/* lame utility library include file
* Copyright (c) 1999 Albert L Faber
* Copyright (c) 2008 Robert Hegemann
*/#pragma once
#include "l3side.h"#include "id3tag.h"#include "lame_global_flags.h"/***********************************************************************
* Global Definitions
***********************************************************************/#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0#endif
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (!FALSE)
#ifdef UINT_MAX
# define MAX_U_32_NUM UINT_MAX
#else# define MAX_U_32_NUM 0xFFFFFFFF#endif
#ifndef PI
# ifdef M_PI
# define PI M_PI
# else# define PI 3.14159265358979323846# endif
#ifdef M_LN2
# define LOG2 M_LN2
#else# define LOG2 0.69314718055994530942#endif
#ifdef M_LN10
# define LOG10 M_LN10
#else# define LOG10 2.30258509299404568402#endif
#ifdef M_SQRT2
# define SQRT2 M_SQRT2
#else# define SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880#endif
#define CRC16_POLYNOMIAL 0x8005#define MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL 4095#define MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE 7680/* "bit_stream.h" Definitions */#define BUFFER_SIZE LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER
#define Min(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))#define Max(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
/* log/log10 approximations */#ifdef USE_FAST_LOG
#define FAST_LOG10(x) (fast_log2(x)*(LOG2/LOG10))
#define FAST_LOG(x) (fast_log2(x)*LOG2)
#define FAST_LOG10_X(x,y) (fast_log2(x)*(LOG2/LOG10*(y)))
#define FAST_LOG_X(x,y) (fast_log2(x)*(LOG2*(y)))
#else#define FAST_LOG10(x) log10(x)
#define FAST_LOG(x) log(x)
#define FAST_LOG10_X(x,y) (log10(x)*(y))
#define FAST_LOG_X(x,y) (log(x)*(y))
struct replaygain_data;
#ifndef replaygain_data_defined
#define replaygain_data_defined
typedefstruct replaygain_data replaygain_t;
struct plotting_data;
#ifndef plotting_data_defined
#define plotting_data_defined
typedefstruct plotting_data plotting_data;
* Global Type Definitions
***********************************************************************/struct aligned_pointer_t {
void*aligned; /* pointer to ie. 128 bit aligned memory */void*pointer; /* to use with malloc/free */ aligned_pointer_t(unsigned,unsigned);
/* "bit_stream.h" Type Definitions */struct Bit_stream_struc {
unsignedchar *buf; /* bit stream buffer */int buf_size; /* size of buffer (in number of bytes) */int totbit; /* bit counter of bit stream */int buf_byte_idx; /* pointer to top byte in buffer */int buf_bit_idx; /* pointer to top bit of top byte in buffer *//* format of file in rd mode (BINARY/ASCII) */};
struct VBR_seek_info_t{
int sum; /* what we have seen so far */int seen; /* how many frames we have seen in this chunk */int want; /* how many frames we want to collect into one chunk */int pos; /* actual position in our bag */int size; /* size of our bag */int *bag; /* pointer to our bag */unsigned nVbrNumFrames;
unsignedlong nBytesWritten;
/* VBR tag data */unsigned TotalFrameSize;
* ATH related stuff, if something new ATH related has to be added,
* please plugg it here into the ATH_t struct
*/struct ATH_t{
int use_adjust; /* method for the auto adjustment */ FLOAT aa_sensitivity_p; /* factor for tuning the (sample power)
point below which adaptive threshold
