Quelltext /~heha/ewa/Motor/maweig-Motor.zip/MotorControl.cpp

#include "Settings.h"
#include "MotorControl.h"

#include "DLOG_4CH.h"
#include "regdef2.h"

inline float frac(float x) {return x-int(x);}

#ifdef CPU1
# define EPwmURegs EPwm1Regs
# define EPwmVRegs EPwm2Regs
# define EPwmWRegs EPwm3Regs
# define EPwmURegs EPwm4Regs
# define EPwmVRegs EPwm5Regs
# define EPwmWRegs EPwm6Regs

namespace nsMOTOR{
// Define the electrical motor parametes (Estun Servomotor)
  const float RS=2.35;		// Stator resistance (Ω)
//#define RR   			// Rotor resistance (Ω)
  const float LS=0.0065;	// Stator inductance (H)
//#define LR			// Rotor inductance (H)
//#define LM			// Magnetizing inductance (H)
  const float FREQ = 200;	// Base electrical frequency (Hz)
  const int POLES = 8;		// Number of poles

bool RunMotor;

// Instance a ramp controller to smoothly ramp the frequency
MONITOR mc::Rmpcntl rc1;	// RampDelayMax u.a. !=0

static mc::Ipark  ipark1;	// alles 0
static mc::Park   park1;	// alles 0
// Instance a Space Vector PWM modulator. This modulator generates a, b and c
// phases based on the d and q stationery reference frame inputs
MONITOR mc::Svgen svgen1;	// alles 0
// Instance a few transform objects
static mc::Clarke clarke1;	// alles 0

MONITOR float VdTesting = 0.25;	// Vd reference
MONITOR float VqTesting = 0.125;// Vq reference
static float IdRef;		// Id reference
static float IqRef = BUILDLEVEL==3 ? 0 : 0.05;	// Iq reference
MONITOR float SpeedRef = 0.25;	// For Closed Loop tests
static float cntr,alignCnt = 20000;
static float IdRef_start = 0.1, IdRef_run;

static Currentsense current_sensor[3];

static mc::PidController pid_spd;
static mc::PiController  pi_id;
static mc::PiController  pi_iq;
//	Instance a ramp generator to simulate an Anglele
MONITOR mc::Rampgen rg1;	// Gain und Offset = 1

// Instance a speed calculator based on Encoder position
static mc::SpeedMeasQep speed1;

// ****************************************************************************
// Variables for Datalog module
// ****************************************************************************
MONITOR float DBUFF_4CH1[200], DBUFF_4CH2[200], DBUFF_4CH3[200], DBUFF_4CH4[200];
static DLOG_4CH<float> dlog;	// Create an instance of data logger

// ******************************************************************************
// - Read motor current from inverter bottom leg Shunt
// - Read motor current from LEM current sensors
// - Read motor current from shunts with AMC1204 chips
// ******************************************************************************
RAMFUNC static void currentSensorSuite() {

// slew programmable ramper
RAMFUNC static void ramp(float&cur, float dst, float rampDelta) {
  float err = dst - cur;
  if (err > rampDelta) {cur+=rampDelta; return;}
  if (err < -rampDelta) {cur-=rampDelta; return;}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alignment Routines: these routines aligns the motor to zero electrical angle
// and in case of QEP also find the index location and initializes the angle
// w.r.t. the index location
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAMFUNC static void Alignment2() {
  if (!RunMotor) {PosEnc::lsw = 0; return;}
  if (PosEnc::lsw) return;
	// for restarting from (RunMotor = 0)
  rc1.TargetValue = rc1.SetpointValue = 0;
  PosEnc::lsw = POSITION_ENCODER==QEP_ENCODER ? 1 : 2;
	// for QEP, spin the motor to find the index pulse
	// for absolute encoders no need for lsw=1

RAMFUNC static void Alignment3() {
  if(!RunMotor) {
    PosEnc::lsw = 0;
    //pi_id.ui = 0;
    //pi_iq.ui = 0;
  if (PosEnc::lsw) return;
	// alignment current
  IdRef = IdRef_start;  //0.1;
	// for restarting from (RunMotor = 0)
  rc1.TargetValue = rc1.SetpointValue = 0;
	// set up an alignment and hold time for shaft to settle down
  if (pi_id.Ref >= IdRef) {
    if (cntr < alignCnt) cntr++;
        PosEnc::lsw = 1;	// for QEP, spin the motor to find the index pulse
        IqRef = 0.05;
      }else PosEnc::lsw = 2;   // for absolute encoders no need for lsw=1
      cntr  = 0;
      IdRef = IdRef_run;

