Source file: /~heha/hs/Starting

/* Original name: Starting GDIplus
 * Modified for minimum executable size by Henrik Haftmann
 * Ownerdraw buttons are used inside the resource for 2 canvases
 * Made for MSVC6, newer versions of Visual Studio need modifications
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>	// needed for DEFINE_GUID inside gdiplus.h
#include <gdiplus.h>

// Don't forget to remove /GZ compiler option for NODEFAULTLIB!
#pragma comment(linker,"/NODEFAULTLIB /OPT:nowin98")	// no msvcrt.lib, reduce alignment space
#pragma comment(linker,"/LARGEADDRESSAWARE /RELEASE")	// allow 3 GB address space, generate checksum
#define T(x) TEXT(x)	// shorter macro - may conflict with template definitions
#define elemof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*(x)))	// number of array elements
HINSTANCE HInstance;	// global instance handle, needed for LoadIcon

extern "C" void _cdecl _fltused() {}	// needed by MSVC6 when float is used (by gdiplus.h)

static BOOL CALLBACK AboutDlg(HWND Wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
 switch (msg) {
  }return TRUE;
  case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) {
   case IDCANCEL:
   case IDOK: EndDialog(Wnd,wParam); break;
 return FALSE;

static BOOL CALLBACK StartingGDIPlusDlg(HWND Wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
 switch (msg) {
  case WM_INITDIALOG: {	// when dialog is populated with all child windows
   HMENU SysMenu=GetSystemMenu(Wnd,FALSE);
   TCHAR strAboutMenu[64];
   AppendMenu(SysMenu,MF_STRING,16,strAboutMenu);	// Append about dialog option to system menu
  }return TRUE;		// let dialog manager set focus to first focusable element (here: OK button)

  case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch (wParam&~15) {	// when system menu item is chosen
   case 16: DialogBox(HInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(16),Wnd,AboutDlg); break;
  }break;	// Normally, HInstance can be replaced by 0 for Win32 programs,
		// but then the Icon resource is not found by DialogBox(). Undocumented.

  case WM_DRAWITEM: {	// when ownerdraw elements need to repaint
   DRAWITEMSTRUCT*dis=(DRAWITEMSTRUCT*)lParam;	// Let compiler remove unnecessary assignments
   using namespace Gdiplus;
   Graphics g(dis->hDC);
   switch (dis->CtlID) {	// Which child?
    case 10: {			// large left child window (ownerdraw button)
     Pen blue (Color(255, 0, 0, 255));
     Pen red  (Color(255, 255, 0, 0));
     int y = dis->rcItem.bottom;
     for (int x=dis->rcItem.left; x<dis->rcItem.right; x+=5) {
      g.DrawLine(&blue, dis->rcItem.left, y, x, dis->;
      g.DrawLine(&red, dis->rcItem.right, x, y, dis->rcItem.bottom);  
     for (y=0; y<256; y++) {
      Pen pen(Color(y, 0, 255,0));	// A green pen with varying alpha, width = 1 pixel
      g.DrawLine(&pen,0,y,256,y);	// More performance would bring a GradientFill
     }					// The green pen gets deleted here by C++ compiler
     for (x=0; x<256; x++) {
      Pen pen(Color(x, 255, 0, 255));	// A magenta pen with varying alpha
     }					// Auto-deletion of magenta pen here
    }break;				// Auto-deletion of blue and red pen here
    case 11: {			// small top-right child window
     Image img(L"ma2bw1.jpg");
     Rect r(dis->rcItem.left,dis->,
    }break;				// Auto-deletion of loaded image here
  }break;				// Auto-deletion of Graphics g

  case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) {
   case IDCANCEL:
   case IDOK: EndDialog(Wnd,wParam); break;	// Both cases use same EndDialog()
 return FALSE;

int WINAPI WinMainCRTStartup(){		// no WinMain entry due to NODEFAULTLIB
 ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken;
 Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
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