of hearing adjustment occurs */ FLOAT adjust_factor; /* lowering based on peak volume, 1 = no lowering */ FLOAT adjust_limit; /* limit for dynamic ATH adjust */ FLOAT decay; /* determined to lower x dB each second */ FLOAT floor; /* lowest ATH value */ FLOAT l[SBMAX_l]; /* ATH for sfbs in long blocks */ FLOAT s[SBMAX_s]; /* ATH for sfbs in short blocks */ FLOAT psfb21[PSFB21]; /* ATH for partitionned sfb21 in long blocks */ FLOAT psfb12[PSFB12]; /* ATH for partitionned sfb12 in short blocks */ FLOAT cb_l[CBANDS]; /* ATH for long block convolution bands */ FLOAT cb_s[CBANDS]; /* ATH for short block convolution bands */ FLOAT eql_w[BLKSIZE / 2]; /* equal loudness weights (based on ATH) */};
* PSY Model related stuff
*/struct PsyConst_CB2SB_t{
FLOAT masking_lower[CBANDS];
FLOAT rnumlines[CBANDS];
FLOAT mld[Max(SBMAX_l,SBMAX_s)];
FLOAT bo_weight[Max(SBMAX_l,SBMAX_s)]; /* band weight long scalefactor bands, at transition */ FLOAT attack_threshold; /* short block tuning */int s3ind[CBANDS][2];
int numlines[CBANDS];
int bm[Max(SBMAX_l,SBMAX_s)];
int bo[Max(SBMAX_l,SBMAX_s)];
int npart;
int n_sb; /* SBMAX_l or SBMAX_s */ FLOAT *s3;
* global data constants
*/struct PsyConst_t{
FLOAT window[BLKSIZE], window_s[BLKSIZE_s / 2];
PsyConst_CB2SB_t l;
PsyConst_CB2SB_t s;
PsyConst_CB2SB_t l_to_s;
FLOAT attack_threshold[4];
FLOAT decay;
int force_short_block_calc;
struct PsyStateVar_t{
FLOAT nb_l1[4][CBANDS], nb_l2[4][CBANDS];
FLOAT nb_s1[4][CBANDS], nb_s2[4][CBANDS];
III_psy_xmin thm[4];
III_psy_xmin en[4];
/* loudness calculation (for adaptive threshold of hearing) */ FLOAT loudness_sq_save[2]; /* account for granule delay of L3psycho_anal */ FLOAT tot_ener[4];
FLOAT last_en_subshort[4][9];
int last_attacks[4];
int blocktype_old[2];
struct PsyResult_t{
/* loudness calculation (for adaptive threshold of hearing) */ FLOAT loudness_sq[2][2]; /* loudness^2 approx. per granule and channel */};
/* variables used by encoder.c */struct EncStateVar_t{
/* variables for newmdct.c */ FLOAT sb_sample[2][2][18][SBLIMIT];
FLOAT amp_filter[32];
/* variables used by util.c *//* BPC = maximum number of filter convolution windows to precompute */#define BPC 320double itime[2]; /* float precision seems to be not enough */ sample_t *inbuf_old[2];
sample_t *blackfilt[2 * BPC + 1];
FLOAT pefirbuf[19];
/* used for padding */int frac_SpF;
int slot_lag;
/* variables for bitstream.c *//* mpeg1: buffer=511 bytes smallest frame: 96-38(sideinfo)=58
* max number of frames in reservoir: 8
* mpeg2: buffer=255 bytes. smallest frame: 24-23bytes=1
* with VBR, if you are encoding all silence, it is possible to
* have 8kbs/24khz frames with 1byte of data each, which means we need
* to buffer up to 255 headers! *//* also, max_header_buf has to be a power of two */#define MAX_HEADER_BUF 256#define MAX_HEADER_LEN 40/* max size of header is 38 */struct {
int write_timing;
int ptr;
char buf[MAX_HEADER_LEN];
} header[MAX_HEADER_BUF];
int h_ptr;
int w_ptr;
int ancillary_flag;
/* variables for reservoir.c */int ResvSize; /* in bits */int ResvMax; /* in bits */int in_buffer_nsamples;
sample_t *in_buffer_0;
sample_t *in_buffer_1;
#ifndef MFSIZE
# define MFSIZE ( 3*1152 + ENCDELAY - MDCTDELAY )
sample_t mfbuf[2][MFSIZE];
int mf_samples_to_encode;
int mf_size;
struct EncResult_t{
/* simple statistics */int bitrate_channelmode_hist[16][4 + 1];
