {jh u&֑t`m a tt!3PQs(YX@֑t`(n a t`(3  `Kn a Ws&֑t`fn a tuD={u\	s&֑t`n a t"{+Zs&֑t`n a t
{+3Ds&֑t`n a tb11 ={u={

o a trp+	 ;	^s&֑t`7o a t|V{+5m
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qu`r a tc:Z =ru:3J;w`r a t;=rr`s a tVWRPQ 3ۉ]]]]]EM侈qr4EȀ=rt0E8ZuMفtu
M)EMfM؁+؃ r=rtE]=rtM@ԀMEME@t%E+MEMft`Mыف+Ӄ rك+ډ]U=rtM܀M MEt	)IMEMt`Zs a tt`s a t]?f^=rttffN]؉^^Ftr
3ɉMЃ}t0juu u`s a t}t0juu u`,t a t YXZ_^.RjQP u`jt a tZ  tm%=u_ ;s`t a tu5R Xr
;s;sqr5r   lW|$ _ kq
r=rQFVIfE8+fEJfM! E,t`t a tfEHfE! E,u`u a tfEH! E,t`[u a tEf;t`u a tFVFt`u a tJfE8fEJfU! E,t`v a tfEHfE! E,u`Mv a tfEH! E,t`v a tNAFtIf;Mt`v a tFFtQjj Ou`w a tuFVvNs^NQP =
s`Dw a tYZSQRr.3 t!%9AJuZY[fNB;$ZY[RjjRQ rZu`w a tfHS C[8ZuN 8Mt`w a tYIq
r'Fu9ffU8fEI! E,t`x a tN드`_x a t8`x a t`x a tZY[Y Vt$ ^lQNQP =
s`y a tXYr# s`uy a tYqt-qt
8L)fEXfE!  Vt$ ^l  SWVe  k={rHfE3! Et0 =
s`X} a tr fE/ E{={={
jhl fE4! E8]Kã{fER! E8{]{ã{fEfE3fEfEfE8/ Eft<Eupfu8tEt sfEfEfE/ f}|uf}u	EhfEfEfEE/ f}|uf}uE{{f=t33 =uSu
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f=}5d~tq~={~ _ @tk={&g]ãGã~w	>fEfEfEfE/ f}|uf}uEQ={r%x{p{ >Mtr>Ztm={rF= ^@w5{5{-{^ãFã 3FFFPV ef==={<t+<={  !={  Tf{t:KCVNFjV 뿋d[f{t:KCVNFjV bf=uQd[f{tAq8;SKCVNFjV hu|'=
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 ={tt`Z~ a3${u
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Idle base count = #EAX
CB offset       = #EDI
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Unknown Box Type #edi _SHELL_DisplayMessage
MessageInterlock shows busy _SHELL_DisplayMessage
SHELL_DisplayMessage warning:  About to change focus to #EBX
ERROR:  Shell message caption > 80 characters
Def Button out of range _SHELL_DisplayMessage
Response translation failed _SHELL_DisplayMessage
SHELL_DisplayContention warning:  About to change focus to #EBX
VKD_Force_Keys failed _SHELL_Msg_Init
#eax entries in trans table, translated #ecx keys _SHELL_Msg_Init
aaaaaa%VMDA_Get_Clip_Info function #EAX out of range
VMDA_Get_Clip_NOInfo #eax
Failing VMDA_Get_Clip_GetData because DS selctor is RO
VMDA_Clipboard_Event with critical section owned
VMDA_Clipboard_Event From SYS VM Handle
VMDA_Clipboard_Event Could not allocate structure
Clip API call VM #EBX, no clipboard Semaphore
CLIP API SYS VM already CLIP API Boosted????
VMDA_ClipEvent_PriCB Not in sys VM
Could not place Clip message SHell_Event failed VMDA_ClipEvent_PriCB
Postmessage failed VMDA_Clip_Msg_CallBk
VMDA_Clip_Msg_CallBk Not in sys VM
CLIP API done, SYS VM not CLIP API Boosted????
