Source file: /~heha/ewa/Motor/

// TITLE: types and definitions used during USB enumeration
#pragma once

// The states for endpoint zero during enumeration.
enum tEP0State{
    // The USB device is waiting on a request from the host controller on endpoint zero.
    // The USB device is sending data back to the host due to an IN request.
    // The USB device is sending the configuration descriptor back to the host due to an IN request.
    // The USB device has completed the IN or OUT request and is now waiting
    // for the host to acknowledge the end of the IN/OUT transaction.  This
    // is the status phase for a USB control transaction.
    // This endpoint has signaled a stall condition and is waiting for the
    // stall to be acknowledged by the host controller.

//struct tUSBDHIDDevice;

// The USB controller device information.
struct tDCDInstance:public tCustomHandlers{
    // The current state of endpoint zero.
    volatile tEP0State iEP0State;
    // The devices current address, this also has a change pending bit in the
    // MSB of this value specified by DEV_ADDR_PENDING.
    volatile uint8_t ui32DevAddress;
    // This holds the current active configuration for this device.
    uint8_t ui32Configuration;
    // This holds the configuration id that will take effect after a reset.
//    uint32_t ui32DefaultConfiguration;
    // This holds the current alternate interface for this device.
//    uint8_t pui8AltSetting[USB_MAX_INTERFACES_PER_DEVICE];
    // This is the pointer to the current data being sent out or received
    // on endpoint zero.
    uint8_t *pui8EP0Data;
    // This is the number of bytes that remain to be sent from or received
    // into the g_sUSBDeviceState.pui8EP0Data data buffer.
    volatile uint32_t ui32EP0DataRemain;
    // Holds the current device status.
    uint8_t ui8Status;
    // This flag indicates whether or not remote wake up signaling is in
    // progress.
    bool bRemoteWakeup;
    // During remote wake up signaling, this counter is used to track the
    // number of milliseconds since the signaling was initiated.
    uint8_t ui8RemoteWakeupCount;
    // The DMA instance information for this USB controller.
    tUSBDMAInstance *psDMAInstance;
    // The interrupt number for this instance.
    uint32_t ui32IntNum;
    // Pointer to the device supplied call back data.
//    tUSBDHIDDevice*pvCBData;

struct tDeviceInfo;

//extern tDCDInstance g_psDCDInst;
extern tDeviceInfo *g_UsbDevice;

// Device enumeration functions provided by device/usbenum.c and called from
// the interrupt handler in device/usbhandler.c
bool USBDeviceConfig(tDCDInstance *psDevInst/*, const tConfigHeader *psConfig*/);
//bool USBDeviceConfigAlternate(tDCDInstance *psDevInst, const tConfigHeader *psConfig, uint8_t ui8InterfaceNum, uint8_t ui8AlternateSetting);
void USBDCDDeviceInfoInit(tDeviceInfo *psDevice);

// Macro access function to device information.
#define DCDGetDMAInstance(psDevInfo)    (&(psDevInfo->psDCDInst->sDMAInstance))

//! This structure is passed to the USB library on a call to USBDCDInit and
//! provides the library with information about the device that the
//! application is implementing.  It contains functions pointers for the
//! various USB event handlers and pointers to each of the standard device
//! descriptors.
struct tDeviceInfo:public tDCDInstance{
    //! A pointer to a structure containing pointers to event handler functions
    //! provided by the client to support the operation of this device.
//  const  * psCallbacks;

    //! pointer to the descriptors
    const uint8_t *device, *config, *hid, *hidrep;
// device: len=18; config: len=word[2], hid: len=9, hidrep: len=word(hid[6])

    //! A pointer to the string descriptor array for this device.  This array
    //! must be arranged as follows:
    //!   - [0]   - Standard descriptor containing supported language codes.
    //!   - [1]   - String 1 for the first language listed in descriptor 0.
    //!   - [2]   - String 2 for the first language listed in descriptor 0.
    //!   - ...
    //!   - [n]   - String n for the first language listed in descriptor 0.
    //!   - [n+1] - String 1 for the second language listed in descriptor 0.
    //!   - ...
    //!   - [2n]  - String n for the second language listed in descriptor 0.
    //!   - [2n+1]- String 1 for the third language listed in descriptor 0.
    //!   - ...
    //!   - [3n]  - String n for the third language listed in descriptor 0.
    //! and so on.
    const uint8_t * const *ppui8StringDescriptors;

    //! The total number of descriptors provided in the ppStringDescriptors
    //! array.
    uint32_t ui32NumStringDescriptors;
  void Init();
  void Term();
  void StallEP0();
  void RequestDataEP0(uint8_t*,uint32_t);
  void SendDataEP0(const uint8_t*,uint32_t);
  void SendDataEP0(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size, const tUSBRequest*rq);
  void PowerStatusSet(bool selfpower);
  bool RemoteWakeupRequest();

  static void USB0DeviceIntHandler();
  void DeviceInfoInit();
  void ReadAndDispatchRequest();
  void DeviceEnumHandler();
  static void USBDeviceIntHandlerInternal(uint32_t, uint32_t);
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