Source file: /~heha/basteln/PC/USB2LPT/

You can use these new versions of driver,
by using one of the 14 language's .INF file.
12 help files are missed, there is only a German and an English help file.
If you install any other language, the hardware wizard should install
the English help file.

The 64 bit drivers are bare functional, you can run
Kurzschlusstest.exe and Brenner.exe, but there is currently
no I/O redirecting.
However it's easy to write replacement DLLs for some applications,
like InpOut32.dll, InpOut64.dll, PortTalk.dll (latter for PowerSDR).
As none of the drivers are release-signed, you must disable
sign enforcement for Win64 (press F8 at every Windows startup).
There are tools to disable sign enforcement permanently.

For fallback, old drivers are in the "alt" (German for "old") directory.

Change log (+ added feature, - bugfix, * changed):
 090503	initial BETA version - without firmware update
+090520	added Russian and Turkish resource (now 10 languages)
-090610	SubD & Bits graphics position for changing font sizes
-090616	Invisible bit names on Vista (it's a Vista bug?)
+090616	x64 compilation, not yet tested
+090617	added firmware update and short-circuit test, not tested
-090630	short-circuit test now functional, firmware update will not work
	Invisible bit names on Win98 (it's a documentation bug!)
-091005	Almost-not-working .SYS driver under Win98/Me (hmpf!!)
	Decision to split usb2lpt.dll into different language versions
*091010	Split usb2lpt.dll with one language per file (not as executable yet)
+091013	(Hopefully) Multi-processor-safe driver usb2lpt.ntx86.sys,
	to be copied and renamed manually to system32/drivers/usb2lpt.sys.
	Stolen debug registers seems to not occur anymore on MP machines!
+091020	Source code added for language-dependent DLL and INF(!) files,
	in Device Manager, localized strings should occur.
	Some internal changes to driver code to move toward a two-file
	solution introducing a universal PORTTRAP.SYS helper DLL.
*091108	Re-arranged source tree, truly independent language DLLs and INFs.
	Functional Makefile. BAD_POOL_CALLER bug fixed in usb2lpt.ntx86.sys.
	This should be a final BETA while testing the 3 drivers on 3 platforms.
	There is still a PAGE_FAULT BSOD bug on system shutdown.
+091112	Driver package test-signed (still won't load silently on Win64)
-091116	Last known BSOD: PAGE_FAULT fixed!
-100112	Makefile error linking Windows98 driver with wrong entry points
*100112	Rearranged .ZIP file, BETA directory content elevated (i.e. removed)
	this is now the current driver version
+100429	added Portuguese (Brazilian) resource (now 11 languages)
*101201	Rearranged .ZIP file esp. for organisation of ATmega firmware
+101213	USB2LPT6 now multifunction device with secondary HID interface.
	It's a low-performance Win64 workaround for driver signing problems.
*110707	Slightly bugfixed USB2LPT.SYS has now aggresive defaults for redirection
-111026	Changed DispatchPower routine, added Hungarian resource
+120219	added Polish resource and help, small fixes in propertysheetprovider
*130507	Changed firmware for USB2LPT 1.5 and 1.6: Added bit manipulation support,
	Bulk transfer removed per default, soft descriptors, bi-lingual text
-130614	added CoInstaller code for FriendlyName text (does it work??)
*130614	Feature register code for /optional/ Low-Speed Bulk transfer
-130808	Win98 Monitor tab disappears on activate
-131004	Wrong LPT assignment: LPT1 was LPT2 internally, etc.
+131028	NT driver modifies BIOS data area too, esp. for WGif12NT.exe
	useless and untested behaviour for amd64 platform
-150303	Bluescreen on driver startup for specific processor steppings
-160210	Double certification: .sys files and newly created .cat files

Known bugs:
 160210	ml/ (MultiLanguage) directory fails installation on Win7/64
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