SHELL_Res_Cont_PriCallBk Not in sys VM
SHELL_Res_Cont_CallBk Not in sys VM
Got bad VM Handle #ecx from VMDOSAPP SHELL_Res_Cont_CallBk
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC TerminateSwitcherScreen
TerminateSwitcherScreen flushing SwitcherList queue
SHELL_CancelPaste to VM #EBX, Delay #EDI mSec. flg/scan #AX
Got SHELL_CancelPaste on SYS VM
Got SHELL_CancelPaste on VM that is not VD_F_Pasting 1
Got SHELL_CancelPaste on VM that is not VD_F_Pasting 2
SHELL_TaskMan to VM #EBX, Delay #EDI mSec. flg/scan #AX
Got SHELL_TaskMan on SYS VM
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC to VM #EBX, Delay #EDI mSec flg/scan #AX
Got Shell_ALTTAB_ESC on SYS VM Flag #EAX
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC Reflect hot key into SYS VM
Shell_ALTTAB_ESC flushing SwitcherList queue, just reflected
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC Start switcher
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC Schedule priority VM Event
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC DoSwitcherScreenNext
DoSwitcherScreenNext Type is ALT+ESC discarding
Cleared SH_SS_F_BusyBit which wasn't set
back queued to many elements, cancel switcher Shell_ALTTAB_ESC
Have back queued to many list elements, canceling switcher Shell_ALTTAB_ESC
Queue SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC to VM #EBX, flg/scan #EAX
SH_ATE_Pri_Evnt cur vm not sys vm
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC Shell_Event to start switcher
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC Pri Event timed out
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC first VMDOSAPP wait timed out
SHELL_ALTTAB_ESC finish event timed out
priority VM event is out FinishSwitcher???
PostMessage failed or cancel times out FinishSwitcher
Finish Switcher set focus (execution) #EBX
Finish Switcher flushing SwitcherList queue
SHELL_ALTSPC_ENT to VM #EBX, Delay #EDI mSec flg/scan #AX
Got error trying to place SHELL_ALTSPC_ENT event
Postmessage for Hot Key failed SHELL
SHELL_PRTSCN to VM #EBX, Delay #EDI mSec flg/scan #AX
SHELL_HotKey to VM #EDX, Delay #EDI mSec flg/scan #AX
Got Shell_HotKey on SYS VM
Got error trying to place SHELL_HotKey event
SHELL_SYSVMHotKey from VM #EBX, Delay #EDI mSec flg/scan #AX
Got Shell_SYSVMHotKey on SYS VM
SHELL_SYSVMHotKey Reflect hot key into SYS VM
Device Conflict'' is attempting to use the  device, which '' is currently using. Do you want '' to take control of the device?

System halted.                      Press any key to continue                 Press ENTER for OK or ESC to Cancel:             Press A to Abort, R to Retry, or I to Ignore:             Press Y for Yes, N for No, or ESC to Cancel:                     Press Y for Yes or N for No:                  Press R to Retry or ESC to Cancel: iIiiii&j11sjtjwj{jjjOKAbortRetryIgnoreYesNoCancelOKOKARIY1NCancelY1NRCanceljjjjjjjjjjjj1jjj1jjjkk$k7kJkWk


                  MICROSOFT WINDOWS POP-UP PROGRAM SUPPORT                  


      Your pop-up program is ready to run. When you have finished using     

      it, press Ctrl+C to close this window and return to Windows.          

ͼ$Either memory is insufficient to run KRNL386.EXE or the value of the
Windowmemsize entry in the SYSTEM.INI file is too large.
You need to run the Setup program again.Cannot find or load required file KRNL386.EXE.Cannot find or load required file KRNL386.EXE. The file was not found.Cannot find or load required file KRNL386.EXE. The path was not found.Cannot find or load required file KRNL386.EXE. There are not enough file handles.Cannot find or load required file KRNL386.EXE. Access to the file was denied.Cannot find or load required file KRNL386.EXE. The file has an invalid EXE format.Cannot find or load required file KRNL386.EXE. There was a sharing violation.The ALT+SPACEBAR shortcut key is disabled because the AllVMsExclusive entry in SYSTEM.INI is set to True. To open the Control Menu for an application running in a full screen, first switch to Windows using ALT+TAB or ALT+ESC and then use the Control Menu from the application's icon.You can run this application only in a full screen because the AllVMsExclusive entry in SYSTEM.INI is set to True.Windows 9@7T77.Could not define ALT-TAB _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define ALT-SPACE _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define ALT-ENTER _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define ALT-ESC _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define CTRL-ESC _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define ALT-PRTSC1 _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define ALT-PRTSC2 _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define PRTSC1 _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define PRTSC2 _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define CanPst1 _RegisterStdHotKeys
Could not define CanPst2 _RegisterStdHotKeys
Hot key def is nul _RegisterVMHotKey
Could not define hot key _RegisterVMHotKey
%12%'{-C5306W7u8@8(8977''+38SHELL_VMDOSAPP_Call from non VM1 VM!!!!!