RAMFUNC static void Alignment4() {
  if (!RunMotor) {PosEnc::lsw = 0; return;}
  if (PosEnc::lsw) return;
	// alignment current
  IdRef = IdRef_start;  //0.1;
	// for restarting from (RunMotor = 0)
  rc1.TargetValue = rc1.SetpointValue = 0;
		// set up an alignment and hold time for shaft to settle down
  if (pi_id.Ref >= IdRef) {
    if (cntr < alignCnt) cntr++;
      cntr  = 0;
      IdRef = IdRef_run;
        PosEnc::lsw = 1;       // for QEP, spin the motor to find the index pulse
        IqRef = 0.05;
      }else PosEnc::lsw = 2;    // for absolute encoders no need for lsw=1

RAMFUNC static float RampGen(float speed) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Connect inputs of the RMP module and call the ramp control functor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Connect inputs of the RAMP GEN module and call the ramp generator functor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  return rg1(rc1.SetpointValue);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Measure phase currents, subtract the offset and normalize from (-0.5,+0.5) to (-1,+1).
//	Connect inputs of the CLARKE module and call the clarke transformation macro
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAMFUNC static void SenseAndClarke() {
  clarke1.As = current_sensor[CURRENT_TAKE].As; // Phase A curr.
  clarke1.Bs = current_sensor[CURRENT_TAKE].Bs; // Phase B curr.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Connect inputs of the PARK module and call the park trans. macro
//	There are two option for trigonometric functions:
//  IQ sin/cos look-up table provides 512 discrete sin and cos points in Q30 format
//  IQsin/cos PU functions interpolate the data in the lookup table yielding higher resolution.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAMFUNC static void Park1(float angle) {
  park1.Alpha  = clarke1.Alpha;
  park1.Beta   = clarke1.Beta;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Connect inputs of the INV_PARK module and call the inverse park transform functor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAMFUNC static void Ipark1(float d, float q) {

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Connect inputs of the SVGEN_DQ module and call the space-vector generator functor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAMFUNC static void Svgen1AndPwm1() {
// Write computed duties to CMPA registers; Ta,Tb,Tc im Bereich -1..1
  const int MIDDLE = F_CPU/2/2/F_PWM/2;
// Halbierungen:	1. ePWM-Eingangsteiler auf 100 MHz
//			2. wegen phasenrichtiger PWM (Auf- und Abwärtszähler)
//			3. wegen Mittelwert
  EPwmURegs.CMPA.bit.CMPA = int(MIDDLE*svgen1.Ta)+MIDDLE;
  EPwmVRegs.CMPA.bit.CMPA = int(MIDDLE*svgen1.Tb)+MIDDLE;
  EPwmWRegs.CMPA.bit.CMPA = int(MIDDLE*svgen1.Tc)+MIDDLE;

// Variable display on PWM-DAC
RAMFUNC static void logDAC(float dacA, float dacB) {
//  DacaRegs.DACVALS.bit.DACVALS = dacB*4096;
//  DacbRegs.DACVALS.bit.DACVALS = dacC*4096;

MONITOR Uint32 IsrTicker;
unsigned Amc1210Okay[4];
unsigned Amc1210IR,Amc1210SR;	// Interrupt-Register, Status-Register (immer OR-verknüpft)
int Amc1210Data[4];	// 4 Ergebnis-Register (ohne Zeitstempel)

static bool check(Amc1210::data16_t&recvdat) {
  for (int i=0; i<4; i++) if (recvdat[i].timestamp>=256) return false;	// Huch, jetzt kommen plötzlich kleine Zeitstempel!
  return true;

MONITOR DataLog<int,4,160,1> logger;	// triggert auf Kanal 1 (von 0 ab gezählt)
MONITOR DataLog<unsigned,1,200> logadc[3];	// ADC (12 Bit = 0..4095)
// Grafisch im CCS-Debugger zu beobachten mit logadc[0].buf, logadc[1].buf und logadc[2].buf
// (geht leider nicht in einem Graf zusammen; blöd!!)

