Quelltext /~heha/messtech/sensokom.zip/include/COMMCTRL.H

*                                                                             *
* commctrl.h -  Windows common control definitions          (Win32 variant)   *
*                                                                             *
*               Version 3.10                                                  *
*                                                                             *
*               Copyright (c) 1991-1992, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. *
*                                                                             *
*  FILE HISTORY:                                                              *
*                                                                             *
*    AlbertT    27-Oct-1992 Addfiled; ported from winball                     *
*                                                                             *

#ifndef __COMMCTRL_H
#define __COMMCTRL_H

#ifdef __cplusplus            /* Assume C declaration for C++ */
extern "C" {
#endif  /* __cplusplus */


#ifndef _INC_TOOLBAR
#define _INC_TOOLBAR

typedef struct {
    INT iBitmap;     /* index into mondo bitmap of this button's picture */
    INT idCommand;   /* WM_COMMAND menu ID that this button sends */
    BYTE fsState;    /* button's state, see TBSTATE_XXXX below */
    BYTE fsStyle;    /* button's style, see TBSTYLE_XXXX below */
    INT idsHelp;     /* string ID for button's status bar help */

#define TBSTATE_CHECKED    0x01  /* radio button is checked */
#define TBSTATE_PRESSED    0x02  /* button is being depressed (any style) */
#define TBSTATE_ENABLED    0x04  /* button is enabled */
#define TBSTATE_HIDDEN     0x08  /* button is hidden */

#define TBSTYLE_BUTTON     0x00  /* this entry is button */
#define TBSTYLE_SEP        0x01  /* this entry is a separator */
#define TBSTYLE_CHECK      0x02  /* this is a check button (it stays down) */
#define TBSTYLE_GROUP      0x04  /* this is a check button (it stays down) */
#define TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP (TBSTYLE_GROUP | TBSTYLE_CHECK)      /* this group is a member of a group radio group */

typedef struct {
    TBBUTTON tbButton;
    CHAR szDescription[1];

CreateToolbar(HWND hwnd, DWORD ws, WORD wID, INT nBitmaps, HINSTANCE hBMInst, WORD wBMID, LPTBBUTTON lpButtons, INT iNumButtons);

typedef struct {
    COLORREF from;
    COLORREF to;

HBITMAP WINAPI CreateMappedBitmap(HINSTANCE hInstance, INT idBitmap, BOOL bDiscardable, LPCOLORMAP lpColorMap, INT iNumMaps);

// wParam button ID, LOWORD(lParam) == TRUE -> enable FALSE -> disable

// wParam button ID, LOWORD(lParam) == TRUE -> check FALSE -> uncheck

// wParam button ID, LOWORD(lParam) == TRUE -> press FALSE -> unpress

// wParam button ID, LOWORD(lParam) == TRUE -> hide FALSE -> show
#define TB_HIDEBUTTON   (WM_USER + 4)

// Messages up to WM_USER+8 are reserved until we defin more state bits

// wParam button ID, LOWORD(lResult) != 0 enabled

// wParam button ID, LOWORD(lResult) != 0 checked

// wParam button ID, LOWORD(lResult) != 0 pressed

// wParam button ID, LOWORD(lResult) != 0 pressed

// Messages up to WM_USER+16 are reserved until we defin more state bits

// wParam is the button ID to set the TBSTATE_ state bits from LOWORD(lParam)
#define TB_SETSTATE             (WM_USER + 17)

// wParam is the button ID to return the TBSTATE_ state bits for
#define TB_GETSTATE             (WM_USER + 18)

// wParam is the number of buttons in the bitmap, and lParam has hInst in the
// LOWORD and wID in the HIWORD for a bitmap.  If hInst is NULL, then wID must
// be a HBITMAP.  Returns the index for the first button in the bitmap, or
// -1 if there is an error.

#define TB_ADDBITMAP    (WM_USER + 19)

// wParam is the number of buttons, and lParam is a LPTBBUTTON.
#define TB_ADDBUTTONS      (WM_USER + 20)

// wParam is the index to insert in front of, and lParam is a LPTBBUTTON;
// only one button can be inserted at a time.  If wParam > iNumButtons, the
// button is added to the end.