SHELL ERROR:  Invalid function #EAX passed from VMDOSAPP VM #EBX
VMDA_Enqueue_Event with no VMDOSAPP to call
Could not allocate Event structure VMDA_EnQueue_Event
VM handle for event #AX (VM #ebx) is suddenly gone VMDA_EnQueue_Event
ERROR: VDA_FileSysChange must have a call back addr to work properly
ERROR: Using SE_WP_PrtScBoost must have a call back addr to work properly
VMDA_Enqueue_Event Call_Priority_VM_Event
VMDA_Enqueue_Event return FAILURE
VMDA_Enqueue_Event return OK
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk Start - Begin Crit
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk - Got Crit
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk Not in sys VM
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk Resume Exec to do PostMessage
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk Resume Exec returned
Could not POSTMESSAGE VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk
POSTMESSAGE failure discarded VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk Un Boost SYS VM and End Crit
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk Event Call back
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk End
VMDA_PostMsg_PriCallBk EnQueue event
SelectorMapFlat failed 1 VMDA_Create_VM
SelectorMapFlat failed 2 VMDA_Create_VM
SelectorMapFlat failed 3 VMDA_Create_VM
SelectorMapFlat failed 4 VMDA_Create_VM
VMDA_Destroy_VM Sys VM
VMDA_UserBusy Not in sys VM
User_Busy_Set VMDA_UserBusy
WARNING: Nested call to set USER busy VMDA_UserBusy
User_Busy_Clr VMDA_UserBusy
AX parameter #EAX out of range VMDA_UserBusy
User_Busy_TimeOut not in sys VM sheduling priority event
User_Busy_Clr Not in sys VM
WARNING: call to clear USER busy when not flagged busy or clear timed out VMDA_UserBusy
clear USER busy when not flagged busy or clear timed out VMDA_UserBusy
WARNING: Nested call to clear USER busy User_Busy_Clr
VDA_Nul_Boost_Event on queue?? User_Busy_Clr
Non Empty queue with no VMDOSAPP to call User_Busy_Clr
Could not POSTMESSAGE User_Busy_Clr
SelectorMapFlat failed VMDA_Chng_Hot_Key
Out of range AX function number VMDA_Chng_Hot_Key
VMDA_Chng_Hot_Key func 2 No free spots in SYSVMHKList
VMDA_Chng_Hot_Key Func 2 Could not register hot key
VMDA_Chng_Hot_Key func 2 EBX(#EBX) != SYS VM handle
VMDA_Chng_Hot_Key Func 1 invalid VM Handle #EBX
VMDA_Chng_Hot_Key Func 1 Sys VM
VMDA_Chng_Hot_Key Func 1 Could not register new VM hot key
VMDA_Set_Focus to invalid VM handle #EBX, change to SYS VM
VMDA_Set_Focus/_Internal cur vm not sys vm
Set_Time_Slice_Priority of SYS VM failed 2??? VMDA_Set_Focus
SETFOCUS boost timed out SH_SF_TimeOut
SH_SF_TimeOut SETFOCUS boost not set
Set_Time_Slice_Priority of SYS VM failed 1??? Set_Focus_SYS_VM_Adjust
Debug_Out Signal from VMDOSAPP
    EAX = #EAX
    EBX = #EBX
    ECX = #ECX
    EDI = #EDI
    BP  = #EAX
    SP  = #EBX
    ES  = #EBX
    SS  = #EAX
    DS  = #ECX
    CS:IP  = #EAX:#EBX
VMDA_Set_SYS_VM_Info Bad bits set in AX #DI
VMDA_Set_SYS_VM_Info cur vm not sys vm
VMDA_Set_SYS_VM_Info Set_Time_Slice_Priority failed
VMDA_Set_SYS_VM_Info Bad time slice granularity value
VMDA_Set_SYS_VM_Info Bad forground priority value
VMDA_Set_SYS_VM_Info Bad background priority value
SelectorMapFlat failed 1 VMDA_Set_VM_State
VMDA_Set_VM_State invalid VM Handle #EBX
VMDA_Set_VM_State Sys VM
VMDA_Set_VM_State cur vm not sys vm
Set_Time_Slice_Priority failed VMDA_Set_VM_State
SelectorMapFlat failed 1 VMDA_Get_VM_State
VMDA_Get_VM_State invalid VM Handle #EBX
VMDA_Get_VM_State Sys VM
VMDA_Init with proc addrs already set
VMDA_Init with VMDA_RWSelector already set
SelectorMapFlat failed 1 VMDA_Init
Could not allocate R/W version of app flat DS alias.
