Quelltext /~heha/hsn/bl/stm32flash.zip/src/port.h

#pragma once

typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned long uint32_t;

#ifdef _WIN32
#if MSC_VER < 1400
# define override
#include <windows.h>
void Sleep(uint32_t ms);

enum serial_gpio_t{
 GPIO_RTS = 1,

/* all options and flags used to open and configure an interface */
struct port_options {
 const char *device;
 uint32_t baudRate;
 char mode[4];	//databits,parity,stopbits
 int bus_addr;
 int rx_frame_max;
 int tx_frame_max;

/* Specify the length of reply for command GET
 * This is helpful for frame-oriented protocols, e.g. i2c, to avoid time
 * consuming try-fail-timeout-retry operation.
 * On byte-oriented protocols, i.e. UART, this information would be skipped
 * after read the first byte, so not needed. */
struct varlen_cmd {
 uint8_t version,length;

struct Port {
 enum flags_t{
  F_BYTE	=1<<0,	// byte (not frame) oriented
  F_GVR_ETX	=1<<1,	// cmd GVR returns protection status
  F_CMD_INIT	=1<<2,	// use INIT cmd to autodetect speed
  F_RETRY	=1<<3,	// allowed read() retry after timeout
  F_STRETCH_W	=1<<4,	// warning for no-stretching commands
 enum err_t{
  ERR_NODEV,	/* No such device */
  ERR_TIMEDOUT,	/* Operation timed out */
 const char*name;
 unsigned flags;
 Port(const char*n,unsigned f=0,const varlen_cmd*v=0):name(n),flags(f),cmd_get_reply(v) {}
 virtual operator bool() const {return false;}
 virtual ~Port() {}
 virtual err_t flush() const {return OK;}
 virtual err_t read(void*, size_t) const {return ERR_NODEV;}
 virtual err_t write(const void*, size_t) const {return ERR_NODEV;}
 virtual err_t gpio(serial_gpio_t n, int level) const {return OK;}
 virtual const char*get_cfg_str() const{return 0;}
 const varlen_cmd*cmd_get_reply;
 static const char*find_com(int n=0);

Port*port_open(const port_options&ops);

struct PortSerial:public Port {
 PortSerial(const port_options&ops);
 virtual ~PortSerial();
 virtual operator bool() const override {return !!fd;}
 virtual err_t read(void*, size_t) const override;
 virtual err_t write(const void*, size_t) const override;
 virtual err_t gpio(serial_gpio_t n, bool level) const override;
 virtual const char*get_cfg_str() const{return setup_str;}
 DCB oldtio,newtio;
 char setup_str[16];

#ifdef __linux__

struct PortI2c:public Port {
 PortI2c(const port_options&ops);
 virtual ~PortI2c();
 virtual err_t flush() override;
 virtual err_t read(void*buf, size_t nbyte) const override;
 virtual err_t write(const void*buf, size_t nbyte) const override;
 virtual err_t gpio(serial_gpio_t n, int level) const override;
 virtual const char*get_cfg_str() const;
 int fd,addr;
 PortI2c(const port_options&ops):Port("i2c") {}

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