%DDEADV Set up advisory link.
% DDEADV sets up an advisory link (described in the "DDE Advisory Links"
% section) between MATLAB and a server application. When the data
% identified by the item argument changes, the string specified by the
% callback argument is passed to the eval function and evaluated. If the
% advisory link is a hot link, DDE modifies upmtx, the update matrix, to
% reflect the data in item. If item corresponds to a range of data
% values, a change to any value in the range causes callback to be
% evaluated.
% rc = DDEADV(channel,item,callback,upmtx,format,timeout)
% rc Return code: 0 indicates failure, 1 indicates success.
% channel Conversation channel from DDEINIT.
% item String specifying the DDE item name for the advisory
% link. Changing the data identified by item at the server
% triggers the advisory link.
% callback String specifying the callback that is evaluated on
% update notification. Changing item at the server causes
% callback to get passed to the eval function to be evaluated.
% upmtx (optional) String specifying the name of a matrix that
% holds data sent with update notification. If upmtx is
% included, changing item at the server causes upmtx to be
% updated with the revised data.
% Specifying an update matrix creates a hot link. Omitting
% upmtx or specifying it as an empty string, creates a warm
% link. If upmtx exists in the workspace, its contents are
% overwritten. If upmtx does not exist, it is created.
% format (optional) Two-element array specifying the format of the
% data requested.
% The first element indicates a Windows clipboard
% format to use for the data transfer.
% Use '1' for CF_TEXT transfer or the value returned from
% CLIPFORM to select binary transfer.
% The default format is CF_TEXT.
% The second element of the format array specifies the type of
% the resultant matrix. The valid types are NUMERIC (the default,
% corresponding to a value of 0) and STRING (corresponding to a
% value of 1).
% timeout (optional) Scalar specifying the time-out limit for
% this operation. Timeout is specified in milliseconds.
% (1000 milliseconds = 1 second). If advisory link is not
% established within timeout milliseconds, the function fails.
% The default value of timeout is three seconds.
% For example,
% Set up a hot link between a range of cells in Excel and the
% matrix 'x'. If successful, display the matrix
% rc = ddeadv(channel, 'r1c1:r5c5', 'disp(x)', 'x');
% Copyright (c) 1997 TU Chemnitz-Zwickau
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