Giving VMDOSAPP Read Only version which means get clipbaord
   stuff calls will fail.
VMDA_Exit with no VMDA_RWSelector
VMDA_Exit with NO addresses set
VMDA_Query_Dest on Sys VM
VMDA_Get_TermInfo Not in sys VM
VMDA_Get_Message Not in sys VM
VMDA_Set_Paste Invalid VM Handle #EDX
VMDA_Set_Paste to VM #EDX already pasting
SelectorMapFlat failed VMDA_Set_Paste
VMDA_Switcher_Asst start
SelectorMapFlat failed VMDA_Switcher_Asst
VMDA_Switcher_Asst Invalid VM Handle #EBX
VMDA_Switcher_Asst later switches
VMDA_Switcher_Asst prob flagged from VMDOSAPP 1
VMDA_Switcher_Asst pulled queued event off SwitcherList 1
VMDA_Switcher_Asst Wait for key
VMDA_Switcher_Asst pulled queued event off SwitcherList 2
VMDA_Switcher_Asst Got Next Key
VMDA_Switcher_Asst de queued event flag #EAX
VMDA_Switcher_Asst prob flagged from VMDOSAPP 2
VMDA_Switcher_Asst return not complete
VMDA_Switcher_Asst return complete
VMDA_Switcher_Asst first switch
VMDA_Switcher_Asst SwitcherDone
VMDA_Switcher_Asst cancel hot key state
VMDA_Switcher_Asst set focus (no execution) #EBX
VMDA_Switcher_Asst terminating because focus is wrong
Irrelevant VMDA_Event_Complete, event ID = 0
SE_WP_FilSysChgBoost at event complete, but global boost not set
SE_WP_PrtScBoost at event complete, but global boost not set
SHELL   }Fl SHELL ERROR:  Could not alloc control block data area space
SHELL ERROR: Could not create contention list
SHELL ERROR: Could not create clipboard list
SHELL ERROR: Could not create event list
SHELL ERROR: Could not create message list
SHELL ERROR: Could not create Term/Crash list
Could not allocate switcher list SHELL_Device_Init
SHELL Couldn't INIT, could not get TempVM
SHELL ERROR:  Could not alloc VM Start buffer
SHELL_SYSMODAL_Message with no VMDOSAPP to call
SHELL_SYSModal_Msg_PriCallBk Not in sys VM
SHELL_SYSModal_Msg_CallBk Not in sys VM
VM handle messaging (#ebx) is suddenly gone SHELL_SYSModal_Msg_CallBk
SHELL_Message could not allocate management data structure
SHELL_Message with no VMDOSAPP to call
SHELL_Msg_PriCallBk Not in sys VM
VM handle messaging (#ebx) is suddenly gone SHELL_Msg_PriCallBk
Could not place message event SHELL_Msg_PriCallBk
Postmessage failed, msg on SYS VM, or no VMDOSAPP SHELL_Message_Call_Back
SHELL_Message_Call_Back Not in sys VM
SHELL_SYS_VM_Init cur vm not sys vm
Set_Time_Slice_Priority of sys VM failed??? SHELL_Sys_VM_Init
SHELL ERROR:  Not enough memory to run KRNL386.EXE
Could not create clipboard semaphore for new VM #EBX
SHELL_Create_VM cur vm not sys vm
Initial Set_Time_Slice_Priority failed SHELL_Create_VM
Dev Crit SetFocus VM #EBX while in switcher screen
Panic device crit set focus to SYS VM, Assoc VM #EDI
SHELL_VM_Not_Executeable could not allocate management data structure
Got error trying to place Termination event SHELL_VM_TerminatedCallBk
PostMessage failed SHELL_VM_Not_Executeable
Select desired SHELL function:
   [0]   - General dev info
   [1]   - Per VM info
   [2]   - Queue_Out setting
   [ESC] - Exit SHELL debug querry
User Busy FLAGS - USRBUSY FLUSHInProg I24Wait  
User busy event queue
  Event Struc at #EDX