#define TB_INSERTBUTTON    (WM_USER + 21)

// wParam is the index of the button to delete.

#define TB_DELETEBUTTON    (WM_USER + 22)

// wParam is the index of the button to retrieve, and lParam is a valid

#define TB_GETBUTTON    (WM_USER + 23)

// wParam is the index of the button to modify, and lParam is a valid

#define TB_SETBUTTON    (WM_USER + 24)

// Returns the number of buttons in the toolbar.

#define TB_BUTTONCOUNT     (WM_USER + 25)

// wParam is the Command ID.  Returns the index of the button.


// wParam is the index of the button to retrieve, and lParam is a valid

#define TB_GETBUTTONRECT        (WM_USER + 27)

// Specifies to save/restore the state of the toolbar. wParam == FALSE means
// to restore the state.  lParam is a pointer to an array of two LPSTR's:
// the first is the section to write to, and the second is the file (if the
// second is NULL, it will write to win.ini).

#define TB_SAVERESTORE     (WM_USER + 28)

// bring up the toolbar customize dialog

#define TB_CUSTOMIZE            (WM_USER + 29)

#endif   /* _INC_TOOLBAR */


/* Here exists the only known documentation for status.c and header.c

VOID WINAPI DrawStatusText(HDC hDC, LPRECT lprc, LPSTR szText, UINT uFlags);
/* This is used if the app wants to draw status in its client rect,
 * instead of just creating a window.  Note that this same function is
 * used internally in the status bar window's WM_PAINT message.
 * hDC is the DC to draw to.  The font that is selected into hDC will
 * be used.  The RECT lprc is the only portion of hDC that will be drawn
 * to: the outer edge of lprc will have the highlights (the area outside
 * of the highlights will not be drawn in the BUTTONFACE color: the app
 * must handle that).  The area inside the highlights will be erased
 * properly when drawing the text.

HWND WINAPI CreateStatusWindow(LONG style, LPSTR lpszText,
      HWND hwndParent, WORD wID);
HWND WINAPI CreateHeaderWindow(LONG style, LPSTR lpszText,
      HWND hwndParent, WORD wID);
/* This creates a "default" status/header window.  This window will have the
 * default borders around the text, the default font, and only one pane.
 * It may also automatically resize and move itself (depending on the SBS_*
 * flags).
 * style should contain WS_CHILD, and can contain WS_BORDER and WS_VISIBLE,
 * plus any of the SBS_* styles described below.  I don't know about other
 * WS_* styles.
 * lpszText is the initial text for the first pane.
 * hwndParent is the window the status bar exists in, and should not be NULL.
 * wID is the child window ID of the window.
 * hInstance is the instance handle of the application using this.
 * Note that the app can also just call CreateWindow with
 * STATUSCLASSNAME/HEADERCLASSNAME to create a window of a specific size.

#define STATUSCLASSNAME "msctls_statusbar"
/* This is the name of the status bar class (it will probably change later
 * so use the #define here).
#define HEADERCLASSNAME "msctls_headerbar"
/* This is the name of the status bar class (it will probably change later
 * so use the #define here).

