Quelltext /~heha/ewa/Motor/Maxmaus6.zip/usblib/usbd.h

// TITLE: types and definitions used during USB enumeration
#pragma once
//#include <stdint.h>		// uint32_t
//#include <inc/hw_types.h>	// uint8_t
#include "usbdma.h"	//tUSBDMAInstance
#include "usblib.h"	//usb::tRequest

namespace usb{

// The states for endpoint zero during enumeration.
enum tEP0State{
    // The USB device is waiting on a request from the host controller on endpoint zero.
    // The USB device is sending data back to the host due to an IN request.
    // The USB device is sending the configuration descriptor back to the host due to an IN request.
    // The USB device has completed the IN or OUT request and is now waiting
    // for the host to acknowledge the end of the IN/OUT transaction.  This
    // is the status phase for a USB control transaction.
    // This endpoint has signaled a stall condition and is waiting for the
    // stall to be acknowledged by the host controller.

// The USB controller device information
struct tDevice {
  //! USB event handler functions used during enumeration and operation of the
  //! device stack.
      //! This callback is made whenever the USB host requests a descriptor from the device.
  virtual bool cbGetDescriptor(const tRequest&)		{return false;}
      //! This callback is made whenever the USB host makes a request.
  virtual bool cbRequestHandler(const tRequest&)	{return false;}
      //! This callback is made in response to a SetInterface request from the host.
  virtual void cbInterfaceChange(uint8_t InterfaceNum, uint8_t AlternateSetting)	{}
      //! This callback is made in response to a SetConfiguration request from the host.
  virtual void cbConfigChange(uint32_t ui32Info)	{}
      //! This callback is made when data has been received following to a call
      //! to USBDCDRequestDataEP0.
  virtual void cbDataReceived(uint32_t ui32Info)	{}
      //! This callback is made when data has been transmitted following a call
      //! to USBDCDSendDataEP0.
  //  virtual void cbDataSent(uint32_t ui32Info)	{}
      //! This callback is made when a USB reset is detected.
  virtual void cbResetHandler()			{}
      //! This callback is made when the bus has been inactive long enough to
      //! trigger a suspend condition.
  //  virtual void cbSuspendHandler()		{}
      //! This is called when resume signaling is detected.
  //  virtual void cbResumeHandler()		{}
      //! This callback is made when the device is disconnected from the USB bus.
  virtual void cbDisconnectHandler()		{cbResetHandler();}
      //! This callback is made to inform the device of activity on all endpoints
      //! other than endpoint zero.
  virtual void cbEndpointHandler(uint32_t)	{}
      //! This generic handler is provided to allow requests based on
      //! a given instance to be passed into a device.  This is commonly used
      //! by a top level composite device that is using multiple instances of
      //! a class.
  //  virtual void cbDeviceHandler(uint32_t Request, void *pvRequestData)	{}
  virtual ~tDevice() {}	// Fünferregel
    // The current state of endpoint zero.
  volatile tEP0State iEP0State;
    // The devices current address, this also has a change pending bit in the
    // MSB of this value specified by DEV_ADDR_PENDING.
  volatile uint8_t ui32DevAddress;
    // This holds the current active configuration for this device.
  uint8_t ui32Configuration;
  // Holds the current device status.
  uint8_t ui8Status;
    // This is the pointer to the current data being sent out or received
    // on endpoint zero.
  uint8_t *pui8EP0Data;
    // This is the number of bytes that remain to be sent from or received
    // into the g_sUSBDeviceState.pui8EP0Data data buffer.
  volatile unsigned ui32EP0DataRemain;
    // During remote wake up signaling, this counter is used to track the
    // number of milliseconds since the signaling was initiated.
  uint8_t ui8RemoteWakeupCount;
    // The DMA instance information for this USB controller.
  tUSBDMAInstance *psDMAInstance;
    // The interrupt number for this instance.
  uint32_t ui32IntNum;
// descriptors for HID
    const uint8_t *device, *config, *hid, *hidrep;
// device: len=18; config: len=word[2], hid: len=9, hidrep: len=word(hid[6])
  const uint8_t * const *ppui8StringDescriptors;
  bool Init();
  void Term();
  void StallEP0();
  void RequestDataEP0(uint8_t*,uint32_t);
  void SendDataEP0(const uint8_t*,unsigned);
  void SendDataEP0(const uint8_t*,unsigned, const tRequest&);
  void PowerStatusSet(bool selfpower) {if (selfpower) ui8Status|=1; else ui8Status &= ~1;}
  bool RemoteWakeupRequest();

  static void USB0DeviceIntHandler();
  void ReadAndDispatchRequest();
  void DeviceEnumHandler();
  void IntHandlerInternal(uint32_t, uint32_t);
//  void ResumeTickHandler();
//  bool Config();
//  void InfoInit();
  void EnumResetHandler();
  void EP0StateTx();
// Macro access function to device information.
#define DCDGetDMAInstance(p)    (&(p)->sDMAInstance)
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