      Event number #EAX
      Call Back ref data #EBX call to ?EAX
      VM #ECX, window handle #ESI
      Queue link #EDX
User busy event queue is empty
SYS_VM_BPriAdjusted = #AL      , SYS_VM_FPriAdjusted = #AL
SYS_VM_TrueBpri     = #EDX, SYS_VM_TrueFpri     = #ECX
VDD_Grab_Addr = ?EAX
LastWndTaskCnt = #EAX
  Switcher VM = #EAX, InMessageMode = #CL
  SwitcherList = #EAX, SwitcherType = #CL
  SwitcherCycleRet = #CX, SwitcherDirection = #DL
  SwictherLastWhnd = #AX, SwitcherLastVM = #EDX
  SwictherNextWhnd = #AX, SwitcherNextVM = #EDX
[ESC] to exit, any other key for next VM:  
VM #EBX, Window handle #CX
  VM Hot key handle #EAX, DoDestoy #DL, Error code #AL
ALT-TAB HOT KEY   queue_outs are ON
ALT-TAB HOT KEY   queue_outs are OFF
ALT-TAB SWTCH AST queue_outs are ON
ALT-TAB SWTCH AST queue_outs are OFF
USER BUSY         queue_outs are ON
USER BUSY         queue_outs are OFF
SHELL EVENT       queue_outs are ON
SHELL EVENT       queue_outs are OFF
   [0]   - Turn ALT-TAB HOT KEY   queue_outs OFF
   [1]   - Turn ALT-TAB HOT KEY   queue_outs ON
   [2]   - Turn ALT-TAB SWTCH AST queue_outs OFF
   [3]   - Turn ALT-TAB SWTCH AST queue_outs ON
   [4]   - Turn USER BUSY         queue_outs OFF
   [5]   - Turn USER BUSY         queue_outs ON
   [6]   - Turn SHELL EVENT       queue_outs OFF
   [7]   - Turn SHELL EVENT       queue_outs ON
   [ESC] - Done
There was an error defining the application shortcut key for this application. Wǥ3 WW3 WRt3 
8 lW|$ _ kإ

s`[ a t&fE E,@t+U6Ȭ:tku
t^_YIFc Vt$ ^l
;t`[ a tY
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uë[ s`u a te5 s` a t,5 s`Ԋ a t5   s` a t5$ s`, a t5( 33֦ t
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tjjjkkkkjPKRNL386.EXESYSVMV86LOCKEDWindowMemSizeWindowKBRequiredWinExclusiveAllVMsExclusiveLE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp XLE 5pk$/?h&9
E   BLOCKDEV	^^	'	}	
	'	'Q		_R'	kSw		UP	V'
		 'c	.o	</0
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BaE Wcp X	
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 T  u
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Ð RGuW,`fFf=`f=wQFt~3tƒF3҅tFV;Wr"w;Gv`. a ta4tFtƇG4ƇG80w4w8k`F;GDtUO49;uW4ً	(;u9G8u_8VfF ^fF`w afFfF aarÐ Q QA VWV_^;wDuGt
GD-Y YÐ  W(Ð f$t` a tDuzQO4s`3A+GHQWLr;wr;s؋A	
3AtхuwHwLO4G4;t	;w8uG8wDFGHFGLW,aYÐ =8
t    Ã    Ct 9    ertwEfe, EBlockDev IRQ handle     = #EAX
Original Int 15h vector = #BX:#AX
Block Device list head  = #EDI
Virtual HD IRQ is enabled
No block device drivers registered
Device name =  
Version              = #BL:#AL
Device type          = #AL
Device is not an Int 13h drive
Int 13h drive number = #BL
Device flags         = #EAXb
Max sector value     = #EDX#EAX
Sector size          = #EAX
Number of heads      = #EAX
Num_Cylinders        = #EAX
Sectors per track    = #EAX
Synchronous cmd proc = ?EAX
Command procedure    = ?EAX
Hardware int proc    = ?EAX

BLOCKDEV@|	BLOCKDEV ERROR:  Unable to virtualize hard disk IRQ -- VirtualHDIRQ disabled
BLOCKDEV ERROR:  Unable to allocate V86 memory for Int 15h hook
ERROR:  BlockDev could not hook hard disk IRQ
ERROR:  Unable to intialize block device #EDI