#define SB_SETTEXT      WM_USER+1
#define SB_GETTEXT      WM_USER+2
/* Just like WM_?ETTEXT*, with wParam specifying the pane that is referenced
 * (at most 255).
 * Note that you can use the WM_* versions to reference the 0th pane (this
 * is useful if you want to treat a "default" status bar like a static text
 * control).
 * For SETTEXT, wParam is the pane or'ed with SBT_* style bits (defined below).
 * If the text is "normal" (not OWNERDRAW), then a single pane may have left,
 * center, and right justified text by separating the parts with a single tab,
 * plus if lParam is NULL, then the pane has no text.  The pane will be
 * invalidated, but not draw until the next PAINT message.
 * For GETTEXT and GETTEXTLENGTH, the LOWORD of the return will be the length,
 * and the HIWORD will be the SBT_* style bits.
#define SB_SETPARTS     WM_USER+4
/* wParam is the number of panes, and lParam points to an array of points
 * specifying the right hand side of each pane.  A right hand side of -1 means
 * it goes all the way to the right side of the control minus the X border
#define SB_SETBORDERS      WM_USER+5
/* lParam points to an array of 3 integers: X border, Y border, between pane
 * border.  If any is less than 0, the default will be used for that one.
#define SB_GETPARTS     WM_USER+6
/* lParam is a pointer to an array of integers that will get filled in with
 * the right hand side of each pane and wParam is the size (in integers)
 * of the lParam array (so we do not go off the end of it).
 * Returns the number of panes.
#define SB_GETBORDERS      WM_USER+7
/* lParam is a pointer to an array of 3 integers that will get filled in with
 * the X border, the Y border, and the between pane border.
/* wParam is the minimum height of the status bar "drawing" area.  This is
 * the area inside the highlights.  This is most useful if a pane is used
 * for an OWNERDRAW item, and is ignored if the SBS_NORESIZE flag is set.
 * Note that WM_SIZE must be sent to the control for any size changes to
 * take effect.
#define SB_SIMPLE    WM_USER+9
/* wParam specifies whether to set (non-zero) or unset (zero) the "simple"
 * mode of the status bar.  In simple mode, only one pane is displayed, and
 * its text is set with LOWORD(wParam)==255 in the SETTEXT message.
 * OWNERDRAW is not allowed, but other styles are.
 * The pane gets invalidated, but not painted until the next PAINT message,
 * so you can set new text without flicker (I hope).
 * This can be used with the WM_INITMENU and WM_MENUSELECT messages to
 * implement help text when scrolling through a menu.

#define HB_SAVERESTORE     WM_USER+0x100
/* This gets a header bar to read or write its state to or from an ini file.
 * wParam is 0 for reading, non-zero for writing.  lParam is a pointer to
 * an array of two LPSTR's: the section and file respectively.
 * Note that the correct number of partitions must be set before calling this.
#define HB_ADJUST    WM_USER+0x101
/* This puts the header bar into "adjust" mode, for changing column widths
 * with the keyboard.
/* Set the widths of the header columns.  Note that "springy" columns only
 * have a minumum width, and negative width are assumed to be hidden columns.
 * This works just like SB_SETPARTS.
/* Get the widths of the header columns.  Note that "springy" columns only
 * have a minumum width.  This works just like SB_GETPARTS.
#define HB_GETPARTS     WM_USER+0x102
/* Get a list of the right-hand sides of the columns, for use when drawing the
 * actual columns for which this is a header.
 * lParam is a pointer to an array of integers that will get filled in with
 * the right hand side of each pane and wParam is the size (in integers)
 * of the lParam array (so we do not go off the end of it).
 * Returns the number of panes.
#define HB_SHOWTOGGLE      WM_USER+0x103
/* Toggle the hidden state of a column.  wParam is the 0-based index of the
 * column to toggle.

#define SBT_OWNERDRAW   0x1000
/* The lParam of the SB_SETTEXT message will be returned in the DRAWITEMSTRUCT
 * of the WM_DRAWITEM message.  Note that the fields CtlType, itemAction, and
 * itemState of the DRAWITEMSTRUCT are undefined for a status bar.
 * The return value for GETTEXT will be the itemData.
#define SBT_NOBORDERS   0x0100
/* No borders will be drawn for the pane.
#define SBT_POPOUT   0x0200
/* The text pops out instead of in
#define HBT_SPRING   0x0400
/* this means that the item is "springy", meaning that it has a minimum
 * width, but will grow if there is extra room in the window.  Note that
 * multiple springs are allowed, and the extra room will be distributed
 * among them.

/* Here's a simple dialog function that uses a default status bar to display
 * the mouse position in the given window.
 * extern HINSTANCE hInst;
 * BOOL CALLBACK MyWndProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 * {
 *   switch (msg)
 *     {
 *       case WM_INITDIALOG:
 *         CreateStatusWindow(WS_CHILD|WS_BORDER|WS_VISIBLE, "", hDlg,
 *               IDC_STATUS, hInst);
 *         break;
 *       case WM_SIZE:
 *         SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_STATUS, WM_SIZE, 0, 0L);
 *         break;
 *       case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
 *         wsprintf(szBuf, "%d,%d", LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
 *         SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_STATUS, SB_SETTEXT, 0,
 *               (LPARAM)(LPSTR)szBuf);
 *         break;
 *       default:
 *         break;
 *     }
 *   return(FALSE);
 * }

