Quelltext /~heha/vxd/buchdisk.zip/VXD-LITE/INC/VMDAHERC.INC

;   (C) Copyright MICROSOFT Corp., 1988-1990
;   Version:	1.00
;   Date:	15-Feb-1989
;   Author: AR, MDW
;   Change log:
;   ----------- --- -----------------------------------------------------------
;   17-May-1989 MDW HERC version branched from CGA version

;VDD virtual mode services for the grabber
GRB_Get_Version EQU 0
GRB_Get_Mem	EQU GRB_Get_Version + 1
GRB_Get_State	EQU GRB_Get_Mem + 1
GRB_Get_Mod	EQU GRB_Get_State + 1
GRB_Clear_Mod	EQU GRB_Get_Mod + 1
GRB_Free_Mem	EQU GRB_Clear_Mod + 1
GRB_Get_GrbMem	EQU GRB_Free_Mem + 1
GRB_Free_Grab	EQU GRB_Get_GrbMem + 1
GRB_Get_GrbState EQU GRB_Free_Grab + 1
GRB_Unlock_APP  EQU GRB_Get_GrbState + 1

Grabber_VerNum	EQU	03FFh		; version 3, -1
Grabber_VerNum	EQU	0300h		; version 3, -1

VDA_HERC_State	struc
    VDA_HERC_Type    	db	?	; Display emulation type(HERC=3)
    VDA_HERC_Mode    	db	?	; Display mode(0,1)
    VDA_HERC_Cntrl   	db	?	; Display Control enable
    VDA_HERC_CurX    	dw	?	; Cursor horizontal position
    VDA_HERC_CurY    	dw	?	; Cursor vertical position
    VDA_HERC_CurBeg  	dw	?	; Cursor start scan line
    VDA_HERC_CurEnd  	dw	?	; Cursor end scan line
    VDA_HERC_Flags   	db	?	; Flags
    VDA_HERC_Rows    	db	?	; Height of display in lines (text mode)
    VDA_HERC_Colm	db	?	; Width of display in chars (text mode)
    VDA_HERC_CharHgt	db	?	; Character height(-1) in scan lines

VDA_HERC_State	ends
; VDA_HERC_Mode values
HERC_MODE_Text	  equ	0
HERC_MODE_48KText equ	1
HERC_MODE_Grfx	  equ	2
HERC_MODE_4KText  equ	80h

; Controller flags
fVDA_V_ScOff	    EQU 0001h		; Screen off
fVDA_V_ScOffBit     EQU 0
fVDA_V_HCurTrk	    EQU 0002h		; Horizontal cursor track - keep
fVDA_V_HCurTrkBit   EQU 1		;   cursor position in window

;   HERC VDD modifications state structure ::= <flag>,<count>,<list>
;   <flag> indicates type, list valid and controller change and cursor change.
;   <count> is count of entries(not bytes or words) in list.
;   <list> is type dependent as follows:
;	Type 0 - list is modified pages bit map, 1 bit per displayed 4k page,
;	    count is page count. Bit map is one byte per 32k linear address
;	    space, where byte 0's bits are <page 0 bit>,<page 1 bit>,
;	    ...,<page 7 bit>. byte 1's bits are <page 8 bit>,<page 9 bit>.
;	    A set bit indicates a change in that page.
;	    This type is not used for text modes.
;	Type 1 - modified enclosing rectangles, count is rectangle count,
;	    (less than four) , rectangle is two points: <left>,<top> and
;	    <right>,<bottom>. Each point is relative to left, upper
;	    corner which is 0,0 and each value is stored in one word.
;	    This type may be used for all modes.
;	    For text modes, modes 0-3, there may be a special, scroll rectangle.
;	    If the high bit of R_Left is set in one of these RECTs, then it is
;	    not a rect but a scroll specification.
;		The structure then becomes: <scroll count>,<scroll flags>,
;		<right column>,<left column>,<bottom line>,<top line>,
;		<fill character>,<fill attribute>
;	    Note that all items are byte values and that the scroll event
;		specification takes the same space as an update rectangle.
ModListMax	EQU	64		    ; Max size of VDD_Mod_List field

    VDD_Mod_Flag    DW	?		    ; Modified state flag
    VDD_Mod_Count   DW	?		    ; Count of entries in modification list
    VDD_Mod_List    DB	ModListMax dup(?)   ; The modification list(type dependent)

VDD_Mod_State	ENDS

; Masks and bit numbers for VDD_Mod_Flag
fVDD_M_Type	EQU 0000000000000111B	; Mask for value field
fVDD_M_TypeBit	EQU 0			; start bit for value field
fVDD_M_Ctlr	EQU 0000000000001000B	; flag indicating controller state chg
fVDD_M_CtlrBit	EQU 3			; bit for controller state change
fVDD_M_VRAM	EQU 0000000000010000B	; flag indicating Video RAM change
fVDD_M_VRAMBit	EQU 4			; bit for Video RAM change
fVDD_M_Curs	EQU 0000000000100000B	; flag indicating Cursor change
fVDD_M_CursBit	EQU 5			; bit for Cursor change
fVDD_M_ScOff	EQU 0000000001000000B	; flag indicating screen is off
fVDD_M_ScOffBit EQU 6			; bit for screen off
fVDD_M_Err	EQU 1000000000000000B	; flag indicating error, can't pass mods
fVDD_M_ErrBit	EQU 15			; bit for error
; Values for fVDD_M_TypeMsk field
fVDD_M_Type_Page	EQU    0	; Bit field of modified pages
fVDD_M_Type_Rect	EQU    1	; Array of RECT structures

; Structure for accessing RECTs
    R_Left  DW	?
    R_Top   DW	?
    R_Right DW	?
    R_Botm  DW	?