RAMFUNC static interrupt void MotorControlISR() {
//  GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.all = bit(31);	// GPIO31 auf Low — LED ein
  IsrTicker++;    // Verifying the ISR
  static const Uint16 SpeedLoopPrescaler = 10;      // Speed loop pre scalar
  static Uint16 SpeedLoopCount = 1;           // Speed loop counter

  switch (BUILDLEVEL) {
// =============================== LEVEL 1 ====================================
//    Checks target independent modules, duty cycle waveforms and PWM update
//    Keep the motors disconnected at this level
// ============================================================================
    case 1: {
      Amc1210IR|=Amc1210::recv(0);	// synchrone Version
	// control  flow: ramp 0..1, Ipark1, Svgen1AndPwm1
	uint16_t status;	// Statusregister
	Amc1210::data16_t data;	// Daten und Zeitstempel
      Amc1210::recv(0x1C,&recvdat,sizeof recvdat);	// SPI beobachten; 80×9 CPU-Takte
      float out=RampGen(SpeedRef);
	// logging helpers
      for(int versuch=0;;) {
	Amc1210::wait();	// warte bis fertig + FIFO auslesen
	if (check(recvdat.data)) {
	if (++versuch==4) break;
	Amc1210::recv(0x1C,&recvdat,sizeof recvdat);	// nochmal versuchen
      for (int i=0; i<4; i++) Amc1210Data[i]=recvdat.data[i].value;
      for (int i=0; i<3; i++) logadc[i].putaddr()[0]=AdcResultRegsA[i][5];

// =============================== LEVEL 2 ====================================
// verifies
//	- all current sense schems
//	- analog-to-digital conversion (shunt and LEM)
//	- SDFM function
//	- Current Limit Settings for over current protection
//	- clarke/park transformations (CLARKE/PARK)
//	- Position sensor interface
//	- speed estimation
// ============================================================================
    case 2: {
      float out=RampGen(PosEnc::lsw ? SpeedRef : 0);
      PosEnc::Suite();  // if needed reverse the sense of position in this module

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    Connect inputs of the SPEED_FR module and call the speed calculation macro
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



// =============================== LEVEL 3 ====================================
// verifies the dq-axis current regulation performed by PID and speed
//	measurement modules
//  lsw=0: lock the rotor of the motor
//  lsw=1: close the current loop
//  NOTE: Iq loop is closed using internal ramp angle as position feedback.
//	Therefore, motor speed does not race high with lighter load. User's
//	wanting to use actual rotor angle should ensure that the test value
//	for Iq reference will not race the motor to high speeds.
//	In other words, to use the actual angle, a loaded motor is needed.
// ============================================================================
    case 3: {
      float out=RampGen(PosEnc::lsw ? SpeedRef : 0);
      PosEnc::Suite();  // if needed reverse the sense of position in this module

      Park1(PosEnc::lsw ? out : 0);	// lsw==1 exists only for QEP

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Connect inputs of the PID_REG3 module and call the PID IQ controller macro
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      pi_iq.Ref =  PosEnc::lsw ? IqRef : 0;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Connect inputs of the PI module and call the PID ID controller macro
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


// =============================== LEVEL 4 ======================================
//	  Level 4 verifies the speed regulator performed by PID module.
//	  The system speed loop is closed by using the measured speed as feedback
//  lsw=0: lock the rotor of the motor
//  lsw=1: - needed only with QEP encoders until first index pulse
//         - Loops shown for lsw=2 are closed in this stage
//  lsw=2: close speed loop and current loops Id, Iq
// ==============================================================================
    case 4: {
      float out=RampGen(PosEnc::lsw ? SpeedRef : 0);
      PosEnc::Suite();  // if needed reverse the sense of position in this module

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    Connect inputs of the SPEED_FR module and call the speed calculation macro
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Park1(PosEnc::lsw ? PosEnc::ElecTheta : 0);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    Connect inputs of the PI module and call the PID speed controller macro
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      if (SpeedLoopCount==SpeedLoopPrescaler) {
	pid_spd.term.Ref = rc1.SetpointValue;  //SpeedRef;
	SpeedLoopCount = 1;
      }else SpeedLoopCount++;
      if (!PosEnc::lsw || PosEnc::lsw==1) {
	pid_spd.data.d1 = 0; pid_spd.data.d2 = 0; pid_spd.data.i1 = 0;
	pid_spd.data.ud = 0; pid_spd.data.ui = 0; pid_spd.data.up = 0;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    Connect inputs of the PI module and call the PID IQ controller macro
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      float ref=0;
      if (PosEnc::lsw) ref = PosEnc::lsw==1 ? IqRef : pid_spd.term.Out;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    Connect inputs of the PI module and call the PID ID controller macro
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------




  dlog();	// DATALOG update function.
  EPwm11Regs.ETCLR.bit.INT = 1;
  PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all   = PIEACK_GROUP3;
//  GpioDataRegs.GPASET.all = bit(31);	// GPIO31 auf High — LED aus