#endif /* _INC_STATUSBAR */



// for winball only, these are in the Chicago kernel

BOOL WINAPI WritePrivateProfileStruct(LPSTR szSection, LPSTR szKey,
      LPBYTE lpStruct, UINT uSizeStruct, LPSTR szFile);
BOOL WINAPI GetPrivateProfileStruct(LPSTR szSection, LPSTR szKey,
      LPBYTE lpStruct, UINT uSizeStruct, LPSTR szFile);

VOID WINAPI MenuHelp(WORD iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
      HMENU hMainMenu, HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndStatus, LPDWORD lpdwIDs);

BOOL WINAPI ShowHideMenuCtl(HWND hWnd, UINT uFlags, LPINT lpInfo);

VOID WINAPI GetEffectiveClientRect(HWND hWnd, LPRECT lprc, LPINT lpInfo);


#endif /* _INC_MENUHELP */


 *  The Button Listbox control creates an array of buttons that behaves
 *  similar to both a button and a listbox: the array may be scrollable
 *  like a listbox and each listbox item is behaves like a pushbutton
 *  control
 *  The CONTROL statement in the dialog template specifies the
 *  dimensions of each individual button in the x, y, width and height
 *  parameters. The low order byte in the style field specifies the
 *  number of buttons that will be displayed; the actual size of the
 *  displayed control is determined by the number of buttons specified.
 *  For a standard control--no other style bits set--the width of the
 *  control in dialog base units will be
 *      CX = cx * (n + 2/3) + 2
 *  where cx is the width of the button and n is number of buttons
 *  specified. (The 2/3 is for displaying partially visible buttons for
 *  scrolling plus 2 for the control borders.) The control will also be
 *  augmented in the cy direction by the height of the horizontal scroll
 *  bar.
 *  If the BLS_NOSCROLL style is set, no scroll bar will appear and the
 *  button listbox will be limited to displaying the number of buttons
 *  specified and no more. In this case, the width of the control will
 *  be
 *      CX = cx * n + 2
 *  If the BLS_VERTICAL style is set, the entire control goes vertical
 *  and cy should be substituted in the above calculations to determine
 *  CY, the actual height of the displayed control.
 *  The statement
 *  CONTROL  "", IDD_BUTTONLIST, "buttonlistbox", 0x0005 | WS_TABSTOP,
 *           4, 128, 34, 24
 *  creates a scrollable horizontal list of 5 buttons at the position
 *  (4,128) with each button having dimensions (34,24). The entire control
 *  has the tabstop style.
 *  Buttons are added to the listbox in the same manner that items are
 *  added to a standard listbox; however, the messages BL_ADDBUTTON and
 *  BL_INSERTBUTTON must be passed a pointer to a CREATELISTBUTTON
 *  structure in the lParam.
 *  Example:
 *  {
 *      const int numColors = 1;
 *      COLORMAP colorMap;
 *      colorMap.from = BUTTON_MAP_COLOR;   // your background color
 *      colorMap.to   = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
 *      clb.cbSize = sizeof(clb);
 *      clb.dwItemData = BUTTON_1;
 *      clb.hBitmap = CreateMappedBitmap(hInst,BMP_BUTTON,FALSE,
 *      clb.lpszText = "Button 1";
 *      SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDD_BUTTONLIST),
 *                  BL_ADDBUTTON, 0,
 *                  (LPARAM)(CREATELISTBUTTON FAR*)&clb);
 *      DeleteObject(clb.hBitmap);
 *  }
 *  Note that the caller must delete any memory for objects passed in
 *  the CREATELISTBUTTON structure. Also, the CreateMappedBitmap API is
 *  useful for mapping the background color of the button bitmap to the
 *  system color COLOR_BTNFACE for a cleaner visual appearance.
 *  The BL_ADDBUTTON message causes the listbox to be sorted by the
 *  button text whereas the BL_INSERTBUTTON does not cause the list to
 *  be sorted.
 *  The button listbox sends a WM_DELETEITEM message to the control parent
 *  when a button is deleted so that any item data can be cleaned up.
#ifndef _INC_BTNLIST
#define _INC_BTNLIST

