Quelltext /~heha/ewa/Reluktanzmotor/maweig-Motor-190927.zip/posEncoderSuite.cpp

#include "Settings.h"
#include "qep.h"

namespace nsRESOLVER{
  const int POLES = 8;			// Number of poles

// Variables for Position Sensor Suite
float posEncElecTheta;		// Inhalt geht an MotorControl.cpp
float posEncMechTheta;
Uint16 lsw;

// Instance a QEP interface driver
static QEP qep(			// C++ constructor
	EQep1Regs,		// Hardware-Registersatz
	nsRESOLVER::POLES/2,	// (elektrische) Polpaarzahl
	512);			// Striche pro Umdrehung

// ***************************************************************
// Periodic action, called from MotorControl ISR at some runlevels
// - Reads QEP
// - Decodes RESOLVER (core algo is available in resolver.lib)
// - Angles are in range 0.0 to < 1.0
// ***************************************************************
void posEncoderSuite() {
// ----------------------------------
// lsw = 0 ---> Alignment Routine
// ----------------------------------
    if (!lsw) qep.resetPos();	// remove known absolute position
// ******************************************************************************
//    Detect calibration angle and call the QEP module
// ******************************************************************************
	// for once the QEP index pulse is found, go to lsw=2
    if (lsw==1 && qep.isAbsolute()) ++lsw;		// Check the index occurrence
	// Keep the latched pos. at the first index

    if (lsw) qep();
    posEncElecTheta = qep.getElecTheta();
    posEncMechTheta = qep.getMechTheta();
// TODO: Position ermitteln

void initPosEncoderSuite() {
// Eingänge zuweisen
    GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.all  |= 1UL<<8 | 1UL<<10;	// GPIO20 und GPIO21 an QEP1
    GpioCtrlRegs.GPDGMUX1.all |= 1UL<<6;
    GpioCtrlRegs.GPDMUX1.all  |= 1UL<<6;		// GPIO99 an QEP1
    GpioCtrlRegs.GPBGMUX2.all |= 1UL<<12 | 1UL<<14 | 1UL<<18;
    GpioCtrlRegs.GPBMUX2.all  |= 1UL<<12 | 1UL<<14 | 1UL<<18;	// GPIO54,55,57 an QEP2
    qep.init(0,true);	// Init QEP parameters
// TODO: A/D-Wandler zuweisen usw.
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