int bitrate_blocktype_hist[16][4 + 1 + 1]; /*norm/start/short/stop/mixed(short)/sum */int bitrate_index;
int frame_number; /* number of frames encoded */int padding; /* padding for the current frame? */int mode_ext;
int encoder_delay;
int encoder_padding; /* number of samples of padding appended to input */};
/* variables used by quantize.c */struct QntStateVar_t{
/* variables for nspsytune */ FLOAT longfact[SBMAX_l];
FLOAT shortfact[SBMAX_s];
FLOAT masking_lower;
FLOAT mask_adjust; /* the dbQ stuff */ FLOAT mask_adjust_short; /* the dbQ stuff */int OldValue[2];
int CurrentStep[2];
int pseudohalf[SFBMAX];
int sfb21_extra; /* will be set in lame_init_params */int substep_shaping; /* 0 = no substep
1 = use substep shaping at last step(VBR only)
(not implemented yet)
2 = use substep inside loop
3 = use substep inside loop and last step
*/char bv_scf[576];
struct RpgStateVar_t{
replaygain_t *rgdata;
/* ReplayGain */};
struct RpgResult_t{
FLOAT noclipScale; /* user-specified scale factor required for preventing clipping */ sample_t PeakSample;
int RadioGain;
int noclipGainChange; /* gain change required for preventing clipping */};
struct SessionConfig_t{
int version; /* 0=MPEG-2/2.5 1=MPEG-1 */int samplerate_index;
int sideinfo_len;
int noise_shaping; /* 0 = none
1 = ISO AAC model
2 = allow scalefac_select=1
*/int subblock_gain; /* 0 = no, 1 = yes */int use_best_huffman; /* 0 = no. 1=outside loop 2=inside loop(slow) */int noise_shaping_amp; /* 0 = ISO model: amplify all distorted bands
1 = amplify within 50% of max (on db scale)
2 = amplify only most distorted band
3 = method 1 and refine with method 2
*/int noise_shaping_stop; /* 0 = stop at over=0, all scalefacs amplified or
a scalefac has reached max value
1 = stop when all scalefacs amplified or
a scalefac has reached max value
2 = stop when all scalefacs amplified
*/int full_outer_loop; /* 0 = stop early after 0 distortion found. 1 = full search */int lowpassfreq;
int highpassfreq;
int samplerate_in; /* input_samp_rate in Hz. default=44.1 kHz */int samplerate_out; /* output_samp_rate. */int channels_in; /* number of channels in the input data stream (PCM or decoded PCM) */int channels_out; /* number of channels in the output data stream (not used for decoding) */int mode_gr; /* granules per frame */int force_ms; /* force M/S mode. requires mode=1 */int quant_comp;
int quant_comp_short;
int use_temporal_masking_effect;
int use_safe_joint_stereo;
int preset;
vbr_mode vbr;
int vbr_avg_bitrate_kbps;
int vbr_min_bitrate_index; /* min bitrate index */int vbr_max_bitrate_index; /* max bitrate index */int avg_bitrate;
int enforce_min_bitrate; /* strictly enforce VBR_min_bitrate normaly, it will be violated for analog silence */int findReplayGain; /* find the RG value? default=0 */int findPeakSample;
int decode_on_the_fly; /* decode on the fly? default=0 */int analysis;
int disable_reservoir;
int buffer_constraint; /* enforce ISO spec as much as possible */int free_format;
int write_lame_tag; /* add Xing VBR tag? */int error_protection; /* use 2 bytes per frame for a CRC checksum. default=0 */int copyright; /* mark as copyright. default=0 */int original; /* mark as original. default=1 */int extension; /* the MP3 'private extension' bit. Meaningless */int emphasis; /* Input PCM is emphased PCM (for
instance from one of the rarely
emphased CDs), it is STRONGLY not
recommended to use this, because