/* Class name */
#define BUTTONLISTBOX           "ButtonListBox"

/* Button List Box Styles */
#define BLS_NUMBUTTONS      0x00FFL
#define BLS_VERTICAL        0x0100L
#define BLS_NOSCROLL        0x0200L

/* Button List Box Messages */
// ANSI messages
#define BL_ADDBUTTONA        (WM_USER+1)
#define BL_GETCOUNT          (WM_USER+4)
#define BL_GETCURSEL         (WM_USER+5)
#define BL_GETITEMDATA       (WM_USER+6)
#define BL_GETITEMRECT       (WM_USER+7)
#define BL_GETTEXTA          (WM_USER+8)
#define BL_GETTEXTLEN        (WM_USER+9)
#define BL_GETTOPINDEX       (WM_USER+10)
#define BL_RESETCONTENT      (WM_USER+12)
#define BL_SETCURSEL         (WM_USER+14)
#define BL_SETITEMDATA       (WM_USER+15)
#define BL_SETTOPINDEX       (WM_USER+16)
// UNICODE messages
#define BL_ADDBUTTONW        (WM_USER+17)
#define BL_GETTEXTW          (WM_USER+19)
#define BL_MSGMAX            (WM_USER+21) /* ;Internal */

#ifdef UNICODE
#define BL_GETTEXT            BL_GETTEXTW
#define BL_GETTEXT            BL_GETTEXTA
#endif //UNICODE

// Just in case the user thinks they exist...

/* Button listbox notification codes send in WM_COMMAND */
#define BLN_ERRSPACE        (-2)
#define BLN_SELCHANGE       1
#define BLN_CLICKED         2
#define BLN_SELCANCEL       3
#define BLN_SETFOCUS        4
#define BLN_KILLFOCUS       5

/* Message return values */
#define BL_OKAY             0
#define BL_ERR              (-1)
#define BL_ERRSPACE         (-2)

/* Create structure for
typedef struct tagCLBA
    UINT        cbSize;     /* size of structure */
    DWORD       dwItemData; /* user defined item data */
                            /* for LB_GETITEMDATA and LB_SETITEMDATA */
    HBITMAP     hBitmap;    /* button bitmap */
    LPCSTR      lpszText;   // compatibility


typedef struct tagCLBW
    UINT        cbSize;     /* size of structure */
    DWORD       dwItemData; /* user defined item data */
                            /* for LB_GETITEMDATA and LB_SETITEMDATA */
    HBITMAP     hBitmap;    /* button bitmap */
    LPCWSTR     lpszText;  // button text - in UNICODE

#ifdef UNICODE


#endif /* _INC_BTNLIST */

    This control keeps its ranges in LONGs.  but for
    convienence and symetry with scrollbars
    WORD parameters are are used for some messages.
    if you need a range in LONGs don't use any messages
    that pack values into loword/hiword pairs

    The trackbar messages:
    message         wParam  lParam  return

    TBM_GETPOS      ------  ------  Current logical position of trackbar.
    TBM_GETRANGEMIN ------  ------  Current logical minimum position allowed.
    TBM_GETRANGEMAX ------  ------  Current logical maximum position allowed.

#define TRACKBAR_CLASS          "msctls_trackbar"

/* Trackbar styles */

/* add ticks automatically on TBM_SETRANGE message */
#define TBS_AUTOTICKS           0x0001L

/* Trackbar messages */

/* returns current position (LONG) */
#define TBM_GETPOS              (WM_USER)

/* set the min of the range to LPARAM */
#define TBM_GETRANGEMIN         (WM_USER+1)

/* set the max of the range to LPARAM */
#define TBM_GETRANGEMAX         (WM_USER+2)

/* wParam is index of tick to get (ticks are in the range of min - max) */
#define TBM_GETTIC              (WM_USER+3)

/* wParam is index of tick to set */
#define TBM_SETTIC              (WM_USER+4)

/* set the position to the value of lParam (wParam is the redraw flag) */
#define TBM_SETPOS              (WM_USER+5)

/* LOWORD(lParam) = min, HIWORD(lParam) = max, wParam == fRepaint */
#define TBM_SETRANGE            (WM_USER+6)

