Quelltext /~heha/ewa/Motor/Maxmaus3.zip/usblib/usbdhidmouse.cpp

// TITLE: USB HID Mouse device class driver
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
extern "C"{
#include "debug.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "usblib.h"
#include "usblibpriv.h"
#include "usbdevice.h"
//#include <usbhid.h>
#include "usbdhid.h"
#include "usbdhidmouse.h"

// report descriptor
static const uint8_t ReportDesc[] = {
  0x05,1,	// UsagePage(GENERIC_DESKTOP)
  0x09,2,	// Usage(MOUSE),
  0xA1,1,	// Collection(APPLICATION)
   0x09,1,	// Usage(POINTER)
// buttons
   0x05,9,	// UsagePage(BUTTONS)
   0x19,1,	// UsageMinimum(1)
   0x29,3,	// UsageMaximum(3)
   0x15,0,	// LogicalMinimum(0)
   0x25,1,	// LogicalMaximum(1)
   0x75,1,	// ReportSize(1)
   0x95,3,	// ReportCount(3)
   0x81,2,	// Input(VAR,ABS)
   0x75,5,	// ReportSize(5)
   0x95,1,	// ReportCount(1)
   0x81,1, 	// Input(CONST|ARY|ABS)
// X and Y axis
   0x05,1,	// UsagePage(GENERIC_DESKTOP)
   0x09,0x30,	// Usage(X),
   0x09,0x31,	// Usage(Y),
   0x15,(uint8_t)-127,	// LogicalMinimum(-127)
   0x25,127,	// LogicalMaximum(127)
   0x75,5,	// ReportSize(8)
   0x95,2,	// ReportCount(2)
   0x81,6,	// Input(DATA|VAR|REL)
  0xC0,		//  EndCollection

// Device Descriptor
static const uint8_t DeviceDesc[] = {
  18,		// Size of this structure.
  1,		// Type of this structure = DTYPE_DEVICE
  USB2(0x110),	// USB version 1.1
  0,		// USB Device Class
  0,		// USB Device Sub-class
  0,		// USB Device protocol
  64,		// Maximum packet size for default pipe.
  USB2(0x1CBE),	// Vendor ID = Texas Instruments
  USB2(0),	// Product ID = TI Mouse
  USB2(0x100),	// Device Version BCD.
  1,		// Manufacturer string identifier.
  2,		// Product string identifier.
  0,		// Product serial number.
  1,		// Number of configurations.

// configuration descriptor.
static const uint8_t ConfigDesc[] = {
  9,		// bLength
  USB2(9+9+9+7),	// The total size of this full structure.
  1,		// bNumInterfaces
  1,		// bConfigurationValue
  0,		// iConfiguration
  0xC0,		// Bus Powered, Self Powered, remote wake up.
  50,		// The maximum power in 2mA increments.
// Interface Descriptor.
  9,                          // Size of the interface descriptor.
  4,	//USB_DTYPE_INTERFACE,        // Type of this descriptor.
  0,	// The index for this interface.
  0,	// The alternate setting for this interface.
  1,	// The number of endpoints used by this interface.
  3,	// USB_CLASS_HID,              // interface class
  0,	// interface sub-class.
  0,	// interface protocol for the sub-class specified above.
  0,	// The string index for this interface.
// HID descriptor
  9,		// bLength
  0x21,		// bDescriptorType = DTYPE_HID
  USB2(0x111),	// bcdHID (version 1.11 compliant)
  0,		// bCountryCode (not localized)
  1,		// bNumDescriptors
  0x22,		// Report descriptor = DTYPE_REPORT
  USB2(sizeof ReportDesc),  // Size of report descriptor
// Interrupt IN endpoint descriptor
  7,		// The size of the endpoint descriptor.
  5,		//USB_DTYPE_ENDPOINT,         // Descriptor type is an endpoint.
  0x81,		// EP1IN
  0x03,		// Endpoint is an interrupt endpoint.
  USB2(64),	// The maximum packet size.
  16,		// The polling interval for this endpoint.