psycho does not take it into account,
and last but not least many decoders
don't care about these bits */ MPEG_mode mode;
short_block_t short_blocks;
float interChRatio;
float msfix; /* Naoki's adjustment of Mid/Side maskings */float ATH_offset_db;/* add to ATH this many db */float ATH_offset_factor;/* change ATH by this factor, derived from ATH_offset_db */float ATHcurve; /* change ATH formula 4 shape */int ATHtype;
int ATHonly; /* only use ATH */int ATHshort; /* only use ATH for short blocks */int noATH; /* disable ATH */float ATHfixpoint;
float adjust_alto_db;
float adjust_bass_db;
float adjust_treble_db;
float adjust_sfb21_db;
float compression_ratio; /* sizeof(wav file)/sizeof(mp3 file) *//* lowpass and highpass filter control */ FLOAT lowpass1, lowpass2; /* normalized frequency bounds of passband */ FLOAT highpass1, highpass2; /* normalized frequency bounds of passband *//* scale input by this amount before encoding at least not used for MP3 decoding */ FLOAT pcm_transform[2][2];
FLOAT minval;
struct lame_internal_flags {
* internal variables NOT set by calling program, and should not be *
* modified by the calling program *
* Some remarks to the Class_ID field:
* The Class ID is an Identifier for a pointer to this struct.
* It is very unlikely that a pointer to lame_global_flags has the same 32 bits
* in it's structure (large and other special properties, for instance prime).
* To test that the structure is right and initialized, use:
* if ( gfc -> Class_ID == LAME_ID ) ...
* Other remark:
* If you set a flag to 0 for uninit data and 1 for init data, the right test
* should be "if (flag == 1)" and NOT "if (flag)". Unintended modification
* of this element will be otherwise misinterpreted as an init.
*/# define LAME_ID 0xFFF88E3Bunsignedlong class_id;
bool lame_init_params_successful;
bool lame_encode_frame_inited;
bool iteration_init_init;
bool fill_buffer_resample_inited;
SessionConfig_t cfg;
/* variables used by lame.c */ Bit_stream_struc bs;
III_side_info_t l3_side;
scalefac_struct scalefac_band;
PsyStateVar_t sv_psy; /* DATA FROM PSYMODEL.C */ PsyResult_t ov_psy;
EncStateVar_t sv_enc; /* DATA FROM ENCODER.C */ EncResult_t ov_enc;
QntStateVar_t sv_qnt; /* DATA FROM QUANTIZE.C */ RpgStateVar_t sv_rpg;
RpgResult_t ov_rpg;
/* optional ID3 tags, used in id3tag.c */ id3tag_spec tag_spec;
uint16_t nMusicCRC;
uint16_t _unused;
/* CPU features */struct {
unsigned MMX:1; // Pentium MMX, Pentium II...IV, K6, K6-2, K6-III, Athlonunsigned AMD_3DNow:1; // K6-2, K6-III, Athlonunsigned SSE:1; // Pentium III, Pentium 4unsigned SSE2:1; // Pentium 4, K8unsigned _unused:28;
} CPU_features;
VBR_seek_info_t VBR_seek_table; /* used for Xing VBR header */ ATH_t *ATH; /* all ATH related stuff */ PsyConst_t *cd_psy;
/* used by the frame analyzer */ plotting_data *pinfo;
hip_t hip;
/* functions to replace with CPU feature optimized versions in takehiro.c */int (*choose_table) (constint *ix, constint *const end, int *const s);
void (*fft_fht) (FLOAT *, int);
void (*init_xrpow_core) (gr_info & cod_info, FLOAT xrpow[576], int upper,
FLOAT * sum);
lame_report_function report_all[3];
enum reptype{
void free_id3tag();
void fill_buffer(sample_t *const mfbuf[2],
sample_t const *const in_buffer[2],
int nsamples, int&n_in, int&n_out);
int fill_buffer_resample(
sample_t * outbuf, int desired_len,
