Quelltext /~heha/ewa/Motor/maweig-Motor.zip/MotorControl.h

#pragma once

/* This header substitutes all needed ControlSuite ... MotorControl headers.
 * 1. goal: More C++
 * Each „block“ is now a functor object with constructor and initializer.
 * The processing function (i.e. the operator()) can be called with
 * 0 or more useful arguments. Arguments set the input variable to the new
 * value, so subsequent calls with less variables use the last set one.
 * All functors are in namespace "mc" = MotorControl
 * This is header-only code.
 * 2. goal: Independency to Texas Instruments changes in ControlSuite
 * The IQ (fixed-point) datatype is no more used.
 * In case of using a less capable processor, one has to replace float
 * with a suitable fixpoint class.
 * There are much nicer implementations around than the TI proposal!
 * The „block“ structure with input variables is still not nice
 * but saves the compiler to handle a (possibly) large set of stack parameters.
 * Handling a pointer to a struct/class has almost no performance impact
 * on newer C2000 processors, so static structs are avoided.

#if 0
// Ursprünglich ...ControlSuite/.../MotorControl/...
#define MATH_TYPE  1	// this will define _iq to float and _IQ(x) to x, so use true float-point registers
#include <IQmathLib.h>
#include <park.h>		// Include header for the PARK object
#include <ipark.h>		// Include header for the IPARK object
#include <clarke.h>		// Include header for the CLARKE object
#include <rampgen.h>		// Include header for the RAMPGEN object
#include <rmp_cntl.h>		// Include header for the RMPCNTL object
#include <svgen.h>		// Include header for the SVGENDQ object
#include <pi.h>			// Include header for the PIDREG3 object
#include <speed_fr.h>		// Include header for the SPEED_MEAS_QEP object
#include <pid_grando.h>
#undef _iq
// die xxx_DEFAULTS und xxx_MACRO brauchen das Makro noch

#include <string>	// std::memset

namespace mc {

struct Range{
  float max,min;
  Range():max(1),min(-1) {}
  float sat(float v) {		// saturate value at min and max
    if (!(v<=max)) v=max;	// !(v<=) will return true even when v“==”NaN
    else if (!(v>=min)) v=min;	// if isnan(v) v gets max
    return v;
  bool limit(float&v) {		// like sat() but return true on overflow
    bool ret=false;
    if (!(v<=max)) {v=max; ret=true;}
    else if (!(v>=min)) {v=min; ret=true;}
    return ret;

 * Transformations *
// Transformations have no state inside, so true functions would do the job …

struct AlphaBeta{
  float Alpha,Beta;	// stationary d-axis or q-axis stator variable

struct Park:public AlphaBeta{
  float	Angle,		// Input: rotating angle
	Ds,		// Output: rotating d-axis stator variable
	Qs,		// Output: rotating q-axis stator variable
  void init() {std::memset(this,0,sizeof*this);}
  void operator()() {
    Ds = Alpha*Cosine + Beta*Sine;
    Qs = Beta*Cosine - Alpha*Sine;
  void setSinCos(float angle) {
    Angle  = angle;
    Sine   = __sinpuf32(angle);
    Cosine = __cospuf32(angle);

struct Ipark:public Park{
// Here, Ds and Qs are Inputs; Alpha and Beta are Outputs
  void operator()() {	// overload!!
    Alpha = Ds*Cosine - Qs*Sine;
    Beta  = Qs*Cosine + Ds*Sine;
  void operator()(float d,float q,Park&park) {Ds=d;Qs=q;Sine=park.Sine;Cosine=park.Cosine; operator()();}

struct Clarke:public AlphaBeta{
  float	As,  		// Input: phase-a stator variable
	Bs,		// Input: phase-b stator variable
	Cs;		// Input: phase-c stator variable
  static const float ONEbySQRT3=0.57735026918963;	// 1/√3
  void init() {std::memset(this,0,sizeof*this);}
  void run2() {		// Clarke transform (with 2 currents)
    Alpha = As;
    Beta = (As+Bs+Bs)*ONEbySQRT3;
  void run3() {		// Clarke transform (with 3 currents)
    Alpha = As;
    Beta  = (Bs-Cs)*ONEbySQRT3;

