Source file: /~heha/hsn/

MZ@	!L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

$T:::̩:;:*g:1:Rich:PEL	V/ @0'dp.textP `.data( @,:HVht",4<Spc2Tab		[01/11] (haftmann#software ++FREEWARE++)
Substitute tabs for spaces (and vice versa) where appropriate

 spc2tab [switches] [file ...]
 replace <file> with - or pipe to stdout - a new-tabbed file.
  /Txx tabsize in+out, /TIxx tabsize in, /TOxx tabsize out (1=spaces only)
  /Lc set literal string delimiter, /P pipe to stdout (don''t overwrite)
  /Nxx no TAB subst for *single* spaces beyond column xx, defaults to 1
  /Cc set comment char to prevent *single* space interpretation before that
 Standards are both tab sizes =8, string delimiter="'", comment char="{"
 spc2tab -c; x.asm		insert tabs into spaced (hard to edit) ASM file
 spc2tab -ti4 *.c* *.h		Make VC sources readable
 spc2tab -to1 x.txt		remove all tabs, assuming tabsize = 8
 spc2tab -l' -c{ -p x.pas>y.pas	don't overwrite source
spc2tab: error: %s
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h@F~Pit&otWh@Y @Vh@Y @Vh@Y" @=" @|	= @}
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