BLOCKDEV WARNING:  Invalid selector/count for command #ESI to BDD #EDI
BLOCKDEV INFO:  Attempt to cancel command #EAX which is not in queue
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
 	$	t  3u
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E   0PageFile
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BaE Wcp X	
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 Vt$ ^laÜ` a t ` )t t` a ta`=}
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 Le- fe,ZY =w` aÜ` a` a`* a`. a` a`; a=`? a`m af`q af` a` a` a` a` a  t` a tu1Ef=se,Ü`) a tM, E 3=thPf< XGthO 󥡤E={
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 3fEfE9t={
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!PageFile	ERROR:  Unable to allocate mapping page for PageFile device
This will probably be fatal (the MMGR thinks paging is enabled)
BUG BUG PF_Invalid_Part_Msg is only error reported PageFile_Init_Complete
Could not set DELETE ON EXIT for permanent swap file 2a
Could not set DELETE ON EXIT for permanent swap file 2b
***** Using BlockDev for paging! *****
Could not set DELETE ON EXIT for temporary swap file
WARNING:  Unable to duplicate file handle for paging file
WARNING:  Unable to close duplicate file handle to flush paging file
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
PageFile_Grow_File by #ECX pages???
WARNING:  PageFile unable to duplicate file handle -- Can't flush file
WARNING:  PageFile unable to close duplicate file handle
WARNING:  Out of disk space.  Unable to grow paging file.
ERROR:  DOS Error while attempting to grow paging file
PageFile_Read_Or_Write: VM not in critical section!
PageFile ERROR:  Unable to map page
WARNING:  PageFile failed to read/write page through Int 13h.  Retry.
PageFile read/write via Int 13h failed!
PageFile ERROR READING OR WRITING PAGES!  Type .VR to see status
Pagefile: Cancel called, not using BlockDev for paging
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
ERROR:  Int 24h while paging
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
WARNING:  Int 23h while paging, ignored
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
ERROR:  Ints disabled at Assert_Ints_Enabled
Demand paging is disabled
SPART.PAR file =  
Swap file =  
File contains #EAX pages of a possible #EDI
Win386 startup PSP = #AX
File handle        = #AX
Original DOS vector  = #AX:#BX
V86 lin mapping page = #AX
PageFile_Svc_Call from non VM1 VM!!!!!
Function #EAX out of range PageFile_Svc_Call
One of the client buffer pointers is invalid PSC_Get_Paging_Info
Could not set DELETE ON EXIT for permanent swap file 3a
Could not set DELETE ON EXIT for permanent swap file 3b
 Љ =tb=}
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)  `fUfUfEBXE@ffEfE<fE/f}E
EffEfE8fEe- EE,uuaa PlW|$ _fEfEFCfEUNM,/e- Vt$ ^lX `3O* rub3Z* r1߀Ar'Zw"E6,@Ef}têf:\f t)|$n$,@EE6E= ]Mٸ3f* 
;r@jW o?@;v߉ fX|$Ǿ   E<fEffEfE<p s` a tEfEE@E-EE>sE=E`Ef=vfEfEffEfEBE@fEfEBfEfErvEfEfuf;u[EEs`  a tr,EEE>s`\ a taffEE>[|$ `Ǿ   fECffEfE<fEr	EAaSPART.PARWIN386.SWPPagingPagingFilePagingDriveMinUserDiskSpaceMaxPagingFileSizeThe permanent swap file is corrupt.