// Main HID device class event handler function.
// \param pvMouseDevice is the event callback pointer provided during
// USBDHIDInit().  This is a pointer to our HID device structure
// (&g_sHIDMouseDevice).
// \param ui32Event identifies the event we are being called back for.
// \param ui32MsgData is an event-specific value.
// \param pvMsgData is an event-specific pointer.
// This function is called by the HID device class driver to inform the
// application of particular asynchronous events related to operation of the
// mouse HID device.
// \return Returns a value which is event-specific.
uint32_t tUSBDHIDMouseDevice::RxCallback(uint32_t ev, uint32_t data, void *ptr) {
    // Which event were we sent?
  switch(ev) {
        // The host has connected to us and configured the device.
      ui8USBConfigured = true;
            // Pass the information on to the client.
//      psMouseDevice->pfnCallback(psMouseDevice->pvCBData,USB_EVENT_CONNECTED, 0, 0);
        // The host has disconnected from us.
      ui8USBConfigured = false;
            // Pass the information on to the client.
//      psMouseDevice->pfnCallback(psMouseDevice->pvCBData,USB_EVENT_DISCONNECTED, 0, 0);
        // The host is polling us for a particular report and the HID driver
        // is asking for the latest version to transmit.
            // We only support a single input report so we don't need to check
            // the ui32MsgValue parameter in this case.  Set the report pointer
            // in *pvMsgData and return the length of the report in bytes.
      *(uint8_t **)ptr = pui8Report;
    }return 8;
        // This event is sent in response to a host Set_Report request.  The
        // mouse device has no output reports so we return a NULL pointer and
        // zero length to cause this request to be stalled.
            // We are being asked for a report that does not exist for
            // this device.  Return 0 to indicate that we are not providing
            // a buffer.
    }return 0;
    case USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE:  {	// Our last transmission is complete.
      iMouseState = eHIDMouseStateIdle;
  return tUSBDHIDDevice::RxCallback(ev,data,ptr);	// chain handlers

//! Initializes HID mouse device operation for a given USB controller.
//! \param ui32Index is the index of the USB controller which is to be
//! initialized for HID mouse device operation.
//! \param psMouseDevice points to a structure containing parameters
//! customizing the operation of the HID mouse device.
//! An application wishing to offer a USB HID mouse interface to a USB host
//! must call this function to initialize the USB controller and attach the
//! mouse device to the USB bus.  This function performs all required USB
//! initialization.
//! On successful completion, this function returns the \e psMouseDevice
//! pointer passed to it.  This must be passed on all future calls to the HID
//! mouse device driver.
//! When a host connects and configures the device, the application callback
//! receives \b USB_EVENT_CONNECTED after which calls can be made to
//! USBDHIDMouseStateChange() to report pointer movement and button presses
//! to the host.
//! \note The application must not make any calls to the lower level USB device
//! interfaces if interacting with USB via the USB HID mouse device API.
//! Doing so causes unpredictable (though almost certainly unpleasant)
//! behavior.
//! \return Returns NULL on failure or the psMouseDevice pointer on success.
void * tUSBDHIDMouseDevice::Init() {
    // Check parameter validity.

//    tConfigDescriptor *pConfigDesc = (tConfigDescriptor *)ConfigDesc;
//    pConfigDesc->bmAttributes = psMouseDevice->ui8PwrAttributes;
//    pConfigDesc->bMaxPower =  (uint8_t)(psMouseDevice->ui16MaxPowermA / 2);

    // Call the common initialization routine.
  void *pvRetcode = tUSBDHIDDevice::CompositeInit();

    // If we initialized the HID layer successfully, pass our device pointer
    // back as the return code, otherwise return NULL to indicate an error.
  if (pvRetcode) {
        // Initialize the lower layer HID driver and pass it the various
        // structures and descriptors necessary to declare that we are a
        // keyboard.
    pvRetcode = tUSBDHIDDevice::Init();
    return this;
  return 0;

