Source file: /~heha/hsn/

*	       range.cpp						*
* This range class started out as just that - a range class for pairs	*
* of lptr's, but ended up as a class for defining a block more than a	*
* range. The block is set by the use in Borg, and then the block can be *
* undefined, exported as txt/asm, decrypted, etc. All of this was added *
* in Borg 2.15								*

#include <windows.h>

#include "range.h"
#include "disio.h"
#include "dasm.h"
#include "disasm.h"
#include "debug.h"

* constructor								*
* - sets the top and bottom of the range to the null pointer		*
{ top=nlptr;

* destructor								*
* - currently null							*

* checkblock								*
* - This just checks that the top and bottom of the block have been set *
*   and returns true if they have, otherwise puts up a messagebox	*
bool range::checkblock(void)
{ if(top==nlptr)
  { MessageBox(MainWnd,"Set top of block first","Borg Disassembler",MB_OK);
    return false;
  { MessageBox(MainWnd,"Set bottom of block first","Borg Disassembler",MB_OK);
    return false;
  { MessageBox(MainWnd,"Block empty ?","Borg Disassembler",MB_OK);
    return false;
  return true;

* undefine								*
* - this undefines a block if the block has been set			*
void range::undefine(void)
{ if(!checkblock())

* settop								*
* - sets the top of the block to the current line			*
void range::settop(void)
{ cvd->findcurrentaddr(&top);
  MessageBox(MainWnd,"Top marked","Borg Disassembler",MB_OK);

* setbottom								*
* - sets the bottom of the block to the current line			*
void range::setbottom(void)
{ cvd->findcurrentaddr(&bottom);
  MessageBox(MainWnd,"Bottom marked","Borg Disassembler",MB_OK);

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