You need to create a new swap file. Choose the 386 Enhanced icon in Control Panel, and then choose the Virtual Memory button. for Help with Virtual Memory settings, press F1 while using the dialog box.

Do you want to delete the corrupt swap file?
Corrupt Swap-File WarningSMARTAARug!3/u
fG=!r:ظD!r-€t'	,D!r=,u>!f3Ҁ>rf1>!f33333LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
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E  VFD=!~4'_n'Aj`p_<uLE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
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Ð  fE,t u     `=\ t0tQuDu?+{r2`4 a=xO a uSR2۷3 Z[  3333  a
VFD     DVFD:  Could not alloc control block data area space
VFD NOTICE:  Turning on HIGH processor speed on Compaq
VFD converting DMA mode #dl (dest = #edi)
HIGHFLOPPYREADSCOMPAQFASTFLOPPY < A Sjj u!` a t [3` 3 3p tZ =03CO uB =MPAQ u*䆊u$?@` aLE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
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E , PARITYBWEX$'(5K,cv$(LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
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pqX%$`E a tX(t$ ࿟ 
Memory parity error detected.MicroChannel bus timeout error detected.System Error  ( 5$ LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
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E H BIOSXLATXpp>IcWoz5+,vQ-LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
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u	f;t   
BIOSXLATP8z888888Could not allocate GDT selector BIOSXlat_Sys_Critical_Init
Could not allocate one of the PM call backs BIOSXlat_Sys_Critical_Init
Int 13h to hard disk from protected mode not supported!
Get Info on floppy drive failed! -- Using parameters at int 1Eh
 -  E  E  E f
f E A x jjhhP zjPR vu` a tt-3Ҹ EÜ` a t LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
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5V6^ t@><fFt*S^ uW~4PR0ZX_[
 3[v4  t 
  S [f$t`8 a t`FVPSg ^fFtfFu	fD@t!fD@tfDu
F,t fFt	F  ^ˋVBAABAA%Pf	FAfFt	F  
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Z$Zt ?F$a 
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F  Ð fF@ȋVF;u7 fF@up^t0Ct KuȋVt  V
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VCD     0I&6V]H
VCD:  bad base (#ax) specified for COM#bl
VCD:  invalid IRQ (##al) specified for COM#bl
VCD: failed to get memory for initialization
AddInstanceItem of com base port address area failed
AddInstanceItem of com timeout value failed
VCD ERROR:  Could not allocate memory for COM structure
VCD ERROR:  Could not allocate control block area
VCD failed to install I/O handlers for COM#cl
Non-zero reserved flag bits in #EBX
VCD_PM_Svc_Call not from SYS VM
VCD ERROR: Invalid function #EAX on VCD_PM_Svc_Call
ERROR:  Ints enabled at Assert_Ints_Disabled
VCD_Attach COM#al to #ebx
VCD_Detach COM#al from #ebx
Virtualizing IRQ#al for COM#bl
VCD: could not virtualize IRQ#cl for COM#al
No COM1 hardware!!!!!
No COM2 hardware!!!!!