/* lParam is range min (use this to keep LONG precision on range) */
#define TBM_SETRANGEMIN         (WM_USER+7)

/* lParam is range max (use this to keep LONG precision on range) */
#define TBM_SETRANGEMAX         (WM_USER+8)

/* remove the ticks */
#define TBM_CLEARTICS           (WM_USER+9)

/* select a range LOWORD(lParam) min, HIWORD(lParam) max */
#define TBM_SETSEL              (WM_USER+10)

/* set selection rang (LONG form) */
#define TBM_SETSELSTART         (WM_USER+11)
#define TBM_SETSELEND           (WM_USER+12)

// #define TBM_SETTICTOK           (WM_USER+13)

/* return a pointer to the list of tics (DWORDS) */
#define TBM_GETPTICS            (WM_USER+14)

/* get the pixel position of a given tick */
#define TBM_GETTICPOS           (WM_USER+15)
/* get the number of tics */
#define TBM_GETNUMTICS          (WM_USER+16)

/* get the selection range */
#define TBM_GETSELSTART         (WM_USER+17)
#define TBM_GETSELEND           (WM_USER+18)

/* clear the selection */
#define TBM_CLEARSEL            (WM_USER+19)

/* these match the SB_ (scroll bar messages) */

#define TB_LINEUP    0
#define TB_LINEDOWN     1
#define TB_PAGEUP    2
#define TB_PAGEDOWN     3
#define TB_THUMBTRACK      5
#define TB_TOP       6
#define TB_BOTTOM    7
#define TB_ENDTRACK             8


typedef struct
    UINT uNotification;
    HWND hWnd;
    POINT ptCursor;

#define DL_DRAGGING  (LB_MSGMAX+101)
#define DL_DROPPED   (LB_MSGMAX+102)

#define DL_CURSORSET 0
#define DL_STOPCURSOR   1
#define DL_COPYCURSOR   2
#define DL_MOVECURSOR   3

#define DRAGLISTMSGSTRING "commctrl_DragListMsg"

/* Exported functions and variables
extern BOOL WINAPI MakeDragList(HWND hLB);
extern INT WINAPI LBItemFromPt(HWND hLB, POINT pt, BOOL bAutoScroll);
extern VOID WINAPI DrawInsert(HWND handParent, HWND hLB, INT nItem);

#endif   /* _INC_DRAGLIST */


#ifndef NOUPDOWN
/* updown.h : Public interface to the Up/Down control.

#ifndef __INC_UPDOWN__
#define __INC_UPDOWN__

// The UpDown control is a simple pair of buttons which increment or
// decrement an integer value.  The operation is similar to a vertical
// scrollbar; except that the control only has line-up and line-down
// functionality, and changes the current position automatically.
// The control also can be linked with a companion control, usually an
// "edit" control, to simplify dialog-box management.  This companion is
// termed a "buddy" in this documentation.  Any sibling HWND may be
// assigned as the control's buddy, or the control may be allowed to
// choose one automatically.  Once chosen, the UpDown can size itself to
// match the buddy's right or left border, and/or automatically set the
// text of the buddy control to make the current position visible.
// The "upper" and "lower" limits must not cover a range larger than 32,767
// positions.  It is acceptable to have the range inverted, i.e., to have
// (lower > upper).  The upper button always moves the current position
// towards the "upper" number, and the lower button always moves towards the
// "lower" number.  If the range is zero (lower == upper), or the control
// is disabled (EnableWindow(hCtrl, FALSE)), the control draws grayed
// arrows in both buttons.
// The buddy window must have the same parent as the UpDown control.
// If the buddy window resizes, and the UDS_ALIGN* styles are used, it
// is necessary to send the UDM_SETBUDDY message to re-anchor the UpDown
// control on the appropriate border of the buddy window.
// The UDS_AUTOBUDDY style uses GetWindow(hCtrl, GW_HWNDPREV) to pick
// the best buddy window.  In the case of a DIALOG resource, this will
// choose the previous control listed in the resource script.  If the
// windows will change in Z-order, sending UDM_SETBUDDY with a NULL handle
// will pick a new buddy; otherwise the original auto-buddy choice is
// maintained.
// The UDS_SETBUDDYINT style uses its own SetDlgItemInt-style
// functionality to set the caption text of the buddy.  All WIN.INI [Intl]
// values are honored by this routine.