// PWM Configuration
inline void configPWM(volatile EPWM_REGS&regs, Uint16 period, Uint16 db, Uint16 slave_phase) {
	// Time Base SubModule Registers
  TBCTL_REG tbctl = {0};
  tbctl.bit.CTRMODE = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN;		// 10: Auf- und abwärts (für phasenrichtige PWM)
  if (slave_phase) {
    tbctl.bit.PHSEN = TB_ENABLE;
    tbctl.bit.PHSDIR = slave_phase >= period>>1 ? TB_DOWN : TB_UP;
  }else tbctl.bit.SYNCOSEL = TB_CTR_ZERO;	// 01: sync "down-stream" when counter == 0
  tbctl.bit.FREE_SOFT = 0b10;			// 1x: Continue running at emulation events
  regs.TBCTL.all = tbctl.all;
  regs.TBPRD = period>>1;	// PWM frequency = 1 / period
	// Action Qualifier SubModule Registers
  AQCTLA_REG aqctla = {0};
  aqctla.bit.CAD = AQ_SET;
  aqctla.bit.CAU = AQ_CLEAR;
  regs.AQCTLA.all = aqctla.all;
	// Active low complementary (ALC) PWMs - Set up deadband
  DBCTL_REG dbctl = {0};
  dbctl.bit.OUT_MODE = DB_FULL_ENABLE;
  dbctl.bit.POLSEL = DB_ACTV_LOC;
  regs.DBCTL.all = dbctl.all;
  regs.DBRED = db;
  regs.DBFED = db;
  regs.TBPHS.bit.TBPHS = slave_phase > period>>1 ? period-slave_phase : slave_phase;

void initMotorControl() {
// Initialize PWM generators and outputs used
// By default the PWM clock is divided by 2, as maximum ePWM speed is 100 MHz
// Deadband needs to be 2 µs => 10 ns * 200 = 2 µs
  const int INV_PWM_TICKS=F_CPU/2/F_PWM;
	// switch GPIO1..12 to PWM outputs (GPADIR not necessary)
#ifdef CPU1
  GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX1.all |=	// switch GPIO1..12 to be PWM outputs (GPADIR not necessary)
	  1UL<< 0 | 1UL<< 2 | 1UL<< 4 | 1UL<< 6 | 1UL<< 8 | 1UL<<10
	| 1UL<<12 | 1UL<<14 | 1UL<<16 | 1UL<<18 | 1UL<<20 | 1UL<<22;
// Initialize DATALOG
  dlog.output[0] = DBUFF_4CH1;
  dlog.output[1] = DBUFF_4CH2;
  dlog.output[2] = DBUFF_4CH3;
  dlog.output[3] = DBUFF_4CH4;
  dlog.size = 200;
  dlog.triggered  = true;
  dlog.pre_scalar = 5;
  dlog.trig_value = 0.01;

  const float T=1/F_ISR;		// Abtastrate in Sa/s
  static const float PI=3.14159265358979;
// Initialize the RAMPGEN module
  rg1.StepAngleMax = nsMOTOR::FREQ*T;
// Initialize the Speed module for speed calculation from QEP/RESOLVER
  speed1.K1 = 1/(nsMOTOR::FREQ*T);
  speed1.K2 = 1/(1+T*2*PI*5);      // Low-pass cut-off frequency
  speed1.K3 = 1-speed1.K2;
  speed1.BaseRpm = 120*(nsMOTOR::FREQ/nsMOTOR::POLES);
  if (BUILDLEVEL>=4) {
// Initialize the PID module for speed
    pid_spd.param.Kp   = 1.0;
    pid_spd.param.Ki   = 0.001;
    pid_spd.param.Kd   = 0;
    pid_spd.param.Kr   = 1.0;
    pid_spd.param.U.max = 0.95;
    pid_spd.param.U.min = -0.95;
  if (BUILDLEVEL>=3) {
// Init PI module for ID loop
    pi_id.Kp   = 1.0;	//3.0;
    pi_id.Ki   = T/0.04;	//0.0075;
    pi_id.U.max = 0.5;
    pi_id.U.min = -0.5;
// Init PI module for IQ loop
    pi_iq.Kp   = 1.0;//4.0;
    pi_iq.Ki   = T/0.04;//0.015;
    pi_iq.U.max = 0.8;
    pi_iq.U.min = -0.8;
// Interrupt-Initialisierung
	//PWM11 INT is used to trigger Motor Control ISR
  EPwm11Regs.ETSEL.bit.INTSEL = ET_CTRU_CMPA;   // INT on PRD event
  EPwm11Regs.ETSEL.bit.INTEN  = 1;              // Enable INT
  EPwm11Regs.ETPS.bit.INTPRD  = ET_1ST;         // Generate INT on every event
  PieVectTable.EPWM11_INT = MotorControlISR;
  PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER3.bit.INTx11 = 1;  // Enable PWM11INT in PIE group 3
  IER |= M_INT3; // Enable group 3 interrupts
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