Teletext viewer for X11 Readme

## Teletext viewer for X window system, 0.90 ##
## haftmann#software, Chemnitz, 1995-10-30   ##
## Please send bug reports to:               ##
##  ##

0.90 - known bugs and unsupportet “features”:


This program is Public Domain Freeware with full source code.

Keyboard and mouse functions:

Opening, Closing, Help

Navigating through teletext

Display options (Note: All uppercase!)

Clickbar (line 25):

Mouse shapes:

Command line:

What you can put onto command line says VTX by typing
vtx -h
Valid numbers for the "-f" options are: Valid number for the "-m" option is the sum of following: You will need the "-n" option if your X server isn't reentrant to handle XSendEvent() while XNextEvent(). For example, the MS-Windows X server "MicroX" has such ambiguous behaviour.

Valid number for the "-s" option is the sum of following:

Note the suffix ".vt" is an abbrevation for German "VideoText"=="teletext".


If you use Linux, simply execute "Install.Linux". (I hope this will work.) If it doesn't work, you have to edit the script or the Makefile.

On other machines you must generally change either the script or the Makefile. For example, under SunOS I used following command line to compile:

gcc -o vtx vtx.c -I /usr/openwin/include -lX11 -lsocket -Dmotorola
Here the external symbol declaration "motorola" is important to adapt to the machine hierarchy. This means that the target machine is "big-endian".

If a shared library not available when you want to start VTX, you should set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the appropriate path.

Embedding VTX into Netscape or other WWW browsers:

If you use Linux, simply execute the script "Install.Linux" to do the compilation and embedding automatically.

On other systems you should edit following files: Append two lines to file "~/.mime.types":

application/x-vt	vt
application/x-vt	vtz
Append a new line to file "~/.mailcap":
application/x-vt; ~/vtx/vtx %s >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
(please use the CORRECT path to executable - this is an example line!) Note that prefix "~/" is an alias for your home directory.

If you are a system administrator you must put these lines into the global "mime.types" and "mailcap" file.

Other software around teletext (not all is freeware):