sample_t const *inbuf, int len,
int &num_used, int ch);
//lame.cppint lame_encode_buffer_sample_t(
int nsamples, unsignedchar*mp3buf, int mp3buf_size);
void lame_copy_inbuffer(
voidconst* l, voidconst* r, int nsamples,
enum PCMSampleType pcm_type, int jump, FLOAT s);
bool is_valid() const;
//encoder.cppint lame_encode_mp3_frame(
sample_t const *inbuf_l,
sample_t const *inbuf_r,
unsignedchar *mp3buf,
int mp3buf_size);
void lame_encode_frame_init(const sample_t *const inbuf[2]);
void updateStats();
//newmdct.cppvoid mdct_sub48(const sample_t * w0, const sample_t * w1);
//fft.cppvoid fft_long(FLOAT x_real[BLKSIZE], int chn, const sample_t *const data[2]) const;
void fft_short(FLOAT x_real[3][BLKSIZE_s], int chn, const sample_t *const data[2]) const;
void init_fft();
//reservoir.cppint ResvFrameBegin(int *mean_bits);
void ResvMaxBits(int mean_bits, int &targ_bits, int &max_bits, int cbr);
void ResvAdjust(gr_info const & gi);
void ResvFrameEnd(int mean_bits);
//vbrquantize.cppint VBR_encode_frame(
const FLOAT xr34orig[2][2][576],const FLOAT l3_xmin[2][2][SFBMAX],constint maxbits[2][2]);
//quantize.cppvoid CBR_iteration_loop(
const FLOAT pe[2][2],const FLOAT ms_ratio[2], const III_psy_ratio ratio[2][2]);
void VBR_old_iteration_loop(
const FLOAT pe[2][2],const FLOAT ms_ratio[2], const III_psy_ratio ratio[2][2]);
void VBR_new_iteration_loop(
const FLOAT pe[2][2],const FLOAT ms_ratio[2], const III_psy_ratio ratio[2][2]);
void ABR_iteration_loop(
const FLOAT pe[2][2],const FLOAT ms_ratio[2], const III_psy_ratio ratio[2][2]);
#ifndef lame_internal_flags_defined
#define lame_internal_flags_defined
typedefstruct lame_internal_flags lame_internal_flags;
* Global Function Prototype Declarations
***********************************************************************/externint BitrateIndex(int, int, int);
externint FindNearestBitrate(int, int, int);
externint map2MP3Frequency(int freq);
externint SmpFrqIndex(int, int* =0);
externint nearestBitrateFullIndex(uint16_t brate);
extern FLOAT ATHformula(SessionConfig_t const &, FLOAT freq);
extern FLOAT freq2bark(FLOAT freq);
void disable_FPE(void);
/* log/log10 approximations */externvoid init_log_table(void);
extern ieee754_float32_t fast_log2(ieee754_float32_t x);
bool isResamplingNecessary(SessionConfig_t const& cfg);
/* same as lame_decode1 (look in lame.h), but returns
unclipped raw floating-point samples. It is declared
here, not in lame.h, because it returns LAME's
internal type sample_t. No more than 1152 samples
per channel are allowed. */int hip_decode1_unclipped(hip_t hip, unsignedchar *mp3buf,
size_t len, sample_t pcm_l[], sample_t pcm_r[]);
externint has_MMX(void);
externint has_3DNow(void);
externint has_SSE(void);
externint has_SSE2(void);
* Macros about Message Printing and Exit
***********************************************************************/void lame_report_def(constchar* format, va_list args);
void _cdecl lame_report_fnc(lame_report_function print_f, constchar *, ...);
void _cdecl lame_errorf(const lame_internal_flags & gfc, constchar *, ...);
void _cdecl lame_debugf(const lame_internal_flags & gfc, constchar *, ...);
void _cdecl lame_msgf(const lame_internal_flags & gfc, constchar *, ...);
#define DEBUGF lame_debugf
#define ERRORF lame_errorf
#define MSGF lame_msgf
externvoid hip_set_pinfo(hip_t hip, plotting_data* pinfo);