Quelltext /~heha/messtech/matdde.zip/source/testargs/testargs.c

// +++++ Library zum Testen der an die DDE-Funktionen uebergebenen Argumente

#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>		//fuer strcmp()

#define szBufSize 50

#define DLLMEX
#include "..\header\mex.h"

#pragma hdrstop

BOOL mxIsScalar( Matrix* pm );

//wird hier nur intern benutzt
BOOL mxIsScalar( Matrix* pm )
	if ( (mxGetM(pm) == 1) && (mxGetN(pm) == 1) )
		return TRUE;
	else return FALSE;


void ErrorBeep()
	DWORD tick, l;

	tick = GetTickCount();
	do {
		for (l=0; l<8000; l++);
	} while (GetTickCount()-tick < 300);

//fuer ddeinit.dll
BOOL TestServiceArg( Matrix* service )
	if ( !mxIsString(service) || mxGetM(service) != 1 )
		mexPrintf( "???  The service argument must be an one row string.\r\n" );

		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

//fuer ddeinit.dll
BOOL TestTopicArg( Matrix* topic )
	if ( !mxIsString(topic) || mxGetM(topic) != 1 )
		mexPrintf( "???  The topic argument must be an one row string.\r\n" );

		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

//fuer ddepoke.dll
BOOL TestMatrixArg( Matrix* matx )
	if ( mxIsString(matx) )
		mexPrintf( "???  The matrix argument must be numeric.\r\n" );

		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

//fuer ddeadv.dll
BOOL TestCallbackArg( Matrix* callback )
	if ( !mxIsString(callback) || mxGetM(callback) > 1 )
		mexPrintf( "???  The callback argument must be an empty or one row string.\r\n" );

		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

//fuer ddeadv.dll
char* TestUpmtxArg( Matrix* upmtx )
	if ( !mxIsString(upmtx) || mxGetM(upmtx) > 1)
		mexPrintf( "???  The upmtx argument must be an empty or one row string.\r\n" );

		return (char*)-1;
	else if ( mxGetN(upmtx) > 0 )		//wenn upmtx ungleich ''
		int n = (int)mxGetN(upmtx);
		char* szDestMatrix = (char*) mxCalloc( n + 1, sizeof(char) );
		mxGetString( upmtx, szDestMatrix, n );

		return szDestMatrix;	

	return NULL;						//warm link herstellen
BOOL TestUpmtxArg( Matrix* upmtx )
	if ( !mxIsString(upmtx) || mxGetM(upmtx) > 1)
		mexPrintf( "???  The upmtx argument must be an empty or one row string.\r\n" );
    	return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

//fuer ddeexec.dll
BOOL TestCommandArg( Matrix* command)
    if ( !mxIsString(command) || mxGetM(command) != 1 || mxGetN(command) < 1 )
		mexPrintf( "???  The command argument must be an one row string.\r\n" );

		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

//fuer alle anderen dlls
BOOL TestIOArgs( int in, int minIn, int maxIn )
	if ( in < minIn || in > maxIn )
		char* szBuffer = (char*)mxCalloc( szBufSize, sizeof(char) );

		if ( minIn == maxIn )
			wsprintf( szBuffer, "???  Function requires %d input argument(s).\r\n", minIn );
			mexPrintf( szBuffer );

			return FALSE;

			wsprintf( szBuffer, "???  Function requires %d to %d input arguments.\r\n", minIn, maxIn );
			mexPrintf( szBuffer );

			return FALSE;

		mxFree( szBuffer );

	return TRUE;

BOOL TestChannelArg( Matrix* channel )
	if ( mxIsString(channel) || !mxIsScalar(channel) )
		mexPrintf( "???  The channel argument must be a numeric scalar.\r\n" );

		return FALSE;
	if ( !mxGetScalar(channel) )		//ungleich Null!
		mexPrintf( "???  The channel argument must be a valid channel handle.\r\n" );

		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

BOOL TestItemArg( Matrix* item )
    if ( !mxIsString(item) || mxGetM(item) != 1 )
		mexPrintf( "???  The item argument must be an one row string.\r\n" );

		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

WORD TestFormatArg( Matrix* format, BOOL strchk, BOOL* isString )
	WORD	retVal;
	double	stringArg;			//zweites Format-Argument

	WORD	cbFormat = (WORD)mxGetScalar( format );		//erstes Format-Argument

	if ( strchk )	//Test, ob Stringmatrix
	    if ( mxIsString(format) || mxGetM(format) != 1 || mxGetN(format) != 2 )
			mexPrintf( "???  The clipboard format argument must be a two-element one-row numeric matrix.\r\n" );
			return (WORD)-1;

		hmemcpy( (char*)&stringArg, (char huge*)mxGetPr(format) + sizeof(double)/* zweite Zahl */, sizeof(double) );			
		if ( !(stringArg == (double)0 || stringArg == (double)1) )	//nur 0 oder 1 erlaubt
			mexPrintf( "???  The second format argument is not valid.\r\n" );
			return (WORD)-1;
        if ( cbFormat == (WORD)1 )	//Text-Format
			if ( stringArg == (double)1 )	
				*isString = TRUE;		//String-Matrix
				*isString = FALSE;		//Zahlen-Matrix
			return CF_TEXT;				//als Text uebertragen
		else						//kein Text-Format
			*isString = FALSE;				//nur Zahlen-Matrix moeglich

	        if ( stringArg == (double)1 )	//String-Matrix
				mexPrintf( "???  For string-resultant matrix CF_TEXT format is required.\r\n" );
				return (WORD)-1;
	else	//kein Test auf Ergebnisformat - fuer ddepoke.dll und ddeunadv.dll
	    if ( mxIsString(format) || mxGetM(format) != 1 )
			mexPrintf( "???  The clipboard format argument must be a numeric scalar.\r\n" );
			return (WORD)-1;
    if ( cbFormat != (WORD)1 )	//kein Text-Format - Excel-Format?
		char* szBuffer = (char*)mxCalloc( szBufSize, sizeof(char) );

		GetClipboardFormatName( cbFormat, szBuffer, szBufSize );

		if ( _stricmp (szBuffer, "XlTable") == 0 )	//_strlwr(szBuffer) == "xltable" ?
			retVal = cbFormat;

			mexPrintf( "???  Only XlTable and CF_TEXT format are currently supported.\r\n" );
			retVal = (WORD)-1;

		mxFree( szBuffer );
		return retVal;
		return CF_TEXT;			//Text-Format

DWORD TestTimeoutArg( Matrix* timeout )
	if ( mxIsString(timeout) || !mxIsScalar(timeout) )
		mexPrintf( "???  The timeout argument must be a numeric scalar.\r\n" );

		return (DWORD)-1;
		double time = mxGetScalar( timeout );
		if ( time <= (double)0 )
			mexPrintf( "???  The timeout value must be greater then 0.\r\n" );

			return (DWORD)-1;
		return (DWORD)time;

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