/* Structures */

typedef struct tagUDACCEL
   UINT nSec;
   UINT nInc;


#define UDS_WRAP     0x0001
   /* numbers cycle past range limits */

#define UDS_SETBUDDYINT    0x0002
   /* does a SetDlgItemInt on the "buddy" on each number change */

#define UDS_ALIGNRIGHT     0x0004
#define UDS_ALIGNLEFT      0x0008
   /* aligns the control on the right or left edge of the "buddy" */

#define UDS_AUTOBUDDY      0x0010
   /* picks the previous window control as the "buddy" automatically */

#define UDS_ARROWKEYS      0x0020
   /* subclasses the buddy to steal the up and down arrow keys */


#define UDM_SETRANGE    (WM_USER+101)
   /* wParam: not used
   // lParam: short LOWORD is new max, short HIWORD is new min
   // return: not used

#define UDM_GETRANGE    (WM_USER+102)
   /* wParam: not used
   // lParam: not used
   // return: short LOWORD is max, short HIWORD is min

#define UDM_SETPOS      (WM_USER+103)
   /* wParam: not used
   // lParam: short LOWORD is new pos
   // return: short is old pos

#define UDM_GETPOS      (WM_USER+104)
   /* wParam: not used
   // lParam: not used
   // return: short is current pos

#define UDM_SETBUDDY    (WM_USER+105)
   /* wParam: HWND is new buddy
   // lParam: not used
   // return: HWND is old buddy

#define UDM_GETBUDDY    (WM_USER+106)
   /* wParam: not used
   // lParam: not used
   // return: HWND is current buddy

#define UDM_SETACCEL    (WM_USER+107)
   /* wParam: number of acceleration steps
   // lParam: LPUDACCEL
   // return: non-zero if set, 0 otherwise
   // The elements in the UDACCEL array should be in decreasing order
   // according to nSec.  nSec is the number of seconds until starting
   // the new jump rate, and nInc is the increment once hitting that
   // number of seconds.  If there is no match, the increment is 1.

#define UDM_GETACCEL    (WM_USER+108)
   /* wParam: number of elements in the UDACCEL array
   // lParam: LPUDACCEL
   // return: actual number of acceleration steps

#define UDM_SETBASE         (WM_USER + 109)
    // wParam: new base
    // lParam: not used
    // return: 0 if invalid base is specified, previous base otherwise

#define UDM_GETBASE         (WM_USER + 110)
    // wParam: not used
    // lParam: not used
    // return: current base in LOWORD


// Note that unlike a scrollbar, the position is automatically changed by
// the control, and the LOWORD(lParam) is always the new position.  Only
// SB_LINEUP and SB_LINEDOWN scroll codes are sent in the wParam.


#define UPDOWN_CLASS "msctls_updown"
   /* For dialog-box resource creation or manual CreateWindow use.
HWND WINAPI CreateUpDownControl(DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
                                HWND hParent, int nID, HINSTANCE hInst,
                                HWND hBuddy,
            int nUpper, int nLower, int nPos);
   /* Does the CreateWindow call followed by setting the various
   // state information:
   // hBuddy   The companion control (usually an "edit").
   // nUpper   The range limit corresponding to the upper button.
   // nLower   The range limit corresponding to the lower button.
   // nPos  The initial position.
   // Returns the handle to the control or NULL on failure.


#endif /* __INC_UPDOWN__ */


/* Note that the set of HBN_* and TBN_* defines must be a disjoint set so
 * that MenuHelp can tell them apart.