struct Svgen:public AlphaBeta{	// AlphaBeta = reference axis phase voltage
  float	Ta,			// Output: reference phase-a switching function
	Tb,			// Output: reference phase-b switching function
	Tc;			// Output: reference phase-c switching function
  void init() {std::memset(this,0,sizeof*this);}
  void operator()() {
    float tmp1= Beta,
	  tmp2= Beta*0.5 + 0.866*Alpha,
	  tmp3= tmp2 - tmp1;
    Uint16 VecSector=3;		// Space vector sector
    if (tmp2>0) --VecSector;
    if (tmp3>0) --VecSector;
    if (tmp1<0) VecSector=7-VecSector;

    if (VecSector==1 || VecSector==4) {
      Ta= tmp2;
      Tb= tmp1-tmp3;
    }else if (VecSector==2 || VecSector==5) {
      Ta= tmp3+tmp2;
      Tb= tmp1;
      Ta= tmp3;
  void operator()(Ipark&ipark) {Alpha=ipark.Alpha; Beta=ipark.Beta; operator()();}

 * Signal generator *

struct Rampgen{
  float	Freq, 		// Input: Ramp frequency
	StepAngleMax,	// Parameter: Maximum step angle
	Angle,		// Variable: Step angle
	Gain,		// Input: Ramp gain
	Out,		// Output: Ramp signal
	Offset;		// Input: Ramp offset
  Rampgen():Freq(0),StepAngleMax(0),Angle(0),Gain(1),Out(0),Offset(1) {}
  void init() {
  float operator()(bool use_gain_offset=false) {		// Sawtooth generator
    /* Compute the angle rate */
    Angle += StepAngleMax*Freq;
    /* Saturate the angle rate within (-1,1) */
    if (Angle>1) Angle -= 1;
    else if (Angle<-1) Angle += 1;
    // Use the code snippet below if gain/offset needed.
    if (use_gain_offset) {
    /* Compute the ramp output */
      Out = Angle*Gain + Offset;
    /* Saturate the ramp output within (-1,1) */
      while (Out>1) Out -= 1;
      while (Out<-1) Out += 1;
    return Out;
  float operator()(float freq,bool use_gain_offset=false) {Freq=freq; return operator()(use_gain_offset);}

struct Rmpcntl {
  float	TargetValue; 	// Input: Target input
  Uint32 RampDelayMax;	// Parameter: Maximum delay rate
  Range RampLimit;	// Parameter: Limits
  Uint32 RampDelayCount;// Variable: Incremental delay
  float	SetpointValue;	// Output: Target output
  Uint32 EqualFlag;	// Output: Flag output
  Rmpcntl():TargetValue(0),RampDelayMax(5) {}
  void init() {
  float operator()() {
    float Tmp = TargetValue-SetpointValue;
    const float DELTA=0.0000305;	//  0.0000305 is resolution of Q15
    if (std::fabs(Tmp) >= DELTA) {
      if (RampDelayCount >= RampDelayMax) {
	if (TargetValue >= SetpointValue) SetpointValue += DELTA;
	else SetpointValue -= DELTA;
	RampDelayCount = 0;
    else EqualFlag = 0x7FFFFFFF;
    return SetpointValue;
  float operator()(float tv) {TargetValue=tv; return operator()();}

 * PI & PID controller (PI- und PID-Regler) *

struct PiController {
  float	Ref,		// Input: reference set-point
	Fbk,		// Input: feedback
	Out,		// Output: controller output
	Kp,		// Parameter: proportional loop gain
	Ki;		// Parameter: integral gain
  Range	U;		// Parameter: saturation limits
  float	v1,		// Data: pre-saturated controller output
	i1;		// Data: integrator storage: ui(k-1)
  PiController():Ref(0),Fbk(0),Out(0),Kp(1),Ki(0),v1(0),i1(0) {}	// Default initalisation values for the PI_GRANDO objects
  float operator()() {
	/* proportional term */
    float up = Kp*(Ref-Fbk);
	/* integral term */
    float ui = Out==v1 ? Ki*up + i1 : i1;
    i1 = ui;
	/* control output */
    return Out = U.sat(v1=up+ui);
  float operator()(float fbk) {Fbk=fbk; return operator()();}
  float operator()(float fbk,float ref) {Ref=ref; return operator()(fbk);}
#if 0
  float pos_run() {//   This macro works with angles as inputs, hence error is rolled within -pi to +pi
	/* proportional term */
    float up = Ref - Fbk;
    if (up >= 0.5) up -= 1;		/* roll in the error */
    else if (up <= -0.5) up += 1;	/* roll in the error */
    up *= Kp;
	/* integral term */
    float ui = Out==v1 ? Ki*up + i1 : i1;
    i1 = ui;
	/* control output */
    return Out = U.sat(v1=up+ui);