; If the high bit of R_Left is set in one of these RECTs, then it is
;  not a rect but a scroll event specification.
;  A scroll event spec looks like this:
ScrollRect STRUC
    ScrCnt  DB	?	    ; Count of lines to scroll in scroll region
    ScrFlgs DB	?	    ; Flags
    ScrRgt  DB	?	    ; Right Col of scroll (0 indexed)(ignore if full width bit set)
    ScrLft  DB	?	    ; Left Col of scroll (0 indexed)(ignore if full width bit set)
    ScrBot  DB	?	    ; Bottom line of scroll (0 indexed)
    ScrTop  DB	?	    ; Top line of scroll (0 indexed)
    ScrFch  DB	?	    ; Fill character for blank lines of scroll
    ScrFatt DB	?	    ; Fill attribute for blank lines of scroll
ScrollRect ENDS

; Masks for ScrFlgs
Scr_M_Scroll	    EQU 10000000B   ; High bit of flags indicates scroll
Scr_M_ScrollBit     EQU 7
Scr_M_FullWid	    EQU 00000001B   ; Set if scroll is full width (ignore Rgt Lft)
Scr_M_FullWidBit    EQU 0
Scr_M_Up	    EQU 00000010B   ; Set if scroll is UP, clear if DOWN
Scr_M_UpBit	    EQU 1

    IF (SIZE ScrollRect) NE (SIZE Rect)
	%out ERROR -- ScrollRect is wrong size!!!!!

;	Memory state structure
    VDA_Mem_Addr    DD	?		; Address of memory in video mem handle
    VDA_Mem_PgMap   DB	16 DUP (?)	; Page map 64k
    VDA_Mem_DPagOff DD	?		; 32 bit offset from page start
    VDA_Mem_DispPag DB	?		; Page number of start of display
    VDA_Mem_Resvd   DB	?, ?, ? 	; Reserved
VDA_Mem_State	ENDS

; Start of the display memory = VDA_Mem_Addr + VDA_Mem_DPagOffset +
;	(1000h * VDA_Mem_PgMap[VDA_Mem_DspPag + (8 * <plane>)])
;   For modes 0-6, the <plane> is always 0
;   Displayed memory within a plane is always contiguous from the start
;	address as computed according to the formula above and the macro below.
;	Addressing the display memory from the computed start is as follows,
;	    where X is 0 based column and Y is 0 based row.
;	Mode 0-1: Even byte is char, odd byte is attr, 40 cols, 25 rows
;		   one plane.
;	    ChrByteOff=(X/2)+(Y*80); AttrByteOff=ChrByteOff+1
;	Mode 2-3,7: Even byte is char, odd byte is attr, 80 cols, 25 rows,
;		   one plane.
;	    ChrByteOff=(X/2)+(Y*160); AttrByteOff=ChrByteOff+1
;	Mode 4-5: 2 bits per PEL, packed into bytes: bits 7-6 is PEL 0,
;		    bits 5-4 is PEL 1, etc. Where PEL = X MOD 4. Odd rows
;		    offset by 8k from even rows. 320 cols, 200 rows, one plane.
;	    PELByteOff=(X/4)+((Y/2)*80)+((Y MOD 2)*8192)
;	Mode 6: 1 bit per PEL, packed into bytes: bit 7 is PEL 0,
;		    bit 6 is PEL 1, bit 5 is PEL 2, etc., where PEL = X MOD 8.
;		    Odd rows offset by 8k from even rows. 640 cols, 200 rows,
;		    one plane.
;	    PELByteOff=(X/8)+((Y/2)*160)+((Y MOD 2)*8192)
;	DestReg     = 32 bit register to place video memory address
;	MemStateReg = 32 bit register which -> VDA_Mem_State
;	MemStateSeg = SEGMENT REGISTER for MemStateReg
;	PlaneReg    = 32 bit register holding plane number desired
GetStartDispAddr MACRO	 DestReg,MemStateReg,PlaneReg,MemStateSeg
	movzx	DestReg,MemStateSeg:[MemStateReg.VDA_Mem_DispPag]
	lea	DestReg,[DestReg][PlaneReg*8]
	movzx	DestReg,MemStateSeg:[MemStateReg.VDA_Mem_PgMap][DestReg]
	shl	DestReg,12
	add	DestReg,MemStateSeg:[MemStateReg.VDA_Mem_Addr]
	add	DestReg,MemStateSeg:[MemStateReg.VDA_Mem_DPagOff]

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