/* These are in the GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD in WM_COMMAND messages sent from a
 * header bar when the user adjusts the headers with the mouse or keyboard.
#define HBN_BEGINDRAG   0x0101
#define HBN_DRAGGING 0x0102
#define HBN_ENDDRAG  0x0103

/* These are in the GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD in WM_COMMAND messages sent from a
 * header bar when the user adjusts the headers with the keyboard.
#define HBN_BEGINADJUST 0x0111
#define HBN_ENDADJUST   0x0112

/* These are in the GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD in WM_COMMAND messages sent from a
 * tool bar.  If the left button is pressed and then released in a single
 * "button" of a tool bar, then a WM_COMMAND message will be sent with wParam
 * being the id of the button.
#define TBN_BEGINDRAG   0x0201
#define TBN_ENDDRAG  0x0203

/* These are in the GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD in WM_COMMAND messages sent from a
 * tool bar.  The TBN_BEGINADJUST message is sent before the "insert"
 * dialog appears.  The app must return a handle (which will
 * NOT be freed by the toolbar) to an ADJUSTINFO struct for the TBN_ADJUSTINFO
 * message; the LOWORD of lParam is the index of the button whose info should
 * be retrieved.  The app can clean up in the TBN_ENDADJUST message.
 * The app should reset the toolbar on the TBN_RESET message.
#define TBN_BEGINADJUST 0x0204
#define TBN_ADJUSTINFO  0x0205
#define TBN_ENDADJUST   0x0206
#define TBN_RESET 0x0207

/* These are in the GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD in WM_COMMAND messages sent from a
 * tool bar.  The LOWORD is the index where the button is or will be.
 * If the app returns FALSE from either of these during a button move, then
 * the button will not be moved.  If the app returns FALSE to the INSERT
 * when the toolbar tries to add buttons, then the insert dialog will not
 * come up.  TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE is sent whenever any button is added, moved,
 * or deleted from the toolbar by the user, so the app can do stuff.
#define TBN_QUERYINSERT 0x0208
#define TBN_QUERYDELETE 0x0209
#define TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE  0x020a

/* This is the help message sent by the customize toolbar dialog
 * when the user clicks the help button. It is sent back to the
 * owner of the customize window.
 * GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam,lParam) will return the window handle.
#define TBN_CUSTHELP    0x20b

/* Note that the following flags are checked every time the window gets a
 * WM_SIZE message, so the style of the window can be changed "on-the-fly".
 * If NORESIZE is set, then the app is responsible for all control placement
 * and sizing.  If NOPARENTALIGN is set, then the app is responsible for
 * placement.  If neither is set, the app just needs to send a WM_SIZE
 * message for the window to be positioned and sized correctly whenever the
 * parent window size changes.
 * Note that for STATUS bars, CCS_BOTTOM is the default, for HEADER bars,
 * CCS_NOMOVEY is the default, and for TOOL bars, CCS_TOP is the default.
#define CCS_TOP         0x00000001L
/* This flag means the status bar should be "top" aligned.  If the
 * NOPARENTALIGN flag is set, then the control keeps the same top, left, and
 * width measurements, but the height is adjusted to the default, otherwise
 * the status bar is positioned at the top of the parent window such that
 * its client area is as wide as the parent window and its client origin is
 * the same as its parent.
 * Similarly, if this flag is not set, the control is bottom-aligned, either
 * with its original rect or its parent rect, depending on the NOPARENTALIGN
 * flag.
#define CCS_NOMOVEY     0x00000002L
/* This flag means the control may be resized and moved horizontally (if the
 * CCS_NORESIZE flag is not set), but it will not move vertically when a
 * WM_SIZE message comes through.
#define CCS_BOTTOM      0x00000003L
/* Same as CCS_TOP, only on the bottom.
#define CCS_NORESIZE    0x00000004L
/* This flag means that the size given when creating or resizing is exact,
 * and the control should not resize itself to the default height or width
#define CCS_NOPARENTALIGN  0x00000008L
/* This flag means that the control should not "snap" to the top or bottom
 * or the parent window, but should keep the same placement it was given
#define CCS_NOHILITE    0x00000010L
/* Don't draw the one pixel highlight at the top of the control
#define CCS_ADJUSTABLE     0x00000020L
/* This allows a toolbar (header bar?) to be configured by the user.

/* Stub function to call if all you want to do is make sure this DLL is loaded
VOID WINAPI InitCommonControls(VOID);

// albertt 13 2.8
#define SST_RESOURCE 0x1
#define SST_FORMAT   0x2

#ifdef __cplusplus
}                  /* End of extern "C" { */
#endif             /* __cplusplus */

#endif             /* __COMMCTRL_H */
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