Source file: /~heha/vt/viewers/

## Teletext viewer for X window system, 0.91 ##
## haftmann#software, Chemnitz, 1995.10.30   ##
## Please send bug reports to:               ##
##  ##

0.91 - known bugs and unsupportet "features":
- problems with clipboard using X server MicroX Demo version
- erratic display of cyrillic and arabic font
- no search for regular expressions

+ but the latest version has utf-8 support

This program is "public domain".

Keyboard and mouse functions:

a) *** Opening, Closing, Help ***
- "i": show additional page info (meaning of CBits: see a teletext manual)
- "o" or F4: Open a teletext file (and close the current)
- "q" or ^C: Quit the application
- "t": write current page as text to a file or (if none given) to stdout
- "y" or F1: Get help page with most important functions
- "z": save current page as .gif (GIF89a) image including embedded text
  as "gif comment"

b) *** Navigating through teletext ***
- left mouse button over a three-digit number: Go to these page
- hold left mouse button and move: rectangular area to copy into clipboard
- right mouse button: Back (unfocused event)
- "1".."8": enter page number directly (like on remote control)
- "p": prompt for entering page number (see above)
- "s": enter a subpage number directly (on remote control "timed page")
- HOME, "g": go to page 100 (usually the general index page)
- PAGEDOWN, "j", CURSORDOWN, "+": Next page (mostly current page +1)
- PAGEUP, "k", CURSORUP, "-": Previous page (mostly current page -1)
- CURSORLEFT, "h": Previous subpage, holding current page (circulating)
- CURSORRIGHT, "l", TAB: Next subpage, holding current page (circulating)
- BACKSPACE: Back (same as pressing right mouse button)
- SPACEBAR: Next subpage; if not available then next page
- F2, /: Find string (by default forward and case insensitive)
- F3, n: Search again (same direction like "F2")
- N: Search again backward (opposite direction like "F2")

c) *** Display options (Note: All uppercase!) ***
- "B": "Debug" key: display teletext control codes visible
- "D": switch display of double-height characters on or off. Sometimes you can
   discover "very secret" text under the double-height characters
- "E": Show email address of author
- "F": Choose font; "auto detect" is correct for almost all west-european pages
   (with "*"). Use CURSORUP and CURSORDOWN to select the desired language.
- "I": "Invert" screen colors. Only luminance is affected, chrominance remain
- "L": Switch display flashing characters on or off (note disabling by
  command line option)
- "M": emulate pressing the MIX button on remote control
- "R": Enable or disable rolling subpages (3 sec. for "fast" and 24 sec.
  for "slow" pages; note disabling by command line option)
- "Q": emulate pressing or releasing the QUIZ button on remote control
- "V": Show version information
- "W": Toggle between black-and-white and color display

Clickbar (line 25):
- (B): Click here to go BACK (same as pressing right mouse button elsewhere)
- xxx: Click here to go to previous hundreths (so-called "current magazine")
- xxx: ...go to previous page (avoids changing between keyboard and mouse)
- <<: ...go to previous subpage; if not available then to previous page
- >>: ...go to next subpage; if not then next page (same as SPACEBAR)
- xxx: page (same sa PAGEDOWN)
- xxx: hundtreths (so-called "next magazine")
- (F): Forward (only if you previously went BACK)

Mouse shapes:
- Arrow: normal action, you can mark a rectangular area to put into clipboard
- Hand: This area (three-digit number or ">" or "<") is a valid link, you can
  follow the link by pressing the left mouse button
- Watch: Please wait, VTX is searching pattern or page will be displayed

Command line:
What you can put onto command line says VTX by typing
vtx -h

Valid numbers for the "-f" options are:
0="auto detect" (default), 1="German", 2="English", 3="Swedish",
4="Polish", 5="Czech/Slovak", 6="Italian", 7="French",
8="Spanish", 9="Icelandic", 10="Hungarian", 11="Turkish",
14="Cyrillic", 15="Arabic".

Valid number for the "-m" option is the sum of following:
1=Quiz On, 2=Flashing On (default), 4=DoubleHeight On (default), 8=Mixing On,
16=Invert On, 32=Colors On (default on displays with eight or more colors),
64=Debug On, 4096=Clickbar On (useable default)

You will need the "-n" option if your X server isn't reentrant to handle
XSendEvent() while XNextEvent(). For example, the MS-Windows X server
"MicroX" has such ambiguous behaviour.

Valid number for the "-s" option is the sum of following:
1=Backward Search On, 2=Case insensitive comparison (default),
4=Compare as '”'=='o' and so forth, 8=Use regular expressions (not implemented)

Note the suffix ".vt" is an abbrevation for German "VideoText"=="teletext".

If you use Linux, simply execute "Install.Linux". (I hope this will work.)
If it doesn't work, you have to edit the script or the Makefile.

On other machines you must generally change either the script or the Makefile.
For example, under SunOS I used following command line to compile:
gcc -o vtx vtx.c -I /usr/openwin/include -lX11 -lsocket -Dmotorola

Here the external symbol declaration "motorola" is important to adapt to
the machine hierarchy. This means that the target machine is "big-endian".

If a shared library not available when you want to start VTX, you should set
the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the appropriate path.

Embedding VTX into Netscape or other WWW browsers:
If you use Linux, simply execute the script "Install.Linux" to do
the compilation and embedding automatically.

On other systems you should edit following files:
Append two lines to file "~/.mime.types":
image/x-vt	vt
image/x-vt	vtz
Append a new line to file "~/.mailcap":
image/x-vt; ~/vtx/vtx %s >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
(please use the CORRECT path to executable - this is an example line!)
Note that prefix "~/" is an alias for your home directory.

If you are a system administrator you must put these lines into the
global "mime.types" and "mailcap" file.

Other software around teletext:
VTGRAB	universal teletext collector, DOS TSR, 9K assembly
VT	viewer for MS-DOS, 16K, Turbo Pascal;
VTW	viewer for MS-Windows, 64K, Borland Pascal With Objects;
several demons and converters for Linux by Gerald Fiedler;
viewer (+ collector?) "VTO" for OS/2 Warp by Armin Kunaschik;
all-in-one collector&viewer (for their card) using TOP text "PCTV" by ELV Leer;
other teletext card manufacturers offer similar software to "PCTV".

Have fun with .c!
Detected encoding: UTF-80