Source file: /~heha/vt/viewers/

# Forceful remove
RM = rm -f

# You may substitute "cc" by "gcc"
CC = cc

# You may need define an external symbol with -Dmotorola
# if your target system is big-endian
# gcc should auto-detect correct endianness.

# You may need a path to the include files, e.g. "-I /usr/openwin/include"

# You may need some other options like "-lsocket" or "-lmalloc"
# If the linker cannot find any library, you should add "-L <LibraryPath>"
LIBS = -lX11

all::	vtx
vtx: vtx.c gifsave.c
	$(RM) $@
	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
	strip $@
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