struct PidTerminals {
  float	Ref,			// Input: reference set-point
	Fbk,			// Input: feedback
	Out,   			// Output: controller output
	c1,   			// Internal: derivative filter coefficient 1
	c2;   			// Internal: derivative filter coefficient 2
  PidTerminals():Ref(0),Fbk(0),Out(0),c1(0),c2(0) {}
};				// note: c1 & c2 placed here to keep structure size under 8 words

struct PidParameters {
  float	Kr,			// Parameter: reference set-point weighting
	Kp,			// Parameter: proportional loop gain
	Ki,			// Parameter: integral gain
	Kd,			// Parameter: derivative gain
	Km;			// Parameter: derivative weighting
  Range	U;			// Parameter: saturation limits
  PidParameters():Kr(1),Kp(1),Ki(0),Kd(0),Km(1) {}

struct PidData {
  float	up,			// Data: proportional term
	ui,			// Data: integral term
	ud,			// Data: derivative term
	v1,			// Data: pre-saturated controller output
	i1,			// Data: integrator storage: ui(k-1)
	d1,			// Data: differentiator storage: ud(k-1)
	d2,			// Data: differentiator storage: d2(k-1)
	w1;			// Data: saturation record: [u(k-1) - v(k-1)]
  PidData():up(0),ui(0),ud(0),v1(0),i1(0),d1(0),d2(0),w1(1) {}

struct PidController {
  PidTerminals	term;
  PidParameters	param;
  PidData	data;
  float operator()() {
	/* proportional term */
    data.up = param.Kr*term.Ref - term.Fbk;
	/* integral term */
    data.ui = param.Ki*data.w1*(term.Ref-term.Fbk) + data.i1;
    data.i1 = data.ui;
	/* derivative term */
    data.d2 = param.Kd*term.c1*(term.Ref*param.Km-term.Fbk) - data.d2;
    data.ud = data.d2+data.d1;
    data.d1 = data.ud*term.c2;
	/* control output */
    data.v1 = param.Kp*(data.up + data.ui + data.ud);
    data.w1 = (term.Out == data.v1) ? 1 : 0;
    return term.Out = param.U.sat(data.v1);
  float operator()(float fbk) {term.Fbk=fbk; return operator()();}
  float operator()(float fbk,float ref) {term.Ref=ref; return operator()(fbk);}

 * Aus SPEED_FR.H: Speed controller (Drehzahlregler) *

struct SpeedMeasQep {
  float	ElecTheta;		// Input: Electrical angle
  Uint32 DirectionQep;		// Variable: Direction of rotation
  float	OldElecTheta,   	// History: Electrical angle at previous step
	Speed;			// Output: Speed in per-unit
  Uint32 BaseRpm;		// Parameter: Base speed in rpm
  float	K1,			// Parameter: Constant for differentiator
	K2,			// Parameter: Constant for low-pass filter
	K3;			// Parameter: Constant for low-pass filter
  int32	SpeedRpm;		// Output : Speed in rpm
  SpeedMeasQep():ElecTheta(0),DirectionQep(1),OldElecTheta(0),Speed(0),BaseRpm(0),K1(0),K2(0),K3(0),SpeedRpm(0) {}
  float operator()() {		// calculation operator
    /* Differentiator */
    /* Synchronous speed computation */
    float Tmp = ElecTheta - OldElecTheta;
    if (Tmp < -0.5) Tmp += 1;
    else if (Tmp > 0.5) Tmp -= 1;
    Tmp *= K1;
    /* Low-pass filter */
    Tmp = K2*Speed+K3*Tmp;
    /* Saturate the output */
    Range r;	// construct a range -1..1 on the fly
    Speed = Tmp;
    /* Update the electrical angle */
    OldElecTheta = ElecTheta;
    /* Change motor speed from pu value to rpm value */
    Tmp = BaseRpm*Speed;
    SpeedRpm = Tmp;	// SpeedRpm ist dusseligerweise int32 — warum auch immer
    return Tmp;
  float operator()(float theta) {ElecTheta=theta; return operator()();}

}// namespace mc
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