  Base    Address   Offs     Value  Field name
#ESI  #EDX  #CX  #EAX  VCD_CB_Offset
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Number
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_IRQN
#ESI  #EDX  #CX      #AX  VCD_Flags
#ESI  #EDX  #CX  #EAX  VCD_IObase
#ESI  #EDX  #CX  #EAX  VCD_Owner
#ESI  #EDX  #CX  #EAX  VCD_IRQ_Handle
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Def_BAUD_LSB
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Def_BAUD_MSB
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Def_IER
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Def_LCR
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Def_MCR
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Def_LSR
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Def_MSR
  Base    Address   Offs     Value  Field name
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_BAUD_LSB
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_BAUD_MSB
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_IER
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_LCR
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_MCR
#ESI  #EDX  #CX        #AL  VCD_Read_Stat
#ESI  #EDX  #CX      #AX  VCD_CB_Flags
'S'd*R)0((VCD warning:  failed to get #ECX bytes for relocating 3.0 CommInt
eat IIR=#AL
The requested COM port is not available, because a hardware interrupt conflict has been detected.  You must change your hardware configuration to be able to use this COM port from Windows applications.You have installed a Windows 3.0 compatible communications driver.  To properly support this driver you must set "COMMDRV30=TRUE" in the [386Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI. =1+t#PЃ0uB*<*uXX`, a t PRCÃ	v	
00KZX `
ua 3+ jP O8+  t*
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4+ 3<+ 33l+ 1+3ۋ5_+s+ ] u90+u
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5f?t$u`_
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 Ajh* u` a tjh* u` a t t
=7t	v 
8 `Ѐ0taGjP Ou!` a tapwWV#^+~
+~_GjP u!`V a tat$aNF^VvQ sN` arBY^ufNW+F+F=+|7IYQV_+MQ+d\+3 ^Y=uF3F_VF7F4BF5F7F6F8B`F9BF:F;R % `t` a t0+um;wer`~tZkf8tKxu=HPL$_r+D$ufOt$w<fO|$aaa3 33+ *-'$PjP OYtC'-'484+8+<@DHÜ`P a t344+8+Ð Pf< X~(G(jPS nO&F,G.jPS nO,F0wN Pf< XwN 9^t0tO"V tGJ J V$ tu F; VVPS ^~(u
<fG$f!G" O"VtGKtO"@ VgK
"g?gGKO"O2f;O*}zG> utuV"G@t\Gu:GtYG
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E   A VMCPD'Ky re5('	(7OW`i,,'4)C8<n@A@I','(,pQ048<}LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
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P uX e 4  S4$#[ u PS4 $
"[X S [S4+s#[(Û S(t43([ u;(t;(u
	 " t%;(u( "  ," "rÝ%8 rÝ%< ` rC%r8u$` a t`3 Ga S [/(     PS(t> t, u,` a t`3  u[X,i
VMCPD   HVMCPD ERROR:  Couldn't alloc control block data area space
ERROR - VMCPD_SysInit: Could not virtualize IRQ
ERROR - VMCPD_INT_7: TS is not set
ERROR - Module VMCPD: TS and VMCPD_Owner value inconsistent
, "t$ 
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BaE Wcp X	
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'M|MRs^d/bt3tt79||y0$M $LE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
 !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678 uu$ uStF t t څt,F t t+~d6tf FeuFifhfkÐ Feufk<t~ltFlPRZXÀ~muFl FeuFd FeuFdFd Fk"Fd$d<tÀfk Fg Fe Fe Ff FfFfÐ tP$X$`^h
À^hfk $FhfktNktNk 
FjFjfk FjÐ VftËVfuQt` a t$$Etf$FjNk빀Nkf$t룋F  MtÐ   ) t `V Ba `VBFdFeBFf Ba PSQ^S [Nk"Ndt'Feu!FftF t u Y[X tt@^hu"~lt
܈^htFiNkuÀNk f^vf9^tt)^pfD^xfFtCf;^vr3f^pf^tf;^nvf^n^pfD^x f~ttS~ltMFhuGfNt^rfT^xCf;^vr3f^r
vhvhtViNktNkf~tutNk fFtfFpfFrfhfkFl `tSn{v` a` aa
/9ER^|Silly size of #EAX for COM buffer ignored -- Using a 10K buffer
7GMMCOMBUF: IIR (#DX) has too many bits set: #AL
COM#al: buffer size=#di, max queued=#dx
COM#al: no buffer assigned
  =3AQA03 ='r `  a t'PQɃ3Ҿ YXr9VN^fCv33 Cmt$rCmYM `3t؊G
BaE Wcp X	
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OE   QEMMFixL#d+;'7'l3'$'q'g'QvLE ^=Gls~ÞĞW-
BaE Wcp X	
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QEMMFix QEMMFix:List_Create failed 1
QEMMFix:List_Create failed 2
QEMMFix: Hook_Device_Service fails to hook DOSMGR_Instance_Device
_AddInstanceItem failed, LoadHi_Instance_From_EDX_Size_EAX
  s` a trr5 s` a tr=5 s` a tr5  33 rI3 r,5  
t뿰  S=uZlW|$ _  {fGR! _8"= Vt$ ^l[ QGtVW
_^tY WftAs?G;t/r&H8Mt8Zuf;Pu
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