Quelltext /~heha/ewa/Motor/Maxmaus6.zip/usblib/usbdhid.cpp

// TITLE: USB HID device class driver
#include "usbdhid.h"
#include <usb.h>

namespace usb{

bool tHIDDevice::SendReport(uint8_t *data, unsigned len) {
  int32_t i32Retcode = USBEndpointDataPut(USB_BASE,USB_EP_1,data,len);
  if (!i32Retcode) {
    i32Retcode = USBEndpointDataSend(USB_BASE,USB_EP_1,USB_TRANS_IN);
  return i32Retcode==0;

// This function is called by the USB device stack whenever a request for a
// non-standard descriptor is received.
bool tHIDDevice::cbGetDescriptor(const tRequest&rq) {
  switch (rq.wValueH) {
        // This is a request for a HID report or physical descriptor.
    case 0x22: {
            // Find the index to the descriptor that is being queried.
      const uint8_t*data=desc.hidrep;
      unsigned size=desc.hid[7]|desc.hid[8]<<8;
            // Send the data via endpoint 0.
    }return true;
        // This is a request for the HID descriptor (as found in the
        // configuration descriptor following the relevant interface).
    case 0x21: {
            // How big is the HID descriptor?
      const uint8_t*data=desc.hid;
      unsigned size=*data;
    }return true;
  return tDevice::cbGetDescriptor(rq);

bool tHIDDevice::cbRequestHandler(const tRequest&rq) {
  switch (rq.wRequest()) {
    case 0x06A1: return cbGetDescriptor(rq);
  return false;
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