//! Initializes HID mouse device operation for a given USB controller.
//! \param ui32Index is the index of the USB controller which is to be
//! initialized for HID mouse device operation.
//! \param psMouseDevice points to a structure containing parameters
//! customizing the operation of the HID mouse device.
//! \param psCompEntry is the composite device entry to initialize when
//! creating a composite device.
//! This call is very similar to USBDHIDMouseInit() except that it is used for
//! initializing an instance of the HID mouse device for use in a composite
//! device.  If this HID mouse is part of a composite device, then the
//! \e psCompEntry should point to the composite device entry to initialize.
//! This is part of the array that is passed to the USBDCompositeInit()
//! function.
//! \return Returns zero on failure or a non-zero instance value that should be
//! used with the remaining USB HID Mouse APIs.
void *tUSBDHIDMouseDevice::CompositeInit() {
    // Check parameter validity.
    ui8USBConfigured = 0;
    sReportIdle.ui8Duration4mS = 0;
    sReportIdle.ui8ReportID = 0;
    sReportIdle.ui32TimeSinceReportmS = 0;
    sReportIdle.ui16TimeTillNextmS = 0;
    iMouseState = eHIDMouseStateUnconfigured;
    // Initialize the HID device class instance structure based on input from the caller.
    psReportIdle = &sReportIdle;
    desc.device = DeviceDesc;
    desc.config = ConfigDesc;
    desc.hid    = ConfigDesc + 9+9;
    desc.hidrep = ReportDesc;

    // Initialize the lower layer HID driver and pass it the various structures
    // and descriptors necessary to declare that we are a keyboard.
    return tUSBDHIDDevice::CompositeInit();

//! Shuts down the HID mouse device.
//! \param pvMouseDevice is the pointer to the device instance structure.
//! This function terminates HID mouse operation for the instance supplied
//! and removes the device from the USB bus.  Following this call, the
//! \e pvMouseDevice instance may not me used in any other call to the HID
//! mouse device other than USBDHIDMouseInit().
//! \return None.
void tUSBDHIDMouseDevice::Term() {
  // Terminate the low level HID driver.
  ui8USBConfigured = 0;

//! Reports a mouse state change, pointer movement or button press, to the USB
//! host.
//! \param pvMouseDevice is the pointer to the mouse device instance structure.
//! \param i8DeltaX is the relative horizontal pointer movement that the
//! application wishes to report.  Valid values are in the range [-127, 127]
//! with positive values indicating movement to the right.
//! \param i8DeltaY is the relative vertical pointer movement that the
//! application wishes to report.  Valid values are in the range [-127, 127]
//! with positive values indicating downward movement.
//! \param ui8Buttons is a bit mask indicating which (if any) of the three
//! mouse buttons is pressed.  Valid values are logical OR combinations of
//! This function is called to report changes in the mouse state to the USB
//! host.  These changes can be movement of the pointer, reported relative to
//! its previous position, or changes in the states of up to 3 buttons that
//! the mouse may support.  The return code indicates whether or not the
//! mouse report could be sent to the host.  In cases where a previous
//! report is still being transmitted, \b MOUSE_ERR_TX_ERROR is returned
//! and the state change is ignored.
//! \return Returns \b MOUSE_SUCCESS on success, \b MOUSE_ERR_TX_ERROR if an
//! error occurred while attempting to schedule transmission of the mouse
//! report to the host (typically due to a previous report which has not yet
//! completed transmission or due to disconnection of the host) or \b
//! MOUSE_ERR_NOT_CONFIGURED if called before a host has connected to and
//! configured the device.
uint32_t tUSBDHIDMouseDevice::StateChange(int8_t i8DeltaX, int8_t i8DeltaY, uint8_t ui8Buttons) {
    // Get a pointer to the HID device data.
    pui8Report[0] = ui8Buttons;
    pui8Report[1] = (uint8_t)i8DeltaX;
    pui8Report[2] = (uint8_t)i8DeltaY;
    // If we are not configured, return an error here before trying to send anything.
    if (!ui8USBConfigured) return MOUSE_ERR_NOT_CONFIGURED;
    // Only send a report if the transmitter is currently free.
    if (TxPacketAvailable()) {
        // Send the report to the host.
        iMouseState = eHIDMouseStateSend;
        uint32_t ui32Count = ReportWrite(pui8Report, 3,true);
        // Did we schedule a packet for transmission correctly?
        if (!ui32Count) return MOUSE_ERR_TX_ERROR;	// No - report the error to the caller.
        return MOUSE_SUCCESS;
    return MOUSE_ERR_TX_ERROR;
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